Fate Smiles on My Alpha (Book...

By JosephineCastillo-Nu

1.1M 25.2K 1.6K

Just when he thought he had the most out of his life - a career as a doctor and alpha lupus to a strong pack... More

Fate Smiles on My Alpha
Chapter 1- New Beginnings
Chapter 2 -Fight for your Life
Chapter 3 -To Know You is to Love You
Chapter 4 - Wide Awake
Chapter 5 - Three for the Love of One
Chapter 6 - Homeward Bound
Chapter 7 - The Lake House
Chapter 8 - Missing Piece
Chapter 9 - Visitors
Chapter 10 - Complications
Chapter 12 - The Nύptíís
Chapter 13 - Wedded Bliss
Chapter 14 - Amazing Discoveries
Chapter 15 - Surprises and Contradictions
Chapter 16 - Imperiled
Chapter 17 - First Heat
Chapter 18 - Whore's Dust
Chapter 19 - A Glimpse of Red
Chapter 20 - Real and Normal
Chapter 21 - One Tough Cookie
Chapter 22 - Unexpected Progress
Chapter 23 - Precipice
Chapter 24 - Go Into the Light
Chapter 25 - Kiss and Make Up
Chapter 26 - Real Issues
Chapter 27 - Rewind
Chapter 28 - Control and Surrender
Chapter 29 - Taken
Chapter 30 - It is Done
Chapter 31 - Aftermath
Chapter 32 - Afterglow
Chapter 33 - Second Chances
Chapter 34 - Natalis

Chapter 11 -Meet the Folks

31.6K 627 51
By JosephineCastillo-Nu

A/N:  This is another bridge chapter.  It is still the weekend so please don't be disappointed.


“Babe, are you almost ready?“ 

Keegan asked as he was seated on their bed tying his shoelace.  They were expected at dinner at his parent’s house being this was going to be the first time they were going to meet Queran.  Sure they saw her at the hospital while she was in a coma but this was an official meeting.  He smiled at the thought that they were going to sit as a family with Queran’s mom in attendance.  But what excited him the most was that in a few nights, 5 to be exact, he and Queran will be bound as one.  The ‘Nuptíís’ will be one happy occasion to be celebrated with the pack.  They will officially begin their lives as the alpha couple and he will claim her fully and irrevocably.  Ecstatic is an understatement, he felt humbled; humbled by the gift that was given him.  There is no doubt in his mind that Queran is everything pure, ethereally beautiful, passionate and selfless.  The superlatives were endless and he was the lucky one.  By the end of the ceremony, they will shift into their wolves and share their first run, he will claim her fully by taking her in the most primal way, sow his seed in her womb, where the life of a pup will take hold, a new life conceived in pure love and blessed by the goddess.  An alpha is unrivalled with his Luna by his side.  She will be treated like his equal and not just an accessory.  She was perfect in his books.

Tiny footsteps broke into his thoughts as he caught sight of the daintiest feet, ankles covered by the hem of a willowy and casual maxi dress in teal. The deep v at her chest hinted on a full breast that he loves to touch, squeeze and kiss.  He shifted in his seat to hide his overexcited loins and focus on her face.  She was truly breathtaking.  His Queran was not a fan of artificiality.  Her eyes were lustrous and expressive with just eyeliner and possibly mascara that brought her lashes come to life.  Her lips were kiss-swollen like always because he couldn’t get enough of kissing her.  She sported a deep blush from his ogling and everything about her was just au naturel.  He was transfixed in his spot and was left speechless.  Queran walked towards him and tipped his chin to close his gaping mouth.  “B, it’s impolite to stare with your mouth wide open.”  Then she kissed him.  Before Keegan could bite her lower lip, she drew her face back and turned, showing off her bare back to get her ballet flats.  She heard a sexy groan from behind her and before she can reach to open the shoe closet, she was already pinned against the door, her thigh raised to encircle his waist.  “B, you move way too fast.  We better get going or we’ll be late for dinner. Hmm.”  She was nipping at his lower lip.

“You’re a tease, do you know that?  I think I want to skip dinner and feast on you instead.  Oh, baby I think I just want to stay cuddled with you in my arms and just make sweet love with you.  What do you say to that?”  Keegan asked as he was trailing kisses down her neck to her cleavage.  He inhaled her scent; that was his own brand of aphrodisiac.  Queran closed her eyes as she fought the urge to submit to his desires.  “Goddess, I want to lose myself inside you.  Feel your warmth sheathing my cock.  I’ll never get tired of making you come undone for me.  Claim your every orgasm as I come with you and in you.  Baby, know that I love you.  I love everything about you and I will make it my life’s mission to make you happy.”  He crashed his lips into her showing her just how much and how deeply he loves her. 

Queran can only reciprocate.  No words can best describe how deep they felt for each other.  Intimacy was just an instrument.  She never thought life could be so perfect up until this moment.  It was all so powerfully overwhelming and soul satisfying to love and be loved so completely.  She crossed her arms behind his neck and gave it her all.  “I love you..so deeply it scares me to even think about losing you.”  Keegan silenced her fears with a deep poignant kiss.  “I’m not going anywhere, baby.” He said against her lips.  Resting his forehead against her he said. “Now let’s get moving before I really change my mind and ditch the whole dinner affair and have you for myself.”  Queran blushed again and just nodded.  Keegan let her go and he knocked his forehead against the door 3 times.  This is going to be a long night.Ugh!


Emma gathered her thoughts after having to endure the worst moment of her life.  Never in her wildest dreams had she felt used and utterly defeated.  The other half of her soul had failed to cherish her and to acknowledge her.  She was no slut.  Granted that she gave up her innocence to somebody else, she still hoped that the bond between true mates would overlook this.  Yes, she was blinded by desire to be with Keegan.  She never thought that her mate would find his way to her.  She waited, truly waited but Keegan was all she ever wanted.  She was a fool.  Fool to think she can have it all.  Despair slowly turned to hate then fury.  She has taken everything from me.  Clearly, my mate is obsessed with her.  But why she does not know.   Why and how does he know about Keegan’s mate.  Did they have a history together?  A devious smile appeared on her battered face.  There was definitely some history there and she was going to find out.  Once she does, that whore will not end up with either of them.  She was going to get her mate back and that bitch can rot in Hades.  She picked herself up and walked towards the vanity. The swelling she felt on her cheek from the slap has gone down but the bruise was still pronounced.  She was going to head home and stay there till her bleeding heart can allow her to go and face everyone at the hospital.  She slowly dressed without her torn panties and splashed her face with cold water.  When she was done, she grabbed her bag that was lying by the main door where only moments ago she was pinned and for a brief moment felt desired and cherished.  All an illusion and the reality exploded in her face.  She could smell her mate’s scent somewhere but she left quietly into the dark, starless night.  She could smell the rain and almost on cue, fat droplets pelted on her face and she howled in pain, coupled with the tears she held back.  She ran to the woods shifting to her brown furs and sprinted like her life depended on it.  She had to get away as far as possible and mourn the loss of that one chance for happiness.  Life was not fair.  And someone was going to pay.

Carter was hiding behind the old oak tree near his house.  A branch or 2 was torn off the trunk, a lone evidence of his rage directed on the hapless tree.  He saw her, his mate howl at the blackness of night and the torrential rainfall that followed.  If he was going to be honest with himself, he truly felt a sharp pain on his chest.  He felt her distress and sorrow; one that he callously brought on to her.  He was obsessed, but not with her.  He balled his fist and was again shaking in what he could only classify as rage.  His mate should have known better than to screw somebody else when someone was meant for her.  He contemplated, maybe, just maybe, if she was still pure and untouched, he may have forgotten all about Queran and chose to be with Emma.  But what he felt for Queran was like a sweet poison drugging its way into his system.  It was bone deep that he cannot get it into his head how it could happen.  He had a willing and sexy mate.  Emma was a fine piece of ass but Queran was..she was everything he’d ever wished for.  What fuelled his fury was the fact that Emma gave it up for that son of a whore.  What was his to take, he stole.  And the worst was him claiming his Queran.  Poor tree suffered a beating and he didn’t mind the splinters of wood that got imbedded in his knuckles.  This is unacceptable.  Queran was his and soon Alpha Keegan would know how it feels to lose the love of your life; the other half to his soul.  He will crush him till he begs for Carter to end his life.  That day will come and he can’t wait.


Queran was fidgeting on her car seat and was biting on her nails as they drove in the heavy downpour towards the pack house. She was looking out her window deep in thought.  Will they like me?  My mom is going to get pissed knowing I slept with Keegan already.  We should have waited.  What will the pack think of me?  Will they respect me?  Gawd, I’m a wreck.  She was startled by a warm hand that clasped hers and squeezed reassuringly.  She stared at their entwined hands and looked up at her mate’s face smiling brightly at her.

“Everything is going to be fine baby.  Of course they will love you”.  Keegan spoke to her through the link.

“I’m sorry, B.  I never realized I was talking aloud in my thoughts.  It’s just that I am anxious to finally meet your parents and it felt like ages that I have not seen my mom.  Everything that has been happening had passed in a blur of fortunate events.  I am now engaged to be bonded and I can only wish my father was here to witness all these.  And now I’m a blabbering mess, worrying about how your pack would think of me, and and…”  Keegan pulled over the side and silenced her droning with passion filled kiss, coupled with a promise of deep affection and regard for her.  She drew in a breath and gave in to the kiss.  Moments later, Keegan broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers, still cupping her face.

“You’re perfect.  My mom will surely love you.  Well she has been over the moon for some time now and you will totally win my dad over.  Relax, I’m with you. And I love you. Ok?”

“Okay, B.  Let’s hurry and get this over with.  I love you too, B.”

“That’s my girl.”  Keegan smiled and continued to drive.


Caitlin Lucas was a bundle of nerves as she finished up the dessert for tonight’s dinner with Keegan and Queran.  Margareta was amused at watching her new found friend busy herself like she was going to have dinner with the queen.  Caitlin smirked at her lone audience.  “You seem pleased with yourself watching me all rattled up.  Happy to entertain you. Hmp.”   She tossed her head resembling a snob but with a smile playing on her lips as she stored the cheesecake in the refrigerator.

“Caitlin, my daughter is no queen.  She will love you.  Trust me.”  She brought out the plates and the cutleries to set the dinner table.  “Knowing my daughter, she may be as frantic and nervous about meeting you too.”

They both walked towards the dining room set for 8 people.  Beta Tanner and his family were joining them as well.  The boys were in the living room having wine with Tanner’s mom  “I am just so thankful that my son has finally found the love of his life.  He just looks so…happy and that makes us happy too.  You need not worry on Keegan, Meg.  Queran is his world now and he will do almost anything for her.”  Caitlin reassuringly patted Meg’s hand and smiled.  She and Meg hit it off almost easily when they first met.  Since then, they have shared the task of looking after the women in their pack including the children.  The men tilled the fields in the vineyard while the women involve themselves in some crafts which they sell in the village fairs or the marketplaces. Caitlin was almost sure that Queran would be a great Luna to the pack.  Alpha couples are a formidable team, like they have been.

“They’re here.” Caitlin whispered.  “I can scent them.  And I think we are in for a surprise, Meg and it is something oh so exciting.”  She winked at a puzzled Meg.  “They’re mated now, silly.  Now come on, let’s go and meet them out front.”  Caitlin exclaimed as she grabbed a laughing Meg towards the door.  Meg was rolling her eyes as she was dragged to meet the happy couple.

“Finally!”  Caitlin brought her hands together in glee and smiled at the sight of her son protectively hugging his mate close to his side.

“Hey mom!  May I introduce you to…”  A surprised Keegan was pushed to the side. “My mate.” He trailed off and shook his head in amazement.  His mother could act like a girl sometimes.

Caitlin didn’t wait for his son to finish; she immediately embraced her future daughter in law.  “Oh you are just so beautiful like I know you are.  Welcome to the family.  Ohhh this is so exciting. Are you hungry?  Oh silly me that’s why you’re here right.  I hope you like roast beef and…”

Keegan stood wide eyed at the exchange.  His father interrupted.  “Now, now Caitlin honey all of us want to get some lovin’ too.  Settle down.”

 Caitlin let her go and Queran was now enveloped in a warm but brief embrace by Keegan’s dad, Elijah.  ‘Welcome, my dear. I’m Elijah and this very enthusiastic woman is Caitlin, my mate.” 

“Thank you.  I am honored to meet you too, finally.”  Queran shyly responded.  Then she looked over Elijah’s shoulder and suddenly, tears broke as she uttered.  “Mom!”  Queran reached Meg in 2 strides and both women were hugging and crying.  “I miss you so much, mom.  I can’t believe we’re safe now.  Oh mom, Keegan is so wonderful and he cares for me, and he loves me and he’s going to marry me, and were going to have pups..and..”

“Baby, thanks for the image buildup but I think Meg knows and pretty much understands what is going on.”  Keegan tugged her to his side and kissed her temple.

“Good evening Meg.  It’s so nice to see you.”  Keegan hugged Meg in greeting and kissed her on the cheek.  Meg pats his back assuredly before letting go.  Meg was awe struck at the immensity of love emanating from the couple. 

“Can we have the pleasure of meeting her too?” They all looked at the couple who stood in the foyer.  “Hello, we are Tanner’s parents.  I’m Sophia and this is my husband Thomas.  Welcome.”

“Uhm, hello and thank you.  Is Tanner joining us?”  Queran asked as she searched for Tanner in the room.

“Present.”  A low voiced response came from the still open door.  The sight of a gobsmacked Tanner stood in the threshold running his hand through his messy dark blonde hair.  “I’m famished is dinner ready.”  He beamed and entered, shook the hands of the men and a manly hug at Keegan and a rather awkward wave at Queran. “Hey, Luna.”  Awkward.  Tanner thought.

Dinner was pleasant with a mean rib eye steak in special sauce almost like barbecue, baked potatoes and garden salad.  They were all lounging in the living room having either coffee or tea and the cheesecake.  The fireplace was lit where Keegan and Tanner stood watching the same beautiful and animated face charming her audience.  She was wearing a permanent blush from what she had to endure while they were having dinner.  They ate with one hand as the other was clasped together under the table.  He would sometimes playfully raise her skirt bit by bit until he felt the soft skin of her thighs and squeezed.  He even felt her wet undies and he immediately went hard.  Tanner glanced at his smitten alpha who forgot to block off his mind link sharing his playful thoughts.  He snorted.  Tanner thought he needed a stronger concoction than coffee so he and his alpha were nursing a snifter of brandy.

 “Anything unusual during the patrol, Tanner?”  Keegan asked without taking his eyes off Queran.

“Nothing was ever seen after yesterday, alpha.  Everything is being prepared for the Ceremony and the territory is being scoped 24/7.”

“Thanks Tanner.  I know I can depend on you, my brother.”  Keegan patted his shoulder in gratitude. 

Tanner just bowed.  He looked up at the whiff of scent from the ‘special lady’ who was just standing behind him.  “Hi Tanner.”  Queran greeted.  “B, would you be so kind as to get me a glass of water from the kitchen?”  Keegan frowned at the request but went to get it anyway.  He picked it up that his mate wanted to share a few words with his Beta.  He trusted her and Tanner.  There was never a cloud of doubt in his mind.  He blocked his mind link and went inside the study asking his dad to join him.

Queran and Tanner were now alone and heavy in their thoughts.  Tanner motioned to move away when Queran stopped him.  “You are not going to avoid me this time Tanner.  We need to get along and I need to know what shit have I ever done to you for you to hate me so.”  She growled for emphasis.  She extended her hand and pointed towards the patio out back.  Tanner walked with her.

“I don’t hate you, Queran; quite the opposite actually.”  He wanted to punch himself for saying that out loud.  “I mean. Damn it.  This is hard.  Queran, I have to curb the strong emotion I feel for you.  From the first moment I saw you, for a brief magical moment I thought you were my mate.  I care for you that I can’t breathe when I am around you.  I can’t believe I’m telling you this but I think I need some sort of closure for myself.  It will be awkward between us but once you are fully mated to Keegan; your love for each other will be so great that I would have to be blind not to see it.  I will keep away and kill whatever I feel for you because you and Keegan deserve to be happy.  He is like a brother to me and that matters to me so much that I have to respect that what he has is never mine to take.  I am truly happy for you both and I wish I could have the same.”  Tanner was relieved to conclude his litany.  He decided that he is going to move on from all this.  Even if it meant to cut out his heart and tell her bluntly.  He sighed a deep sigh.

It was now Queran’s turn to be astonished.  She has never seen this side of Tanner.  She never realized the feelings he had towards here.  Yeah it was pretty awkward alright.  “Tanner, thank you for your honesty .  I—care for you too but not in the way you want it to.  I appreciate you clearing the air between us.  I would really like us to remain friends.  You WILL meet her, trust me.  She is just out there and the goddess will pave the way for you to find each other, as she has done for me.”  Queran smiled and took his hand to squeeze it reassuringly and kissed his cheek.  Tanner smiled a shy smile and walked in leaving Queran with her thoughts.


“I can scent that you and Queran had already mated, Keegan and I presume you already proposed to her seeing your grandmother’s ring on her finger.”  Elijah spoke proudly to his son.

“Queran is amazing dad.  I couldn’t have asked for someone better.  But, I am also afraid for her and Meg.  Thank you for taking her in by the way.  Queran was the perfect piece to complete my home.  She is everything dad, but Carter Vargas is still out there and still wants to take what is now and have always been mine.  Tanner may have already reported to you the rogues who crossed the territory.  It may be him or one of his pack.  I’ve assigned fighters to keep watch.  We don’t know what he may be capable of doing since he murdered Queran’s people including her dad.  He will die by my hands.”

“Son, there is something you should also know about Queran.  But it is not my place to say.  All will be revealed in the mating ritual and I know you would be pleased.”

“Suspense much.  Thanks dad for the heads up.  It would probably keep me thinking till that day comes.”  Keegan rolled his eyes at his dad.

“Trust me, you will be pleased.”

“I’d better be.  Now, I think this is enough man chat.  I got to get back to my woman.”

“Whipped.”  Elijah said masking it with a cough.

Keegan pushed his father lightly then Elijah slung his arm around his son playfully head-locking him.  “Your mom and I are so proud and happy for you, son.  Queran is perfect for you.

‘That she is dad.  That she is.”

They walked out of the study and found Queran and Meg locked in a motherly embrace.  He smiled.  The conversation turned serious and he caught on his mates worry.  Not gonna happen mate.  I would die first before he gets his filthy hands on you.


After awhile, Meg came out to join her daughter.  She hugged her from behind and rested her chin on her shoulder.  “I can see you’re very happy, my baby.  You look very, serene and contented.”

“I am mom.  You have no idea how blessed I feel right now and I can’t help but think to wish that papa was here.  He would’ve been happy for me too.”  Queran held the arm encircling her shoulders. 

“I know my baby.  Wherever he is right now, he is most probably smiling at you.”

“I last saw him in my dream when I was at the hospital.  He told me that I was destined for this.  Destined for great things and I miss him so much.  Carter took so much from me and he is not going to stop until he gets to me.  Mom, it scares me that he can take you away from me, I won’t let that happen.  If I have to fight him over it I would.”

“Not gonna happen, baby.”  Keegan spoke from behind them.  “He will die by my hands so you don’t worry your pretty little head because I won’t allow him to take you away from me.  He would have to have a death wish if he dares cross me.” 

Queran and Meg both smiled at him.  Meg kissed her daughter’s cheek and walked back inside.  Keegan walked up to her and kissed her bare shoulder and trailed down her spine. Shivers of desire shot through Queran so she moaned and tilted her head back on his shoulder.  “Take me home, B.”  She slowly turned and grabbed his head for a soulful kiss.

“I thought you’d never ask.”  Keegan whispered against her lips.

A/N:  Please vote and comment.  Thank you for reading.  Just a quick question though-- Would you like to see Tanner happy by finding his mate? I love Tanner too so I was thinking of a sequel.  What do y'all think.  Would love to hear from you.

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