Across the Years ( Camren )

Par celestial-divine

329K 15.8K 15.6K

It started with Lauren visiting an antique shop and her spotting an old dusty photo. A photo of a young beaut... Plus

An old photo
The box
A new Job
Is she or isn't she
A spiders wed
Happy birthday John
Never pass up a chance to see Freddie
End of a long road
Roughing it
Not in our stars
One day down
Breaking Character
Knock, Knock
Another outing
A little peek
The Garden
The moment - Part I
The moment - Part II
Too little, too late
Running down the clock
The circle
Out of the flying pan, into the fire
Remember me
A whole new world
Stranger in a strange land
Trouble in paradise
Who's the villain
Out in the open
Fate or Chance
You have no idea

Catching up

8.8K 449 450
Par celestial-divine

no one's pov

The pair as they walked down the street, hand in hand, looked quiet odd. On one had was Lauren who was wearing ripped black jeans and a black misfits's t-shirt, and her combat boots.

Holding her hand was Camila, who was wearing a very old fashioned blue dress that went down to her ankle's and she had her hair up in a rather outdated style.

A close observer would notice that the girl in the old fashioned dress looked just a bit nervous, but on this Saturday morning, most people simply paid attention to how they were dressed.

It was only a few blocks to the farmers market so Lauren and Camila were holding hands and leisurely strolling down the sidewalk. Lauren had on her face what she called her happy smirk. Those that truly knew her, would not that meant she was very happy and content. Lauren also had her annoyed smirk, bored smirk and angry smirk. But today Lauren was more than happy.

Camila was also happy but nervous. Being out in the open about her preference for women was very frightening. She kept expecting people to point or do something. But Lauren assured her everything was fine. So she pushed her fears down and decided to have some faith in the woman she loved.

Much to her pleasant surprise, nobody said anything. But she did notices some rather odd looks, which made her a bit more nervous.

"They're looking at us Lolo."

Lauren paused and turned to Camila. "I'm wearing modern clothes and you're rather old fashioned clothes. The fact that we're holding hands doesn't matter."

Camila frowned. "I like this dress. A proper lady should always wear a nice dress when out in public. My mother always told me that."

Lauren did think the dress was horribly outdated, but decided not to say anything about it. Instead she said what she felt. "You look beautiful." She said with a quick kiss.

Camila looked a bit shocked. "Kissing in public? That's scandalous."

Lauren's smirk widened and she pulled Camila into a close embrace. "Lesson one. People can kiss in public, show affection and love for each other."

Before Camila knew it, Lauren pressed her lips against hers and initiated a deep passionate kiss. Camila felt he whole body heat up as Lauren ever so slowly pressed her tongue into her mouth where Camila happily greeted it with her's. Camila found herself quickly lost in the blissful kiss.

Camila looked a bit dazed when Lauren broke the kiss and took her hand. "Look around. Is anyone really paying attention to us."

Camila quickly looked around and noticed that other than a quick glance, none of the few people on the street paid any attention to it. That amazed Camila and made her quite happy.

"I don't have to hide. I don't have to hide my feelings. I can be...what did you call it." Camila said suddenly very excited.

"Lesbian" said Lauren as they continued to walk.

"I am a lesbian and I prefer the company of women." Camila said with a look of pride and happiness.

Lauren narrowed her eyes, looking just a bit annoyed and cleared her throat. "Ah-hem....Correction. You're lesbian and you prefer the company of Lauren Jauregui. When you say the company of women that implies other women."

Lauren then moved her face to within an inch of Camila's "There will be no other women. I don't share."

Camila quickly giggled, finding Lauren's jealous streak rather endearing. "I am a lesbian and prefer the company of Lauren Jauregui who is also a lesbian."

Camila then frowned mockingly and poked Lauren in the chest. "And no other women for you. You're my lesbian and don't you forget it."

Lauren's happy smirk appeared once again. "Not on your life."

The pair continued onto the farmers market where they walked and picked up a few things for a salad that Lauren planned to make that evening.

Camila just looked at the different people and just beamed by the fact that she could openly be a lesbian. She did get a few strange looks as she did realize her dress was very old fashioned and rather formal, but she paid that no mind.

However as they were about to leave the farmers market, a small boy, no more than five, who was standing near a fruit stand looked up at Camila and pointed.

"She's dressed funny."

Seeing the offended look on Camila's face, Lauren briefly fumed, but held her anger in check. She then kneeled down and looked the boy in the face. "It's not nice to say things like that."

"But she looks funny, she dresses like my great gran."

"You asked for it." Lauren thought, as an evil smile came to her lips.

"Wanna know a secret?" Lauren said in a low tone of voice.

The boy's eyes widened with curiosity. "What?"

With her most devilish look, Lauren said. "I eat children." Then Lauren proceeded to do a perfect imitation of the strange slurping sound that Hannibal Lector made in the movie Silence of the Lambs.

"MOMMY!" The boy wailed as he burst into tears and ran around the other side of the fruit stand. Lauren could see him talking to a woman who looked rather concerned by his sudden outburst.

"LAUREN!" Camila said quickly grabbing her wrist and pulling her away from the fruit stand. Camila didn't let go of Lauren's wrist until they were on the other side of the farmers market. Then she poked Lauren in the chest for real.

"You made that little boy cry, that was so very rude and unlady like. You didn't have to do that." Scolded Camila.

Lauren closed one eye, leaned up against a signpost and appeared to think. "Ahhh....yes did. And I'm hardly a lady. all of my ancestors were either dirt poor Irish, dirt poor Cubans or dirt poor Poles."

"Why did you have to do that?"

"He said you look funny. Lesson two, expect me to be very cruel to people who are mean to you. You're beautiful and I won't have anyone else being meant to you. Ever! That and I'm hung over which makes me a lot less pleasant to be around."

"That still wasn't nice."

Lauren shrugged and took Camila's hand. "It wasn't meant to be. Come on let's go home and put this stuff in the fridge."

Lauren then took a few steps and looked down. "I'm sorry, I get that way sometimes. You mean so much to me."

Camila nodded in understanding. "No more making children cry. Please. I have to adjust to your world, you can at least try to...."

"I got you....Ok."

Once the pair got home and put away their groceries, Lauren said her headache was still bothering her so she decided to lie down for a bit.

"Ok, you can lie down. May I lie down with you?"

"Of course." Lauren said quietly.

A few minutes late, the Lauren crawled into bed where she slid into Camila's arms and promptly fell asleep. Camila though she didn't sleep, just contented herself by holding the woman she loved. She knew that Lauren could be crude and somewhat rude at times, but she knew Lauren could also be loving and tender. She also knew in her heart, that Lauren would always be faithful, honest and true.

For two blissful hours, Camila held the sleeping Lauren in her arms. She loved it. Running her fingers through Lauren's hair probably was her favorite thing to do. She loved Lauren's hair. It was so black, but so beautiful, soft and smelled wonderful. She simply loved touching Lauren's hair.

When Lauren woke up, Camila was quietly humming an old folk tune and still running her fingers through Lauren's hair.



"Do me a favour. For me." Camila said tenderly.

Lauren turned over to face Camila. "What?"

"Your hair only goes down to your shoulders. Would you grow it long for me? I love your hair. It's so beautiful. Soft and silky and it smells nice. Maybe I'm just being silly, but I love your hair. I love the rest of you but. I just love your hair." Camila said with a dreamy smile.

Deeply touched, by Camila's simple request, Lauren smiled. "For you anything."

For the women she loved, Lauren would grow her hair long down to her lower back and would keep it that way until the day she died. She eventually grew to like it long, but just loved that it made Camila happy.

"Thank you." Camila said, touching Lauren's hair once again.

"It's nearly lunch time Lauren. I am hungry. Can we eat out."

Lauren raised an eyebrow. "Venture out twice in one day. I must be doing something right."

Camila blushed. "I need to get out and I like holding your had in public. It makes me feel special and beautiful."

"It does the same for me. If your feeling brave enough, how about we see your fathers old inn. I hear they have good food now."

After appearing to think for second Camila nodded. "Yes."

The pair got dressed, with Camila picking out a conservative dress, but one less out dated than the once she wore earlier. Then they walked to the inn.

Before entering, Camila stood in front and carefully studied the building. Noting the changes, but taking some pride that the business that her father build, still remained.

"Ready?" Lauren, said while holding the door.


The pair entered the inn quickly noting a number of people already present. Some were talking, some were eating lunch and a group was in the back corner watching a soccer match. Camila noted that she could hear modern music and also noted the televisions and the fancy pool tables and dart boards.

But she did recognize the old part of the bar and though the place had changed, felt somewhat at home.

"Come on, we can sit at the bar." Lauren said.

They sat down and ordered two pints of ale from the middle aged bartender. But Lauren quickly noticed the bartender giving Camila a funny look.

"What gives? Why do you keep staring at my girl?" Lauren said, somewhat annoyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, is that your girl looks so much like her."

"Who?" Said Camila.

The bartender pointed to a very old tintype photo in frame on the wall behind the bar. There were some other more pictures of a few celebrities, both old and new, who had visited the pub over the years but the tintype caught Camila's attention.

Camila recognized the picture instantly, it was taken on her 16th birthday. Her father had the photographer come out and snap a portrait for her birthday.

"Camila Cabello. Daughter of Alejandro Cabello, the original owner." Lauren said quickly, before Camila could say something that couldn't be easily explained.

"Yes." The bartender said. "Her father put that picture there, after she left. It's been there ever since. The resemblance is uncanny."

"Ah...that's because my girlfriend Camz is a descendant of the original Camila. Her Great great Great granddaughter."

After being given an odd look by Camila, Lauren whispered. "Play along."

"Wow. What a nice surprise. Nice to have you here."

"Thank you. This place is very nice now. I'm glad to see it still running."

"You said she left?" Lauren remarked.

The bartender nodded. "It's an old story and I can't remember much of it, but she was going to get married to that Mahone fellow. But he was revealed to be a thief and tried to kill her. She was unhurt but they say she was so ashamed she joined a convent or something. That's all I know. I know that Mr. Cabello ran the inn until about 1893 when he sold it. It's changed hands a few times, but been here ever since. They keep the picture up for good luck now a days. That and she's rather easy to look at."

Lauren muttered under her breath. "Fine, don't mention me." Camila just nodded in agreement but said nothing.

The bartender leaned over to the side and yelled to a man quietly having a beer at a nearby table. "Hey Mike. What was the name of that Mahone who turned out to be a thief?"

Rolling his eyes, he yelled back. "Austin."

Turning back to Lauren. "I couldn't remember his name. Austin Mahone. He drowned in the river you know."

Lauren took a long drink from her glass and sighed. "Good. He probably couldn't swim very well because someone put a bullet in his arm."

The bartender seemed to think for a second and suddenly a curious look came to his face. "You know, I remember my dad telling me someone had shot him. In the arm it was. I think it was one of the townspeople who were after him."

Lauren grunted in displeasure upon realizing that her part in this had somehow been forgotten. "Something like that. He's gone, they're all gone."

"I don't follow?" Said the bartender.

"The Mahone family, didn't they all die out, mansion torn town."

The bartender laughed. "I don't know where you heard that, but Mike over there may beg to differ."

"Who's that?" Said Camila.

"Michael Mahone."

Lauren's jaw dropped as she realized that history had apparently been changed. In the original timeline the Mahone family had died out and the mansion torn down. Lauren had even gone by the sight of the old Mahone mansion and in its place stood a half built supermarket.

It was yet another paradox, but again Lauren had no answers. She still had the pictures and the diaries and all the junk from the antique shop. But now the mansion was never torn down. Lauren just shook her head and realized it wasn't worth worrying about.

"Hey Mike, come here. I have someone you should meet." Said the bartender.

Camila and Lauren turned to see a rather attractive man with dark hair who faintly resembled Austin get up and walk over.

"Hey Mike. I was asking about Austin, because this lass here is a descendant of the original Camila Cabello."

He seemed to light up and extended his hand. "Oh my. I'm Michael Mahone. Very pleased to meet you. You are."

"I'm Camila, but you can call me Mila. The original Camila is my Great Great Great Grandmother. She was to marry Austin and this is my girlfriend Lauren."

He then shook Lauren's hand and pointed to the table. "Please join me. I was just having a drink after doing some work at my office this morning."

"What do you do?" Asked Lauren.

"I'm a solicitor; I mostly deal with real estate transactions that sort of thing. Dreadfully boring, but It's a living." He then motioned to the bartender. "Put their bill on my tab please."

Lauren and Camila joined the rather friendly Michel at his table.

"How are you related to Austin." questioned Camila.

He laughed. "Ahh that rouge Austin. He nearly ruined our family you know. Do you know that story?"

Camila and Lauren just looked at each other for a moment.

"Yeah...we've heard it." Lauren said. "At least up to the day of the wedding."

"That wedding is something of legend around here. That story about that strange American girl punching Austin in the face, always makes me laugh. Well. I'm descended from Richard, Austin's brother. It was a terrible scandal of course. Austin had been embezzling and all that. Then of course, he drowned later that day after trying to murder poor Camila. Well, my ancestor Richard, was in the army and resigned his commission to help run the family businesses. While Richard was not nearly as dashing or charming as Austin, he was a very honest person and rather shrewd businessman. He was quickly able to undo the damage his brother caused and we were able to put it behind us. We've been blessed and have done well over the years. In fact, my cousin Ian, will be running for Parliament next year. We're all quite excited. "

Lauren figured that with Richard coming into the picture much earlier to run the family business that dramatically changed the fortunes of the Austin family. She was also quite pleased that someone remembered her part in this.

"Does anyone know what happened to Camila?" Camila asked out of the blue.

Michael seemed to think. "I'm not sure. I don't think she ever came back, but he said she was happy in her life at the convent. Serving god and all that. It was such a long time ago. Austin's father of course apologized to Camila's father for all that happened. But they weren't very close after that. My ancestor felt quite ashamed about his son's behaviour and kept his distance from the Cabello family, so I don't really know."

Camila nodded sadly. "I see."

"Well, for what it's worth, I do apologize that my ancestor hurt yours. Austin was a bad apple to put it simply. We've strived ever since to serve our community. In fact, if you're interested, we're having an open house at the Mahone mansion next week. All proceeds will go to World Wildlife Federation. If you come, I'll be happy to give you a personal tour and perhaps some lunch. Here's my card. Give me a ring."

They chatted a bit more and found Michael to be a rather pleasant and talkative sort of fellow. He was married and had one child and he talked of his family in glowing terms.

He then excused himself as he had to take his daughter to ballet lessons. Before he left he told the bartender that lunch and drinks were to be put on his tab.

After they were alone, Camila was quiet for a moment with a sad faraway look in her eyes.

"Camz I promised him, I would get you back. We'll do it. Michael said he doesn't know what happened to you." Lauren said, trying to reassure Camila.

Camila nodded, then smiled and took Lauren's hand. "I miss the past and maybe I'll see it again, but my future is with you."

Continuer la Lecture

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