Perfect Redemption

By claudiaoverhere

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Perfect Redemption is the FOURTH book in the Perfect series, and follows Jax's story after the events of PERF... More

Extended Summary
Prologue: In Which He Doesn't Seek Redemption
One: In Which He Gets Held Against His Will By a Sword
Two: In Which She Calls Him A Piece of Shit
Three: In Which He Hates Her But He Finds Her Intriguing
Four: In Which She's Headed Straight For Trouble
Five: In Which He Covers For Her Sweet Ass
Six: In Which She Has A Decent Conversation With Him
Seven: In Which He's In Trouble And It's Her Fault
Eight: In Which She Actually Has A Heart And She Shows It
Nine: In Which He's The Man Of The Summer
Ten: In Which She Hates Her Job
Eleven: In Which He Realizes She Isn't What She Really Seems
Twelve: In Which She Is All Over The Place
Thirteen: In Which He Likes Her Smart Mouth (But Not For The Right Reasons)
Fourteen: In Which She Opens Up Little By Little
Fifteen: In Which He Follows Her On An Adventure
Sixteen: In Which She Took A Very Big Risk
Seventeen: In Which He Discovers That She's Just Full Of Surprises
Eighteen: In Which She Compares Her 'Bad' List With Him
Nineteen: In Which He Kisses And Tells
Twenty: In Which He Is A Starving Man And Is Ready To Eat
Twenty One: In Which She Makes A Run For It (Literally)
Twenty Two: In Which He Deserves A Shot At Redemption
Twenty Three: In Which She Is A Social Pariah
Twenty Four: In Which It Is In His Nature To Fall In Love
Twenty Five: In Which She Knows He Is Her Home
Twenty Six: In Which He Causes All Hell To Break Loose
Twenty Seven: In Which She Discovers His Demons
Twenty Eight: In Which She Discovers Her Own Demons
Twenty Nine: In Which She May Not Make It Out Alive
Thirty One: In Which He's Left With A Gaping Hole In His Heart
Thirty Two: In Which His Home Is Where His Heart Is
Thirty Three: In Which He Ties Off All Loose Ends
Epilogue: In Which All Is Well
Available On Kindle & Print-On-Demand

Thirty: In Which She Loves Him Goodbye

226K 8.8K 4.1K
By claudiaoverhere

Remember to follow, vote and comment!

Dedicated to ThatReeader because she's an amazing person and I love her <3

[ B L A I R E ' S P O V ]

We stay huddled together for the next three hours in the shadows.

    I had been hell bent on getting out of the bushes the second that they're gone but Jax had convinced me to stay a little longer for the fear of coming across patrols on the way out.

    We weren't sure if it was safe enough to walk on the streets without getting caught and I didn't want to risk anything anymore after what happened with Ben so I obliged Jax, allowing him to wrap his arms around me in a tight embrace as the both of us waited. And waited. And waited.

    And boy, the wait was torturous.

    I could feel the shadows whispering to me, luring and manipulating me. Due to my exhaustion, I  had no choice but to listen, succumbing to them. I could almost hear their voices as they whispered to me over and over again that this is all your fault. You've ruined everything. This is all your fucking fault.

    I keep telling myself not to listen to the voices in my head. I keep telling myself that I'm going to get out of this, I'm going to get everyone out of this, but I know deep inside that I'm hopeless.

    I don't know what to do anymore. I had a plan. I had my whole life planned. But now, the road ahead looks blurry and fuzzy. Everything that could possibly go wrong has gone wrong and I have no one to blame but myself.

    That's right, crooned the voices in my head. You should take all the blame. Ben is in police custody because of you. Jax can't do anything to protect you anymore. The police are right now gunning for your ass and it won't be long until you're caught too.

    I close my eyes and shake my head. Guilt that I have been trying to suppress these past few hours begins to pool in the deepest part of my body. I've been trying to avoid the truth for so long now but reality finally sinks in, causing bile to rise up my throat. This is my fault. All the crimes that I've committed, all the robberies I've conducted with Ben and all the times that I've ever gotten away with them... it has led me to this. Ben getting arrested. Police tearing the streets trying to look for me. And me outrunning and hiding from them like a fucking coward.

    I am. A coward. I did what I know best and I fled. I ran without a second's thought when those officers caught me because the thought of going to jail terrified the living shit out of me. And when I got away from them, I thought I would be happy.

    But... I'm not.

    I'm fucking miserable.

    Ben is still in police custody and it's not too long until he's forced to spill the beans about me. It's then that I have too options: get out of LA and try to outrun the law or turn myself in.

    I don't know which option to choose.

I'm afraid of which option to choose.

    Because either way, I'll lose.

    Either way, I'll be hurting the people I love.

    "Hey," Jax says, cutting me off from my thoughts. His thumb strokes my cheek, his eyes meeting mine. "Hey, the coast is clear. We should get going."

    I can only manage a small nod.    "Okay."

    We wait for a few seconds to pass, and then Jax helps me up and we start moving. Despite the fact that the roads are empty and I don't see any police cars in view, I still don't feel safe at all. If anything, I'm fucking terrified.

    Fear consumes every part of me as Jax and I make our escape. Every step I take is daunting. We're on high alert, our eyes darting everywhere for any sign of movement. I'm suddenly gripped with paranoia—always looking behind my back, constantly expecting an officer to call me out and tackle me to the ground.

    I notice a flicker of movement from the corner of my eye and I let out a small cry. My instincts immediately kick in and turn around swiftly, breaths coming out in short spurts as I grab my knife and aim it at the source of the sound. A hand clamps on my shoulder and I'm about to lash out but not before he turns me around and cups my face with his huge hands.

    "Blaire," Jax says. "Stop it. Stop. It's nothing. It's just an squirrel. Look."

    He angles my head to the direction of the sound and when I see it, relief floods out of me. A small squirrel appears, its nose scrunching when it notices us staring at it. It pauses for a moment, cocking its head sideways towards us, and then it scurries away.

    I release a heavy breath and shamefully slide my knife back into my boot.

    "It's okay, Blaire," Jax presses a small kiss to my temple in hopes that he'll ease the tension circulation through my body. "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

    I nod wordlessly, wanting to believe his words, even though the damage has already been done.


    When we're back in the mansion, I head straight to my room, not even looking back to see if Jax had followed me. Part of me hopes that he doesn't.

    Right now, I just need to be alone.

     I immediately strip off all my clothes and go to the bathroom. I turn on the faucet and allow the soft patter of water to calm me. Soothe me. To wash away all of what happened last night.

    But it doesn't work. If anything, the water makes it even worse. Every drop that falls upon me causes pain to erupt in my body. I place my hands flat against the tiled wall and drop my head, gritting my teeth as the water continues to pour on me.

    You shouldn't have run away from them, Blaire, the shadows murmur. You should have given yourself up instead of trying to outrun the cops. You know that deep inside you deserve to go to jail after what you've done.

    Shut up! I mentally curse. Shut up, shut up, shut up!

    Ben is going to jail because of you. Ben, your friend. The guy who took you in when you needed him most. The guy that did nothing but right for you.

    And now, he's paying for all of the crimes you've committed.

    The water form spikes, impaling me over and over again. I let out a painful cry.

    You're a horrible person.

    Stop it! I scream.

    You don't deserve any good that is in this world.

    Stop it!

    What kind of example are you setting for your little brother?

    Stop it, stop it, stop it! I scream again. Stop it! Goddammit!

    You speak of redemption but you're a hypocrite. You don't try to be better. You're the worst of the worst.
    I can't breathe.

    There is no hope in you.

    I can't breathe

    You don't deserve redemption.

    And you never will.

    I can't breathe I can't breathe I can't breathe. I'm taking in deep lungfuls of air but nothing goes in. The water continues to drown me, drown me and I'm drowning... drowning...

    "Blaire?" I hear the bathroom door burst open and the shower curtains pushes to the side.

    "Go away," I say weakly. "Go away."

    "Shit," Jax curses under his breath as he steps in. "Blaire..."

    He tries to help me up but I swat his hands away. "Get away from me," I moan.

    "No." He crouches down so he's on eye level with me. He's still fully clothed and I want to tell him to get out so he won't be impaled by the water but he's already soaked and I expect him to care but he doesn't care at all. He doesn't give up. He reaches forward to stroke my hair and my cheek and my lips and his other hand tries to heave me up but I'm stubborn and I won't budge.

    "Please..." I croak, scurrying away from him. "Please, Jackson. Go away!"

    "No!" He yells, something flaring in his eyes. "No, Blaire. I can't leave you like this. I can't." I can hear the absolute pain in his voice when he says those words.  "Please, Blaire." He whispers. "Please let me help you. I don't know what else to do."

    I don't say anything. I hold his gaze, and gulp when I see how much my agony has given him agony. Suddenly, I feel guilty for having shouted at him. I know that he only wants to help me. But don't know whether he can.

    I'm destroyed after what happened today.

    "Blaire..." he says, barely a whisper. "Let me help you. Please."

    Eventually, I nod meekly and he stands up to turn off the faucet to shut the water. I allow myself to take a deep breath as he crouches again, this time to help me up. He slings one of his arms under my legs and another supporting my back, then carries me out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. He places me on my feet and I stand there wordlessly as he disappears into the bathroom again and then materialize with a towel in hand.

    I don't say anything as he takes his time to dry me off with the towel. Every drop of water he takes back and every drop of water I let him. My eyes never leave him when he chucks the towel aside when he's done and scours through my closet for my clothing. I let him help me slide into my top and my shorts and as much as that should help me feel better, I've never felt more vulnerable.

    He strokes the wet strands of my hair and he cradles my face in his hands so delicately and so softly like he's carrying the world in his hands. "Talk to me," he says. "Please, talk to me."

    "I'm a coward."

    The second those words come out from my mouth, all of my guilt I bare exposed for him to see.

    "I'm a coward," I repeat again, looking down, ashamed. "I ran from those cops even though I know damn well that I should have let them handcuff me and arrest me for all the shit that I've done. God knows I've deserved it."

    "No, you don't." He shakes his head. "You don't deserve any of this."

    "Yes, Jackson. I do." I pry his hands away from my face and I sit at the edge of my bed, hands placed flat against my thighs. "I've done nothing but be selfish these past few months. I take and I take and I take and I didn't even realize that what I was doing was so wrong. Ben tried to warn me countless of times but I just didn't want to listen. And look where that got him? He's going to jail, Jackson. He's going to jail and I'm here and it isn't fucking fair."

    "We'll get him out of this, Blaire. We will," he says. I don't know how he can still be so determined after the shit that we've been through last night. "We'll figure something out—"

    "No," I cut him off. "It's not possible. We can't get him out of this. Not unless I take I'm there to take all the blame."

    He stares at me, the realization slowly sinking into him. "What are you saying, Blaire?" He asks softly.

    I close my eyes and look away because I don't want to see the hurt that crosses his face when I say it.

    "I'm going to turn myself in."

    I hadn't realize that I made my choice until I said those words.

    And I hadn't realize Jax had made his too.

    "No." Jax says in finality. "No. You're not."


    "No!" He raises his voice and I flinch. "No no no no, you can't—you can't do this—"

"I have to," I stand up and cross the room so I'm facing him. I slide my hand over his face and force him to look at me. We're chest-to-chest and I can see the devastation that is wrecking his entire face and his body. He's looking at me, trying to search for any sign in my eyes that I'm lying, that I'm fooling him, but sadly, all he sees is the truth. "Jackson, I have to go."

    "But why?" He breathes. "Why do you have to go?"

    "Because if I don't, the only option is to run and I can't run anymore," I sigh. "I'm so tired of running, Jackson. I can't do it anymore. I can't run knowing that Ben is going to jail because of me. What kind of person does that make me if I left him to rot in there?"

"But what good will it do if you join him?" he retorts back.

"I... I don't know." I'm clutching my chest so hard because the pain is too much for me to hold back. "Maybe it wouldn't do him any good. But I just need the guilt to stop, Jackson. It hurts... it hurts so much. I just need it to stop."

    "No," he shakes his head. He gulps hard and closes his eyes briefly so I don't see the torment that I had just afflicted on him. "No, please don't do this. Please. I can't—" He takes a shaky breath as he presses his hands against his face. "I can't let you go, Blaire. I can't. Ben will understand-"

"What part of it being my decision do you not get?" I wrench his hands away from me. "It's not about Ben, god dammit. It's about me! I can't keep doing this anymore. Hiding in the shadows. Waiting for them to come and find me. And you know they will come and find me. It's only a matter of time before they do." I take a shaky breath. "All my life I've been taught to run. And this is what running has led me to. I need to break out of this vicious cycle and for once in my life, be the bigger person and own up to my damn mistakes. I keep telling you to do exactly that but I'm a hypocrite because I don't do it too. I... I need to do this, Jackson. For myself." I say. "So please, let me go, Jackson."

He shakes his head, refusing to listen to me. "No, no. I can't. I can't-"

    "But you have to."

    "But I don't want to!" He yells.

    "Jackson!" Why is he making this so goddamned difficult? "Please... please respect my decision. It's the only way to get out of this!"

"Screw this only way. We'll make our own way!"

    "Jackson, please." I'm already begging. "I know you're hurting but you know there's no other way out of this. Please, for the love of god, just let me go."


    I'm starting to grow irritated at him. "Why the fuck not?"

    He lets out a strained laugh, and he holds my gaze, like I'm supposed to know the answer to that.  My eyebrows arch in confusion. When he catches my expression, his entire face falls.

    "You don't get it do you?" He asks, baffled. "You're really that oblivious to it?"

    Again, no idea what he's talking about.

    "Oblivious to what?" I ask.

He covers his face with his hand and his eyes flutter close briefly, as if the words that he wants to say is too painful for him. I reach forward and pull his hand away from him and weave his fingers with mine, then use my other hand to cradle his face.

"Oblivious to what, Jackson?" I whisper.

"The fact that I'm in love with you," he breathes.

    His voice echoes throughout the entire room and I feel like the whole world is about to fall into itself. I finally register what he's saying and I cover my mouth with my hand to prevent me from gasping so hard.

    "I'm in love with you, Blaire," he whispers, softer this time. "I'm in love with you so fucking bad."

    I have to clutch my chest. I feel like my heart is about to crumble because it can't sustain the impact his words just made on me.

    "No." I shake my head, stepping away from him. "No, no, you can't be in love with me. You can't..."   

    Jax grasps my hands and he sweeps me into his arms, preventing me from leaving him.

    "Blaire, I—"

    "Please don't say it again." I shake my head. "Please. I can't... my heart..."

    "Listen to me. Just... listen to me," he says, his voice strained.

    He tilts my chin upwards with his index finger so my gaze levels with his. I take a deep breath when he speaks.

    "Blaire Sullivan," he whispers. "I'm so fucking in love with you and I belong to no one else but you."

    I think I may have just melted into a puddle the moment those words escaped his lips.

    He doesn't stop there, though. He doesn't allow me to fully take in everything that he's saying. He continues on because I'm guessing that a part of him knows that if he doesn't say it now, he's never going to say it again.

    "You understand that, darling?" He says. "I've always belonged to you. Ever since that day where you held me against my will with a katana sword, you have always owned my heart. And I've trusted you with it." He gulps hard, and his eyes hold a reservoir of misery. "But now it feels like my heart is about to combust in your hands and god, it hurts so goddamned much. No amount of pain that I've endured during all of my fights put together can ever amount to the pain I'm feeling right now, knowing that the only person I belong to is about to walk out of my life."

    "Jackson," I'm on the verge of tears now but I'm trying to keep it all in because it's only going to get worse if I start to cry. "You know I don't have any other choice."

    "I know you don't, but that doesn't make it any easier for me." He presses a light kiss on my forehead and lets out a shaky breath. "You once said that I have to find my own redemption. And it hasn't been an easy road but I finally found it." His eyes hold mine steadily and I'm afraid of what's going to come out from his lips. "You're my redemption, Blaire. It's always been you. If you hadn't come barreling into my life, I would still be the stupid, arrogant, manipulative asshole that I once was," he tells me, gripping me tight.

    "You've taught me so many things in the past two months and I'm eternally grateful for that. You've taught me that even the worst people deserve to be redeemed. You've taught me that there's much more to me than the darkness swallowing up my soul. You've taught me to forgive my own past and look forward to a better future. And I have, Blaire. I want a future. But there isn't any sort of future for me if you aren't in it. That's why it's so fucking hard to let you go right now." His eyes search mine for any hope that will assure him that I'm not going to leave. "So please, please don't force me to let you go. Please."

    I want to tell him that I won't force him to let me go, that I'll stay with him, but the words get lodged in my throat. I can't tell them all of that because I don't want to, because my heart has already spoken, my decision has already been made and I have to stand by it, no matter how painful it is for me; for him; for the both of us.

I don't say anything. His gaze fixes upon mine and mine upon his and the room falls away until there's nothing but us, but the two of us, our souls entwined and at the same time, unwinding.

He knows. He knows what I'm going to say. He sees the answer that he doesn't want when he looks into my eyes. His entire face crumbles and he looks away swiftly, trying to take it all in.

    "Jackson," I don't want to look into his eyes. I'm scared that if I do, I'll burst into tears. "I don't want to do this. You know I don't but—"

    "—you have to," he finishes my sentence for me, looking down. The realization of him knowing that I've already made up my mind about leaving and I wasn't going to change it for him hits him and washes over his face.

    I nod. "I need to practice what I preach, Jackson," I sigh. "You've finally found your redemption and I've never been more happy for you. But..." My voice trails off. "I think it's time for me to find mine."

    He blows out an unsteady breath and his shoulders sag in defeat.

    "I'm sorry," I whisper. "I'm so sorry, Jackson."

He nods, tearing his gaze from me, but not before I see the devastation I leave in his eyes. The room is silent now, and I don't know what to say, I don't know how to fix this huge hole that I just made in both of our hearts. I hadn't known it was possible to feel so horrible about myself until now.

I know this is all my fault. I know that this wouldn't happen if it weren't for me. And it blows because I never would have anticipated this. I've always been afraid of giving my heart to Jax because I thought he was going to be the one to break it.

Turns out, I'm the one who's about to break his.

He combs his hair with his fingers and sigh. "Can... can you at least stay for tonight?" he asks. "I know that you have to go. But... you don't have to leave now. I can't let you go. Not yet. I want to spend some time to love you goodbye."

    Goodbye. God, that word alone makes me want to hurl.

    I'm never good with goodbyes. And saying goodbye to Jax will be the most difficult thing I'll ever have to do.

    There isn't anything I can possibly say to tell him how I feel for him. He knows I'm horrible with words. So I don't say a single word. Instead, I slide my arms around his shoulders and angle is head downwards so his lips can brush against mine.

    We kiss for the longest time, our lips fusing together like we're afraid to ever part. The thought of never seeing him again causes my heart to burn, and so I cling unto his shoulders desperately, trying to take everything that he can ever give to me through that kiss.

    Jax lips are rough against mine, unapologetic and firm. His fingers trail down my back, fingering the fabric of my T-shirt, until he stops, and his hand glides down until they rest above my waist. The other cups my jaw and angles my head upwards so he can tease me more with his lips. I burst into flames as he pulls me closer with a rumbling noise, his tongue diving in and stroking mine, tasting, licking, loving.

    I do the same to him, clutching his shirt so hard that my fists leave creases when I let go. I pull away from him a little while, needing to breathe, and we continue to look at each other as the sounds of our breaths fill the air.

    "Blaire," he rasps my name, desperation lacing his tone. He's staring at me hard, as if he's isn't not sure what he wants but he's sure enough to know that he wants me to take the lead.

    And so I do. I don't know when is the next time I'm going to see him again or if I'm ever going to see him again but I'm certain of one thing: If this is our last night together, then I want to make it a memorable one.

    I step away from him and taking a deep breath, I take off my shirt.

    I hear Jax inhale a sharp breath, but I can feel the intensity of his gaze as he watches me undress myself. When my top is gone, I slide out of my pants and step out of them. I'm not wearing any undergarments.

    I lift my head up again and hold his gaze as I stand in front of him, baring myself completely naked to him.

    "Blaire..." His voice trails off as he drinks my body in. My body comes to life at his gaze. The hunger in his eyes is evident, but there's also another emotion lingering there too. Doubt.

     So before he can protest, I lean forward and take his lips again with mine, telling him through my kiss that this is everything that I could possibly ever want right now.

    "I want this," I say. "I want you."

    "I don't want us to end like this." Jax murmurs. "Sex isn't the most important thing to me. We don't have to do this."

    "I don't know when I'm going to see you again, Jackson," I take his hand and guide it, placing it on my breast. "It could be months, years, decades... maybe even never. So I don't think I can ever live with myself if I don't love you goodbye too."

    His eyes scan my body and then he arches an eyebrow and looks at me as if to say, this is your way of loving me goodbye?

    I nod. Yes.

    He covers his mouth with his hand and looks away, as if staring at my naked body is too overwhelming. I know he's debating on whether he should allow his to happen. I had expected him to be more than willing to do this with me but now looking at him like this, I'm not so sure. He's trying to be noble, to not use sex as a way of saying goodbye, but I beg to differ.

    Our connection is so strong when we're together in bed and I want to feel that again, to let it consume me again, for the last time.

    Jax still isn't looking at me. His jaw clenches and he's squeezing his eyes shut, as if trying to squeeze the unbearable pain of seeing me like this. I don't let his eyes stray away long though. I cradle his face in my hands and press my lips against his, crushing both of our bodies together.

     The last of his hesitation falls away and disintegrates when our lips clash and mold, and he finally allows himself to succumb to the need of wanting me, loving me.

    I pull away from him long enough so I can undo the buttons of his shirt and then chuck it aside. I help him out of his underwear and pants too, allowing the fabric to pool beneath his feet. He steps out of them and kicks it aside, and then our eyes meet again.

     They hold.

     He looks so beautiful like this. Gorgeous. All the way from his broad shoulders to his pectorals down to his abdomen, curving down his V line and lastly his huge cock, standing up proudly, showing how much of an effect I had made on him with just one simple kiss.

    I smile a little, my lips quivering at the sight of his magnificent body. "You're beautiful, Jackson," I murmur, saying it like I'm seeing him naked for the first time again. And it does feel like the first time. The anticipation and the longing and the desire is still there, all mixing and whirling and lingering. The only difference now is that we both know exactly what awaits for us the day after.

    I don't want to think about it. I don't want to think about what will happen after this. So I push all thoughts aside and I live in the moment instead, living my last night as a free woman with the man I love.

    I take his hand in mine, lacing our fingers together and slowly guide Jax to my bed. I push him down gently, allowing him to fall back unto the mattress. I climb over him and lean down, covering my lips with his again.

    We taste and suckle each other, and I'm so hungry that he could feed me kisses all night long and I'll still be dying. His strong arms curl around my waist, holding me in place. My hips move and shift a little, creating the sweetest form of torture against the hardness of his length. He moans slightly and I capture it with my mouth, biting his lips while doing so.

    We take our time with each other. We don't rush. We don't have to. There is no need. We know that the world can keep taking and taking and taking from us but they'll never have this night. This night is our own. This night we can forge in our memories and embed into our hearts forever.

    His lips are everywhere now—peppering kisses down my jaw, sliding over my shoulders, sucking my nipples. I cry out when he bites one of them gently, and I grab his shoulders tight as he continues making love to them with his mouth.

    I kiss him back with equal fever, showing him how much I want him, need him, ache for him. I drag my lips down his rough, chiseled jaw, sucking on his earlobe, and dipping lower and lower until they make contact with the skin on his body. He groans when I flirt with his body with kisses, every single one of them searing unto his skin, leaving invisible imprints, making my mark on him. And he lets me. I take my sweet time with him, wanting to show him how much I love him through my lips.

    "God, darling," he groans. "This is... this is..."

    Torture. Bliss. Agony. Paradise.

    "I know, Jackson," I breathe. "I know."

    I touch his lips with the lightest of kisses. The both of us continue to taste and explore each other until the need gets the better of us and my whole body aches for his on the deeper level. The anticipation of wanting him to be inside me is too overwhelming.

    I break from his kiss long enough to guide his cock to align it with my pussy. I take a deep breath as I lower myself down on him, sinking into him. Good god, he fills me up so perfectly. I don't want to move yet. I want to feel his thick cock inside of me, impaling me like never before.

A whimper escapes from Jax, almost painful. He beckons me to move and eventually so I do. The both of us release a long sigh when I lift myself up and plunge down again.

    I lose myself completely in Jax, moving my hips slow enough so I can feel each thrust of his cock but fast enough so I don't lose momentum. I grip his shoulders tight and my head rests on top of his, and his on top of my chest. He breathes hard as he continues to fill me up, so beautifully and so deeply.

    I press my hands against his face and I memorize him as we move together in sync. I want to remember everything about this. I want to remember how his kisses make me feel so loved and cared for. I want to remember how the lightest of his touches can make me lose all self control. I want to remember how it feels to have his hands on my body, mouth on my skin, tongue against my tongue, and cock inside my pussy.

     I want to remember, to engrave, the look of him and feel of him and taste of him and my mind is overwhelmed with the plethora of things, of his things, that I want seared into my brain that I start to cry.

It devastates me knowing that I might never feel Jax's hands on my skin, his arms around my body, his lips on my lips. I'll never get to share my bed with him, spend my time with him, do all the things I've wanted to do with him. I'll no longer be there to bring Eden and Jax together, no longer be there to waste my time away with both of my favorite boys.

My days will no longer be filled with hope, happiness and sanctuary. My nights will now be filled with loneliness, pain, and misery.

    Tears leak from my eyes and fall unto my cheeks, one after another. I make no attempt to wipe them away.I keep moving, keep pressing my hips harder against Jax, trying to focus on the pleasure of it all, the pleasure of giving my boyfriend the one last night we can possibly share together, but the more I think about it, the more depressed I feel. The tears feel like flames scorching my skin, paining me.

     "Blaire..." Jax whispers, noting my change in demeanor. He catches a tear with his index finger and a frown forms on his lips.

    "Make love to me, Jackson," I lift myself up and push down again. "Please."

    Tears are coming down in a steady stream now, beads of them falling unto Jax's chest. He shakes his head and tries to still me with his arms but I move them away and I'm lifting and pushing down, lifting and pushing down, because I don't want my tears to ruin this, I still want him to feel good, to feel loved, to make him feel like this is not the end even though it clearly is.

    My climax hits me sooner than expected and I cry out, clinging unto him as waves of pleasure roll out of me like a tsunami. Jax comes soon after me, his eyes shutting, allowing himself to lose control, one last time. The last of my energy folds itself in and I crumble against his arms, collapsing on top of him. We're both breathing hard and the tears are still coming out of me and I feel like I'm drowning in my own love and misery.

    "I'm sorry," I whisper against his chest. "I'm sorry. I ruined it. I completely ruined it."

    "No, you didn't," he thumbs my lips with his finger. "Blaire, you didn't. What we did was beautiful."

    "But I didn't mean to cry. God, I swear I didn't mean to. I just—it was just so overwhelming—"

    "I know, baby." A tear leaks from his eye too and I catch it. "I know."

    "I don't know how to let you go, Jackson. I just don't know how. I thought I could be stronger than this but... god, it hurts, it hurts to god damned much." I shake my head. "Please, please tell me how to let you go."

    "I don't know how, Blaire," he croaks out. "I wish I knew but I don't."

    His answer shatters me. I squeeze my eyes shut and allow my tears to come, cries finally turning into full-fletched sobs. He doesn't do anything to stop me. Instead, he simply holds me with a much tighter grip and presses his cheek against the top of my head, then starts to cry, his own tears matching my own.



I wonder what's gonna happen to JAIRE? They're not really looking good right now...

Anyways, I know I was supposed to announce the winners of the Perfect series one-shot contest today but I've been swamped with mock exams and exams next week that I wouldn't be able to read all of the entries anytime soon. I'll keep ya'll updated if I have the results!

Love you guys! See you next next Friday!

Love, Claudia.

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