Chapter 55: Lovers

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I take a shower at Leo's place and I borrow one of his Barcelona cotton t-shirts and a pair of sweats. I tie my wet hair into a fresh towel, throw on my t-shirt and roll up my sweats so that they aren't too long.

When I come outside the washroom, the bed I was sleeping set and there is a nanny in Leo's room dusting off the furniture. I climb down stairs where Leo is sitting on the couch watching TV.

There is the smell of food coming from the kitchen and when I go to the kitchen there is an another nanny cooking food.

I go over and sit beside Leo and without any hesitation Leo throws an arm over my shoulders and pulls me into his arms.

"Your mom called by the way," he says as he switches the channel.

Shit! I forgot all about mom... and Kate! She must be worried sick!

I pull away with my eyes wide, "oh my god! Did you answer?"

"No I didn't," he says.

I get up and run upstairs to get my phone.

36 missed calls and 21 texts from mom

She is going to murder me when I get home!

13 missed calls and 50 texts from Kate

I quickly dial in Kate's number because I know she got me covered.

I wait from 2 rings and Kate answers, "Anto?! Oh my gosh, I've been worried sick! Where the hell are you?!?!" She's practically screaming into my ear.

"Don't worry! I'm okay," I answer.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls?!"

"I got drunk out of my minds," I grin.

"And you think that's funny! What happened last night?! Where are you!"

"Leo's house," I say.

Theres a silence and I know Kate is smiling.

"But I'll tell you all about it when I get home," I quickly say before Kate asks, "did mom call you?"

She grins, "you gotta tell everything when you get home and yeah duhh your mom called me."


"I told her you're at my house and that you fell asleep and that your phone is dead."

I let out a breath , "did she believe you?"

"Yeah she seemed to have believed me. She told me that you have to be home by 12 in the evening."

I groan, "whaaat? It's already 11:30 and I wanted to hang out with Leo."

She chuckles, "are you guys back together now?"

"If kissing each other counts as being together then I guess we are," I laugh.

She laughs along, "I'm so happy for you!"

"Yeah... this time, I'm really in love Kate. I am so in love," I say shaking my head as my mind drifts of to Leo.

"Awwh! This time you have to bring him over for dinner and everything," she says.

"For sure!" I say, "I'll talk to you later though, I got to call mom."

"Wait! And tell Leo to drop you off at my place so I can drop you off home so your mom doesn't suspect a thing."

"I gotta hand it to you Kate, I didn't even think of that," I smirk.

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