Forbidden Attraction

By RunReikelRun

117K 1.4K 120

Courtney had always had a thing for the alpha of the other pack. The alpha her older sister was to marry. But... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Forbidden Attraction

31K 172 4
By RunReikelRun

Hey guys, I've been reading a lot about these one night stands and the girl getting pregnant, and I thought why not write one? So I hope you like it and it had a few twists, so enjoy:)



Dora was on full blast in the living room, making it almost impossible to study. "Stacy, turn it down!" I yelled at my sister. She turned to me, sticking her tongue out and raising the volume. I groaned, getting my books and stuffing them in my bag.

It was the last week of school and I really needed to study for my finals. I walked out the room, heading to the front door. I sat on the floor, pulling on my navy blue, high top converse. I fixed my sweater and stood up, smoothing out my jeans.

"You should reveal a little more sis." My older sister said, walking out of her room in a sparkly, of the shoulder mini. I rolled my eyes, opening the front door. "Thanks little girl." she said, stepping out the door, her heels clanking as they hit the concrete.

"I'm only nine months younger than you, don't treat me like I'm nine years younger." I said, stepping into the blinding light of the morning sun. She laughed, flipping her straight, brown hair. I squinted my eyes, regretting not bringing my sunglasses.

"But I'm an Alpha, you're an Omega. Remember that." She replied, going to her red Camaro. "See you later, Omega." she said, driving away. I sighed, moving my dark hair out of my eyes. I started walking in the direction of the school, knowing I would be late again.

"Need a ride Courtney?" came a very manly voice behind me. I turned around, finding the other Alpha standing by his car on the next house.

"Yes I do Hutch. Thank you." I said, speed walking to his car. He smiled, showing off his perfectly white teeth. He turned on the car, his hand shooting towards the stick shift. His muscles rippled, clearly visible through his thin, grey shirt as he changed gears.

He stayed quiet the whole ride, not even sending a single glance my way. I rested my head on his seat, closing my eyes. "Tell me something," he started, slowing the car down. "How is your sister?" he asked, making me open my eyes. I stared at my hand sadly, hating the fact that my sister was to marry the one guy I had ever had interest in.

"Well, do you want to know the good things or the bad?" I asked him, sliding a little bit more down on the seat. He chuckled, not answering me. He pulled into the school's parking lot and turned off the car.

"We're here Court." he said, getting out the door. I quickly followed after him, walking to the school gates. We never talked at school, never even looked at each other. He was my neighbor, but all his friends knew was that I was the little sister of Amen.

I turned around, watching as Hutch walked further behind me, looking at something in his phone. I sighed, turning back around. I hit a hard wall, almost falling back. Two arms shot around me, holding me up straight.

"Careful Courtney, wouldn't want you to get hurt." said one of the wolves from Hutch's pack. He was attractive, but not like Hutch.

"Sorry Landon." I said, fixing the bag on my shoulder. He laughed through his nose, lifting his head to look behind me. "You shouldn't set your eyes on him. He is an Alpha and he will marry your sister." he reminded me.

I nodded, smiling up at him. "Don't worry Landon." I said, moving past him. He laughed again, leaving me alone to catch up to his leader. I turned to watch them one more time before walking to my friends.

"Hey guys." I said, taking a seat on the ledge we usually sat at. They smiled at me, a knowing look in their eyes.

"So, we saw you getting out of a certain someone's car." Lily said, wiggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.

"Guys, he gave me ride again because Amen left me behind." I explained, my stomach making flips at the thought of him finding me attractive. I smiled a little, letting my head fall so my hair covered my face.

"Courtney, you know it will be impossible for the two of you to ever be together. I mean, you are the omega and he is the alpha." she said. I stared at her with wide eyes. It couldn't be possible that she knew about our secret.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, my voice quivering a little.

Megan laughed, answering this time. "She means that he is popular and your not, he's at the top of the food chain and you're at the bottom." I calmed down, giving them a flat look.

"You guys always think negatively." I said, turning away away from them.

"No, we think reality." Lily responded. I looked at them again, rolling my eyes. "So I heard Landon is having a party tonight and everyone is invited."

"I don't do parties." I said, leaning back a little. They both sighed, pulling me up to my feet.

"Courtney, do you want Hutch to notice you?" Megan asked, nodding her head in his direction.

"Meg, not to loud!" I shushed her, knowing they probably heard her. She laughed, shaking her head.

"Don't worry, he wont hear you." she replied.

I smiled, letting them pull me to wherever they were going to take me. "I don't want to be late." I said, making them shake their heads.

"Don't be mean. We have just a few hours to give you a total make over. And I'm starting with that hair of yours." Lily said, wrinkling her nose.

"Hey!" I cried, laughing at her face. They both laughed, pulling me to the girls bathroom. We made sure no one was in and locked it, the girls getting ready to make me hot. "They are going to call home."

"Got it, called this morning and told them you weren't coming." Megan said, sticking out her tongue. I shook my head, letting my bag fall to the ground. I removed my sweater, showing them my body for the first time.

"Oh my God! Courtney, you have such an amazing figure, yet you hide it under a sweater every day. Why would you do that?" Lily asked, staring at me horrified. I shrugged knowing the answer to that.

"You even have a better body than your sister and she's hot." Megan said. I blushed, looking down at my feet.

"Okay, now that's not true. I have wider hips and a smaller chest than her. She had a super great body." I said, hating the fact that my body was more like Kim Kardashian and Amen's body was like Selena Gomez's body, but with bigger boobs.

Both of them started laughing, not bothering to say anything. They started with my hair, not letting me see what they were doing to it. I could feel them pulling and fluffing and straightening. Then they did my make up.

I could smell the powder they used, making my face feel softer but stretched out a bit. They put eyeshadow, not letting me see whether it was a dark color and them plucked out my eyebrows. I would hiss, but not do anything. Then, they put lip stick on me.

"Finished." Megan said. I opened my eyes, finding them both looking at me in awe. I turned around, facing the mirrors. I looked at the stranger in the mirror, her grey eyes looked just like mine but on a different face. "You look like a goddess."

My hair had been pulled back, the half part that was up had been teased and the bottom half had been straightened out. My skin looked much cleaner and a bit whiter, and the dark pink lip stick they used made my eyes shine a bit more.

I had dark blue eyeshadow with a midnight blue eyeliner with brought out my eyes even more. "I look different." I said, turning to look at them. "But what em I going to wear?" I questioned, turning back to the mirror and going over the changes they had made.

"Taken care of too. We brought a blue ruffled dress so you could wear it. I was a little worried it wouldn't fit you because I thought you were a bit more bigger, but now I'm worried if it'll go down at your hips." Lily replied, taking out the dress from her purse. "Go try it on, then we'll go buy some shoes."

We arrived at the party a little late. The music was at full blast and I could see everyone dancing through the window. "Is there alcohol?" I asked, feeling a bit nervous.

Lily laughed, pulling me through the door. The heels I wore were a little too much for my liking but I wasn't able to choose them. The smell of alcohol burned my nose and I had to do everything to keep from gagging at the horrible stench of sweat.

"Courtney?" came a voice behind me. I turned around, finding Amen with Hutch. I smiled at her, cocking my head to the side. She looked at me up and down, her face filled with surprise. "What are you wearing?" she asked me, pulling away from Hutch. She wore a face of disgust. "You look like a slut!"

I laughed, looking her in the eyes. "I am wearing the same thing as you. Well no, I actually have more dignity and I'm not showing off my boobs or ass." Lily pulled at my arm, turning me away from Amen.

"Look at the way Hutch is looking at you." she said. I turned my head, finding Hutch staring at me with his mouth a little open. I smiled, waving at him. "Let's go dance before your sister rips your head off." she said, pulling me to the dance floor. All night, I danced with my friends, even had some drinks and danced some more.

I took a seat on the steps of the stairs, taking off my heels. I rubbed my sore feet for a second before I noticed someone had stood in front of me. I looked up, finding Hutch looking down at me. I smiled up at him, blushing a little.

"So unattractive huh?" I murmured. He didn't respond. Instead, he held out a cup for me. I took it and he took a seat next to me. "What's this?" I asked, taking a sniff of the liquor.

"Drink it. It'll make you feel better." he replied, taking a drink from his. I looked at him for another second before taking a big drink of it. The alcohol burned my throat, but I ignored it. He didn't say anything once I finished the cup.

Everything started getting a little swirly, but I was still able to see clearly. "I don't feel so hot." I said, letting my head fall on his shoulder.

"Yeah, you drank it too fast." Hutch said in a quiet voice. His words vibrated through my head and I shivered from excitement. "Let me lay you down." He got up, pulling me to my feet. I swayed a little, clutching onto his hand with extreme strength.

"I feel sick." I admitted, my stomach doing flips and sparks flying through my body.

Hutch chuckled, making me turn my head so quickly I got even more sick. "First time?" he asked.

My eyes widened as I looked at him. "Oh my God! We're going to have sex? Why didn't you tell me? I haven't had time to prepare." I said, my eyes stinging a little.

"No, Courtney, we aren't having sex." he said.

I frowned, pulling away from him and stumbling up the stairs. "But I want to. Don't you?" I asked him. He sighed, walking up the steps with a little more elegance.

"Courtney, let's lay you down." he commented, grabbing onto my side and guiding me through the big house.

"So we can have sex." I commented as soon as he laid me down. He pulled away, but my arms shot around his neck. "Don't leave me. I really want you Hutch." I whispered, pulling myself up to kiss him.

He kissed me back, putting his hand on the base of my neck and pushing me down on the couch. "Courtney, as much as I would love to have sex with you, I can't. You're drunk and I'm going to marry your sister."

"She won't find out and I'm not drunk." I said, pulling his lips back to mine. He kissed me back, positioning himself on top of me.


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