Admirer With Curly Hair {Rike...

By _drowninglessons_

22.7K 900 2.2K

Meet Mikey Way, a guy who hates basically everyone, wants murder on a daily basis and loves astronomy. He sta... More

Waking up to a stranger
Warmth and heartbeats
A fever you can't sweat out
And I will try to fix you
We can stay like this forever
Come one come all
Just you and I, your starless eyes remain
Can't find my way home, but it's through you
Someone out there loves you
You can run away with me anytime you want
6-Year Update & Thank You

No one ever said school was a fun place

3.5K 126 385
By _drowninglessons_

Hearing the beeping noise from my annoying alarm clock was not the way I wanted to start my day.

I mean, I didn't really want to start the day anyway, knowing that I would be sucked into a void of darkness where they expect you to get a good education and set so many expectations, that you can't reach because you're life is crumbling right in front of you.

Yeah, school. A wonderful place where friends are made, everyone is smiling and people are shitting rainbows. I hate it when people lie to me.

I kick the covers off of me, feeling a cold gust of wind go against my shoulders. Shivering, I reach for my glasses so I can actually see where I am.

After finally adjusting to my surroundings, I sit up, and basically hurl myself off the bed and onto the floor, making a large thumping sound as I hit the ground. I let out a large sigh knowing today is going to be a long day.

I stand up on my feet, almost losing my balance, and walking over to my drawers as if I'm a guy that's completely wasted and attempting a sobriety test. I open the drawers and pull out my usual attire. Black skinny jeans, a band shirt, the usual shit.

After dressing myself, I go downstairs to the kitchen, where I find my older brother, Gerard, sitting there.

"Good morning, Mikey. Did you sleep okay?" He asked me, sounding as if he wasn't tired at all.

"Are you kidding me? Of course! I slept great. I dreamed of unicorns, flying puppies and rainbows." I respond in my usual sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, I can tell by the sound of you hitting the floor after rolling off your bed." Gerard chuckles.

"How are you so happy about this?" I ask him.

"About what? School?" He asks, knowing that's the only thing on my mind right now. "I mean, I've gotten so used to it by now, it doesn't really affect me anymore. But I get why you're nervous, Grade 10 isn't the easiest grade to pass."

"Thanks, Gee. But, I'm not nervous about it. It's just, that, I don't know..." I say, frustrated with myself.

"Well, I'll tell you that whatever you're worried about isn't even worth your attention. Next week, you'll be fine." He says, shrugging his shoulders as he eats his cereal.

"I sure hope so..." I mumble to myself.

Unlike other kids in high school, I don't worry about things like marks, not being able to find my classes, and all that other bullshit. I'm more worked up about the fact that no one there actually likes me, I'm not up for getting beat up or teased again this year. I'm not one to make friends, or even communicate with people for that matter. The only person I really talk to is Gerard, he's been through some shit in high school; beat up, made fun of, tripped in halls, have pranks played on him. But somehow he's making it through and I don't know why. I know for sure, I'll end up either dropping out or dying before graduation even happens.

"Anyway, I'll get going. I don't want to be late." I say in an overexcited, obviously sarcastic voice, making Gerard chuckle.

"See you later, Mikey. Lemme know how it goes." Gerard responds, waving goodbye.

I walk outside, feeling the warmth of the sun on me.

God, I'm burning.

I begin my journey to hell, making sure to be extra slow in my steps. I see people bike past me, as if they have to be there in a hurry. People celebrate the first day of school as if it were some fucking holiday, meeting up with their friends, squealing as if they hadn't seen each other in ages even though they saw each other yesterday. It just doesn't make sense to me. But hey, not a lot of things make sense to me.

After about 10 minutes of slow walking and dragging my feet on the sidewalk, I arrive at the gates of hell. I pull open the doors, only to reveal groups of friends yelling and jumping out of excitement.

Man, ain't this year just going to be peachy.

I make my way to my locker as fast as I can. Hoping not to pass by anyone that knows me or hates me.

I start to turn the dial, trying to remember the pass code.

"34...12...18" I think to myself, hoping I'm right.

Click, it opens.

I throw all of my shit in there, only grabbing my pencil case because English isn't exactly the most high maintenance subject.

I make my way to the class so I can be there early, just to avoid people.

"Hey, Mikey!" Yells someone from behind me, causing me to flinch.

Apparently my tactic has failed. Now the only options I have left are respond to him or stab him in the jugular.

I realized the second option wasn't a very good idea.

"Long time no see! How was your summer?" The guy asked me.

I have no clue who the fuck this guy is.

"It was, okay, I guess. Didn't really do much. How was yours?" I respond, trying to sound as sane as possible.

"It was awesome! I went on a month long road trip with my friends, had a lot of parties, went to skate parks." The guy said, excitedly.

"Wow, that's pretty cool." I say, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible, "Well, anyway, I got to go to English. I'll see you around."

"Yeah, man! Do you want to hang out with my friends at lunch? You'd probably like them." He asks me.

"Uh, sure, where will you be?" I ask, nervously.

"Outside near the park. Meet us there at 12:30. See you, man!" He said, walking away.

What the fuck just happened.

Did we just become friends? How does he know my name?

I walk to English class, confused as to what the fuck just happened and whether I really want to go to lunch with the douche bags.


"Now, as you should've learnt last year, to every story comes compartments of the plot. I've handed you these sheets, which are short story's I want you to look over. Once you are finished, I will ask for the compartments of the story." The teacher said, boringly.

I begin to read the story.

"The Act of A Hero by..."

I didn't even bother reading the author's name. B-o-r-i-n-g.

I stare out the window just waiting for this class to be over. Just trying to focus on the trees, clouds and all the scenery outside without being distracted by the chatter of the classroom.

I finally hear the bell ring and make my way to my next class.


After boring Science and History, I make my way to the back entrance of the school, following the promise I made to that random guy.

I open the doors, walking towards the park on the gravel path.

I then realize the shit I'm putting myself through. I can't trust these people, I don't even know who they are. I don't like friends, I'm perfectly fine being alone.

God, I hate myself.

"Hey, glad you came. Guys, this is Mikey Way." He says, me cringing when he said my name.

I wave awkwardly, trying to show I'm not that socially retarded.

"Wait, are you Gerard's younger brother? Like, the gay art geek Gerard who doesn't have any friends?" One of the guys asks.

Now, I'm completely okay when people call me names, and beat me up. But once we bring my brother into it, it's go time.

"Um, excuse me? As a matter of fact, my brother has already been looking into art schools to go to after high school, being accepted into 3 of them already." I say, quite proud of my comeback.

"Wow, he's just like his brother. Stuck up, annoying, ugly and gay." Another guy says.

The last thing I see before I black out is a fist to the face, and a tall figure with poofy hair yelling at the group of guys.

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