
By me2you804

93.2K 3.4K 284

Death is only the beginning... For as long as anyone can remember, there have been legends of Atlantis. A ci... More

Becoming Atlantian - Chapter 1
Becoming Atlantian [2]
becoming Atlantian [3]
Becoming Atlantian [4]
Becoming Atlantian [5]
Becoming Atlantian [6]
becoming Atlantian [7]
Becoming Atlantian [9]
Becoming Atlantian [10]
Becoming Atlantian [11] unedited
becoming atlantian [12] unedited
Becoming Atlantian [13]
Becoming Atlantian [14]
Becoming Atlantian [15] unedited
Becoming Atlantian [16] unedited
becoming atlantian [17]
becoming atlantian [18]
Becoming Atlantian [19]
Becoming Atlantian [20]
Becoming Atlantian [21]
Becoming Atlantian
becoming atlantian [epilogue]

Becoming atlantian [8]

3.8K 150 7
By me2you804

Chapter 8

White clouds formed in the air as breath puffed through parted lips, the hot air becoming white mist as it touched the air. The sudden decline in temperature hadn’t gone unnoticed by any of the room’s occupants which is why each of them were making a steady retreat, all except one that is.

With wide eyes, the hooded figures watched the irate blonde as she stepped towards the cold spot that was sucking every ounce of warmth from the room. Her sudden change in mood was of no surprise to any of them but the consequences were enough for any of them to wish that they were somewhere else. The Matriarch, as much as she appeared to be a brainless floozy, was powerful, temperamental and extremely egotistical. Each of these three things made her extremely dangerous and was the reason why she was always obeyed, no matter how much people hated her.

What had made her so angry was when the room had begun to alter. The matriarch knew what it meant, that judgement had been given and she was coming back to them. And deep in her gut, she knew that she would be coming back alive and that fiery red head would take away from her limelight, something she didn’t like at all. Snarling as a pinprick of cold blue light formed on the floor she took the necessary step back so that the magic wouldn’t catch her in its web as if worked overtime to bring forth the newest Atlantian.

Sparks shot off and hit the walls, the embers glowing when they came to rest upon the floor while the pinprick grew and transformed. The blue light rippled and shuddered like a new-born babe taking its first breath before it grew until it formed the silhouette of a human body. As each second passed, the light became something more. It took on a form and solidified so that the skin that formed on the body was so pale that the onlookers could swear that it was silver. Next came the fiery tangle of red hear that pooled out around the lithe form in an unruly arc. Slowly features became discernable as the light dimmed but the soft supple skin covering her body did not lose the unearthly gleam.

A gasp escaped Aubrey’s lips like a baby taking its first breath, the feeling liberating and intoxicating as she came back into the world of consciousness. Her body which had felt for a moment as if it had come apart at the seams, now settled back against the floor, her chest heaving as she breathed in deep hungry breaths of air. Rolling her head to the side, she allowed it to loll against the smooth stone floor, relishing the coolness against her burning hot skin. She felt like she had a fever with how hot she was, but she didn’t feel ill or even remotely sick. In fact, Aubrey thought as she squinted up at the blonde that was now standing over her, she felt better than ever.

The matriarch smiled down at the limp girl upon the floor and smiled. It was sickly sweet and sent a shiver of trepidation down Aubrey’s spine. A smile that sweet could only mean bad things for her but the blonde merely flicked her hair over her shoulder before holding out her perfectly manicured hand to her. With a gulp, the red head reached out her pale luminescent hand with her chipped 99p polish coated nails. They were such a contrast to each other and the two noted the huge differences between them, the power that each held within them yet rivalled the others. It was like their spirits were competing with each other though Aubrey was never one to compete, one that preferred to live in the side-lines that in the spotlight.

But that’s where this new life had brought her, the spotlight. As soon as the matriarch had her hand within her grasp, she pulled her forwards so that she was forced to her feet and the blonde could examine her mark. Instantly the colour drained from the elder woman’s face and she dropped her hand like it had been burned. Aubrey frowned as she watched the woman turn away, a calculating look upon her face as she touched a hand to her lips. 

Everyone in the room was on tenterhooks as they waited for her reaction, for the barmy woman to tell them the verdict. And she knew the effect she was causing, the Matriach revelled in it as her lips quirked up behind her hand. It was quickly doused however when her thoughts moved to the red head. Releasing a breath she stared at the woman, her competition.

“You’re an enigma,” she smiled sweetly against so that Aubrey gulped to keep herself from gagging. She had never liked false people. “But you are a mystery I will solve.” Clicking her fingers in Tiberius’ direction, he stepped from the shadows looking strangely happy yet there wasn’t even a smile upon his face, he just seemed lighter. A weight had obviously been lifted from his shoulders and Aubrey knew within an instant that it was to do with her. If she had died, he would have felt responsible even if he wasn’t the one to cause it. “Take her to her chambers, feed her and then we will see what she is made of.” She sent Aubrey another smile but she didn’t hide the vindictive side to it as she started for the door. “Oh and Miss Winters, you have 6 weeks. If you’re not ready, your life will be the one that is forfeit.” With that a tinkling laugh echoed around the room, the woman leaving behind of tense and uncomfortable people.

The bang resounded through the room, the sound echoing off of the walls. For a moment, everyone was frozen and their eyes remained fixated on the door as they waited to see if the dreadful woman would return. When it seemed like the coast was clear, the entire group relaxed and gave each other smiles to signify that they understood each other’s pain. It was true to an extent. They had each been at the mercy of the Matriarch at one point or another so it was only fair that they share each other’s pain but it was more of an unspoken rule that you never told how she had tormented you. It was too traumatic.

Tiberius helped Aubrey to her feet and smiled at her. Well it was supposed to be a smile but was more of a twitch of his lips. He made a point not to look below the waist because she was naked as the day she was born. That was part of the final part of the process, the source took you apart and at the seams and let you be born again but it was a little embarrassing to come back on the other side. Aubrey however was too exhausted to even notice. She felt as if she had been to hell and back, every muscle and fibre of her felt tired and worn, yet strangely rejuvenated.

“Come, let’s get you some clothes and let you get some sleep and then we will begin.” Tiberius wrapped an arm around her shoulder while his other hand took the rope that was being offered by one of the other Atlantians. He would probably see Aubrey in much more compromising  positions over the time to come but he still felt the need to protect her so wrapping the robe around her shoulders and pulling it closed, he guided her away from the other’s eyes and towards the door. She was starting to droop against his side as the effects started to fully hit her. “Come on,” He put his hand under her knees and swept her feet out from under her. “you’ve got a long day tomorrow so you’ll need all of your strength.”

Looking up at his through lowered lids, Aubrey’s voice slurred out a few indiscernible words before she went limp in his arms. He shook his head back and forth and somehow managed to focus on the world around him just in time to nod at  a hooded figure as he opened the door for him. He was almost completely past the man when he put a stilling hand on him.

“You know what the mark means,” the voice rasped. “train her well, teach her right because if you make one wrong move, that girl could be the end of us all.”

Not showing that the words had confirmed his own thoughts, Tiberius nodded and left the room. For once he felt the burden of his position but he would do what he had done for years, he would be the warrior he was trained to be and would protect the worlds around him. Even if it meant that he had to stop the girl within his arms.

Sorry its taken me so long, not really had the time to write. I'm hoping to make the next chapter longer but it will be at least a week until I upload as I have lots and lots of stuff to do. Thank you for being patient with me. xx

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