Baby Momma • jb

By MsBiebz

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Aurora Ramirez goes out with her best friends one night expecting to have the time of her life just like any... More

1; The Beginning. (Re-Writren & Edited)
3; Test. (Re-Written & Edited)
4; Oh, The Tears.
5; A Better Life.
6; Always Happy.
7; That's Right B*tch.
8; "Justin!"
9; I'm Okay.
10; Oh Hell No.
11; I hate her..
12; Excited!
13; Daddy Cares?
14; A Moment.
Hey loves
15; I can't.
16; I'm Sorry.
I had a... WHAT?!

2; The Day After. (Re-Written & Edited)

6.3K 198 68
By MsBiebz

Hi if you're a new reader,

I am currently going through and revising each chapter, until there all revised and I can continue the story. Chapter two is currently updated. Enjoy :)

| Aurora |

"Where am I?" I immediately shot up out of my sleep from the nightmare I was having only to realize my nightmare wasn't just a nightmare and that I indeed had sex with Justin Bieber. 

"God damn, how drunk did I get last night?" I said to myself while grabbing the back of my head. I looked over to see Justin still sleeping next to me. Which only freaked me out and the more of my senses I came to the more creeped out I got. I quickly jumped up out of bed completely  forgetting I was but ass naked. I screamed quickly before covering my mouth trying not to wake Justin. I begin panicking grabbing my clothes while quickly throwing them on and mumbling to myself on how could I be so stupid to do this. 

 "What's the rush?" He sat up, I still couldn't believe Justin was right there in front of my face, and that's when we locked eyes on each other. He smirked, "Hey gorgeous." He eyed me up and down. I rolled my eyes trying find my shoes.

"Don't call me that." I started throwing shit around looking for my shoes. "You had no problem last night when I was calling you a bunch of other things." He laughed.  

I covered my ears "No, no, no I don't want to hear you." I didn't remember what he called me last night and I wanted to keep it that way. 

How did this even happen? I said in my head. 

"Come on, you're smart you know how people have sex." Justin grinned sarcastically responding back to me confirming that I had accidently said that out loud. 

"I can't believe I had sex with you." I blurted out annoyed. 

"Best sëx I've had in awhile. You're a good fück we defiantly have to do it again some time babe." My eyes widened, "You're literally insane if you think I'm ever doing this again." Justin chuckled, "Yeah that's what they all say." 

Is this some kind of joke? I still couldn't find my shoes and grew more annoyed by the second. I suddenly felt a sharp pain hit my girl down stairs as another sharp ran down my inner thigh. I quickly crunched down. "That happens to all of them to." He let out a loud laugh as he stood up in front of me, naked. 

He walked past me to the recliner in the corner the room, his shoulder bumping into me. "Excuse you." I spat. He bent down and picked up my shoes, "Here." 

I turned around slowly, "Thank you." I mumbled. I rubbed my head once more, "So I was really drunk, huh?"

 "You were pretty drunk, you could barely even stand straight." I looked at him confused, "You weren't drünk?" I asked. He walked into a closet still trying to talk to me. "I can't hear you when you walk into another room." I said annoyed. 

He rolled his eyes walking back out except this time he had a pair of black Calvin Klein's on. 

"I said I was, just not as drunk as you." He glared at me.  I nodded quickly, "Oh so you räped me." He let out a loud obnoxious laugh,  "Not even close, it was very much consensual." he added a wink at the end.

I could feel my face get hot and I assumed it was red. I was embarrassed and just wanted to be anywhere else but here. I spaced out, my thoughts running through my mind. Suddenly all I could think about was Ronnie. I would be destroyed if he ever did something like this to me I never thought I would ever do something like this and was disgusted with myself that I had. 

"Where are my friends?" I asked softly, he shrugged, "All I know is Blondie is passed out in my bed."

I knew he was talking about Jessica, speaking of which she can never ever know about this. No one can ever know about this. Not even Nina.

"You're not going to tell anybody about this right?" I asked. He chuckled, "Oh yeah totally, because I want the world to know I fucked you." I glared at him, "Relax I won't tell anyone." He said.

"Did I bring anything else with me?" I asked. "You're wallet and phone are right there." He pointed to the dresser behind me. I shook my head, "I'm leaving." I started to head out of the room when I then heard Justin yelled, "What no goodbye kiss?" 

 "Kiss my ass," I kept walking and by walking I mean I practically ran out of his house, I stood outside while I waited for my uber I need to get as far away from here as possible.

It was around three thirty when I  got home and I  took what felt like the worlds longest shower where I practically scrubbed quite literally every inch of my body as if that would take back what happened last night. I slowly rubbed my hands over my lips having a flashback of Justin's soft lips crashing into mine. I put my head back under the water shaking my head. "Don't do this Aurora." I said silently to myself. 

 I got out of the shower put on a pair of underwear and an oversized shirt and laid down on my bed. I pulled my phone out and opened Instagram where I saw pictures Ronnie had posted of his family's BBQ, I mentally face palmed, "shit" I said to myself. I can't believe I forgot. I couldn't stop thinking about everything I've done. I've never been a girl to do dump shit like this, ever.

Aurora really? Since when is sleeping with Justin Bieber dumb? "

Since the fact that I have an amazing boyfriend who really loves me, and I cheated on him. It broke my heart just even thinking about it. I've avoided him all day with out even trying.

I checked my messages on my phone. 

Text Message from Ronnie<3:

Goodmorning Babe, did you get home safe last night?

(Delivered at 8:50 AM)

Text Message from Ronnie<3:


(Delievered at 1:00 PM)

Text Message from Ronnie<3:

Are you still coming today babe?

(Delivered at 2:30 PM)

Text Message from Ronnie<3:

Why aren't you answering? Is everything okay? 

(Delivered at 4:45 PM)

I just felt so hopeless. How am I ever going to Ronnie the truth? How do you even tell someone you cheated on them nicely?

"Oh hey babe, by the way after you left me at the club last night I cheated on you with Justin Bieber. But don't worry, it didn't mean anything and he said he wouldn't tell anyone. Love you."

That just doesn't fucking sound right. 

Where the hëll is everybody? It's going on 5'oclock and I'm still home alone. What was this ignore Aurora day?

You're ignoring Ronnie, Aurora.

I shook my head putting my phone on do not disturb then setting it on my nightstand beside me, I just wanted to escape my inner thoughts that just seemed to eat me alive today. I laid there in silence until I faded to sleep. 

"Ro, wake up." I heard Nina she shook me me softly, "Ro, get up its 8."

I sat up quickly, holding the back of my head. For a second I thought sleeping with Justin was a dream, but sadly my women hood still felt a little sore reminding that everything that happened.. still happened. 

"When did you get home?" I asked through my yawn. "Around 6:30, I came up here and saw you sleeping so I thought I should let you sleep a little but Ronnie's down stairs."

My eyes widened, "He's what!— why?" Nina had confusion in her eyes, "Um well I'm guessing because he wanted to see his girlfriend? He told me you never showed up today, where were you?" She asked.

 "When I came home I fell asleep and must've slept through my alarms." I lied. Nina rubbed my hand gently, "Ronnie is worried sick." I quickly nodded getting up and putting on a pair of shorts, "I know! I didn't realize how tired I was." 

She looked at me funny, "Are you okay?"

 I panically laughed, "I'm fine NiNi." I walked out of my room, if I stayed in there any longer she would have known I was lying.

"Baby! There you are! Are you okay? I've been so worried. Everyone was asking about you today." Ronnie quickly embraced me in a tight hug. I barely hugged him back, I just couldn't touch him after another man touched me, just didn't seem fair to him.

"Are you okay?" He pulled away slowly. "Of course," I lied. "Why didn't you answer me at all today?" He then asked. I shrugged my shoulders and then yawned, "I was sleeping all day, I got way more drunk than I planned to last night. I'm so sorry, please don't be mad." 

Way more drunk was an understatement.

"Dämn babe, you should have came home with me." I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, you should of made me come home with you, maybe then right now I wouldn't have a massive headache," or maybe then I wouldn't have slept with Justin Bieber, I added on in my head. 

"I'm sorry, I tried to get you to come with me." He held his hands out walking closer to me. "Well you didn't try hard enough," I spat.

I figured being a bïtch to him would take my mind off the whole cheating thing, but let's be honest here that shït is planted in my brain for life. I just needed a little more time before I tell him the truth.

"What happened after I left?" He then asked. "Nothing! Why do you assume something happened?" I snapped at him.

"Babe, calm down. I was just asking." Ronnie said, "Should I be worried that you are getting all defensive?" 

And then I realized acting like a bitch was a bad idea. Abort mission.

 I shook my head, "I'm sorry babe I just feel bad about missing today, I didn't mean to sound like that. I'm sure you're family hates me." I pouted. He walked closer to me, "Baby it's fine really, there will be more parties with my family. Nothing to get worked up about." He pulled me into a hug.

 "Are you okay?" He whispered into my hair. I pulled away,

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" I asked frantically.

He chuckled, "I'm just making sure." 

"Just follow me, I'll show you." Jessica walked in the front door with one of her friends.

"Hey Aurora, hey Ronnie." Jessica smiled, walking passed us. "Hey Jess." Ronnie waved and I froze.

Justin was here.

Why in the hell would she bring him here? 

"Should I introduce everyone or do you guys know who this is?" Jess stood in front of us clearly talking about Justin. "Hey man so nice to meet you, I'm Ronnie." My boyfriend stepped up to him. Justin dabbed him up, while smirking at me  "Hey what's up, you too."

Please don't be so nice to him. I said in my head, he wouldn't be being so nice to him if he knew Justin Bieber fücked his girlfriend.

"Aurora is it?" Justin then turned to me breaking me away from my thoughts. "Um yeah," I gulped slowly. "It's nice to meet you," he flashed me a smile. I flashed him back a fake one, "Wish I could say the same."

"Aurora! Don't be rude!" Jessica snapped at me. I rolled my eyes, "Jess, I'm not in the mood." 

Jessica shook her head completely ignoring me, "We're going upstairs anyway, I'm going to go show Justin some songs I've written."

Jessica seriously has some sick theory that she can sing but news flash boo, you can't.

"Babe, what was that?" Ronnie asked. I panicked, "What was what?"

 Ronnie laughed, "Baby, you were kinda rude to Justin."

I groaned, "Oh whoops, you know I don't like him." Ronnie shrugged, "I suppose, yes." I nodded. "Anyway, do you want to go grab some food?" He asked.

I know Justin's here, but I just can't be alone with Ronnie yet. Not until I tell him the truth.

"Not tonight babe, I still don't feel good I think I'm just going to go back to bed." Ronnie nodded, "I thought you might've said that, I brought you some left overs from today there in your fridge for whenever you get hungry." 

I smiled, "You are so good to me." And that was the truth, which only made me feel worse. Ronnie's phone went off and by the tone I knew it was text message. "Shit my Dad is texting me, he needs my help with my little brother. I gotta go baby, I love you." He kissed my cheek quickly. 

 "Oh okay! Will I see you soon?" I asked, "Of course." He walked to my front door before looking back at me, "And this time when I text you, you better answer." I laughed, "I promise!" He blew me a kiss before shutting the door behind him.

Well that went a lot easier then I thought it was going to be.

That's because he still doesn't know, Aurora.

"Aurora get your äss up here now." Nina yelled from upstairs. My heart dropped. Justin wouldn't have told Jessica right? I mean I didn't peg him as the gossip type but, who knows?

I ran upstairs into my room, "What happen? What's wrong?" I said urgently. Nina laughed, "Can you believe Jess? She really has Bieber here, at our house." I fake coughed, "Uhum yeah."

"I feel cool as fück, I got the biebs in my house," Nina stated proudly. I shook my head plopping down on my bed. "How many times are you going to say that?" I asked. She shrugged, "As many times as I want." I ignored her.

"So you ever going to tell me what's got your panties in a twist?" She sat down next to me. I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm fine?" I said even though I clearly wasn't.

"Yeah okay, sure." Nina eye'd me. "But I'll find out one way or another."
I chuckled, "Okay crazy." She smiled, "Oh my god thank you!" I laughed more, "That's not a compliment Ni." She shrugged, "Whatever, I'm going to take a shower."

 I sat up, "Hey! wait! where the hëll did you go last night?" She thought she was slick, like I wouldn't forget that last night she was absolutely no where to be found. Nina just ignored me walking out of my doorway, as I hollered again at her.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" She yelled back. "Mhm sure you don't."

I laid back down hoping to go to sleep because lets face it, today hasn't been that great. I know going to bed won't fix my problems but it sure will put them on hold for about 8 to 9 hours. I turned my light off and as soon as my head hit my pillow I heard someone knocking on my door.

"What? I'm going to bed," I yelled. I can talk to Jess and Nina tomorrow, let me sleep. There was a knock at my door again. I got up to open it, "I'm going to kill you guys, I told you I'm going to be- Justin?" He smiled, "Sup gorgeous." I rolled my eyes, "What do you want?" I spat. "Jessica said she left her other notebook in here."

I turned around looking at my vanity where I saw Jessica's little pink notebook. "Gimme a sec," I turned around to go get it for him when I heard my door shut behind me.

I soon then felt hands around my waist, and breath against my neck. "Let me fück you again." Justin whispered in my ear. I jumped out of his grip, facing towards him, "I need you to leave. Leave my room right now." He ignored my commends and walked closer to me, "You know you want me just as bad as I want you."

I glared at him and he had managed to make it where he was just inches away from my face.

Aurora, don't.

"Come on," he grabbed me by my shorts and pulled me closer to him. "I-I can't." I nervously stuttered. Justin caressed my cheek with his right hand and held me by his waist with his other. I stayed completely still, I don't know what took over my body but I just couldn't move.

It was only a matter of seconds until Justin leaned in and I felt his soft lips on mine.
I pulled away fast, " Justin I can't do this, I have a boyfriend!" He smirked, "I know, but I won't tell if you don't." 

"You think you're funny?" I asked annoyed. "I know I'm funny" He said confidently, "And just how your boyfriend was so eager to introduce himself to me tonight. I know you didn't tell him about last night." 

"No shit." 

"Well then one more time before you tell him wont hurt." He pulled at my waist, slowly sliding his hand down my pants. "Please?" He begged before crashing his lips onto mine again. 

I pulled away, "Aurora, I need this." He begged again, starting to caress my womanhood. I was getting hotter by the minute. We both leaned just staring at each other. 

"What the hell? what is one more time going to hurt?" I said before throwing my hands around his neck. He quickly picked me up and carried me to my bed, where we quickly started ripping our clothes off.

 And here I thought I was about to be Justin Bieber free. 

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