Michael Jackson Dracula (Fan...

By ScarletWords93

115K 7.2K 4.3K

You're an ordinary teenager with one very ordinary life until your father marries Jane after the death of you... More

Ch. 1 Travel Melancholy
Ch. 2 Castle
Ch. 3 The Painting
Ch. 4 The Truth
Ch. 5 Under the Moon
Ch. 6 Visitor
Ch. 8 Scent
Ch. 9 Plan
Ch. 10
Ch. 11 Return "home"
Ch. 12 Home
Ch. 13 Talk to him
Ch. 14 Truth?
Ch. 15 Bad Luck
Ch. 16
Ch. 17 Adamus' game
Ch. 18 'Bible'
Ch. 19 Frank
Ch. 20 The Grand Meeting
Ch. 21 Grand Meeting 2
Ch. 22 'City of Night'
Ch. 23
Ch. 24 Decisions
Ch. 25 Off to the city of night
Ch. 26 Off to the city of night
Ch. 27 Germany
Ch. 28 Germany
Ch. 29 Denn die Todten reiten schnell
Ch. 30 Romania
Ch. 31 Arrival
Ch. 32 Welcome to the City of Night
Ch. 33 Earth
Ch. 34
Ch. 35 Ball
Ch. 36
Ch. 37 Diamond
Ch. 38 Wake up
Ch. 39 Witch
Ch. 40 The legend
Ch. 41 A chance
Ch. 42 Cards
Ch. 43 Castle
Ch. 44 What have I gotten myself into?
Ch. 45 Torn between Michael and Meier
Ch. 46 Meier's wife
Love triangle 47
Ch. 48 Visit

NEW Ch. 7 The Human World

3.8K 204 84
By ScarletWords93

A whole week after Adamus' strange and unexpected visit has passed. You tried asking Michael about him twice but he would always change the topic, saying that Adamus was no one of importance to him or you. As for Gilbert, every time you'd ask him, the man would simply ignore you! You've been in this castle for almost a month now and Gilbert was still very cold and ignorant towards you.

However, it didn't really matter since the only person you desired to receive attention and love from, was Michael.

You had his attention every night but as for his love... you didn't know for sure, you could only dream about him loving you.

You couldn't help it but ask yourself... could vampires really fall in love, especially with humans?

Today you were leaving for your home town when the sun disappeared to see your father. Michael was really nervous since he hasn't been around people for many, many centuries. He knew how to act as a human to fool people but the sun bothered him. You, of course, promised to do whatever he wanted to make him feel safer in "the human world", besides, Gilbert was coming along too.

Werewolves didn't have any problems with the sun light so it was okay for Gilbert to openly walk the streets. He was also going to help Michael "conceal" his true nature. He even talked to you about it!

When Michael announced he was serious about going to your home and meeting your father, Gilbert joined dinner the same night and said he wanted to talk about the trip. The three of you sat around the table and had a long conversation about the human world. Gilbert expressed  his concerns over his master and you told him that you were ready to help and do whatever it took to support Gilbert in keeping Michael's secret safe.

Gilbert was very skeptical for he didn't have much faith in you but you were determined to prove him wrong and show him you were a good person with only good intentions towards Michael and him! You couldn't understand why Gilbert was so suspicious of you... maybe because he's been isolated from people for a very long time or maybe because of his werewolf nature... who knew! Anyhow, you didn't care about your relationship with Gilbert right now. The most important thing was to work in team with him so that everything would go smoothly.

Gilbert understood that and from what you sensed, he was willing to team up with you while being on this trip, for the sake of his master.

Your luggage was already packed and in the car. Michael's bottles of "special wine" were in the car too. Last night, he and Gilbert went hunting so as to satisfy their hungers before leaving the castle. You three had everything planned and there was nothing that could go wrong if you stuck to the plan.

The sun was already gone, meaning it was time for you to leave. With the speed that Michael and Gilbert could drive, you'd arrive there in no time but since it would look weird to "fly" with a car on the road, Michael arranged a private plane for the three of you. It was your very first time to be on a private plan! You were really exited but not only because of the plane, but also because you were going to see your father.   

"DAD!!" you yelled, running to him and jumped in his arms.
"Ohmy girrrl!" he held you really tightly "I've missed you so so much, baby! Let me have a look at you!"
"I've missed you too dad!"
"Oh my... here's my daughter in law! Come here, honey!" Jane hugged you. Damn, that witch was only pretending in front of your father! "I've missed you so much, YN and I'm so glad that you're here!"
"Me too. Dad," you turned to him "Let me introduce you... " Michael and Gilbert got out of the car "This is Michael!" you pointed at him.
"It's nice to meet you Mr. Dracula! Thank you for taking care of YN!" your father reached out his hand to shake with Michael. Michael, of course, shook hands with him but was wearing his gloves. He couldn't let people know how cold he is. You noticed how your father gave him a little weird look because of the gloves, since it was summer in LA and HOT!
"It's my pleasure Mr. YFN. May I introduce you to Gilbert."
"Hi, Mr. Gilbert, it's nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you too." he courteously bowed his head.
"He is my right hand." Michael explained and you noticed the weird look on your dad's face when Michael said right hand.
"Well, well Michael!" Jane begun "I'm so glad to see you here!"
"I am too, Jane." he sarcastically replied.
"Ok, then, why don't we all come in so you guys can get settled in?" your father proposed "I'm guessing you're all tired from the trip, so please..." he pointed at the door, inviting them.

'No dad, it is only me that's tired because Michael and Gilbert never get tired.'

You got in and your dad showed Michael and Gilbert to their room. Your house wasn't very big and there was only one guest room, so the two of them had to sleep in one room but that was not a problem. It was even better for Gilbert could be around Michael all the time.

You all had dinner together and Michael apologized he had already dined which seemed quite natural but only the first time. You wondered, how was he going to handle the next dinners? As for Gilbert, he ate a lot! Unlike vampires, werewolves could eat human food but since he was isolated from the world for a long time, Gilbert has gotten used to hunting so the human food seemed quite interesting to him. Your father was observing Gilbert eat in quite a weird way like 'What's wrong with you!?'.

You begun getting the feeling your daddy might not like Michael and Gilbert...

After dinner you spend some time with your father talking and catching on things then went upstairs to your room to sleep. Michael and Gilbert had already excused themselves like an hour ago and were in their room.

You got ready for bed and were about to turn off the lights when someone knocked no your bedroom door.

"Come in!" Michael walked in and closed the door behind him.
"Hi." he warmly smiled.
"Michael... hi." you felt your cheek burn in red.
"I just came to say goodnight." he had his hands behind his back.
"You already said goodnight like an hour ago.."
"I did? I must have forgotten..."
"You forget?"
"Well, not really. It was only a foolish excuse to see you before you fall asleep..."
"Oh..." oh man embarrassing but so sweet at the same time...

He walked over to you and said

"I know this is not the right time or place for this but... I just feel uncontrollable desire to do it.." he leaned very slowly, saying "Stay still." seemed he was about to kiss you so you closed your eyes, waiting for his lips which planted the most tender kiss on the corner of your mouth, making your heart race in your chest. You wrapped your arms around his waist and held him. He held you too while stroking your hair.
"M-Michael... "
"YN... I-I really... c-care about you... and hope your father will like me." you looked him straight in the eyes. What he said was the sweetest thing in the world and made you very happy. He cares about you...
"I care about you too, Michael.." he smiled. "And whatever happens with my father, if he likes you or not, I don't care..."
"But you love him very much.."
"I do but..." I love you too.
"I'm allowed to have my opinion and make my own decision." after a short pause of silence
"Can you just promise me one thing?" he asked.
"Whatever happens while we're here, promise me you'll return back with me!" without thinking about you quickly did. The thought of being away from him made you feel extremely sad.
"I promise."

But why would he ask you that?

"Well, then, I should let you get some rest. Goodnight." he kissed your hand
"Goodnight." and left.

Author's POV

Michael came into his room to find Gilbert with an angry look on his face. Since YN's room was right next to theirs, Gilbert most definitely heard the conversation Michael had just had with YN.

"Count, I couldn't help it but to overhear your conversation with Miss YN."
"I know that." Dracula said looking out through the window.
"Do you realize what you have just done?"
"You're giving her hope... and promises you can't keep."
"That's not true!"
"And why did you make her promise to return back with us? I did believe she had to remain in the castle for she knew too much but after Adamus' visit, I've come to the conclusion it would be better for everyone if she remained here.... where she belongs."
"I don't care about Adamus." Dracula dryly replied.
"I see." after a pause Gilbert said "Do you, count, realize what could happen if you broke the rules of the book?" Michael swallowed a big gulp down his throat and replied

Meanwhile, Washington

"The rumors are true, Marion." Adamus' slow and gentle voice echoed in the big hall.
"So.. the Dracula indeed keeps a human girl with him."
"Yes, Marion."
"Do you know the purpose?"
"For food, he said."
"Weird. Dracula has never before kept the food at his castle alive."
"She seems very comfortable in there, Marion, walking around, eating... If you ask me, she lives there with him."
"And she knows his true nature?"
"We have to call the vampire council and this time without Dracula."
"But he is the father and the head of the council! We've never before held a meeting without him!"
"There is first time for everything, Adamus. I just hope he isn't ignoring the rules."
"Don't you think we should first make sure before accusing him in front of the council? If we turn out to be wrong, he will tear us apart!"
"You are right."
"Of course I am!"
"Arrogant as usual." Adamus devilishly smiled.
"So... when shall we visit Dracula and Gilbert?"
"Tomorrow." Marion replied. "I can't wait to meet this human friend of his."

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