
נכתב על ידי CobbGirl_13

284 4 7

April Taylor is a normal girl with a pretty good life but things are about to change around here.. Chris Wyat... עוד

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

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נכתב על ידי CobbGirl_13

Chapter 2

Classes went by fast and felt pretty short. It was lunch. I went to my locker and found Andy leaning on his locker next to mine. He was with Patrick and Krys. We always lunch together. The tables have 8 seats each one and we only use 6 but nobody else sits with us. In my school everyone was cool with everyone. We have no enemies. We don't need enemies. But during lunch everyone sits with their closest friends and their boyfriends or girlfriends. I was walking towards Andy, Krys, Patrick and now JJ and Alex too, when a teacher stopped me mid step and almost made me fall.

"Hey April! Did you eat already?" The history teacher asked me. She was one of the best teachers, when we're in class she always does or says something funny or gives us an interesting homework to make us remember the lessons easily. She's the best.

"No, I haven't eaten yet. I was actually on my way right now." I said pointing to my friends. "Do you need anything though?" I asked thinking about how her eyes looked like they wanted to scream 'I need a favor right now!!'

"To be honest, yes! There is this new transferred student and the principal wants me to show him around but today I really need to go! My daughter will be giving birth within the 2 hours and I really want to be there! I was hoping you could help me. I did some changes so you two could have the same classes in the same order. I hope you don't mind."

"Don't worry, I can do it! Just go see your daughter and I'll show him around!" I said smiling at her.

"Thanks April! I'll give you some points in class for this."

"Maybe I could get an A in the next test without studying?"I asked jokingly.

"Hah. Hah. Hah.. No.. Just a few points.. And you never have to study for my class anyways. You just pay attention to the lecture!"

"mmm, true.." I stocked out my tongue at her. She smiled "So where is he?

"Mr. Wyatt, can you come here?" I saw a guy walking over. He was really damn HOT!! His hair was a dark gold and it reached his eyebrows but it didn't cover his eyes. His eyes were blue or grey and his gaze was intense, as if his eyes could speak for themselves. His lips went perfect with his face. Really sexy lips! His body seemed to be pretty fit with the shirt he had on. I had no doubt that he had an abdomen any girl would drool for. He's so damn cute! And the style is really great! Obviously he knows where to buy clothes! "Rememberthe student I said would show you around in my place?" he nodded "This is her." He Looked at me for a second and i forgot how to breathe. "She'lldo that. Now I have to run!" She started running away then she stopped and run back to us. ""Ishould be a bit more professional than that... April, this is Christopher Wyatt.Mr. Wyatt, This is April Taylor. Now, please excuse me as I have to attend to afamily emergency." She smiled and ran off once again, this time, without turning back.

Chris looked at me. He looks like he was looking for something in me, I don't know.

"Hi," I said awkwardly. "I'm April, like she said. I was on my way to get lunch with my friends. wanna come? There isn't much I can show you during lunch time." I explained and he nodded."I'll introduce you to everyone, then we can go to class and I'll show you around and introduce you to the teachers and all that."

"Yes, thankyou. I feel a little lost, probably because I don't know anyone" He said and smiled and I smiled back. He looks so good when he smiles!

"Don't worry. Everybody here is super nice and welcoming to new students. Come with me, my friends and I have a table and there's a seat for you."

"Okay, thank you."

I smiled and we started walking towards my friends.

"Hey guys! This is Christopher; he's a transferred student from..."

"I'm from Miami. I was born there but I grew up in L.A., my parents and I move a lot."

"Cool!I'm Krystal, but they call me Krys so this might be a little confusing." Kryssaid giving him a casual smile.

"It'sokay, you guys can call me Wyatt. My family and friends of the family call meby my last name so I'm used to it."He smiled and then looked at me slightly and turned back to the rest of them.

"That's a lot better!" said Krys. "This is Patrick, my boyfriend."

"Hi!" said Patrick in a friendly tone.

"Hey man." said Wyatt and shook his hand.

"That's JJ." Said I told him as i pointed in JJ's direction who was hugging Andy. JJ turned back to us and waved her hand as she gave him a smile. "and that's Andy."

"Hey!" said Andy as he gave him his hand to shake.

"They're all like my siblings." i said as i smiled looking back at them and then back at Wyatt.

"So you were born in Miami and then moved to LA?" Wyatt nodded. "Those are places where Spanish is highly spoken. Do you speak Spanish?"

"Actually, yes. Moving as much as my family does, I've had to learn a few languages, at least know enough to be able to communicate successfully."

"That's really interesting." Said Andy.

"Guys let's go make the line already." Urged us Krys.

Wewalked towards the line of students and stood behind the last group. I noticed Andy was pretty quiet and I remembered he hadn't told me the name of his new car.

"Andy," He turned to me. "what's the name of the new car?"

"You don't know?! He's been talking about it nonstop. 'How awesome is the new name. Doesn't it sound like me?'" said JJ imitating Andy's voice. "He's been talking about it all day!"

"That's an understatement. It's felt like an eternity to me." said Krys as she faked that she was mad but you could see the smile that was about to come out.

"So then? what is it?" I asked curiously.

"I.D.A.L." The three of them said at the same time. It was so in sync that anyone would've thought it was planned. We all laughed knowing it wasn't.

"I.D.A.L.??" I asked confused.

"It means 'I Drive A Lot'" explained Andy with a Joker type of smile. I couldn't help but smile because his has always been such a contagious one.

A minutes after that we were eating and talking and asking Wyatt different questions about him and his past. We had a good time talking and laughing together. We decided on hanging out that Friday to get to know him more. I want to know more about him. The bell rang and I automatically started walking towards my next class. I was so lost in thought, I didn't hear Wyatt calling after me.

"April," I heard Wyatt calling for me and quickly turned around. "I told you," he smiled. "I'm lost. You said you'd show me around and take me to the next class." he said and I had my mouth opened in disbelief of myself. How could I have forgotten about him?!

"OMG! I completely forgot! Sorry! I'm used to running to class after lunch. Follow me, the next class is Spanish class." I said and directed him to the classroom.

"Could I sit with you?" He asked with an innocent smile.

"Sure!" I said simply with a smile and turned around to walk inside the classroom so he wouldn't see me blush.

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