The Ever After of Captain Swan

By ashleykaitlyn1014

1.2K 58 40

***SPOILER ALERT*** This takes place after the Season 5 mid-season finale. Emma has proven her love for Kill... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

171 6 0
By ashleykaitlyn1014

Killian Jones stood on the docks, staring out at the thing he used to love most: the sea. Now, there were so many things that came before that. There was his ship, the lovely vessel known as the Jolly Roger, a small town in Maine called Storybrooke, a young boy named Henry, and a beautiful woman named Emma, not necessarily in that order. He still loved the sea, but not in the same way he had before. It was no longer the only thing he had to love, the only thing he'd let himself love since Milah was killed. He had a whole life now, and he wouldn't trade it for the world.

He shook his head as a small smile crossed his face, thinking how far he had come in the world. A pirate, one who'd been alive for hundreds of years, certainly didn't deserve this wonderful life that he'd stumbled upon. The only bad thing about it was having to see the Crocodile on a daily basis, but even that was bearable when he had so many good things in his life right now.

Speaking of those good things, he needed to go meet Emma. She was waiting to have lunch with him at Granny's. She had texted him earlier and said that they needed to talk, but he wasn't worried. Once her and her family had rescued him from the Underworld, after he had begged her to kill him, they had gotten back to Storybrooke, both free of the power of the Dark One, and he had proposed. That was 6 months ago, so he was sure Emma just wanted to talk about the wedding, which was much more of a pain in the butt than he had expected. In the other world, you proposed, got rings, and just met with your closest friends and a priest. This world was a different story...

He walked into Granny's and was surprised when Emma ran up to him and kissed him passionately in front of everyone. "Well hello, love," he grinned against her lips. "Hi," she said, smiling up at him. "To what do I owe that surprising show of affection?" he questioned. She laughed. "Can't I just show my fiancé how much I love him?" she asked innocently. "You can, but usually you don't." He teased her. They took their seats in one of the booths and ordered hot chocolate with cinnamon for Emma and Coke for Hook. He had never had it before Storybrooke, obviously, and he was convinced it was possible to become a "Cokeaholic". He loved it almost as much as he loved rum now.

"So love, what did you need to talk to me about?" he asked with that dazzling smile he had. He knew the effect it had on her, so he used it as often as possible. "Well, it's about the wedding. I was hoping we could go ahead and do it soon," she said. "It's February now, and four months isn't that long. I think we can stand the wait," he said, winking at her. "Maybe I don't want a summer wedding," she said, "maybe I want a wedding with snow on the ground." "The snow will be melted in a few days, love," Killian said, starting to worry, "Why the rush?"

Emma was saved, momentarily, from answering that when Ruby came back with the drinks they ordered. "Should I bring out the usual, or do you two need a minute?" She asked. Emma said "Bring it out," at the same time Hook said "We need a minute," so a confused Ruby responded with "I'll tell Granny to start cooking...but burn it and then try again." They laughed as she walked away. Emma started swirling her spoon in her chocolate, scraping the whipped cream off and onto her napkin. "Don't think I'm not waiting for that answer," Killian prodded.

Emma let out a sigh. "I just want to get married, so people don't think bad things about us," she said. The two had been living together since Hook's return from the Underworld, and considering they shared the same heart now no one was doubting that they were in love. "No one thinks ill of us, love," Hook said, reaching out to take her hand. "They might start to," she mumbled, half hoping that he wouldn't hear her. "Why would they start to?" Hook said. Emma remained silent, and then Ruby came back to the table. She scooched Emma over and sat next to her. "So, Granny told me the good news! I can't believe you guys didn't tell me, congratulations!!" Ruby exclaimed.

Hook got a very strange feeling. He didn't know what this was about, but there were certain clues coming together in his mind that he hadn't thought he would have to deal with for a very long time. Things he hadn't dealt with in a very long time. Emma reached over and lifted his chin so their gazes were level. Ruby had exited at some point during Hook's daze, and he stared into Emma's eyes. He saw feelings akin to his own reflected in her eyes, and then she said it: "Killian, I'm pregnant."

A/N: I hope you guys like this! Please tell me anything and everything I  could do better! This is my first fanfiction, but Captain Swan is life, so hope y'all like it!!! :)

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