Mistake (Male Super Jail x r...

By JavaBeast

35.5K 821 464

After committing a robbery, a certain over-aggressive robot took you into custody and after a not-so-comforta... More

Chapter 2: New Residence and Guard Duty?
Chapter 3: Beer, Beer, and More Beer
Chapter 4: Stingray, you--!
Chapter 5: Unexpected Experiment
Chapter 6: Relationship Problems and Vacation
Vacation: Day 1 ; Part 1
Vacation: Day 1 ; Part 2
Vacation: Day 1 ; Part 3
Vacation: Day 2 ; Part 1
Vacation: Day 2 ; Part 2
Vacation: Day 2 ; Part 3
Vacation: Day 2 ; Part 4
Land Ho!: Day 1; Part One
Land Ho! Day 1; Part 2
Land Ho! Day 1 ; Part 3
Land Ho! Day 1 ; Part 4
Land Ho! Day 1 ; Part 5
Chapter 19: Welcome to Ultra-Prison . . .
Chapter 20 - Limited Freedom

Chapter 1: The Warden

4.8K 83 42
By JavaBeast

        A/N: By the way, it's exactly 2 a.m here so please don't expect a really nice and glossy chapter.....but you should expect a little bit of cursing :) and some Jailbot fun-time!


Second P.O.V//Author's P.O.V (Also it changes in a couple paragraphs)

           It was a normal day, well, for the people in your city, of course. You? You were currently plotting to raid a bank and it's cash. Why? For the thrill of course! Yes, a very stupid idea, but you didn't really care, you just wanted to have a little fun, a little chase with the cops, get thrown into jail, and possibly a few years in prison, but you decided you didn't give a fuck and decided to go on with the plan anyways, despite the consequences.

          So here you were, in front of a bank, body fully exposed, since you knew it'd be worthless to cover yourself with a ski mask or something of the sort. Gun in hand, you tucked it in the back of your pants and tucked your shirt/jacket over the metal gun, although it stuck out like a sore eye, well, the bulge anyways. You didn't think anyone would notice it was a gun, but instead something else, but again, it didn't really matter.

          After a quick observation of the bank, you maneuvered your way towards the entrance, checking every once in awhile for a innocent bystander that may be onlooking the scene. You shrugged and stepped inside, nonchalantly, and after a few minutes of walking pulled out your gun.

          "Get the fu-- down!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, pointing the gun at each shocked individual. One girl screamed, earning a threatening glance from yours truly, in which she shut up, but with tears pricking her innocent eyes. I frowned, feeling slight pity, but masked it by pulling on a confident demeanor. 

          "Put the cash in the bag, I don't have all day, lady," I sighed with a mischievous smirk as it grew wider and wider as the girl at the desk quickly did as I said.

          I began to walk up to the counter, but as I did so, a vending machine started to shake. Startled, I lowered my stance a little to observe the strange phenomenon occurring before me. I gasped as it changed shape into a weird, box like robot, one far ahead of modern technology, and made it way towards me. Oh wait, it was RACING towards me.

          "SHIII-," I cursed and tried to run as I heard the gruesome screams of people being rammed into the blasted machine, it's face burning with determination. I gripped the handle of the door before being roughly grabbed by a mechanical arm of some sort and being dragged, fast, towards the monstrous thing. I inhaled sharply as it took off, somehow, I will never know, and I could feel my arm getting tugged as the thing bust through the ceiling with me in trail. 

          The ascent into the air was terrifying enough, but as the sirens of cops grew nearer, I could hear, and slightly feel, the bullets whizzing by the blood stained robot, one even coming close to penetrating my leg, which I hastily avoided in the flick of a second.

          I took a deep breath, finally we were away from the commotion in that boring city, but my arm hurt like hell and I was also quite confused, considering my destination was far beyond unknown, well, until we came up to a large island with a strange volcano, thing, adorning it's features. I also noted it's vast amount of shrubbery, which slightly peaked my interest, but the volcano caught my attention the most, since that's where the empty-headed (well, despite the wires and such that were inside) robot was heading to.

           I shivered in fear as we sped up, my arm getting numb from the gravity pulling me down. Although, my thoughts were interrupted when a loud BANG was heard, which I looked up to be greeted by some kind of empty head-quarters of some sort.

          After a pause, a giddy man, slightly taller than me (5' 10" I'd assume, well, with the hat, of course) who came up to me with a creepy grin, "Hello~! You're in Super Jail! I am the Warden, and you are the criminal~!"

                                                                           Welp, I'm boned.

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