Sorry, I'm a Super Freak

By thisriveriswild

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"I'm not a superhero. I just want you to know that, before you read my story"... Lizzy isn't normal, and she... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter One

684 11 9
By thisriveriswild

I’m not a superhero.

I just want you to know that, before you read my story. There’s a legitimate scientific explanation for what I am – no comic book freaks or kryptonite involved, I swear.

Most people don’t believe that, but they don’t hear it straight from the horse’s mouth, do they? Rumours are rumours for a reason and all that.

Anyway, enough. I’m not bothering to write this for you to find out more about my hatred of the general public and their rumour mill, or to get the much requested ‘Real life: Closer’ edition of my elusive tale. I’m writing this because I want you to know the truth.

You, of all people, deserve that.

You’d think people would be jealous, right? Of course. Who wouldn’t be jealous of the kid with superpowers? My mum used to say that was why I got picked on, why the bullies chose me to call names and pick fun at. At the age of six, she was probably right. Everyone wants to be different. Everyone wants to be a superhero.

Jealousy isn’t an issue, not anymore. When kids grow up they start to realise that anyone who’s different is a freak. An anomaly. Anomalies aren’t treated kindly amongst teenagers, let me tell you. It’s the same with racism, sexism, homophobia, whatever. People stick with friends who are the same as them. They don’t like change; they don’t like ‘weird’.

As far as people are concerned, when you get to the age of thirteen, ‘weird’ is wrong.

I’m Lizzy, by the way. Lizzy Koronski. I’m sorry I never told you my real name. You have to understand that life was easier undercover, that feeding you the same lies as everyone else was something I had to do. I’d been telling my tall tales for six years when I met you, so it was natural for me to add to the web of deceit I’d been spinning for so long.

At school they had their own names for me anyway; it wasn’t like anyone kept to my supposed identity. Looking back, it’s funny how at each new school, after every ‘this time it’ll work out’ fresh start, they always ended up with the same name for me. Seven years of moving, twelve brand new places of education for me to deal with, nine different fake IDs, and every time it was the same. Maybe they were the ones with the superpowers after all - some kind of evil telepathic link between all the school kids in the UK.

They always went through a few other petty names first, adding elements of originality at each location before arriving at the one name that stuck: Superfreak. Oh yes, good old Superfreak. Do you remember that? It’s one word, according to the bright pink and blue graffiti that adorns the library walls at Millwater High.

Superfreak. Feel free to call me that if you want. It’s felt more like my true name than Lizzy for as long as I can remember; ever since children my own age realised that being mean was more fun than being accepting.

Oh, by the way... When I said it was natural for me to add to the ‘web’ of deceit I’d been spinning, I didn’t mean that literally. I don’t want you getting the wrong idea, and I can promise you that Spiderman isn’t some kind of real life distant relation of mine. What I can do is much cooler.


Hi! I hope you enjoyed reading chapter one. I’m just writing this story as I go along so I don’t know myself what’s going to happen yet...

I chose the whole superpower thing because, as well as being a bit of a nerd, I just thought the world of Wattpad could do with another take on the superhero story. I was going to enter this into the Watty awards but I probably won’t get it written in time.  I’ll see how it goes though, and the more reads/votes/comments/likes/tweets it gets, the more quickly I’ll want to continue with the story! Sorry for any long waits between chapters. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy chapter 2! :]

Oh, P.S. I’m really into music so I’m going to suggest a song for people to listen to at the end of every chapter. I might post a video link sometimes if I’m updating from home, too.

* The first song: The Bird and The Worm – Owl City. * I saw Owl City in concert the other day and it was absolutely amazing, so I had to put this in!


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