The Demon Within

By BlondePower10

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In the ages of the samurai, an Empire uses its samurai to ensure their secure rule. The only threat to the Em... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Nine

261 16 5
By BlondePower10

As I said, this story starts picking up fast! For those of you who were waiting for this chapter, here you go :)

Mei's eyes widened when she heard Kalik say those words. Her whole body stiffened. She tried to yank her hand away from Kalik, but he only tightened his grip. Mei then tried to stand and back away from them, but Kalas stood right behind her and he wouldn't let her escape. Kalik pulled her right back down to where she was inches from his face. Mei leaned back away from him, fear starting to fill her eyes. She looked at all of the faces looking down at her, and none of them seemed angry.

"It's alright Mei. I can understand why you are panicking, but you can relax. No one here is going to hurt you," Soushi said again.

"Well I still owe you for cutting my arm, but under the circumstances I'll let it slide," Takashi said winking at Mei. "Don't expect me to be so generous in the future." Mei slowly smiled, but she was still unsure about this. How could they accept this so easily? This went against everything they stood for.

"I know how uneasy you are," Kalik said, reading Mei's face. "If Hintani hid you from the Emperor and from us while understanding the consequences, we don't need to question it. You are obviously worth protecting."

"I never thought I'd hear you say that about a demon," Mei replied sadly. "I'm a demon like Ryou. How can you accept that so easily?" Mei looked back over at Ryou's body, which still lay in the pool of blood.

"No, you're different from him," Kaito said smiling.

"Don't compare yourself to someone as low as him," Kalas continued. "You're on a whole different level from him. You don't go around killing people."

"That makes me feel a whole lot better," Mei snorted and Kalas laughed. Kalik lifted Mei up to where both of them were standing. "Since Ryou is gone now, I suppose you have no more reason to keep me around. I don't want to get you in trouble with the Emperor, with me being a demon and all. Allow me to just leave. I'll be able to keep myself safe."

"Not a chance," all five of them said which took Mei by surprise. She stood looking astonished at them and they all chuckled. Mei narrowed her eyes at them. 

"Look guys, you could get in serious trouble for harboring a demon and you know it. If you could just—"

"How noble of you."

The new voice took them all by surprise and the courtyard near the gate went silent. Kalik and the others immediately went to stand by Mei's side, completely surrounding her. Mei watched as the air on top of the gate started to dissolve and then another person appeared, this time female. She stood with her hands on her hips looking down on them. She didn't have the normal samurai outfit. She had tall boots on that came up to her knees, shorts and a top that covered her chest, revealing her stomach and neck. She had small bracelets on her arms and her sword was hanging at her side. She had short red hair and she wore a bored expression on her face. She's a demon, Mei thought.

"So, looks like Ryou actually died. Hate to say it, but that bastard had it coming to him. Seems like he didn't get the chance to explain anything though, so I have to start from square one." She front flipped off of the gate and landed gracefully on the ground. She looked up and smiled directly at Mei, and then gave a small bow. "It's an honor to meet you. I thought you would be a bit tougher looking but beggars can't be choosers right? I've come here to offer you an escort. All of the demons have gathered and we are waiting for you."

"Gathered for what?" demanded Takashi.

"Humans should stay out of my conversation especially when it doesn't concern you," the demon girl said narrowing her eyes at Takashi. "Which one of you is the Captain?"

"That would be me," Soushi said coming forward.

"Old men for captains these days huh? Anyways, maybe you have common sense. See that girl? She's not what you think she is. It would save you a lot of pain if you just let her go her own way. She doesn't belong to humans, not anymore." Mei narrowed her eyes at the girl. She was getting on Mei's nerves, acting all high and mighty. Mei balled her hands into fists, and something like a growl escaped her throat.

"We are well aware she is a demon. However, what we decide to do with her is none of your concern," Soushi explained.

"It is a concern to us," the demon hissed violently. "She's important to us! You don't want my boss getting involved in this. To avoid that, just hand her over quietly."

"We can handle your boss," Takashi said smugly. "We handled Ryou so we can handle you and your boss no problem."

"Really now?" The demon said crossing her arms. "You're confident you can take on a Pureblood? That's daring of you."

"A Pureblood?!" Soushi said, his eyes narrowing dangerously. The demon girl smiled at them. She looked back over at Mei and then shrugged her shoulders, as if giving up the idea of persuading her. She walked over and picked up Ryou's body then jumped back onto the top of the gate.

"What Ryou reported was true, so it looks like he'll have to get involved. I'll be seeing you humans sooner than you think. Oh! How rude of me. My name is Sakura. You'll be seeing a lot more of me in the future, I can guarantee you that." Sakura disappeared, leaving them standing looking over at the gate. Mei was getting nervous now. This was getting too serious; a Pureblood was about to get involved. So there are still Purebloods around, thought Mei and she shuddered.

"Captain," Kalik said with a certain edge to his tone.

"I know," Soushi said. He turned towards Mei and eyed her, his expression serious. "We have a secret room you can stay in, so they won't be able to find you. It seems this gathering of all demons is very vital, or else they would have just left you out of it. Mei, I need you to stay hidden. If we can—"

"NO!" Mei shouted, causing Soushi to flinch back in surprise. "I'm tired of doing nothing and having everyone risk everything for me! It's ridiculous I just sit on the sidelines! I will not go back into hiding from the world. I refuse to do that."

"This isn't something you can just argue about," growled Kalik. "A Pureblood may get involved and if that be the case, we need you out of the way."

"Purebloods are just big talk," Takashi said. "They really aren't that different from the demons we have faced. Better in sword skills maybe, but nothing we can't handle."

"That's not the point!" Mei said. "I can take care of myself."

"We all saw how that went," Takashi said. "Ryou had you completely defenseless."

"Excuse me for not being able to disappear randomly," snapped Mei.

"Enough!!" Soushi snapped as he glared at Mei. "Mei, this is going to require a little cooperation from your part. I understand your feelings of feeling responsible for your family, but we are able to protect ourselves. You, on the other hand, are the target they are after. Whatever this gathering is for, they are going to need you. If we need you to help fight, you will do so. In the meantime, you will stay out of sight." Mei looked away from his stare. She was done arguing because she knew nothing would get accomplished that way. She looked around and saw everyone else was eyeing her, as if they expected her to try something. I'm not an idiot guys, Mei thought.

"We need to inform the other clans about this gathering as well. Mizuki, head over to our communications building and get a messenger sent out to the Yura and Akira Clans. If we can have their aid if it comes down to a battle, then we won't be totally outnumbered."

"Since we have the Demon Sword it should give us an upper hand, as long as Mei doesn't wield it so it doesn't cut anyone again," Takashi said playfully. Mei cocked her head and smiled at him, seeing he was trying to make a joke. Despite irritating her and making her mad, Mei did love to be around these guys. They kept it interesting enough for her. As Mizuki turned to go, a sudden flash of yellow light flashed by them, and then Mizuki let out a scream. Mei looked and saw Mizuki's left arm was missing, and a pool of blood was starting to form around him as the blood gushed out from his arm. Mei ran over there, picking up the robe she had taken off, and quickly tied it to his arm, hoping to stop the bleeding.

"I have a slight problem with you contacting the other clans, Captain Soushi. I would like to keep her existence quiet for the time being."

Mei looked up to where the voice was coming from and spotted three figures on top of the gate. As the cloud revealed the light of the full moon, Mei got a better look at the figures. One of them was the demon Sakura, who stood smirking at them. In the middle was a man who had his sword strapped to his back. His pants were baggy and he had on a vest that revealed his muscular chest. He had shaggy dirty blonde hair and he had an evil look in his eye. The third man stood examining his sword. He had medium length blue hair pulled into a low ponytail. His pants matched the one in the middle, but this guy had a sleeveless shirt on, with his sword draped to the left side. Both of them looked just as muscular as Kalik and the others, possibly even more so. Mei had a bad feeling about these guys, especially the one in the middle. He looked more dangerous than the ones surrounding him. Mizuki was stifling his cries, trying to calm himself down. The guy in the middle cocked his head to the side.

"Sakura told me you humans didn't plan on handing her over. I'll take her by force if need be. I don't mind killing you all here." Mei started trembling when the remaining four drew their weapons, their eyes narrowed. She stared wide-eyed at them. Why would they go so far?

"So, you are the Pureblood?" Soushi asked.

"Kazuma, to be exact," the demon replied. "Tell me, Captain Soushi. You understand the girl is a demon correct?"

"You have that correct," Soushi said. "She has no desire to return with the demons."

"And how do you figure that?" Kazuma asked.

"She hasn't mentioned returning to the demons," Soushi said.

"Only because she has no memory of us," Kazuma explained. "Her memory was wiped clean the day her mother handed her over to the family of humans. If she regained her memory, you wouldn't hesitate to try and cut her down."

"Ease up on the word 'human', okay bud?" Takashi said. "Calling us people is just fine."

"Her memory," Soushi said with his eyes closed. "Why was it wiped clean?"

"Do I have to answer everything for you?" Kazuma asked. "Aren't humans supposed to be intelligent?"

"This guy is pissing me off," Takashi said, adjusting his sword in his hand.

"I think they're actually being serious Kazuma. It doesn't look like any of them know what's been going on," Sakura said with a smile.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Takashi said.

"Point proven," Sakura said laughing.

"She must be of some importance to the Emperor because Hintani hid her from him as well," Soushi said, ignoring the comments.

"The Emperor has been after her for years. It's natural the human would hide her," Kazuma growled.

"She was also being hidden from the demons as well," Kalik said. "So why should she go with you?"

"All you have to go on is her memory that is supposedly wiped clean. Doesn't make sense why she should," Takashi said narrowing his eyes.

"Are you always this stupid, or are you making a special effort today?" Kazuma said irritably.

"Why don't you just tell them; they won't figure it out," Sakura said giggling.

"I'm not afraid to kill a girl," Takashi scoffed.

"Just try it, big guy," Sakura mocked, waving her hand at Takashi. "I can take you on easily." Mei looked over and made eye contact with Kazuma. His eyes pierced into her and she felt a bit intimidated. He smiled at her, revealing some of his fangs. He disappeared from the gate, then moments later appeared in front of Mei. Mei gasped as he covered her mouth with his hand and picked her up by her hair. Forcing her into a headlock and still covering her mouth, he put his free hand to the side of her head. Kalik had taken a couple steps towards them then stopped when he saw Kazuma had the advantage. Kalik gritted his teeth and his hands tightened on the hilt of his sword causing his knuckles to turn white.

"Let her go, demon," Kalik said threateningly.

"What are you doing to do about it?" Kazuma taunted. "Are you sure you should even be defending a demon?"

"I'll defend Mei as many times necessary," Kalik said boldly.

"Oh, really now?" Kazuma said with a smile. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you had a thing for her."

"I'll kill you," Kalik hissed. Kazuma chuckled and his eyes drifted down to Mei, who was still struggling in his hold. Mei looked back up at him and noticed the confidence he had in his eyes. Kazuma looked back up at Kalik and the others, his expression determined.

"I'll renew her memory for you humans. Let me introduce to you the last remaining heir to the royal bloodline from the Desani house. You're little demon you thought you had here, is bigger than you can imagine. She is a Pureblood Princess, the head of all Purebloods."

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