If I Can Love You, Why Can't...

De JordieXx

1.3M 15K 1.2K

Step into the world of The Unbelievables. Tanze always seems to be in the worst place possible, the place sh... Mais

If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Prologue
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 1 [Brand New Day]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 2 [Crashed]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 3 [Chemicals Collide]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 4 [I Believe In A Thing Called Love]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 5 [Big Machine]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 6 [Addicted]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 7 [Let Me Go]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 8 [Just Say Yes]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 9 [Vulnerable]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 10 [If I Can't Have You]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 11 [Your Arms Feel Like Home]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 12 [Dirty Little Secret]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 13 [Everything]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 14 [When You Are Near]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 15 [This = Love]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 16 [My Heart]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 17 [I Alone]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 18 [It's Beginning To Get To Me]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 19 [Sober]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 20 [Broken]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 21 [Save Me]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 22 [True Love]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 23 [Run Away]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 24 [Never There]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 25 [Here I Stand]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 26 [Something To Die For]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 27 [We Are Godzilla, You Are Japan]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 28 [The Fantasy]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 29 [Taking Over Me]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 30 [Another Heart Calls]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 31 [Never Gonna Be Alone]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 32 [The Only Exception]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 33 [By Myself]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 34 [Here Without You]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 35 [All That I'm Asking For]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 36 [Far Away]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 38 [Before It's Too Late]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 39 [The Reason]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 40 [Iris]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 41 [My Guardian Angel]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 42 [All Around Me]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 43 [Hello World]
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Epilogue
If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Step into the world of The Unbelievables

If I Can Love You, Why Can't You? - Chp 37 [You Won't Feel A Thing]

25K 320 38
De JordieXx

I promise baby you won't ever/You won't ever feel a thing/Cos I will take it on the chin eh for you/So lay your cuts and bruises over my skin/I promise you won't feel a thing eh/Cos everything the world could throw/I'll stand in front/I'll take the blow for you, for you~The Script – You Won’t Feel A Thing

She lay curled up against me, sleeping happily with an adorable little smile on her lips. I watched her, her beauty touching me in a way I didn’t think possible, it almost hurt to look at her. She made me smile and want to sing at the top of my lungs over the fact that she was simply mine. The word ‘mine’ was as about as shivery as her saying ‘I love you’.

Her distracting hair tickled my chest as it sprayed across us, the red eye grabbing whilst her teal eyes hypnotized you with beauty. Her lips were highly swollen and plump due to me, the shade and moist soft juiciness just as toe curling. Her skin I kept stroking was soft and ever so delicate and it covered the body of a sexy taunting goddess that hid treasures of the unknown. At that very moment my fingers ran up and down her spine trying to keep her warm even if it was summer.

Just the thought of my darlin’ made me want to groan and bathe in her like I had this very night, the night anything but breathtaking. I held her in my arms loving purely just holding her in my arms as close as possible, my fingers tracing the planes of her body with adore. She was beautiful, pure heaven at my touch and I survived off that, I just watched her, I watched my little mate of mine sleep curled into my chest as tight as could be sleeping and at times even snoring cutely.

I loved seeing the little smile on her face knowing that it was truly me that was creating that happiness. I was so proud and happy; she was all mine, mine. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that she was solely mine, all mine let alone that she loved me, that she wanted me. The humongous smile couldn’t be taken from my face.

Just thinking of last night caused me to shudder, the feel of her skin, her taunting lips and her screams and cries…..kill me now. Last night was forever ingrained into my mind and it was all I could keep thinking about….

I couldn’t sleep right now, and that wasn’t entirely because of the fact that I finally had my mate in my arms to cherish entirely but my head was caught up in the future, what was to come. I was excited for our future; getting a house together, waking up beside her every morning, getting married and her bearing my ring, and kids –little monsters as she called them- running around with pitter patter falls on the floor. I could picture all of it entirely now. I didn’t know if I should be worried about all these girlie thoughts racing through my head but I was too happy to honestly care, too exhilarated. I craved it so bad and I couldn’t wait, I knew it would all fall into place and my life will hold a never ending sense of beauty.

Some are astounded at what I went through, what we went through but I didn’t care; I’d go to hell and back for her, I’d give my life for her, my life was hers. I cherished the moment as I lay with her in my arms, cherishing the fact that I could feel her breath tickle my naked neck let alone the fact that she was breathing, I bathed in how beautiful it was just inhale her tantalizing scent and lastly I was even able to treasure being able to touch her, to taste her, to treasure her.

Groaning as I buried my face in her hair I let her scent lull me to sleep and tickle my senses, wrapping my arms around her tighter I tugged her closer to me. trailing my fingers down along her spine I let my lips linger on her temple, until caving to the raging desires within me my lips continued to butterfly and caress their way down the side of her face and neck. I could feel her body stir around my clutches and her moan a blissful sigh as I continued to love her….

My body was coated and lathered in such an intoxicating bliss that I couldn’t help but moan at the heat that invaded my skin, curling into the touch I kept my eyes shut tight, cherishing the most enriching feeling possible. I had been just experiencing the beautiful moment from Will’s perspective and now I had the chance to cherish it also from my own, it seemed to double the beauty of it all.

A soft chuckle reached my ears “I love you darlin’.”

I sighed happily my eyes fluttering opened to see Will holding me, my face curled into his neck, my eyes rose to meet his gaze and I smiled giddily at seeing him. Reaching out and stroking the side of his face I loved it how he leant into my touch with a soft sigh. Reaching up I let my forehead rest against his as I smiled faintly and silenced blanketed us.

Will’s sigh broke the silence “I love seeing you this happy.” He murmured softly his lips brushing my nose.

“I love you.” I sighed.

“I want to hear you say that ‘till the day I die.” He all but basically moaned.

I giggled “I can even tape record it solely for you darlin’.”

Will chuckled “You’re too cute for your own good.” He murmured the back of his fingers brushing my cheeks; sighing blissfully I leant into his warm touch.

“I came to your presentation you know?” Will murmured holding my hands up to his lips as we faced each other on our sides, not even a breath apart.

I sighed happily “I saw you….thank you for coming….you know, even though I was being….stupid.” I whispered running my fingers through his hair, I was discovering it was a movement that was highly soothing.

“I'll always be supporting you Tanze, even if it us silently.” He whispered his lips brushing across my knuckles making me sigh softly.

I thanked him silently by kissing his forehead “Thanks for the CD’s too.” I whispered.

Will chuckled his thumb running circles on my knuckle “Smash some?” he murmured his lips brushing my hair as he smoothed my sex hair out and kissed the top of my head.

“Mmmm.” I mused smiling; my feelings so elated and cleansed, a euphoria of happiness and bliss. “Dad taught me how to use the slug gun.” I said happily.

“What?!” Will choked spluttering as I giggled into his chest.

“Are you being sexist William?” I teased kissing his bared chest as he stroked my hair.

“Never my darlin’.” He murmured against me, teasing also.

“Good because I don’t know how this would work if you don’t like your partner working as a mechanic.”

Will’s head popped up and back to look at me stunned “What?” he gasped.

I smiled wide “I got a job with Tony!” I cried happily.

Will beamed “That’s brilliant darlin’!” he exclaimed hugging me tight and planting open mouthed kisses all over my face.

I giggled the sensation tickling me, Will sighed “You’re adorable and sexy and beautiful and such a tease it takes so much of me to not get carried away.” He murmured his lips against my knuckles again.

I sighed smiling lovingly at him as we gazed back at each other in the beautiful moment, cherishing it all.

“I was thinking…..” he murmured breaking the silence.

I snuggled deeper into him “Mmmm, what’s that?” I asked dreamily in his hold.

“Someday, soon, that’s if you want. Would you like for us to move in….buy a house or build even. There’s a beautiful house on the edge of town on a hill for sale, it’s a beautiful house.” He murmured lost in thought miles away. He shook himself awake after a moment of silence “That’s if you want.”

I smiled broad back at him my cheeks protesting “Do you even need to ask?” I cried throwing my arms around him as he pulled me in tight, my body pressed up tight.

Will nuzzled into my shoulder as he held me tight, my link telling me he was beyond happy at all of this. “Whenever you’re ready.” He murmured gently.

“I'm ready right now.” I whispered softly.

Will looked back and looked down at me seriously, hope gleaming in his eyes “Really?” he asked.

I nodded eagerly “Really, really.”

Will’s eyes held a gleam and I could tell his mind was already reeling as he tried to sort through all “Really? Well we are going to need a loan but….we’ve got our parents, I’ve saved up money. This is amazing darlin’, I’m so excited to live with you for the rest of my life darlin’, you make the happiest man alive!” he cried getting as passionate and as excited as a five year old over their racing cars or something else.

I giggled as I watched him, cherishing just this, us talking “I love you, and we’ll go do all of that….but later because right now I just want to stay here.” I murmured burying myself even more into his clutches.

Will sighed happily his nose running along the length of my jaw line lovingly “You make me the happiest man alive.” He murmured deeply as his fingers ran in tendrils down my naked back.

I shivered as his fingers ran down my back going lower and lower causing me to let go a ragged breath as I arched further into his touch. My mind strayed back to before, what Will’s hands did to me, his sinful lips and even that soothing tongue did to the fire within me. just thinking of what he did to me, what he bought to the surface and even to my thoughts…..dirty thoughts.

Moaning softly I arched more so into him so my breasts were pushed up against his chest tightly “Will?” I breathed raggedly the fire already burning within the lower part of my body.

“Mmmm?” he groaned his fingers trailing everywhere all over my body and my body couldn’t help but shudder, my body craving for those fingers in places that I knew should be illegal because of what it did to me.

“Why do I…..why do I feel like this?” I breathed raggedly as I tried to contain the screams within me that were already building deep within me.

Will’s nose skimmed over my collarbone “Because….” he inhaled deeply before groaning “because it what’s happens to us…..its like dogs almost.”

That instantly snapped me out of my mood “A dog?” I cried not sure if I should be pissed off at him or what.

Will watched me, a flash of sheepishness crossing his features “Wait, you aren’t a dog….I mean, I wasn’t calling you a dog, I just-“

“Will, shush.” I giggled putting my hand over his lips, Will’s eyes instantly softening.

Pulling my hand away Will wasted no time in diving back into his story “I wasn’t calling you, us, dogs. What I mean is that we’re like a dog in heat, you know when they go into heat and they….” Will trailed off chuckling as he saw the deep blush rise up on my cheeks. Sighing he reached in and brushed my cheeks with his thumb “You’re so beautiful.”

“Will,” I whined in fake annoyance “stop getting off topic.”

Will chuckled “Don’t deny it, you love it.” He teased giving me a wink and making me roll my eyes in mock exasperation.Will gasped in horror “Did you just roll your eyes at me?” he cried.

“No.” I answered innocently bashing my eyelashes.

Will looked at me with twitching lips “Oh really?” he asked prodding me in the hips causing me to squirm. “Really?” he pressed.

I squealed giggling in delight “Okay! Okay! Stop it, I give! White flag!” I cried rolling around like a worm in his arms.

Will chuckled pulling me in closer placing a kiss to my temple as he sighed “I love you.”He murmured.

I sighed “I love you too, but why are we dogs?” I asked.

Will chuckled “Those two things put in one sentence together is just….a dream come true?” he asked teasingly.

I giggled pushing his shoulder lightly “Well I could if you used dog in reference to a sex position.” I drawled my lips brushing his ear; I could feel Will shudder against me and for extra efforts of teasing I let my teeth nip at his ear playfully.

Will groaned “Don’t tempt me like that darlin’, you have no idea how I will certainly put that doggy style into action.” He rumbled his hand gripping the outside of my thigh as that thigh wrapped over one of his own.

I let go of a ragged breath unable to even form a coherent though, I was such a jumbled pile of goo. I couldn’t do anything but press myself tighter, closer as I desperately tried to plea and communicate with what I wanted; more.

Will let go a breath before sighing torn “Ummm, what were we talking about? Oh! That’s right, dogs, heat.” He said his mind seeming just as torn and muddled as mine causing me to giggle as I nestled myself into his chest. “Right, well for us once you make love with your soul mate for the first time from then on in it becomes……intensified, it becomes like you’ve gone into heat. That’s how my comparison to dogs came into it all. It becomes crazy, like you’re in the honeymoon phase but ten times more intense and burning….it’s crazy and in all honesty I don’t think we’ll be straying far from a bedroom for quite some time.”

I twiddled with the ends of Will’s hair between two fingers “Who said we need a bed?” I mused out loud, not teasing him but being serious. Our first time was far from a bed, it was on the forest floor for crying out loud, of course we had a blanket but still, who seriously said we need a bed?

Will chuckled, purely husky “You’re such a vixen.”

I giggled “I do my best.” I said carelessly with a shrug. “So…..this acting like rabbits business, how long are we talking here for, days?” I asked still twirling his lock of hair around my finger.

Will chuckled “Try months.” He murmured smiling as he watched my eyes grow in wonder and in honesty a whole tidal wave of excitement “Some says it goes for over a year at times too, but in all honesty we’ll have it ‘till the end of time you just learn to deal with the raging desires over time.”

I nodded absorbing it all “We’re going to need jobs for distractions.” I laughed at it.

Will chuckled “Not that that’s going to help me when all I’m picturing is you covered all over in grease and pressed up against a car.”

I blushed with a small giggle “What are you picturing, Jessica Simpsons film clip to ‘These Boots Were Made For Walking’?” I teased as I stroked his hair.

Will growled “Jessica Simpson is no you.” His growl possessive as he wrapped an arm around me tighter and gripped me tighter and close, it overall totally sexy and damaging to my control.

Still talking as the morning grew earlier as we laughed and teased one another, sharing tender intimate moments of affection and love we watched the sunrise across the lagoon’s surface.

I wasn’t oblivious to the lingering gaze of Will’s, who was watching me solely and not caring in the slightest of the sunrise but rather as if I was the huge ball of heat and fiery beauty wakening the world. Looking at him out of the corner of my eyes I smiled with twitching lips “Stop looking at me like that.” I said.

“Like what?” he drawled his fingers drawing circles on my shoulder as I was propped up on my elbows on my stomach.

I shivered “Like I'm life itself, like in those dreams…..” I trailed off “Hey! Speaking of that what’s the go with those dreams of mine?” I asked of him the mood turning serious all of a sudden to me.

Will frowned “What? Didn’t Amber explain to you that she put potion in it?” he asked a serious feeling settling in too.

I nodded my head “Yeah, no she did. But…..afterwards I dreamt again, and again and Amber said….Amber said she hadn’t spiked anything of mine again….” I trailed off feeling stupid and small, was I crazy? “Will….am I crazy?” I whispered worry coating my voice.

Will’s chuckled caused my head to snap up “You are far from crazy darlin’, it’s our link, our soul mates abilities.”

I frowned replying with an intelligent “Huh?”

“Soul mates……when their link becomes entirely strong, stronger than when they officially mate and their mark appears…..some soul mates, that are blessed are given extra beauties, strengths.” He murmured softly, passionately. “They’ve been cases of soul mates able to talk through their minds, control emotions……I know that we. We for a fact have the ability to dream of each other’s experiences, their past.” He murmured softly.

“Wow.” I breathed “So that’s how I could dream and experience such moments from your past?” I mused in awe.

He nodded kissing my temple “Mmhmm, I can look into your past and experience all of those moments being yours; I cherish all of them being so close to you.”

I smiled “How….how is it that I had these dreams before I even came to you last night?” I asked interested.

“Because even though we hadn’t fully made up you had began to forgive me, became closer to me because you had a deeper understanding thus making us closer and our bond way stronger.” He explained softly, his fingers still drawing all over my skin. “Not all soul mates are blessed with such abilities you know? They’re just given the usual ability to feel one another’s emotions and that. So for us to be able to, well it’s a huge blessing, like them saying we are strong enough to handle this world of ours.” He explained randomly.

“Does it show you only certain past experiences?” I asked interested as in to what he could experience. What happens if it was embarrassing things such as me gushing to the girls about how amazing Will was when we first started dating?

“I'm not too sure, but when I dream they’re always linked to you and always somehow is a way of making me understand you more, making us closer and breaking down the barrier that was between. It’s as if the dreams play a role in fixing the holes we had in our link, a sense of proof.” He explained softly. “It’s like our ability to know if one is lying, like if I lie or break a promise I’ll get those scars and cuts on my shoulder blades.”

I gasped instantly reaching for his shoulders “This whole time when I thought you may have been lying to me…..I could have just looked at your shoulder.” I whispered regret and distain at my stupidity leaking into my voice.

Will didn’t say anything and for that I was grateful, anything he’d say I’d hate. If he said it didn’t matter and he forgave my actions I would disagree if he sang “I told you so” I’d beat the crap out of him, so I said nothing.

“Can I ask you something?” I whispered softly as I buried my face in his neck and inhaled his heavenly scent deeply.

“Of course you can beautiful.” He murmured softly kissing my closed eyelids.

“What did you dream about?” I asked softly.

Will ran his fingers through my hair “Bits and pieces……a lot of things that made me understand this past month a lot easier.” He paused for a moment, his body a lot tenser “I dreamt of such things as Astroid, the explosion of the bug…..Allen.” he growled tense.

Snuggling into him I kissed his bare chest whispering a gentle but soothing “I love you.” As I stroked the length of his arm, soothing him as he buried his face in my hair.

“I am so sorry I wasn’t there darlin’.” He murmured gruffly.

I shook my head “After my dreams Will I realized I should apologize.” I admitted softly.

Will pulled back quickly at that “What? Why?” he growled in disagreement.

I shook my head “After all of this, what we went through alone and together…I realized that I run from everything Will that I don’t like, I always run and never stop to question and listen first.” I said softly, voicing the truth of my fears and all “After all of this….I realized that if I had just stopped and let you speak….well I could have stopped a lot from happening. I should have just trusted you.” I whispered softly.

Will shook his head fiercely “No.” he growled. “I should have told you things or anything else; I did the worst thing possible. I thought I was doing what was best for you….and I royally fucked it up Tanz, I fucked it all up and for that…..I will never forgive myself.” He whispered his voice utterly torn, distraught.

I shook my head “You know all that time you thought you were a monster when it was me who was the monster. I was the one that was a monster…..I was awful to you Will and your world.” I whispered.

Will shook his head, this thing of ours going back and forth with the shaking of our heads “No, I was….I am awful.”

I froze at that, the simple use of ‘am’ rather than ‘was’ made me pull back to look at him directly. “Will?” I whispered, my voice beyond cautious.

“Yeah?” Will frowned sensing my unease.

“If I can love you, why can’t you?” I whispered.

Will frowned “I do love you.” He murmured.

I shook my head “No, listen to me, if I can love you, why can’t you?” I asked watching him still frown. “Meaning why is it that I can love you but you can’t find any part of you being able in loving yourself?” I asked serious.

Will frowned “I don’t hate myself I just think….” He trailed off.

“You think of yourself as a monster again, don’t you?” I accused seeing the truth in his eyes.

Will sighed sadly, harshly “I’ve done so many things wrong Tanze, I’ve hurt you so much darlin’ and I can never forgive myself for that.” He whispered seriously, the regret and sincerity in his voice making me want to cry.

I shook my head as I reached over and pushed him so he rolled onto his back and I was straddling him, the two of us utterly naked. I couldn’t help the flare that raced through me just from this position and the darkening in Will’s eyes told me he was feeling the same as I.

“Will…sweetie” I stressed “I love you, I love you so much and it literally hurts me to see you like this. What happened in the past happened, that’s exactly why it’s called the past. We need a happy future together Will, and for us to have a future and to have little monsters racing around I need you and I need you to be happy so you can treasure and love them, I need you and to do that I want to see you happy, I want our babies to have a happy daddy.” I whispered smiling as I watched Will’s eyes sparkle “The past is the past and all I need right now is you here with me” I said tapping his nose “and smiling.” I whispered.

Will reached out his hands tightening around my thighs his thumb stroking the inside of my thigh “I love everything I am hearing darlin’, especially the little monsters racing around.” He smiled wide up at me. “But I can’t just snap my fingers and do it, I hurt you Tanze darlin’.”

I shook my head “Will, sweetie, you were trying to protect me. sure it may not have helped, but you were trying to protect me, save my life because you love me and that’s all I'm asking Will, I'm asking you to love me and cherish me. So you may make mistakes, so did I, let’s just call it even and just….start new and love the fuck out of me.” I said looking down at him smiling.

Will watched me with an amused smile “I sure can love the fuck out of you.” He murmured huskily dragging me closer to him so that his lips locked with mine.

Our lips burned with intensity, making it burn and grow more and more until I was panting and gasping against his lips clinging to him as a whirlpool of intensity. Will groaned clinging to me tighter as his fingers knotted in my hair.

“Will,” I gasped against her lips “I promise on my life that before the end of next year I’ll be having you loving the fuck out of yourself also.”

Will groaned drawing me in closer as it grew hotter and I felt myself about ready to combust “I know,” he breathed against my lips raggedly “but right now I'm loving the fuck out of you.”

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