The Crimson Amulet (Original...

By TanyaKaufman4121

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Daniella Brochuete's world is turned upside down after she dreams of attending a ball. This would be a typica... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three (Official Chapter)
Chapter Thirty Four (Official Chapter)
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight -- Part I
Chapter Thirty Eight -- Part II
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
The Crimson Amulet Playlist
Sequel & Revised Version

Chapter Twenty Six

104 4 0
By TanyaKaufman4121


Chapter Twenty Six

Hello, Dear 

A few school days passed since I made my agreement with Claybourne. I still hadn't said anything to Simon about it, mostly because I didn't know what to tell him. 

My half-closed eyes peered through to see the bedroom and remembered it was Saturday. The blanket of my bed was the only thing comforting me. I didn't feel Simon's arms around me like I usually did. I opened my eyes and laid in my bed as sleep left me in solitude. 

After fighting the urge to just lie there, I pushed myself up and went into the closet, changing into a simple white t-shirt and jeans after cleaning myself up. 

Back in the bedroom, I sat down on the bed and stared at the time on the clock: 10:21 a.m. 

This was my only chance. I could sneak around and see if Simon had the necklace somewhere around the cabin. But where could Simon be? Where could he have hidden that necklace? 

I looked in all the rooms. No one was there. Maybe Simon had gone out to feed? I thought somebody would be there at that hour though, because someone was normally with me, on watch, to make sure I was safe. Normally, if Simon wasn't there; my father was. It was morning too, so my father was supposed to be sitting on the couch reading the morning paper.

A crawling feeling inside told me something wasn’t right. 

“Hello? Is anyone here?” I called out, thinking maybe, if Simon had gone out feeding, he would hear me.

No response. 

I thought over the possibilities. They could be out feeding, or could it be possible that they assumed I would sleep until late since I stayed up late last night? 

I began looking around for some kind of note Simon could have left me, and sprinted to the fridge to see a sticky note signed by him.

Dear Daniella, 

       I had to run out to do an errand for your father. I'll be home later.



“Looking for someone?” a snarky voice remarked behind me. I knew who it was even before I whipped around.

Quickly, I turned around to face Meriada.

"How…how did you find me?" I asked.

“I’ve been watching you,” she said with a grin. “I suspected it was you, but now I know. It was easy after I saw Mr. Kiasea leave the cabin.” I watched her as she walked in a circle around me. “I never knew he could have another daughter.”

“Another?” I asked, pretending not to know about Desiree.

“Yes, he never told you?” 

“No,” I lied.

“That’s because I killed her. And now, I’m going to kill you,” she said.

“No, you won’t. I’m going to stand and fight. And, you’re lying.”

“That’s what she said. And now, she’s dead,” Meriada said, putting on a sarcastic pout. "I’m not lying, my dear.” 

“Don't call me dear. Except, I’m going to win,” I fought back. “I know she's alive. You turned her. Didn't you? I know you did.” 

“If your vampire friends were here, but they’re not,” she replied. “Mr. Kiasea is out on an errand and won't be back until much later. It’s just you and me. And maybe I did. Maybe I didn't.” 

“I can do it without their help. And, how do you know that?” I paused. “I have a feeling she’s alive.” 

“Oh, I am,” another voice cooed, as a woman with auburn hair strolled in through the cabin door and closed it. 

“Desiree,” I whispered. 

"We know that because Desiree here is the one who sent out the order," Meriada said, smiling. 

“Yes. So, you do know who I am,” Desiree said, smirking. "Simon won't be back for a long, long time. The request I sent him is quite an impossible one." 

“Yes, I do,” I said. "And, I'm going to defeat the both of you." 

“How are you going to do that? You’re no vampire, and I know from watching you that you don’t have your powers yet,” Meriada exclaimed. 

“I’ll do it somehow,” I said, a cloud of determination rising up inside me.

“I have a feeling someone is going to get their powers today," Desiree remarked, leaning against the nearby wall.

My heart pounded. The chances of me winning were basically impossible, but I had to somehow. Otherwise, I might’ve died fighting. There was no other choice but to be a victor. 

A half-smile spread across Meriada's lips. I knew she was going to play a game with me.

She began to strut towards me in a black dominatrix dress as I moved backwards, watching my steps so I didn't trip over anything. She followed me around the room. I feared that she was going to bite me again, but this time she wasn't going to spare me.

I began knocking down the things I caught sight of, hoping to trip her so she wouldn’t get to me. I broke almost every tiny trinket in that room, trying to stop her. Fear poured into me as I realized I side-stepped into a corner, leaving myself cornered against Meriada with no way out.

"Now, now, no need to be scared," she said, slipping the back of her index finger against my cheek, making my heart rate accelerate all the more as a smirk played on her face. 

"Don't touch me," I said, my voice tightening.

"Now, there's no need to be cross, dear." 

"I said, ‘don't call me, dear.'" 

"Don't be a sourpants. That's really no good for anyone." The back of her finger stroked my cheek. I tried to move my face away from her, but it was no use. There wasn't any room.

Her finger moved down to my jugular vein, feeling the pressure as she pushed her finger against it.

I watched as she lowered her head down towards my neck, while I barely could breathe. I wanted to stop her, but what was the use? She was more powerful against me, and trying to stop her would be like a small child running into the hands of an annoyed, older sibling.

Her cold lips touched my pulsing vein. A shiver traveled down my spine when she licked the part of my neck with the vein on it. 

I whimpered as the sharpness of her fangs slipped into my neck, another shiver traveling down my spine. 

She smiled, removing her lips from my throat. "Desiree, would you like to have a drink with me? Your sister here has fine tasting blood." 

I swallowed as I glanced over at Desiree while Meriada returned to my neck. My strength was already being drained slowly away by her. 

Not her too, I thought. I knew I'd definitely die if she were to decide to snack on me also.

My eyes pleaded into her matching blue ones we inherited from our father as Desiree stared at me for a moment. A malicious smile displayed itself before she walked over, and a scream escaped my lungs as her fangs buried into my skin.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I whispered. "I haven't done anything to you." 

"That may be so, but I think you know why we're doing this to you," Meriada responded, before returning to drinking. "The only way to free yourself is to use them." 

Use powers...I assumed. How was I supposed to use them if I didn't even know how to use them? 


OMG, guys! We're half-way through the book! This was part one of the climax! 

I can't believe the book is half over. :'( 

Anyway, comment, read, and vote! :D

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