Love Like War (Niam) (boyxboy)

By mattegreytoo

15.5K 395 52

Niall Horan, a member of One Direction, was in love with his best mate, Liam Payne. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 7

541 20 0
By mattegreytoo

Liam's POV:

"Wake up love," I nudged my beautiful boyfriend.
"Hmm?" He hummed.
"Come on, we're going to go eat then drive to then venue," I explained. I leaned in and gave him a little peck and he finally woke up. He smile and kissed me harder this time. I pulled away quickly and nudged my head over at Louis and Harry cuddling together. He pouted and hugged me instead. I wrapped my arms around him then got up to wake up the other boys.
"Wake up!" I yelled.
"So you wake up Niall all nice but then you're all loud and annoying?" Harry said turning around.
"Yeah, now get up," I rolled my eyes.
"Fine mother," Louis said and rolled out of bed, falling on the floor. We all burst out in laughter.
"Shut up," he muttered. I extended my arm out to lift him up. He accepted and I pulled him up a bit too hard making him fly into me.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," I muttered.
"Yeah yeah, lets go," Louis said while pulling off me. I walked towards Niall and threw my arm over his shoulder.
"Fuck, Zayn...." Niall muttered.
"What?" I asked.
"We left Zayn," he whispered.
"I'll get him," I said and jogged out the room and towards his. I threw the door open and walked towards his bed.
"Hey mate, wake up," I nudged him. He didn't budge.
"Please Zayn, come on we're leaving," I said louder. His long eyelashes fluttered and he finally woke up.
"Where are-" he began.
"Lobby, we're leaving," I said. He nodded and grabbed his stuff.
"No, leave it. We're coming back to get it later," I said, "come on." Zayn nodded and I pulled him towards the lobby. We joked along the way and found the rest of the boys waiting. My eyes locked with Niall's and I instantly felt butterflies.
"Mate, are you coming?" Zayn said ahead of me.
"Uh yeah, sorry," I blushed and jogged towards them. I made it over there and we walked outside. I was overwhelmed with the screams. Oh god. I slid my arm around Niall and pulled him towards the bus. We got in the bus in one piece. I love the fans, I really do, its just overwhelming. To be honest, I'm really missing home.
"Liam, whats wrong?" Niall asked me.
"Its nothing," I lied.
"Clearly you're not," Harry said sitting next to me. I shook my head and sighed.
"We see right through you," Louis tried. This was getting really annoying. I said nothing.
"Come on, just tell us," Zayn spoke up. I let out a frustrated sigh and shook my head.
"I'm fine." Lie.
"No you're--" Harry began.
"I said I'm fine," I half yelled. I got up and walked towards my bunk. I ran my hand through my hair and layed down in frustration. I guess I was really missing home. I decided to tweet.

@Real_Liam_Payne: haven't been myself lately, sorry.

I put my phone into my pocket and layed there. Niall pulled the curtain back a bit. Oh no here we go.
"Can I come in?" He whispered. I nodded slowly and scooted over so he could lay with me.
"I said I'm fine, I just miss home," I told him. He nodded and kissed me on the cheek.
"I didn't mean to snap like that, I just haven't been myself lately I guess," I tried to explain.
"Liam, its fine. Really," he whispered. I was so lucky to have him. I kissed his head and he got up.
"Come on, we're watching a movie," he said sliding his hand into mine. I really didn't want to.
"Nope, come on," he cut me off. He pulled me up and we walked towards the boys. Well he had to drag me to them. They all looked at me with concerned face and I looked down.
"You alright?" Louis asked.
"Peachy," I muttered and sat down. They all looked at each other and I rolled my eyes.
"Is this some kind of intervention, cause I kinda just want to sleep," I said.
"No, we just want an explanation for your bitterness," Louis said.
"Please stop," I said.
"Come on Liam," Zayn said.
"Oh look, we're here," I said, storming out the bus. The screaming was deafening but I kept going. I finally got in and went to my dressing room. I sat on the floor trying to contain myself. I called my dad since I miss him so much. After the second ring he finally answered.
"Hi dad," I said.
"Hey son, whats up?" His voice instantly calmed me down.
"Nothing, I just miss you a lot," I admitted.
"We miss you too," he said.
"Touring is fun, its just hard not being with you guys," my voice broke. I cleared it and took a deep breath.
"Its okay, you'll be home in no time. Go live it up," he said.
"Thanks dad," I said.
"I'm so proud of you, whats been going on in your world?" He asked. I guess I'll tell him about Niall and I.
"Dad, you know Niall right? Well him and I are kind of a thing," I whispered.
"I knew it," he laughed. My eyes widened.
"How?" I whispered.
"Just the way you looked at him," I could hear him smiling.
"Thanks dad, I love you," I told him.
"Love you too son," He said.
"I have to go, I'll call you whenever I get the chance," I promised.
"Okay, good luck, we love you," he said.
"Love you too dad," I whispered and hung up. I didn't even know I was crying until I saw a tear drip onto my leg. I wiped my tears and stood up.
"Liam, can I come in?" I heard Harry's voice.
"Uh yeah," I said and my voice cracked. Great.
"Hey Liam---" he walked in and looked at me, "are you crying?" He asked. I laughed a genuine laugh and shook my head.
"Happy tears," I laughed.
"Mind telling me what happened back there?" He asked hesitantly.
"Just miss my family," I said.
"I know how it feels. Its okay. I'm sorry if we came on to strong," he said.
"Its fine, its just hard I guess," I shrugged.
"If you need anything, you can talk to me," he assured me. I wrapped my arms around him and muttered a thanks.
"Now lets go have fun with the rest of the boys," he said and wrapped his long arm sound my waist. He pulled me to him and walked us towards Louis' dressing room where everyones at. We walked in and they turned their attention to us.
"Is it just me or do you also feel like they're judging us?" I whispered to Harry.
"I feel the same mate," he whispered back and we started laughing.
"Whats so funny?" Louis asked.
"Oh nothing," Harry and I said at the same time and laughed again.
"You guys do not sound suspicious at all," Zayn spoke up. I rolled my eyes and plopped down next to Niall.
"Sorry guys, I'm just not feeling like myself lately, but don't worry," I assured them.
"Its okay, now we were playing truth or dare," Louis smirked mischievously. Oh god.
"Truth or dare Liam?" Zayn asked.
"Truth," I said not really feeling like doing any dares.
"Okay, why don't you feel like yourself lately?" He air quoted. I knew he'd ask me this.
"Just miss home. Its fine," I explained. They all nodded and moved on.
"Truth or dare Niall?" Louis asked. Oh god this is gonna either be good or bad.
"Dare," Niall said confidently. Louis whispered the dare into his ear so I couldn't hear what he was saying. Next thing I know, Niall was on top of me with his lips smashed on mine. I instantly melted and grabbed his hair forcefully. My pants tightened when he bit my lip. I pushed him away and watched him. I heard the guys laughing. Oh god. I got up and ran out of the room. I locked myself in my dressing room and tried to relax. After I finished with my little situation, I sat onto the sofa. What was the dare any way? To make a fool out of me? There was a knock on my door. Just perfect.
"Go away," I yelled.
"Its me," I heard Louis.
"In that case, go jump off a bridge," I yelled. I heard his footsteps fade and I sank lower into the couch.
"Liam, open the damn door," Harry yelled.
"Aw did your little boyfriend come crying to you?" I yelled angrily.
"Liam," he said in his 'I'll fucking rip your head off voice.'
"Harry," I mimicked. I heard him breath out harshly and walk away. Once I thought they had left me alone, I was wrong.
"Can you please open for me?" I heard Zayn.
"No, please just leave me alone Zayn," I called to him.
"Why are you being like this?" He asked.
"Please, I'm not in the mood, Zayn. Just please leave me alone," I begged.
"Fine, but meet and greet and soundcheck is in half an hour," he said and walked away. Great. I have to put on an act in front of everyone and be in the same room as the boys.
"Babe, open up," I heard Niall's angelic voice.
"How long will it take you to shut up?" I asked,
"Until you let me in."
"Please?" I was getting so annoyed and I flung the door open. He smirked and walked in.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think--" he started.
"Thats right, you didn't think at all," I cut him off.
"You know what, I'm to angry for this," I said and walked past him and out the door. I started to run and found an exit to the back. Making it out, I ran down the alley way and sat con the shadows. I pulled out my phone and already saw messages from them.

From Niall<3: where'd you go :(

From Zayn: come backkkkkkk

From Harry: idiot, come back here.

I didn't bother to look at the rest of my messages so I turned my phone off. I sat in the silence and took deep breaths. I heard footsteps coming towards me but I couldn't make out who it was since the sun was blinding.
"You bloody idiot! We're supposed to be at meet and great but now the times are being pushed back. Do you understand how ridiculous you're acting?!" Definitely Harry. "You have Niall and Zayn worried sick, everyones waiting. Your bloody phone's turned off--" he yelled.
"Weren't you the one who said I could talk to you about anything?! What friend you are," I yelled at him. I got up and made my way towards the building.
"And if you think, I'm the ridiculous one here, you're damn wrong," I yelled. I walked into the building and all eyes were on me.
"Can we just get this over with?" I said bitterly.


*after concert*

After I fake smiled, I stormed off the stage and into the bus. That was the most awkward concert ever. I layed down onto my bunk and smashed my face into the pillow.
"---bloody mad, he is," I heard Harry's voice coming into the bus.
"And Lou, don't listen to what he said, he's having a hard time right now," Niall's voice said softly.
I got out of my bunk and grabbed sweats and went to the bathroom to change. I threw my shirt off and it them on and headed back to my bunk. I felt their eyes piercing at me but I kept my head down. I was too tired for this.
"Liam?" Louis. I froze and lifted my head, slowly turning towards them. I nodded my head.
"Whats happened to you?" He whispered. I shrugged my shoulders and walked towards my bed.
"Why won't you talk to us?" Zayn asked. I shrugged my shoulders again and inched towards my bed.
"Cut the act," Harry said. Oh no here we go again.
"Go on Harry, tell me how mad I am and how stupid I'm being. Go on," I snapped.
"I--" he started.
"A bit slower, I'm to stupid to understand what you're saying," I said sarcastically.
"You're really funny Harry," I laughed coldly and shook my head. I got to my bed and closed the curtain. I sighed loudly and buried my face into the pillow.

Niall's POV:

What is his problem? The way Liam has been acting is getting on my last nerve. Not only have the urges to bleed come back, now I have to deal with this.
"Harry, please just let him be," I told him, "and all of you, leave him alone till he figures this out for himself."
"What if he doesn't?" Zayn asked.
"If you all haven't noticed, I really don't wanna hear about what you have to say about Liam. Why do you think I've been quiet this whole time? Louis, would you like it if all of us were ganging up on you and Harry joined in or if he didn't defend you? Yeah I don't think you would. Now leave him alone and wait till he wants to talk to you guys. Understood?" I asked them. They all nodded and stayed quiet. I walked over to Liam's bed and opened the curtain a bit.
"Babe, can I cuddle?" I asked. He nodded and moved over. I climbed in and snuggled into his side.
"I know you don't wanna talk about it and its okay. I just wanna say sorry," I rushed out.
"Its alright. To be honest, I have no idea whats up with me but when I do, I'll tell you all," he explained. I nodded and leaned up to kiss his cheek.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too, thanks," he said back.
"Niall?" He asked.
"I think I found something that helps me feel better," he said.
"Thats good, what is it?" I asked.
"You," he whispered. I blushed and buried my face into his neck. I mumbled a thanks and love you and hugged him tighter.
"Fuck," he said and I felt him tense.
"What?" I asked and pulled back.
"What I said to Lou... Fuck that was horrible oh god what if he hates me. Well no shit he hates me, I told him to jump off a bridge oh my god," he rambled.
"Liam, shhh, I'll go get him and you can tell him whatever you need to, okay?" I reassured him. He nodded and I got out and walked towards Louis.
"Lou?" I asked,
"Um Liam wants to talk to you, he won't bite," I said when I saw him cringe at Liam's name. Harry's eyes shot with anger and he got up with Lou.
"Please Harry, it'll be fine," Louis said kissing him on the cheek. Harry's eyes softened and he sat down. I watched Louis walk towards Liam's bed.

Liam's POV:

Im such an asshole. Just then a sad looking Louis opened the curtain. I patted the bed beside me and he slowly sat down.
"Look Louis, I'm so fucking sorry for what I said. That was so mean and horrible of me and I wish I could take it back. I really do. I just don't know why I'm being like this but I'm truly sorry and yeah," I said and a felt tears slip down my cheeks.
"Liam, don't cry," he said and wiped the tears away.
"I'm so sorry," I said for the millionth time.
"Its okay, I forgive you, just stop crying," he said and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly.
"I'm sorry," I chocked out again. He rubbed circles on my back trying to calm me. I felt horrible for what I said.
"Louis?" I asked.
"You smell good," I laughed.
"You're smelling me because?" He laughed too.
"Dunno, you just smell really good," I said. He really did. He smelled sweet and good. He kissed my cheek and got up.
"Can you bring Harry in here, I kinda owe him an apology too," I whispered.
"Okay, but don't go smelling him," Louis said and laughed. Seconds later, Harry was standing in front of me. I got scared for a minute, thinking he would punch me.
"What do you want?" He asked. I flinched at the anger in his voice, causing more tears to spill from my eyes.
"Listen to me," I chocked out. He slowly sat down beside me and watched me. I caught my breath and began talking. I hated this.
"Do you hate me?" I asked.
"Hate you? Never. I love you Liam. A lot. You just got me mad back there," he said.
"I fucking love you Harry. I'm sorry just forgive me. I didn't mean what I said to Louis or to you. I know I'm being stupid, I'm just, I'm sorry," I said.
"I do forgive you. I get it Liam, things get frustrating. Its alright, and I fucking love you too," he smiled so his dimple showed.
"I just feel so bad," I whispered. I threw my arms around Harry and hugged him tight.
"Thank you," he whispered. I pulled away and kissed his cheek.
"I'm tired," I yawned. I saw Harry was already cuddled in my bed. I laughed a bit and did the same.
"Sorry, I'll go," Harry said.
"No its fine, stay," I told him as my eyes started to droop. He wrapped an arm around my waist and I snuggled into his chest.
"Night Harry," I said.
"Night Liam," he said. I fell into a deep sleep...

A/N: its almost 2:30 AM and im supposed to be up at like 9 tomorrow and i feel like shit :/ im gonna head to bed. Hope you like

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