wanderlust (edited)

By vanilla_coke

63.5K 2.1K 596

"You need to know," James says while he pulls on his hoodie, "that I'm not interested in a relationship." He... More

Chapter One: First Impressions and a Visit Back Home
Chapter Two: Welcome Back Parties and Invasive Jocks
Chapter Three: Midnight Waffles and Gross Brothers
Chapter Four: (picture of Tara) Marvel Comics and Terrible Singing
Chapter Five: (Picture ofJames) Caesar and Claire
Chapter Six: (Picture of Kara) Returning Sisters and a Birthday Gone Wrong
Chapter Eight: (Picture of Mickey) Coconut Water and Motels
Chapter Nine: New York and Misconceptions
Chapter Ten: (picture of Hunter) Society and Surprises
Chapter Eleven: Confessions and New York Silence
Chapter Twelve (Pt. I): Betrayals
Chapter Twelve (Pt. II): The Return
Chapter Thirteen: Those Unexpected and Events Understood
Chapter Fourteen: Consoling Siblings and James's View
Chapter Fifteen: A Nighttime Confrontation
BONUS - Chapter Twelve (Part 1.5): Just a Little Air
A Thank You and an End Note
New Book

Chapter Seven: (Picture of Caesar and Claire) WWIII and Festivals

3.2K 132 30
By vanilla_coke

Chapter Seven

WWIII and Festivals

(Picture of Caesar and Claire)

Dear Mom;

I'm leaving. Not to go to Minnesota – to go on a road trip across the country with James Braxton, a guy I've only just met and am possibly falling in love with. I know, I know, you think it's a reckless move and I'm being an irresponsible teenager, but this is what I want. I'm almost nineteen – I can make my own decisions. I'll be long gone by the time you get this, so don't bother looking for me.

I'll keep it touch and be back in a few months.

Give my love to the family

- Tara

I'm not going to lie.

A very unfaithful, guilty pleasure rides up inside my chest and practically consumes me. I'm sure why I'm even feeling the way I was at that precise moment. All I can really understand is that I'm laughing.

Yes, laughing.

I start and I can't stop. Dad has a baffled look on his face, something I'd never seen him look at Kara with. Pride or joy or some other form of praise was always on his face when he looked at my twin, but now? Baffled.

Jourdan's cleaning Liam's spit off of her face, and Paige is helping her, but no one besides Dad dares to look at Kara.

I excuse myself, chuckling helplessly into my napkin. I feel horrible – the guilty pleasure that my sister isn't as perfect as people were making her out to be overwhelming me.

Steph rises out of her seat, and follows me. Her expression is painted out in true shock, and her hands are still pressed against her face.

As we walk to the bathroom, we could still hear Dad asking at Kara, "...you couldn't even wait until it wasn't my birthday anymore? You had your whole life ahead of you, Kara! College was paid for – you had a full ride and you just decide to throw it all away?"

Steph and I keep to ourselves in the women's restroom. After a while of breathing heavily, and her hand moving from her mouth to her chest, my little sister looks at me with her big, blue eyes, tears brimming the edges of them, and tries to open her mouth. She opens and closes it a few times, trying to find the right words to say, until finally a question comes from her mouth makes me want to crumple down and cry.

"Why were you laughing?"

It was a simple question. I don't even know the answer. So I say:

"It's complicated, Steph." I don't even look into her eyes. I focus on the mirror.

"I know you're jealous of her," She says, placing her shaking hand over mine. I don't look at her. I look at the ridiculous human in front of me, that looks just like me, but isn't me. She's right. What kind of sister would laugh in pleasure when they found out their twin's life was ruined?

Steph continues, "but that doesn't mean you can't be supportive. You could at least comfort her, Tara."

"I know," I say, my voice cracking a bit at the end, "You're right, Steph, I'm sorry."

"Maybe you should go apologize to Kara," she shrugs.

I nod.

So, together, my little sister and I leave the bathroom, and see Liam and Daniel looking over uncertainly at our table. They're shooting wary glances from their spot next to the Men's Restroom door.

I start to make a move to walk over to the table, but Liam grabs my arm, "Don't go over there. Mom told us just to go to The Festival without them. They're...gonna talk to Kara, I guess."

Shooting a longing glance at the table, I sigh. I really need to go and apologize to my twin. What I had done was just plain rude and mean.

"I'll drive you guys. Let's go." My big brother suggests.

So, we all follow him out, carefully avoiding the Williams Family Fight.

Williams War III is going on.

And it is going to be bad.

The Festival is really great.

Del Vino always does a great job with putting it on. There are the cheesy booths with games that are practically impossible to win, greasy, deep-fried food, and the smell of popcorn wafts throughout the thick summer air, and music plays all around from speakers.

There's a big gazebo in the middle of everything, with food tables surrounding it. There are pies on a few, cobblers, soups, cupcakes, and a million other things. You can enter, and taste-test them all, and put a piece of paper your favorite pie's box, and if your favorite pie won, you can go to their bakery and get a free sample.

The atmosphere is thick with the excitement of the crowd.

Everyone from surrounding towns comes to The Festival, as it is always so much fun.

Its about 7:30 by the time we made it, and Liam, Danny, Steph, and I hang around for a bit until they all join their respective groups to go and enjoy the euphoria of summer before we had to return to the house and take careful steps in order not to tick anyone off. It's always hard the following weeks after a Williams Family Fight.

Around 8, I am contently wandering around around, when I bump into someone – quite literally.

"Hey, Tara!" A familiar masculine voice sounds in my ears. Looking up, I see James. I unconsciously break out into a grin. His hair is disheveled as always, but – also as always – it looks adorable on him.

I hope I look okay. I'm wearing a royal blue peplum top, and some khaki shorts, with Kara's sandals. My hair hangs, sweet and wavy, and for once it looked nice in its natural form. I think I look fine, but I'm never sure with James.

Worry must've been showing on my face, because James smiles right back, and takes my hand reassuringly, leading me over to The Speed Devil without even asking. He doesn't need to, either.

"So, why are you alone so early? Shouldn't you be hanging out with the family?" He asks, smirking slightly. I look up into his clear blue eyes, and shrug, a small smile still playing upon on my face.

"Williams War 3 is going on. Mom told us just to go. So, here I am." I answer easily.

"Williams War 3? What happened?" He asks.

"Kara's pregnant." I replied.

He didn't even look surprised, "Oh. Is this the time where I'm supposed to say 'sorry' or should I just not say anything?"

I shrug. A part of me understands why he isn't surprised, but another, innate, part wants to defend Kara from any accidentally harsh thoughts James may have.

"C'mon, then," he tugs on my hand, and we make our way farther up the line to get on the rollercoaster, "Let's take your mind off of things for a bit.

And we do. It's all fantastic. We must've rode The Speed Devil half a dozen times, and then we strolled through the booths, playing all the cheesy games and eating greasy food. I honestly have had the time of my life. Then, James pulls me toward the gazebo.

We walk over and did some pie taste-testing, then James jokingly brings me over to the dance floor in the middle, and we start goofily dancing.

But then a song comes on.

Leaving me where I am at this moment.

I look up at James as Lifehouse's familiar song starts to play – "You and Me".

He gets a dazed look in his eyes, "This is a good song," His clear blue eyes meet mine, and he extends his hand, "May I have this dance?"

Smiling, I say, "Of course."

So, James pulls me close to him. His hands seem to fit perfectly on the slight curve of my waist, and I lace my fingers around his neck. We float around the floor, mixing in with the other couples dancing.

I let the song wash over me, living in the moment, thinking that it's most definitely the perfect song to be listening to. Our first dance – and hopefully not our last.

What day is it? And in what month?

This clock never seemed so alive

The words ring true through my ears as the song progresses and I can't keep the butterflies from exploding.

And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you

Something about you now

James looks how I feel. Dazed, dazzled, and daring all at once. He looks like he's prepared to take on anything.

You and me and all of the people

With nothing to do and nothing to prove

As the song fades out, all I can concentrate on is James's face. He's looking at my face, too, with an unreadable expression. His eyes are slightly glazed over, and I want to kiss him so badly.

So I do.

The same time I go on my tip-toes, he leans down and my eyes shut on instinct and we meet in the middle.

Goosebumps rush up my arms the moment our lips meet, and I press closer to him as he moves his hand from my waist to the back of my head. We melt together and our lips move in perfect synchronization. His lips taste like cherries and mint, which is a beautiful combination.

All too soon, we pull away from each other, both slightly breathless.

His eyes are lit up, and so are mine and I feel like the happiest girl on the planet.

He kissed me back!

James: can you come over? I want to talk

The message sounded weird. I reply with a simple 'be there in 20', and get up from my spot on the couch.

The Festival was last night, and it was great. James and I danced the rest of the night through, and he drove me home, kissed me good-night, and I danced into the house, careful not to disturb anyone.

Now, I head upstairs, up to mine and Kara's room, and get changed into some proper clothes. I didn't think my Castiel t-shirt, and cut-off sweats really counted.

Lately, I've been paying more attention to the clothes I wear when I'm around James. It's weird – he has this funny effect on me that makes me want to be myself, but look my best at the same time, which, truth be told, is a very difficult task.

I quickly change, eager to find out what James wants, then head downstairs.

Snatching my keys from the bowl in the kitchen, I head outside, and slip into my cherry red Jeep. It's funny because it used to be Paige's car, but then she moved away and it just sat in the garage for a while, until I decided to go to a mechanic, get it fixed up, give it a good clean, and – boom! – it was running like new all over again.

I drive the familiar way to James's house. I've already memorized the way there, and probably could drive in my sleep because I've gone over so often.

A few minutes later, I'm parked in front of James's house.

The weather starts acting funky again. Clouds start to consume the sky as I walk up James's sidewalk to his driveway, and knock on his door.

He opens the door, standing in his 6'2 height. James looks a bit worried, and I immediately wonder what's wrong.

"Hi," I say quietly.

"Hey," he says right back. There's no smile on his face, "Come on in."

So I do, and he leads me up to his room.

It looks the same as it did a few weeks ago, except maybe a tad messier. His windows open, and he glances at it. Goosebumps rush up my arms, and I shiver at the sudden icy wind. It's summer for goodness sakes! It's supposed to be boiling hot, but here we are freezing.

He grabs a jacket from on his stool, and focuses on the bulletin board.

"You need to know," James says while he pulls on his hoodie, "that I'm not interested in a relationship." He swallows, staring at the wall as if there's something hidden inside of it. He turns back to me, "I just want a friend."

"What are you saying?" I ask, timidly.

"The kiss was a mistake," He answers simply, "I'm sorry it happened. You're a great girl, Tara. My best friend, in fact. But, I just can't handle a relationship. I'm sorry."

"Oh." I say, "okay."

While most people would rather someone tell them this in person, it's so much more awkward. What do I do, now? Just walk out, and drive back home? Maybe it would've been better if he came over instead of me. I just don't know what to do.

"That doesn't mean we can't still be friends," He says, his liquid eyes widening slightly, "In fact...I want you to come with me. I mean, if you want to."

"Come where?" I inquire hesitantly.

"New York to California," He says in one breath, "I-I've been thinking about it for a while, and I want to go to New York with you, and then take a cross-country road-trip to California. I have the money, and I want to take you."

He wants to take me? James Braxton wants to take me with him across the country?

"W-what about Caesar?" I ask, trying to change the subject, "Why can't you take him?"

"He's engaged. He's not gonna leave Claire just to go with me. But, you can. I mean, if you want."

"I do want to," I say without any more hesitation. Because I do. I really do. I don't care James doesn't want to mention the kiss, or think it ever happened Because I do want to travel. I want to travel with James.

James's face breaks into a large smile, "Great. We can leave today."

"Today? Isn't that a bit too soon?"

"It doesn't have to be," He says, "It's just that he wanderlust it getting the better of me."

I smile right back at him, "To travel with you would be a pleasure."

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