Hood Love 1

By NaeBbyXo

2.5M 56.4K 17.1K

Janiyah is young and wants to enjoy a carefree life. No worries at all. She's books, beauty, and brains. She... More

Hood Love 2


87K 2.1K 348
By NaeBbyXo

Janiyah POV

I kissed Trevan as we laid cuddled up together in the bed. It was raining today so we both decided to stay in. Later on, he had to go "handle business" but right now it was still early. I had only been asleep from 12 am to 4 am and it was only 7 am now.

Cuddling up closer to him I wrapped my leg around his waist making him caress my thigh and cup my ass in his hand. The only thing covering my body was one of his t-shirts. Since we had sex I didn't feel the need to cover up my body around him, especially being that we now had sex almost whenever we could. We would try to squeeze in quickies even if we were out and about. I couldn't keep my hands to myself and neither could he.

"You so gorgeous." He complimented me while staring deeply into my eyes. I blushed unable to hide the redness in my cheeks.

"Thank you."

I pecked his lips once again before sitting up, preparing to get out of the bed.

"Where you think you going?" He questioned, grabbing ahold of my hand. Trevan was so fine to the point where it made no sense. His deep brown eyes and caramel skin had me horny all the time.

"I'm going to shower baby."

"Let me join you."

He smiled getting up from the bed in nothing but his Calvin Klein boxer briefs. Once he made his way over to me he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the shower. This shower was about to be steamy.


I pouted watching Trevan get dressed, preparing to leave me. It was as if the day passed us by because it was 9 pm already.

"Cant you just do whatever it is you're doing tomorrow morning?" I whined hoping for an answer I knew I wouldn't get. He shook his head as he tied on his all black Jordan 13's. He was sporting an all-black Nike jogging suit and he looked damn good in it. I climbed out from the middle of the bed to meet him at the edge and sat on his lap.

"Ima be back before you know it. Get some sleep bae." He kissed my lips standing up with me in his arms. Wrapping my arms around his neck I hugged him as if he would be gone for days.

"I love you." He kissed me one last time before sitting me down on the bed.

"I love you too bae." He grabbed his book bag before exiting the room. I heard the door downstairs close and laid back on the bed. Looking over on the dresser I realized Tre had left his phone. Now there was no way of even calling or texting him. I sighed and decided I would just drift off to sleep to past time.


I woke up again to the sound of thunder and what I assumed to be someone on the phone.

"Seal the deal bro. We gone be straight. Alright. Yup."

I turned over in the bed to see Trevan taking off his shoes and placing them in the closet. He pulled his hoodie off from over his head beginning to fold that as well.

"Bae." I called out to him making him turn around.

"Hold on ma let me wash my hands and take of these clothes." I watched as he disappeared into the bathroom closing the door behind him. A few minutes later he slipped into bed behind me grabbing onto my waist.

"I missed you girl." He kissed my neck and faced as he pulled me even closer to him. I smiled holding onto his hands that were resting on my thighs.

"My auntie is having a bbq tomorrow. I want you to come with me and meet my family."

The room grew silent for a second which made me feel a little uneasy. It was only a barbecue I really wasn't expecting him to say no, or for it to be a big deal.

"I got some things to handle tomorrow but I'll see if I can swing by."

"You always got things to handle Tre." I sighed in frustration as I pulled away from him a little. It was beginning to bother me that he would always have "things to handle" and never really told me what those things were.

I didn't know what he was up to. I mean I figured it had something to do with his job but how did I know he wasn't out entertaining other women? I just simply didn't know and wasn't the type to pretend that it was impossible. Men have urges and are often time too weak to control them.

"Aye c'mon man. We not about to start arguing."

"Okay don't. Goodnight".

I scooted towards the edge of the bed and allowed my eyes to close. I heard Trevan sigh loudly behind me but I didn't care. I know that he did illegal things to make money but sometimes that seemed like all he ever cared about. Trey's mom was the one having the party but I wasn't sure if he was coming either.

"Come here man." Trevan grabbed onto my waist pulling me back into his body. I sighed turning to face him.

"You always got shit to handle what you do?"

"You know what I do."

"I know that you sell drugs and shit but when you out handling business it takes hours and you come home like nothing ever happened. How I know you wasn't with no bitch?"

I sat up in the bed folding my arms under my chest. Trevan sucked his teeth and shook his head.

"Yo, you tripping."

"I'm not tripping that's a real fucking question." The room grew silent so I assumed he was now ignoring me. Getting up from the bed I grabbed my phone and walked to the closet where my duffel bag full of clothes sat. Pulling out a pair of shorts saying fuck a bra I quickly slipped into them. I then grabbed my bag making sure I had all important things I needed.

Making my way out of his room I made sure to slam the door behind me. I didn't care if I was tripping he wasn't about to just ignore me. I think that was what had actually pissed me off. That and the fact that I really didn't know what he was doing while he was out handling business. As a girlfriend I had every right to question his whereabouts, just as he would do if the roles reversed.

"Janiyah." I heard my name being called before I could make it down the stairs. I ignored the shit out of him just as he had done me. Luckily I decided to drive my car over here the night before last so it was sitting in the spot I parked it in.

I unlocked my car and hopped inside making sure to lock my doors as I watched Trevan walk out of the house in just his underwear. I shook my head and turned the heat on because it was really cold out. Chicago weather was fucking retarded. One minute it was blazing hot and sunny and the next it would be rainy and freezing.

Allowing my car to warm up I watched as Trevan approached my window. I could see his mouth moving and hear him tapping on the glass but ignored that as well. Since he wanted to go "handle business" I was going to go do the same. Far away from him.

Trevan POV

I jumped back watching Janiyah speed off down the road and disappear in the distance. She almost rolled over a nigga foot. She was tripping hard as fuck. If I would have known she was gonna do all this I would have just fucking told her what I went and did. It wasn't like I ain't trust her or want her to know I just simply didn't think she would care.

I took my ass back inside the house because it was cold as hell outside. Being that it was 2 in the morning could be part of that reason as well. I was dog tired and honestly wanted to lay up with bae ass but she wanted to trip and shit.

I laid face down onto my bed and got real comfortable to take my ass to sleep. I tried calling Janiyah a few times but she didn't answer so I decided not to worry about it. I was gone cancel all my plans tomorrow and take her to that damn bbq although I ain't really wanna go. I ain't mind it if it was gonna make her happy.


Feeling the sun on my face peeking in through the window above the bed I stretched and yawned trying to get up. Once I got the strength and energy I went ahead and hopped in the shower and brushed my teeth trying to get ready before Janiyah even woke up.

I decided to throw on a black shirt with red letters that read Chicago on the front, some khaki shorts, and all black air force ones. Throwing on a hat and a couple gold chains I completed my look and was ready to walk out the door.

Grabbing my phone and a small charger I made my way downstairs. My mama had just recently gone to Costa Rica with one of her friends. It had better not been no nigga cuz' she been going out of town with a "friend" too often. I made a mental note to call her later on today since I hadn't heard from her since yesterday.

I quickly got into my car and let my windows down. It wasn't hot enough for AC but it was definitely hotter than it was yesterday. Bumping my music I sat in my car for a couple of minutes before deciding to take off in the direction of Janiyah's house. It was only 10 in the morning so I knew she wasn't up yet or had just gotten up.

Once I made it to her crib I made sure to park and enter through the back door that was never locked, locking it behind me. I had told Janiyah about this door before but was kind of thankful that she had left it unlocked this one time. I eased up the stairs making sure I wasn't seen and opened the door to her room.

I saw that she was laid out on her stomach in her bed. The covers were barely covering her revealing her body. She only wore a pair of Pink panties and nothing else. I shook my head knowing she hated wearing bras and that she was probably too lazy to throw on a t-shirt. One day she was gone be ass out literally if they ever had to escape her home in the middle of the night, God forbid.

I walked over to her bed and bent down to plant kisses all over face. Once she began squirming and moving around I sat down next to her in the bed so that she could see my face.

"Tre, why you here?" She mumbled groggily while rubbing her eyes.

"Come on girl get up. Don't you wanna go to this barbeque?"

I asked her watching as she turned over to go back to sleep. I smacked her on her ass a couple of times until she woke up fully.

"Okay okay damn! I'm still mad at your ass so move." She huffed getting up from the bed to make her way to the bathroom. I grabbed her before she could by pulling her in between my legs by her waist.

"Who you talking to?" I looked up at her as she tried and tried to push away from me. I only held her tighter and smiled at her attempts to escape from my hold.

"You better throw yo attitude away. You know I love you and you only. I ain't fucking with nobody else cuz don't nobody else compare to you in my eyes."

I held onto her waist while looking into her eyes. She looked at me for a minute until she finally gave in making me smile. She knew she was my everything I don't know why she wanted to play games.

"I love you girl."

I squeezed on her ass with both hands making her giggle and blush. I was an ass kinda dude. I ain't care about the titties I liked a whole lotta ass. Janiyah had the perfect amount for her body. It didn't look unbelievable but it made you stop and look wether you was male or female.

Finally letting her go, I laid back on the bed knowing it was gonna take a while for her to get ready.

Once she had finished getting ready while playing her soft ass music we made our way downstairs and out the door.

"Let me drive."

She looked over at me with her hand out for my keys. I shrugged and handed her the keys making my way to the passenger side of the car. I slid inside and immediately reclined my seat to get comfortable.

After about 15 minutes we pulled up to a two story home with balloons decorated outside. You could hear music playing and see people moving around in the backyard. It seemed empty so far which J assumed was because it was still early.

Getting out, I followed Janiyah up the few small steps and to the front door. While walking behind her I watched her ass jiggle in the fitted dress she sported today. It was a blue tie-dye pattern and stopped above her knee. It clung to her body like a glove making her coke body shape extremely noticeable. She wore her hair up into a neat ponytail and sandals adorned her feet.

Janiyah always looked clean and nice. She was never trashy or ratchet looking. She smelled good, looked good, and carried herself so well. Better than plenty of grown women I've encountered.

Ringing the door bell we both waited patiently for someone to answer. Seconds went by until the door swung open revealing none other than Kiera.

"Hey boo."

She smiled hugging Janiyah as we entered the home.

"Bean head."

She greeted me with a silly smile on her face. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Wassup K. Where ya boy at?"

"He's on his way now. C'mon Niyah they need us to fix up the dessert table."

With that, she grabbed Janiyah's hand leading her towards the back of the house. I simply followed them because shit, this wasn't my house nor did I know anything about it. I wasn't about to make myself comfortable or go exploring.

We stopped in the kitchen area where there were a couple of females around different ages moving around. They all immediately greeted Janiyah giving her hugs and kisses. I just stood off to the side because I wasn't a friendly nigga. It wasn't that I was mean but it just wasn't in me.

"Who's this handsome young man?"

A woman who looked to be atleast in her late thirties spoke while looking at me. All of the attention went to me and I looked at Janiyah.

"This is my boyfriend Trevan." She laughed as all of the women smiled and coo'd as if I was a baby.

"He so handsome."

"Nice to meet you."

I heard go around the room.

"How y'all doing?" I asked not really to anyone in particular. They were all speaking at once and I didn't want to be rude and single out someone.

"Boy if you was just a little bit older."

I heard one woman say making an eruption of laughter occur. I smiled looking at Janiyah as she blushed.

"Auntie!" She exclaimed, laughing.

"Im joking, Im joking." Her aunt spoke holding her hands up in surrender.

They all went back to talking, laughing, cooking, and setting up. After afew minutes Janiyah med me outside where there were chairs, tables, barbecue grill, coolers, and large speakers where music flowed from. I sat down and made myself comfortable with a Pineapple Crush pop in my hand while I watched Janiyah and Kiera set up.

I took this as an opportunity to call my mom and see if she was safe and alright. As I was speaking to her on the phone the backyard begin filling up with people. The smell of the smoke from the grill had my stomach growling. It was as if Janiyah heard it too being that she walked over to me.

"You okay babe?"

She asked sitting next to me with a Stawberry Crush pop in her hand.

"I'm straight. That food smelling good." I spoke rubbing my stomach.

"You want me to fix your plate? I think it's done."

I nodded watching her get up and head into the house. A nigga was about throw down.

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