Michael Jackson Dracula (Fan...

By ScarletWords93

114K 7.2K 4.3K

You're an ordinary teenager with one very ordinary life until your father marries Jane after the death of you... More

Ch. 1 Travel Melancholy
Ch. 2 Castle
Ch. 3 The Painting
Ch. 4 The Truth
Ch. 5 Under the Moon
NEW Ch. 7 The Human World
Ch. 8 Scent
Ch. 9 Plan
Ch. 10
Ch. 11 Return "home"
Ch. 12 Home
Ch. 13 Talk to him
Ch. 14 Truth?
Ch. 15 Bad Luck
Ch. 16
Ch. 17 Adamus' game
Ch. 18 'Bible'
Ch. 19 Frank
Ch. 20 The Grand Meeting
Ch. 21 Grand Meeting 2
Ch. 22 'City of Night'
Ch. 23
Ch. 24 Decisions
Ch. 25 Off to the city of night
Ch. 26 Off to the city of night
Ch. 27 Germany
Ch. 28 Germany
Ch. 29 Denn die Todten reiten schnell
Ch. 30 Romania
Ch. 31 Arrival
Ch. 32 Welcome to the City of Night
Ch. 33 Earth
Ch. 34
Ch. 35 Ball
Ch. 36
Ch. 37 Diamond
Ch. 38 Wake up
Ch. 39 Witch
Ch. 40 The legend
Ch. 41 A chance
Ch. 42 Cards
Ch. 43 Castle
Ch. 44 What have I gotten myself into?
Ch. 45 Torn between Michael and Meier
Ch. 46 Meier's wife
Love triangle 47
Ch. 48 Visit

Ch. 6 Visitor

4.1K 205 110
By ScarletWords93

Michael's POV

Last night was AMAZING! I can't believe I kissed YN! My first kiss in more than 2000 years! I thought I had completely forgotten how to do those things but gladly, I haven't, on the contrary, I felt more alive than ever! Her tongue was so warm and soft! I witnessed how her heart changed speed under my control and felt the fresh blood circulate in her body as she was heating up from my loving...

My heart was actually beating in my chest and I thought it had died long time ago! I believed it had stopped when I turned into the being I am now but I was wrong. Thanks to YN, I know now.

She is such a beautiful and delicate human girl! The second I first lied my eyes on her, the moment I inhaled the sweet aroma of her blood, I knew she was one of a kind! The only problem I have around her is the urge to stick my fangs into her gentle neck and feast on her fresh blood. It's needless to say that I will never do this or any other harm to her since she's so precious to me and I want to protect her from everything!

Why do I feel the way I'm feeling? Is this love? Am I in love with her? But I don't even remember how love felt or worked... Oh wait.. she has to love me back but does she? I have to find out but how?

I was going to her room to wake her up when I bumped into Gilbert.

"Gilbert! What are you doing in front of her room AGAIN? I've told you many times not to come here!" he was looking at me like an angry dog that was about to attack.

"Count... last night I was out in the forest hunting and when I came back, as I made my way to the castle... I saw two persons on your balcony... kissing."

"Mhm..." I just knew he won't approve of this so pretended I didn't know what he was talking about.

"So I was thinking... and I may be wrong but I have to ask you... could it have been you and miss YN?" he knew it was us, there was no other soul in this castle!

"It could have." I grinned.

"Count you have lost your mind!"

"Oh Gilbert... please don't start this again!"

"You shouldn't be doing such things with a human! You know this very well, as a matter of fact, you shouldn't be doing it all! Your kind is very sp-"

"My kind is the worst!" I interrupted him "We're damned to live in the shadows, isolated from the world! We're a menace to human race!"

"Pardon, count, but you were the one to chose this fate for your kind."

"Because I had no choice! Don't you understand, Gilbert, we are the ones who are not supposed to be amongst them! We are creatures who didn't came from God!"

"You're right, that's why you should send the girl home." me sending her home? Why did that upset me so much? "Actually, you can't. She knows too much, thanks to you count, so here is what I suggest!" I knew his suggestion would involve murdering, as all his prior suggestions, so I didn't wanna hear it.

"I don't want to hear it."

"Tonight you'll take her out for a walk in the forests..."

"Oh brother...."

"And then you'll disappear, that's when I come into action! And before the evil human knows it, she'll be dead!"

"For the last time... we are NOT gonna kill her and she's not evil! Don't you dare touch her, Gilbert, I'm warning you!"

"Fine! But you should know.. she's seducing you with all those love-dovey crap and before you know it, I might find you with your head cut off! Oh and that kiss, it was a huge mistake!" he had a vivid imagination for a werewolf...

"No it wasn't! It was the best thing that has ever happened to me in more than 2000 years and as matter of fact, she'll be staying here with me for a longer period of time."

"WHAT?! Oh no... the count has become insane!" he placed his both hands on the forehead.

"You better get used to her, Gilbert, and start being nicer! You can begin by not sniffing around her room. And DON'T growl at her!"

"Oh wait... could it be that the count's .... in ll.. l-l lll llooo...lloolll.. " I knew exactly which word he meant but didn't dare say it out loud for it was sacred and a creature like me doesn't deserve it.

"Now, Gilbert, I want you to stop with your dog-stupidity and-"

"Such thing doesn't even exist, count!"

"It does, especially for you. Anyhow, how about we go greet her and try to become friends? Since she'll be staying the whole summer here." Gilbert growled in disapproval. "Stop growling! Now let's go say good morning." he was about to flung the door open when I stopped him. "Where are your manners? She's a human girl!"

"So?" he had no idea what I was talking about.

"We have to knock first, you stupid! KNOCK!"

"How to knock..?" poor Gilbert.

"Oh heavens... that's what happens when you spend 2000 years isolated from the world. Now watch!" I put my hand into a fist and knocked on the door. "See?" he growled in a 'yes'.

"Why isn't she answering?"

"'Cause maybe she didn't hear us! Let's try it again!" I knocked once more.

"Yes?" we heard her voice.

"It's me and Gilbert! May we please come in?"


Before entering her room I gave Gilbert once last look and whispered "Be nice!"

There she stood, looking at me with a huge smile on her face showing her pearls! Why did I feel so strange? I cleared my throat to speak but nothing came out...

"Michael, you're up so... early?"

"She calls you Michael?!" Gilbert whispered in my ear and I pushed his shoulder to shut him up.

"Oh ahh yes! I really am!" she giggled at my words, tugging a chunk of her hair behind her small ear.

"Well, I'm glad you came to say hi!"

"Of course, we will! I am glad also. Gilbert's glad too, right?"

*growling sounds from Gilbert* I told him 10 times to stop with that! I pushed his shoulder with mine but this time stronger to make him reply "Right."

"So..." I tried to start a conversation but because of some unknown reason, my mouth couldn't form any words...

"Yeah..." she said and begun playing with her little hands.

"Well..." what should I say, what should I say??? "I thought that you and Gilbert may want to get to know each other better.. since you know.. you'll be staying here for a long time and I think you two didn't start out well." I hope I didn't sound weird. She nodded her head and Gilbert looked away obviously not happy with my words. "Right Gilbert?"

"Yes count but I can't do that today!"

"And why is that?"

"I have to go to town to get food for... miss YN, forgot?"

"Ohh! I have forgotten indeed!"

"Where's your mind count..." he murmured.

"What did you say!" I scolded him! I just hope she didn't hear him but judging from her giggling she did. Great, now he embarrassed me in front of her..

"Nothing. With your permission, I'll be going." I nodded my head.

I'm glad I let him leave because he was only making me look bad! I also knew that befriending the two of them would require much time and effort.

He left the room, leaving an awkward silence between me and her. I heard her blood rushing into her head, making her cheeks red and that little heart begun beating faster and louder like a drum to my ears.

"So... what do you want to do today?"

"Well, I was thinking about g-" her phone rang. "Excuse me!" I nodded my head and she went over to the bed to grab it. "It's my dad!" her face became brighter, she must really love him, which reminded me, I have to tell her about Jane! "Yes, dad? I'm so glad you called! I'm ok, yeah, I feel great here! This place is amazing! Yeah!" after listening to him for a while she said "I'd love to, daddy and I will! Oh ok! Yes, dad, I love you too, bye!" she hung up and looked at me "My dad invited us to stay for a few days with him!"


"Yes! He said he misses me terrible and so do I!"

"If that's the case, you should go see him."

"Only me? What about you?" she came closer to me and reading from her face, I knew she didn't like it but I had my reasons.

"YN, I have lived isolated from the world for many, many years and I doubt it I would make a good company to your father.."

"Of course you will! Moreover, you can't stay here forever, you have to go out! Besides, dad invited you too. He said he wants to meet you since we're living together."

"I don't know... I-"

"Pleaaase! My dad's great, you're gonna like him I promise! And if he wants you to leave the house during day time, I'll find a way to prevent it! We can even take Gilbert along, if that will make you feel better.." I could see how much she wanted me to go with her.


"Yeah!" why couldn't I say 'no' to her?

"Well, if that's the case, I'll accompany you..." I can't believe I agreed to this.

"Oh my God!" she jumped in happiness and wrapped her arms around my neck then quickly pulled away "I'm sorry..."

"It's ok. I'm glad you're happy. When are we going?"

"Next Friday. I'll call him later to confirm so that he can send us the tickets."

"Good. I'll tell Gilbert before I leave tonight."


"Yes, for a few hours." I read in her eyes she wanted to ask me where but didn't dare so I decided to tell her "I need to go.... hunting."

"Oh! And... Gilbert?"

"He already did that last night."

"So I'll be staying with him?"

"Yes, for a few hours only but don't worry he's actually very gentle and intelligent once you get to know him!"

"He gentle?"

"Hahaha! I know it's hard to believe but yes."

"But he growls at me the whole time and I get the feeling some bad dog wants to bite my hand off!" I laughed again.

"I understand and I've talked to him many times about the growling thing but that's his nature. Moreover, he's not used to having people around."

"What happened to 'man's best friend is the dog'?"

"Hahahaha! Well, I don't know if that applies to werewolves as well!" she giggled, filling the room with sweet sounds.

"But he doesn't bite right?"

"He won't bite you, I promise!"

"Oh I feel a lot safer now, knowing that.."

"If he bites you, he'll have to answer to me!" her cheeks turned red again. "He just needs some more time to get used to you and then I believe, you'll be best friends!"

"That's hard to imagine for me... but I'll do my best."

Your POV

I spent the rest of the day with Michael giving me a tour around the castle. He also showed me an album with more of his family members. I had great time with him today and got the feeling he actually likes me! It was so hard to believe that a man like him, extremely handsome, rich, intelligent, funny, could like someone like me...

I wanted to talk to him about the kiss last night but didn't dare raise this topic because I was embarrassed. At few times as we were talking, I got the impression he wanted to change the direction of our conversation but something didn't allow him. I think I understand why, after all, he's been living isolated from people for a long time, hasn't been married so those types of conversations are probably hard for him. I don't blame him 'cause they're hard for me too although I've never been isolated and have friends. However, I'm not going to push it, I'm just gonna wait for him to speak.

The night was cold but peaceful and I was sitting in the living room in front of the fire place, reading a book and waiting for Michael to return. I haven't seen Gilbert since the morning but I suppose he was in the garden, doing his werewolf thing. I was enjoying the peace and relaxation until I heard the front door being flung open.

"Good evening." a slow and gentle voice said. I quickly got up from the sofa to see who this was.

There stood a tall, slim man with short, golden hair and cold, blue eyes. His skin was pale so I assumed he was a vampire. Did Michael invite him? But he would have told me right?

"Ahh... can I help you?" the cold air from outside reached my body and I shivered. He slowly looked at me up and down, licking his lips that formed a smile.

"You're not the count..." he spoke slowly, pronouncing every word with attention and his voice was soothing.

"Obviously I'm not."

"Oh..." he slowly walked over to me, looking deep into my eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I go by the name of Adamus." he bowed his head. "May I ask... what your purpose here is, young lady?" he also had strange gestures.

"I'm living here for the summer."

"Oh.. I see. With the count?"


"Do you, by any chance, know where he may be?" I shook my head. This man is scary! He begun walking around me in a circle, taking a chunk of my hear to touch and smell it, then continued circling me as if to carefully study me!

"Are you his friend?" I asked.

"Depends.." what kind of an answer was that?! Then I saw Gilbert enter the living room. Thank God! For the first time I was really happy to see him.

"Gilbert! Its' nice to.. see you again!" he didn't even turn around to see Gilbert come in! He must have smelled him with his vampire nose or something because he said that while looking at me and then spun around.

"Adamus. Too bad I can't say the same."

"You haven't changed a bit, I see!" Gilbert jumped off the ground like a dog although he was in his human form, I still to this day haven't seen him as a werewolf, and landed right between me and Adamus.

"What are you doing here?"

"Now, now, Gilbert, this is not polite! I have just met the young lady and yet you try to part us!" Gilbert growled at him.

"Adamus!" I heard Michael's voice and was him standing on the front the door. Thank God he returned "What an unpleasant surprise..." he walked over to us.

"Count! You've finally showed up! I was beginning to lose hope I'll see you tonight.." so they knew each other!? "But... how can you not return when you have this marvelous companion here with you!" he reached his hand towards me to touch me but then, before I knew it, Michael grabbed and jerked it away. All this happened in less than a second! He was so fast...

"What do you want?" Michael dryly asked.

"Is this how you welcome me? I was hoping you'd offer me a..." he looked at me "snack!" and licked his lips. Wait... did he mean me???!!!!

"Gilbert, why don't you take the young miss to her chamber?" Michael suggested and Gilbert growled in response then roughly took my hand to lead me to my room.

I actually wanted to stay and listen to them talking for I was way beyond curious to find out who that man was and how was he connected to Michael?

Gilbert opened the bedroom door for me.

"Stay inside your room until the count comes!" just as he was about to close the door

"Wait! Ahmm.. Gilbert, who is Adamus?" he growled causing me to jump. "Pleaaaase?"

"He's one of the count's children. Used to be a friend." seemed like the magic word helped "And always brings trouble with him. If you're smart, you'll stay in your room." he closed the door.


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