Babytucker // n.m.

By angelphompong

232 21 12

{Sierra's Pov} "Let me tuck you in." I said to Eve the three years old who I babysit. "Can you tuck me in t... More



96 10 6
By angelphompong

Sierra's Pov

I was watching shadowhunters on tv when heard an alarm. I realized it was mine.

Time for Eve. Every night except for Sunday's I watch a family friends three year old daughter named eve until her brother comes. Her parents work night shifts and her brother, Nate, has night classes.

Nate is only 21, which makes him 1 year older than me. I'm not going to lie Nate is highly attractive but he seems like the typical fuckboy. But once it comes to eve he's such a total sweetheart.

I grab my keys and hop in my car. Before I drive I do the most important thing, plug the aux cord into my phone and of course my seatbelt. Exchange by Bryson tiller starts to play
Just give me all of you in exchange for me, for me
     Break it down
     We used to lay up and then stay up Have sex and then blow dank
     I shouldn't have  played no games with you just leveled up my brain..

A couple minutes later I arrive and knock on the door waiting patiently
The door swings open to a smiling Mrs. Maloley.

"Hello Mrs. Maloley" I greet.

"Sierra honey I've told you millions of times to call me Kathy" she replies. It's true she has but I'm just not used to it quite yet. "Well come on in I'll be leaving in just a few"

I walk through the door and into the living room only to be engulfed in a warm tight hug around my legs. "Yay! Wierra here!"

"Well hello to you too Eve" I chuckle.
I pick her up and set her on my lap. I look at the time to see its only 7:30 and her bedtime is at 8:30. "So what do you want to do"

"Wets wo pay cubhouse" she runs to her room for 2 minutes and comes back with blankets and pillows.

Mrs. Maloley, I mean Kathy, walks down the stairs while putting an earring on.

"Okay you girls I'm leaving" she says. "Eve come here and give mommy a goodnight kiss"

Kathy kneels down as Eve walks over to kiss her. "Goodnight eve. I love you"

"I wove you too mommy" says Eve then runs away as fast as she can dramatically.

Kathy giggles while walking towards the door. "Nate should be here around her bedtime"

I nod my head walking behind her so I can lock the door. "Goodbye Mrs- uhh Kathy" I nervously chuckle.

"Goodbye Sierra" Kathy says before she drives off to work.

I lock the door and walk back to Eve. "Now where were we"

    >>>>>> 40 Minutes later

"Okay Eve time to get ready for a bath"  I hold her hand walking upstairs into the bathroom.

I turn the water on at a warm temperature and undress Eve.

After the shower i follower her into her room and pick out her pajamas. I quickly help her get dressed.

"Wierra can you braid my hair?" Eve asks

I grab the brush and two little elastics. I braid her hair in two Dutch braids.

"I wanna weep in the cubhouse"

"Okay let's race back down!" I guess I'll just carry her back up onto her bed after she falls asleep.

When we get back in the living room Eve is already in the blanket all comfy. "Okay ready for a bedtime story?"

She eagerly nods her head.

I sit at the edge of the couch thinking for a moment.
  "Once upon a time there was this pretty princess. She lived in a big castle. One night she was having a ball. Everyone came and had fun except for the princess. She hadn't gotten the dance she hoped for. Then a handsome man asked her for a dance. They danced all night long and- " I was cut off by a light snore coming from Eve.

Great I didn't have to finish the story. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through Instagram for about 10 minutes.

I picked Eve up and carried her to her room and tucked her in bed.

"Can I tuck you in my bed next?" I scoffed turning my back finding Nate leaning  against the door frame.

I turn back to Eve to give her a kiss on the forehead and walk towards the door. Nate walks to Eve and also kisses Eve's head. "Goodnight baby girl" I hear him say. I smile to myself.

So here's my first story. I was really nervous posting this. How did I do? I would love your guys' feedback!

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