The Manor

By AshKnighte

4.3K 59 30


The Manor- prologue
The Manor; chapter 1
The Manor; chapter 2
The Manor; chapter 4
The Manor; chapter 5
The Manor; chapter 6
The Manor; chapter7
The Manor; chapter 9
The Manor; chapter 10
The Manor; chapter 11

The Manor; chapter 3

408 6 2
By AshKnighte

Clayton McMillen

He woke the next morning feeling tired and with a horrible headache from puking up the contents of his stomach the night before. He'd had to wait, so it had taken longer to get it all up. Looking down at his stomach, though, he was pleased to see it still looked mostly flat. An hour or so of running and some extra sit-ups that day would get rid of all the excess fat. Then he'd be lean again.  

"Hey, it's breakfast time," that girl, Amber, leaned into his room. Clayton gave her an annoyed scowl. 

"Have you never heard of knocking?" he snapped. "I could have been changing." She blushed slightly. Virgin, he thought. Definitely a virgin. That was kind of... cute in a way. But an extremely depressed virgin. So it wasn't like he could screw her anyway. If he could even muster up the enthusiasm, which he hadn't been able to do in a while. Wrestling and managing his weight already took up too much energy.  

"Sorry," she snapped back. "I figured you'd be asleep. Everyone else was." He pushed the covers away from his waist and got out of the bed. Amber's mouth dropped slightly. Clayton looked down at his naked body. He knew he was impressive, but damn, she was a bit too impressed. He leaned over to the desk where his boxers sat and pulled them on. 

"Haven't you ever, like, had a boyfriend?" he asked in a rude tone. Her mouth snapped closed and the look of shock turned to one of vulnerable hurt. Jesus, he thought. She's one of those. Cries at he very mention of the life she had to leave behind. He'd had to leave a lot behind as well. They all had. She needed to just suck it up and get over it. 

"Yes, I have," she said in what she tried to make a fierce voice. Clayton raised an eyebrow. 

"How old are you?" She sniffed a little and crossed her arms over her chest.  

"I turned sixteen last week." Clayton laughed humorlessly. 


"We never had sex, so no, I wasn't." Clayton got a pair of wrinkled jeans out of his bag and tugged them on over his boxers. He decided finding a shirt at the bottom of the suitcase would take too much effort, so decided to not with one. Who cared if they saw the bruises? They'd already seen how fucked up his face was. The bruises covering his torso shouldn't be any surprise. 

"I wasn't asking about your past sex life, sweetheart, I'm calling you jailbait now." She looked confused. 

"But that would require someone wanting..." she trailed off then looked at him, her eyes growing wide. "Oh." Clayton would have been amused if every damn movement didn't hurt so much. But simply walking to the door made his muscles scream. As he passed Amber, he lightly ran a hand over her butt. She jumped slightly and this time he did laugh. 

"Obviously your boyfriend neglected you." Clayton leaned in close, not really particularly wanting to screw the girl, just wanting to screw with her. "I could give you what he couldn't," Clayton purred into her ear, just to be an ass. She jumped again and moved away from him. 

"Fuck off," she snapped. Striding easily from the room, Clayton laughed, 

"I already offered that."

Amber Manett

She ran from the house and in some random direction, not really paying attention to where she going. She just ran in a direction, wishing pain and death on Clayton McMillen. And wishing for something to drink. It wouldn't even matter what it was. Just a little bit of alcohol to numb the pain. However, she doubted that was going to happen here since The Manor was in the middle of nowhere. She'd been running for fifteen minutes and still hadn't found anything.  

A single tree stood in the distance. Amber ran to it and collapsed under the tree, curling up around herself. Tears leaked out of her eyes as she laid there, wanting Hunter. Wanting Hunter. Wanting Hunter. Wanting. That was all that ran through her mind. That she wanted him. All thoughts of wishing pain on Clayton had left, because she no longer had the energy or emotional capacity for anything but wanting Hunter. 

Amber didn't even have the energy to properly cry. Her throat was painfully tight with the need to sob out. Her chest ached with longing. Everything hurt with needing him. Not one part of her didn't feel the pain of the emptiness. She curled up tighter, hugging her arms around her shins, and pressing her forehead to the tops of her knees. Her cheek rested on the cool grass, her tears leaking down onto the green. And she wondered, would it ever stop?

Lisa Fuller

The dawn had come once again. And once again Lisa wished it hadn't. A life of perpetual sleep sounded so nice. But she couldn't do it... She'd stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom the night before for a good forty-five minutes, a knife poised over her wrist. Her hands had shaken as she stood there, looking at the pale interior of her wrist, the blade barely over it with the light flashing on the polished surface. A few times she'd pressed down momentarily, but not with much force. Not even enough to draw blood. 

It wasn't the first time she'd done it. Just sat there, considering suicide but not being able to actually go though with the act. Giving in and offing herself seemed like such a weak thing to do. Just give up on life and decide to not deal with it anymore. Yet at the same time, it also seemed like something she wasn't brave enough to do. An action she didn't have the balls for. To swallow all the pills. To drive the knife in deep enough.  

"Hi." The voice came from behind her. Lisa turned to see the tall, blonde girl standing behind her. Her blue eyes were unreadable as she looked down at Lisa, sitting on a bench on the porch.  

"Hi," Lisa answered. Ebony sat on the bench next to her, lounging easily against the side of the bench. Lisa was struck by how Ebony didn't match her name all with her light coloring and friendly disposition. The opposite of her name, a representation of blackness, darkness.  

"The sun rise here is beautiful," Lisa told Ebony. The taller girl looked over with a small smile. 

"Really? I fear I wasn't awake early enough to see it. Perhaps I'll have to get up early one of these days and watch it." Lisa smiled faintly back and nodded. The morning was already quite warm, and Lisa was feeling rather lethargic because of it. Warmth wasn't something she was used to, coming from the northwest coast, so that feeling of lethargy was new. It made her want to just sit there for hours, soaking in the sun. But she knew if she just sat there much longer she would get terribly sunburned.  

"You are starting to look a bit red," Ebony told her, tracing Lisa's cheekbones gently with her finger tips. "I love your freckles," she told the other girl. "I've always wanted them." Lisa laughed a little and turned her face away, blushing. 

"I hate them. They make me look, like, five years old." Ebony smiled and shook her head. 

"Not at all. They're pretty. Especially with your delicate features. Your kind of look is actually really popular with designers." Ebony fingered her riotous curls. "Especially you hair." Lisa jumped slightly at the fingers running through her hair. No one had ever touched her like that. So gently. After a minute, though, it started to not be so weird. But kind of nice. 

"Well, I'm glad someone thinks so," Lisa answered. Ebony's eyebrows pulled together and her hand moved to cup the other girl's cheek. 

"Who let you believe you aren't beautiful?" she asked. Lisa shrugged and Ebony removed her hand, but scooted closer to the girl she couldn't figure out. Something horrible had obviously happened to her, the scars were a testament to that, but it appeared to be more than that. Something deeper.

Kevin Groff

She was there, every moment. As the effects of withdrawal started to lessen, Marissa was forever in his mind. Especially since she was just a door away. Every moment he wanted to go over to her and... do something. He wasn't sure exactly what yet. Either throttle her or kiss her senseless. Or maybe just fuck her senseless. Every other guy got a chance at that luscious body of hers. It had been his first, so why not him anymore? 

Kevin jumped up off his bed and started pacing the small confines of his room. He wasn't used to such close quarters. Back in Connecticut he'd had a huge room that overlooked a beautiful lake. It had been so perfect for making love to Marissa. The moonlight would shine in, making her tan skin glow and highlighting luscious, perfect curves, high, full breasts. He felt himself go uncomfortably hard just from the memory. He hadn't had sex with anyone since her. He just couldn't. No one else was appealing anymore. 

It was moments like this he wanted another fix. Something to dull his raging emotions. He hadn't been emotional before her. Sex had just been a necessary need to take care of before Marissa. Then she came around and it became something more. With her it had been an act of passion and love. He'd never had sex that had driven him so absolutely wild as when he'd been with her. But apparently it had been one-sided. He clenched his fists as tight as he could, his short nails digging into his palms.  

The lest few months had been hell warmed over, and that was an under-exaggeration. His grades had fallen, his libido was sorely lacking, drugs had taken over his life because nothing else was interesting. The only thing he'd continued was football, and that was just because he couldn't think up a valid excuse for quitting. Every game had been torture, though, because she was in the stands every time, cheering him on. Every game, even after she broke up with him. He wondered if she had done it on purpose just to make him hurt.  

"This is ridiculous," he hissed. Kevin slammed his door open and banged his way into the room next to his own where she was standing in just a little pair of bikini underwear, pulling on a bra. 


Marissa Libby

Knowing he was right there was killing her. So she took a shower. It had always been her solution to reduce stress. Since she broke up with Kev, she took anywhere from five to eight showers a day just to try and relax the tension away. She blow-dried her hair then went into her room and pulled on a pair of panties. Next door Marissa could hear Kevin pacing back and forth, until there a loud bang and he stormed into her room.  

"Kev!" she exclaimed. He shut the door behind him and stalked towards her. Marissa dropped the bra she'd been holding. Her eyes kept drifting from his face to his bare chest, his muscles and hip bones were still sharply defined and tan in a way that absolutely made her mouth water. His eyes ran slowly over her almost completely naked body slowly. Marissa felt her nipples harden under his careful scrutiny. 

"Wh-what are you doing?" she stuttered. Kevin reached behind her and closed the curtains so no one would be able to see in. The room darkened substantially, but Marissa didn't need the light to know exactly what his body looked like. She'd spent so much time committing it to memory.  

"What do you think I'm doing, Marissa?" he asked in a low voice that made her shiver slightly. She hated that he could still do this to her, make her damp with anticipation just with his voice and eyes. And yet, she also loved that he could do it.  

"No idea," she gasped when he reached out and traced her waist. Kevin walked her backwards against the wall. The cool wall pressed at her back as Kevin's hot body pressed up against hers. Marissa found it in herself to try and push him off. 

"I-I'm not a-allowed t-t-to do this," she stuttered out. Kevin tugged her hands above her head and bent to lick the top of one breast. He nipped down a bit closer to her nipple. She moaned in the back of her throat. 

"You can say I forced you." He chucked without humor against her throat. "Not that you can force those who are just too willing." Of course, he thought she was a slut now. He wasn't in her room because he wanted her, Kevin was in there because he needed someone to ease an itch, and he knew she would do it. His hands ran slowly down her arms, grazed the sides of her breasts, down her hips and around to cup her ass, dragging her against him so she could feel how hard he was. A few tears dripped from her eyelids. He didn't want her, but even as her mind told her so, her body craved him. 

"You're crying," Kevin exclaimed in an appalled voice. "God, I- I can't- I don't..." He dropped to his knees and pressed his face to her stomach. "I'm sorry, Mris," he whispered, his voice filled with conflicted agony. Marissa bent to her own knees and pressed her lips against his. They fell to the floor, his cloths coming off hurriedly.

Ebony and Jade Golden

Jade woke late, around ten, feeling rather ravenous. She go out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans. She just kept on the tee-shirt she'd worn to bed. She padded barefoot down the hall. When she passed the girl, Marissa's rooms, she heard a few moans and a, 

"Kev, faster!" Blushing, she hurriedly continued down the hall. Not that she didn't know exactly went on in a bed between two people, but she had always been shy around boys. Cripplingly so. Every time she saw one who was cute she froze up, unable to speak. Later, when she would trying to sleep, she would think of all the witty things she could have said, but at the moment she just couldn't.  

Everyone else appeared to have already gotten out of bed and they'd probably already eaten. She hoped there was still food in the kitchen, because Jade felt like she could eat a cow. Or, maybe not a cow. She didn't particularly like beef. Jade inhaled and smelled pancakes. A large stack of pancakes certainly sounded appealing, though. She made her way into the kitchen, licking her lips. When she opened the door, loud rap music reached her ears. And standing at the sink was a tall, broad shouldered teen her age with dark hair and a muscular, tan back. 

She paused just inside the door, letting it swing closed behind her. Jade found herself unable to move. It definitely wasn't Kevin, and she'd seen the doctors talking to Clayton in the dining room. He turned and laughing, grey eyes landed on her. His features were a little sharp, his mouth too wide and full and he had a night of stubble on his chin, but he looked perfect to Jade with his flowered apron covering his chest. 

"Hi!" he called out, turning down the volume on the radio. "Jade, I assume." She nodded, suddenly hyper-aware of her wrinkled shirt, bare feet, and tangled hair. Her eyes were probably still blurred with sleep and no doubt had dark circles under them. 

"I know you're an identical twin, but I think you're prettier than your sister. If you don't mind me saying it." She shook her head in response. He laughed. 

"Not such a morning person are you? I'm Darren, by the way. Ruby is my aunt. I live with the doctors most the time." Jade still hadn't moved. Darren gave her a bemused smile and walked towards her. She stumbled a small step back. He laughed a little again and took her hand. They were almost the same height, as she was five-ten. 

"Do you like pancakes?" Darren asked. 


"She speaks! How about sausage?" 



"Hot chocolate?" He grinned and sat her at the table. 

"Can do!"


Hey everyone! I hope you all like this story so far! I know it's way different from The Bet and the Dare, but that's the point! Give me feedback! I want to know what you all think! xoxo~Ash

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