My first love is a vampire(On...

By xxLittleTinkerxx

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Chapter 1 -The meeting
Plans for the weekend?
curiosity killed the cat ............But Hey i'm Already dead

Chapter Two: New start

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By xxLittleTinkerxx

Kallums Pov:

I had to move on from the last town people started to notice i was not ageing  and i didn't want questions to be asked so here i am back in Hampshire a place i have visited number of times over the centuries .I already have a place here just on the outskirts of town meaning i don't get any unwanted visitors.

You probably thinking i'm a Gypsy with all the travelling i do but i'm not ,no i'm much worst some say i'm evil or what i am is the devil's making .........I'm a vampire.I wasn't always one know just after  i turned 19 in 1406 i was making my way home from work i worked down at the docks loading different foods to be shipped off to the destination ,I didn't get paid a lot barley anything but it was a job and with no a education or knowledge i think i had a good jobs i mean i could been polishing shoes or sweeping chimneys .I had a loving family my mother Elizabeth was beautiful even though we were poor she still looked beautiful she had blond her and deep blue eyes that stood out from her pale skin and rosy lips.She was loving a kind person it hurt to watch her grow old and die but what hurt the most was seeing her broken when i hadn't returned home ,she looked for me till the day she died ,I wish i could of told her that i'm alive kind of well i'm a vampire but i could't risk exposing our kind even if i could trust her after all she was my mother.

My Father had black hair and dark brown eyes and he worked as a chimney sweeper and my older brother Luther and the had mature clients who were all very wealthy but sweeping chimney's isn't my thing.My father was hurt when i was missing but he didn't really care it was one less mouth to feed and Luther was alway's my father's golden boy as i was my mother's but still he went out and looked for me with my brother but they gave up after years of trying to find me , my father tried to persuade my mother i was gone but she wouldn't accept it she kept saying i was out there somewhere she new it and she would feel it if i were dead.

My father died shortly after my mother he had lung problems after sweeping chimneys for years and the dust getting to his lungs,My brother Luther died At the age of 28 unmarried he fell from a ladder when sweeping a chimney i was in France at the time when i came back to England i notice my brother was missing and i over heard people talking about the tragic accident .My younger sister Ginny was only 5 when i went missing  ,She looked exactly like my mother with blond her and blue eyes i used to call her angel because that's what she looked like .Ginny cried for days after she found out i wouldn't be coming home she would't eat and used to yell at my father calling him a liar and saying i would't just leave her .Ginny wasn't educated like me and my brother she worked as a maid with my mother until she was 15 a man came to my parents house and asked for Ginny's hand in married and promised my parents she'd be looked after and they agreed to it even though it broke their hearts to watch her leave they new it was for the best.Ginny was broken heart at first when she left but after a while she Got used to it,She had to sons and during giving birth to her daughter she died and her daughter not long after .

Marcus is the vampire that changed me and after he changed me he left it wasn't till a young women Isabella she was Italian Her once Bronze skin was now pale and she hair brown chestnut hair and eyes.Isabella helped me with being a Vampire explaining when my fangs ached or i felt a burning sensation in the back of my throat it meant i was hungry and need blood she told me that if i should never let my self get to hungry or i could wipe out entire village and my eyes will turn red .Animal blood will satisfy me but i really need human blood eh recommend blood the use in hospitals what they use for transfusions and my eyes will turn amber then back to their original colour .Isabella also taught me that vampires can walk in the sun after 200 years but from the time being would have to stay indoors or protect our eyes but Isabella took me to a friend of her's who was a witch and did a 'Walking in sunlight' spell so i could walk in daylight ,she became my best friend for years and taught me to read and write and different languages she also taught me how to handle money so it will last and that stayng to long in one place is not a good thing unless if i  wanted to get staked.Isabella was staked in 1829 after being accused of a vampire which she clearly was and since than i travelled on my own except the odd run in's with other vampires and i haven't seen Marcus since he changed me yet i heard rumors over the years his one of the oldest and strongest vampires and he's still alive.

So here i am in hampshire, i thought i popped in to the book store which is owned by a witch and has been passed down but i didn't make it in for some reason i felt a pair of eyes on my head and when i turn round i court the most beautiful girl i could help but stare at her beauty she had ebony hair and pale skin and she had brown eyes which made her pupils stand out ,She turned away to hide the blush on her cheeks but i saw and it made me smirk to my self i quickly left and knowing i had school .

When i arrived silver Volvo S60 R and got out people began to stare my aim was not to draw attention to myself fat chance so i decided to listen to what they were talking about, that's one of the perks of being a vampire you have extremely good hearing and no we can not read minds but we can sense you emotions due to body language your giving off.

"OMG is so hot"

"I hope his in my class"

"He better stay away from my girl"

"Well looks like we got new competition"

I had to laugh they had nothing to worry about i wasn't interested in getting close to anyone i walked to in to Hazley high and went to reception to get my schedule  ,the halls were packed  as i made my way through and finally i came to a desk with a lady in her mid-forties ,

"Good morning and how may i help you"she said typing away on her computer.

"My name is Kallum Walsh and i'm new i came for my schedule"

"Oh sorry dear ,yes i been expecting you just let me print off your schedule and get you a locker key and your combination which you must keep to yourself and also let me get you a map to show you around.I'm afraid they only have the buildings of the subjects and once you get to the building you'll have to search for your class also your form tutor which is your personal tutor ,you will see at the beginning of Monday and every Friday after lunch there will be an Assembly which make your way to the hall and sit in your tutor group at the top and also here's a planner which you need to fill in personal details it has a calendar which last till the years up and it also has the holidays when they start and finish and the school rules are in there and is notes page to scribble notes,okay i think that's everything you better get to first lesson before your late"She finished with her speech lucky i got everything she said .

"Thank you"

When i manage to find the history building  and my class i told my teacher who i found  out her name was Mrs lowry and i found a seat which just happened to be next to the girl i saw earlier .

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