The Stalker-- sorry My Stalker

By Peace_life_Nh

4.8K 156 24

"Adventuring aye? Looking turns to seeing and seeing transforms into watching. Sometimes you can't control w... More

Chapter 1: Cuts
Chapter 2: Unexpectations
Chapter 3: Help!
Chapter 4: Judy
Chapter 5: Weird
Chapter 6: Death seems better than this
Chapter 7: Oh no
Chapter 8: Days.
Chapter 9: hm.
Chapter 11: Scare me
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: owner
Chapter 14: what?
Chapter 15 Part one: Cries
Chapter 15 Part two: Cries Blake's P.o.v
Character selections. (In my mind)
Chapter 16 Part one: Beg
Chapter 16 Part two: Beg Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 16 Part three: Beg Blake's P.o.v
A/n: Important!!
A/n yoooo
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Hot
Chapter 19: Vulnerable
Chapter 20: Dead roses
Chapter 21: He knows
Chapter 22: Forever
Chapter 22: Forever Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 23: Confusion
Chapter 24: Break
Chapter 25: Chica
Chapter 26: Daze
A/n What's up?
Chapter 27: Masochist
Chapter 28: Strays
Chapter 29: Blushes
New Character Selections: Part One
New Charater Selections: Part Two
A/n Amazing
Chapter 30: Ooze
Chapter 31: He
Chapter 32: will
Chapter 33: kill
Chapter 34: her
Chapter 35: soon.
Chapter 36: Sinner
Chapter 37: Blue
Chapter 38: Fear
Chapter 39: Drunk
Chapter 40: Wicked
Chapter 41: Company
Chapter 42: Guilt
Chapter 43: Burnt out
Chapter 44: Ditching
Chapter 45: Ice Cold

Chapter 10: Names

72 3 1
By Peace_life_Nh

So.. Here's the chapter! Enjoy. Or not... This drafts shìt anyway... Huh huh, see where I got it from. A cough cough. Up there! A cough cough. Arrows pointing up!👆⬆️⏫⤴️🔝There. Mm, the quote. If you still don't know. Lol.

Read if you dare...

"Yep. I'm feeling very rejuvenated." I sent him a real smile. He smiled back. Oh, pal, you don't want to know why I'm smiling.

"I'm happy that you are." Haha!

James smiled at me. I couldn't help but want to laugh. This is gonna be fun. I drank more of the cup of water. A strange man crossed my mind.

"So where is Blake?" I asked. Where was he though? I could care less. I just had nothing else to say.

"Blake had to do something Sugar pie. He will be back later." He said smiling his big smile. I ate more of the sandwich. Once you got used to it... It wasn't that bad.

Who am I kidding I still tasted the mustard, relish combination. Ew.

"Why do you like to call me those names?" I asked. Looking up at him.

"Because I want everyone to know your my sugar plum, bubble gummy bear, sweet little, brown-eyed, baby, Doll." My eyes widened. He said his speech in a sing-songy voice.

This man is beyond crazy. He inched closer to me.

"That's why Judy pie." He smiled longer this time. His brown hair tied up in a man bun. With a lot of strays falling everywhere. Might I tell you it was not attracted? No, not at all.

"That's.. N-nice." I surfaced a forced smile. Trying to lighten up to the creep.

"Nice indeed." I tried finishing the sandwich. Stuffing it in my mouth so I wouldn't have to talk.

"Good," I said mouth stuffed. He smiled again.

"There's the nice little brown-eyed Judy I know. That wasn't nice of you to yell at Blake like that. You deserved what you had coming." He touched my arms and thighs. Pressing his whole hand on it. Increasing the pain.

"Ow," I stated.

"I know it still hurts, Doll. Don't talk back to Blake. He'll do it again in a hurry. He has no mercy with a little Doll like you." He pinched my cheeks. Making my cheeks sway in the direction he pulled.

"C-can you stop?" He pinched them really roughly. All in my face as well. I do not like how damn close he is.

"Okay Doll." He moved his hand away from my face. I let out a long breath. The old man was sitting on the chair to the left of the bed.

"I don't know where to put this." I motioned for the plate and now empty cup. He moved his chair over and took the plate from my hands. Placing it on the table beside him. He kept staring at me. I looked down at my hands.

Hey, wait! My jaw opened. My hand... It was cleaned and stitched up...

Stitched up perfectly. Oh my god. Who the hell... What the hell. I felt my two shoulders. So that's why my body hurt. Because Blake stitched everything up.

My jaw was wide open.

"Close your mouth sugar pie. What are you shocked about?" He questioned. An emotion in his voice I couldn't tell what. Because he was smiling. But voice has irritability.

"The um... My arms and thighs." I exclaimed. He laughed. It scared me. It was a witch cackle. I jumped.

"Yep, we stitched it up all night." He stated. I nodded my head. Okay.

I looked down at my legs. Well. What am I gonna do now? There was rustling heard throughout the house. I looked at the door. Then I froze. Something furry and black and white ran across the doorway.

What is that? A big rat? Oh my god. Raccoon?

I heard James cackle again. I turned my head to look at him.

"That's just ole Cathy, Cathy!" I hope Cathy isn't his pet rat. She better turn into a carriage if so. A black cat appeared in the doorway. White pawed. Awe. Okay. I can like a cat while I'm here.

Maybe she'll be my friend. Like in those stories where a girl just talks to her cat. Then again... The cat always talks back. Oh god, I'm losing my mind. I just said a cat could be my friend.

She jumped onto the bed. She eyed me strangely with her green glowing eyes. Then walked to my hand.

"She never liked you before. Cause you sneezed all the time when she came around. Aren't you still allergic?" I stopped petting the cat. Allergic. I smiled at the cat. Fuck how do I pretend to sneeze?

"Acho! Yes, I am still. I just achoo! Forget sometimes." I faked a smile. He laughed. I raised my eyebrow. Was that funny? What?

"Ah. I just remember the time.." He stopped and laughed to himself as if staring at a memory. I nervously laughed as well.

'This man is crazy.'

"Remember what?" I asked. Cautiously. His jaw dropped.

"You don't remember Judy? Has it been that long? Only a couple of months." I furrowed my eyebrows. What? I thought it was two years?

I laughed lightly. Out of nervousness.

"Well, the time. We strapped you up to the bed, we put Cathy and her friends in the room. You were sneezing like if it was pollen season. Haha. Blake. Oh goodness, Blake remember he yelled at you! You were so frightened cause he hit you with the whip several times. You know cause you disobeyed him. But my what a great day that was."

He said laughing wiping his eye as if it was watery. Which it was not. His back fell back into the seat.

I stood there shocked, puzzled, worried and wanting to leave now. My expression...

Oh, my expression all right. He's fucking saying that Blake hit Judy, first off then he put a bunch of things she's allergic to in a room. What the fuck! You want her to die!

"You remember?" He asked dying in his laughter.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered. Then smiled. Agh! I'm in a nut house! I'm kidnapped. I just got kidnapped! Holy fuck! Oh my god. So many thoughts roamed in my mind. I looked at Cathy. Hey, cat.

She went on my lap. I petted her. Oh crap. I'm allergic.

"Achoo." I faked sneezed. Then covered it up with a smile. I picked her up then whispered.

"Sorry cat." I moved her over. To the other side of the bed. She meowed.

"She really likes you." I heard James speak.

"Yeah I had a cat but I took allergy pills for it." I lied through my teeth. What the... Okay.

"Oh." Was all he said not looking at my face. As if too upset to look at it.

"Yeah," I said lightly. His face jumped from gazing down to looking directly at me. His eyes smiled then squeezed shut. Are you okay?

Then opened wide again. What the actual fuck? Is he having a medical problem?

Yes please do! Yes, have something wrong with you! So I can leave. Well try to.. I need to figure out the escape. The plan. Where to go.

"Let's go to my room." He said darkly. Laughing between. My jaw dropped at how subtle he said it. Haha. Funny as fuck. No.

"I don't think Blake would like that," I said. If I was Blake's... But what if I was James... I'm nobodies person fuck that! Ugh!

"Come on! Dolly, I have to do something anyway."

"I don't like the idea James," I said. But he dragged me off the bed. Pulling my two hands. He held both really tightly.

Dragging me towards another room. I wouldn't move my feet. I let him drag me.

"Please James. Please, James. Please, I don't want to go." I begged. Trying to make him understand I don't want to go.

He wouldn't disagree. I decided to just walk. We walked into a room darker than the first.

The same room I found myself on the first day. Not the pitched black one. But the other one.

Surprisingly close to the other room. Still darker than the other one and I don't like not seeing things.

It is as if you lost your vision completely in the dark. There was still glass shattered across the floor. Yep, I've been in here.

I remember the glass falling when I pulled my hand. I remember Blake nearly choking me. I remember the old guy kissing me.

I rather have Blake choke the life from me.

There were three tables. Two next to each other. But spread apart. Where the two vases I guess were. And a table to the far right.

By a window. A window. A window? Fuck yes! There was a chair by the window and another chair opposite of it. There was a window. There was a window. A window. I'm losing it. I'm happy to see a window.

"Sit Judy," he stated looking at the chair opposite of him. I didn't respond I just sat.

I looked at the window. Moving the blinds and curtain. I peered through.

Hands on the blinds I tried to get a good glimpse. I could almost see something when...

I felt a hand slapping my hand and the other pulling me down.

"Don't you remember the rule doll?" No, I fucking don't! I don't remember the rule. I feel like I'm in elementary school. I shivered. The horrors... No.

I heard rustling out of the door again. Is that another cat?

I saw a man with catwalk through the door. Blake.

"Thank you, father, I got her here." He was carrying bags and a tray. The smell of food. Real food that smelled good traveled through my nostrils.

Oh yeah. Mm. Yes. Ugh.

I started drooling a little. Mm yes.

"I'm going to put this in the kitchen," Blake said. Looking at his father, then a quick glance at me. He motioned me to go with him. I got up only to sit down.

"You need to tell her the rules. She's gone forgot." James snickered.

Great. Just my luck.


Hey guys... So sorry for the late-ish update... I don't know what to say. XD WELL I WANT ALL OF YOU WHO READ TO HAVE A SMILE ON YOUR FACE EVEN WHEN ITS HARD. Have a Great day you Lovely people!

Bye lovely people.😍😂✌️

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