You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone...

By LinsIrisH

5.1K 167 66

17 year old Lindsey Torelli was a normal girl who lived in Los Angeles, California. She led a pretty normal l... More

You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 17

154 5 0
By LinsIrisH

Lindsey's P.O.V

"W-W-Who are you?" I stuttered. This lady was covered from head to toe in red. She had on a flowing gypsy like dress, a nijab that covered her mouth and nose. She was also wearing bracelets. All red. I stood there, frozen in fear. The only thing I could see was her eyes and her feet, which were bare. No shoes and she was in the middle of the forest? And her eyes, they seemed....familiar. She had red jewels on her face, and I felt like I've seen her somewhere before.

"I am Asma." She spoke while twirling her hands. I stared at her wondering where the heck I knew her from. "L-Lindsey" I stuttered. "Oh darling, Emily!" She laughed. Her laughter sounded like a million beautiful bells going off at once. She came running up and held out her hand gesturing for me to come with her. I couldn't help but notice even her fingernails were painted red. I bravely stepped towards her and demanded, "Where is Odus?" Even though I didn't see her giggle, I could tell she was laughing. Her eyes seemed to sparkle. She glided across the forest floor and disappeared into some bushes. I waited, not sure what to do. I decided it was probably best to get out of there. I turned to sprint off when I heard a small boy's voice sing out, "Hewwo!" I spun around on my feet and standing there holding Asma's hand was Odus. 

I cried out in joy and grabbed the 3 year old in a bear hug. Never was I so glad to see his little angelic face! I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see the face of Asma. Well, her hijab at least. "Come." She called out. As in a trance, I stood up on my feet and smiled at her. She danced off in the woods, and I grabbed Odus' hand and followed. She would glide through the forest twirling her hands like everything was right in the world. Something about her made me feel....happy.

But I still didn't know where the heck I knew her from.

We continued through the forest for about 5 minutes, when I saw smoke. "ASMA!" I screamed. She stopped in her tracks, and waited for me to talk. "The...The forest is on fire.." I gasped out. I suddenly felt stupid for thinking such a thing. She made me feel like I was amazing and that life was perfect. She let out a beautiful giggle and said, "That is just the camp fire." Then she started off again. I shrugged and stomped through the forest. I couldn't tell you how many times in the past 5 minutes I wished I could walk like her. 

After a few more minutes we came upon a camp. A camp? More like a village. There were gypsy tents ALL over the forest floor, and camp fires, and there was music everywhere. It felt like Heaven on earth. The whole place had every single color you could think of. And the smell!! It smelled of roses and vanilla ice cream and hazelnut and everything you can think of. 

Everyone looked like I did. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. Even a little boy who ran past to hug Odus had my knobbly knees. Asma had disappeared so I stood there transfixed in this picture. I never wanted it to end. A girl my age cautiously came up. "Amelia?" She asked. She was wearing a purple and white gypsy dress, she had a white bandanna over her head, and she had wavy brown hair like mine down her back. She was the spittin' image of me. Tears in my eyes I responded, "I don't know. I don't know who I am." She smiled and held out both hands for me to take. 

I took them and she whispered, "Then I can help you find you." I stared into her beautiful eyes and breathed back, "Please." I looked around me and realized there was a crowd around me. They were all Gypsies, and they looked

Asma came forward, without her hijab on. I gasped and drew back in fear. Those eyes. Were mine. Her hair, was mine, her mouth, was mine, her face shape, was mine."Who are you really?" I cried out. "My dearest daughter." My mother exclaimed. She held her arms out and I ran into them. And for the first time ever, I felt at home. 


The girl (whose name is Rayyah, I later found out) was with me outside standing in the middle of the village of Gypsies. "This is so weird." I sighed. She looked at me curiously, "Don't you know your story?" she asked. I shook my head, "Apparently I have 2 mother's and some 2 maniacs Ian and Thea after me, I have a younger brother named Odus, and a other brother name Spencer who left us in the middle of the woods. That's about all I know." Rayyah gracefully sat down on the ground and patted next to her, "Sit. I shall tell you everything." I gratefully plopped down criss-cross applesauce and waited for her to explain.

"A long time ago" she began, "there were two gypsy tribes. The Torelli's and the Mustow's. They were friendly tribes, and lived in peace. One day a Mustow girl and Torelli boy fell in love. The secretly got married, and when they announced it everyone was mad. The boy and girl had broken the law. The law was that the parents were supposed to pick their spouse. The two tribes broke the boy and girl apart, forbidding them to ever see each other again. The girl was heartbroken, and refused to ever marry again. She became pregnant with the boy's baby, and 9 months later she had twins. A son and a daughter. They brought her joy, and she married again to a man from a very honorable family in the city. His name was Ian Yrio."

She shuddered at the thought, as I gasped. "He's my maniac!!! Well, I mean.." I blushed, not sure what I meant. She laughed and continued, "Ian was jealous of the two babies, and plotted to get rid of them. But the mother found out, and sent the daughter with her sister and her sister's husband. She tried to send the son off, but Ian stole him like a thief in the night and took off with the boy." 

She took a deep breath and began again, "The girl was left alone, no son, no daughter, and no husband. She vowed to never marry again. Meanwhile, Ian plotted against the little girl, and took up another wife who was named Thea."

I screamed out, "THE OTHER MANIAC!!!!!!!!" Rayyah gave me a weird look, and finished the story, "They both tried to take the child, but her Aunt and Uncle kept her safe from all harm. They had a child of their own, and so they pretended they had two. Until the Uncle died in a car crash." My eyes lit up as I realized something. "Rayyah..." I interrupted her. "Yes, Amelia?"

"The Uncle...Was his name.....Kurtis?" I questioned. She sighed deeply, and dared not to look into my eyes. "Rayyah??? Was it?" She gulped, and slowly nodded pushing her hair behind her ears. "So...then....the aunt...was...Nancy....and the boy....was....Adam?" I asked not daring to believe it. My brother wasn't really...My brother, and my mom...wasn't my mom...

She nodded once more and continued, "The aunt 's name was Nancy. Well, her real name was Amaya. But everyone called her Nancy. The children's mother who had vowed to never marry again, found her first true love. He was unmarried, and her parents had no other choice but to give her back to him. She was rightfully his. They had a baby boy but once again Ian the thief struck again. When there was a wedding for her cousin, he snuck up and snatched the boy right from underneath their noses. The father was so furious, he went after him. But Ian was cunning and shot the father while he slept, and the father died. Then Ian brought the baby to his father. Ian's father turned outto be the one who told Ian to take the children. Ian's father is his known as his "boss". His father is the only person Ian is afraid. Rayyah started to lose me about then. "This is long." I complained. 

She shifted uncomfortably and muttered into her lap, "The baby boy's name was....." She slowly looked up at me and whispered, "Do you know his name, Amelia?" Fearfully, I pondered for a minute.


She smiled up at me and nodded, her gold earrings bouncing.

"So...That means.....The twin's names are...." I gulped. I already knew the answer, it all fit into place. She answered for me, "Sterling and Amelia. The father's name is Besnik. This tribe is the Mustow Tribe, and the mother's name is..."  She looked past my shoulder with a frozen expression. I turned around and saw Asma. She was my....mother...??

My mother was dancing with a young boy about my age. A young boy who looked like me, a young boy whose name happened to be Sterling. I got up, dusted off my clothing and ran down the hill, dodging people and tents. "STERLING!!!" I shrieked. He stopped dancing, and yelled out "EMILY!" We sprinted towards each other, and he caught me in a hug and twirled me around.

As he put me down I squealed, "You're my brother!" He laughed and kissed my forehead, "I know."

I dug my face into his neck, feeling safe and happy. "You're a loser." I exclaimed, my voice muffled. "Well, thanks." He replied back. I smiled, everything felt right....except.......for...

Harry's' P.O.V

"Harry!! You're an idiot!!!" Louis yelled.


Alright, hopefully this answered all the questions you had in this story. A lot of stuff might not make sense, so tell me what doesn't....And I'll tell you in chapters to come. Sorry, I have no idea where the heck I'm going in this story.


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