Not exactly planned

By stydiaHAShappened

323K 9.3K 4.2K

It was safe to say that after everything they'd been through the past couple of months that everyone felt clo... More

1. First Of All Malia Doesn't Have To Find Out
2. An Unfamiliar Scent
3. Carmalized Popcorn Puzzles
4. Confronting Scott
5. What's With The Smelling
6. Burger Palace
7. Saying uncle and spilling beans
8. Getting caught
9. The Video
10. Insults with stawberry milkshakes
11. You can come in if you want...
12. Liam's little buddy
13. We've got a heartbeat
15. Graduation
16. Changing the baby plan
17. Month One
18. Month Two
19. Month Three
20. Finally Home
21. Baby Stilinski Vlog Series
22. Bad Father
23. Not Leaving
24. Coming Out Of The Closet
25. Welcome
26. No Filming (Last Chapter)

14. Teenage Perversions

11.7K 340 139
By stydiaHAShappened

Four Days Until Graduation:
"Stiles! Stiles..." Lydia pulls back from his lips with a laugh. One of her hands still around his neck while the other held on to Coaches desk so she could regain balance. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer while his own hands rest on her upper thighs.

"If you keep pushing me back I'll fall." She laughs, scooting forwards towards the edge of the desk. Her hand returns to its original spot on the back of his neck before their lips meet once more.
"Sorry." He mumbles with a smile, leaning in once more. They continued their kissing frenzy through the dismissal bell, neither one of them wanting to leave the other. That was until Coach Bobby Finstock walked in.

"The hell?!" He shouts before grabbing Stiles by the ear and dragging him out of his office. Lydia quietly slips off of the teachers desk, following behind with a smirk as the man drags her boyfriend out onto the sidewalk. "Why in my office?! Why always my office!?" Coach grumbles, letting go of the boys ear causing him to wince and rub it. "Living out your teenage...perversions!"

"Perv–we were just making out, Coach." Stiles furrows his brows. He glances out of the corner of his eye to see Lydia had finally joined them, a smirk soon arising on his lips.
"Thank you for reminding me, once again, why I drink every night, Stilinski." With that, Coach walks away, not really wanting to deal with the two further more.

"Told you we should've went to your jeep." Lydia pokes him in the side before beginning to walk to the jeep in question. Stiles chuckles before jogging to catch up with her. Neither of them questioned the fact that he'd be driving her home because he'd been driving her to school as well. The radio always blasted their favorite songs, the vehicle filled with laughter as one of them sang loudly and badly. Usually Stiles.

"BUT MY TASTE IN MUSIC IS YOUR FACE!" Stiles shrieks causing laughter from Lydia. She winces though, grabbing her stomach and Stiles immediately turns down the music.
"You okay?" He asks, eyes flickering from the road to where her hand rest on her stomach.
"Pregnancy and loud laughter: not a good combination." She smiles in assurance.

He nods, asking once more just in case before pulling into her neighborhood. It was routine. They'd only been together a week but they had a schedule. Drop off Lydia, exchanging a few kisses and go home only to come back later with a milkshake or for a movie and make out.

Three Days Until Graduation

"Have you seen or heard from Lyds?" Stiles stumbles into his seat at the picnic table. He looked completely disheveled. Everyone shakes their head. Well. Almost everyone. The boy eyes her from across the table. "Allison?" His voice was firm and questioning and she sighs.

"She's um-"
"Guess who?"
Stiles doesn't hesitate with pulling Lydia into his lap with a tight hug. She giggles under his grip, Allison's laughter joining in soon after. The boy pulls back and showers her face with tiny little kisses.
"You!" Stiles points an accusatory finger at Allison. "You don't do that to me!" His grip was still as strong on the strawberry blonde and her grin was still as wide.

"You scared me!" He whimpers like a puppy, brushing hair out of Lydia's face. "Allison got really serious and I didn't see you in the halls or by your locker I thought-" he glances down at her stomach bump before bringing her closer. "I thought something was wrong!" Lydia had to admit at this point that it was a horrible prank to play on him, judging by his reaction.

In reality, she'd been a little nauseous from morning sickness so her mother let her stay home for a few classes.
"Why didn't you call or text me then?" She asks as he practically forces her to rest her head on his chest.
"I,uh....I dropped my phone in the toilet this morning..." He admits causing Lydia to chuckle a bit. Scott fake gags and Isaac nods his head in agreement.

"Oh shut up Scott. I think it's adorable." Allison defends with a smile.
Two Days Until Graduation

"I think it's adorable." Allison repeats herself from yesterday, the packs gaze set upon the lacrosse fields. They were lined up on the bleachers in an attempt to subtly watch Liam flirt with Kimber. But the beta was all too aware of their presence.

He'd been out practicing for lacrosse when Kimber had strutted out onto the field with new jerseys for the team. And yes, she had purposely given Liam's his last so they could chat it up a bit.
"Why do I like this kid so much. I don't want to like her! I mean, I shouldn't..." Stiles mumbles, talking to no one in particular. Kimber would brush her hair behind her ear and Liam would smile as she would talk. Allison was right: they were adorable.

Isaac leans over and starts rubbing Stiles back in soothing circular motions, earning some odd looks from everyone. "Shh, let it happen Momma Stiles."
The brunette rips his hands off causing his body to fall into Lydia's a little. It's not like he could control his motherly instinct. Kimber still held his jersey under her arm, not really willing to give up the conversation until she really had to.

Scott had vowed not to listen in and Isaac was a little too lazy, plus he simply didn't care about the sophomores. Kira and Allison were passing twizzlers back and forth to one another, simply in awe by the young love. Lydia on the other hand was trying to make sure Stiles stayed in line.
"I still don't like it though." He twitches his nose to get rid of an itch.
"Don't." Lydia warns. She wasn't really sure what she was telling him not to do but she knew that look. That was the look of evil scheming.

"I'm going to anyways." Stiles sighs. He reaches behind them for his backpack, quickly pulling out his lacrosse stick and a ball. Putting the ball in the end of the net, he stands and flings it at Liam with no warning. The ball hit him right in the temple, knocking him over just a little but Kimber kind of catches him.
"What the hell, Stiles?!" He shouts, not particularly pleased by the pursuing headache but then again, Kimber was making sure he was okay.

"Senior year and I finally get good aim!" Stiles shouts back with a shrug and a mischievous grin.
Authors note:

How did we go from "hey Lydia! You you're gonna ignore me."
To "Stiles saved me."?
Not complaining like at all but MAI BABIESSSS.

Comment, read, enjoy!

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