The Bad Boy And The Tomboy

By jakkyio

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"The Bad Boy and The Tomboy." Isn't that such a cliche name for a cliche book? Yes? No? If no then you obviou... More

Chapter 1: May her soul be cured
Chapter 2: And we meet again
Chapter 3: Want to date?
Chapter 4: Shakespeare was a great name
Chapter 5: I don't crave drugs!
Chapter 7: Large-wanted-thing
Chapter 8:Oh Shit...
Chapter 9: Stare At Tomboy
Chapter 10: (R-Rated Part in!!)A Step Closer To Him
Chapter 11: Lead Us To Victory!
Chapter 12: Stressed Out
Chapter 13: I-it's true

Chapter 6: Truth or Dare...

64 12 2
By jakkyio

I chose this musice video because it relates to the story and they'll be listening to It on tv.
Luv ya.


Poop leaned into my hair and inhaled its sweet smell. I felt him grin under the pressure, he had liked it, the smell.

We were in the Mad Hatter Cafe and we were having our very first date!

"Hi, how may I help you?" I looked up to see a waiter. A girl about my height with whitened teeth and hair extensions. She was a beautiful mixed.
"Can I have two mushroom pizzas with pineapples on. For you..."

Gilbert started of looking at me then at the waiter. She was pretty all right, looked like a model, but he wasn't giving me all the attention.

" I'll have chicken breast with a coke drink." I replied.

" You sure? You're quite a fatty." The waiter looked at me with pitty. I glared at her. How was I a fatty when I am one of the most healthiest looking girls in the ENTIRE school.

" Shut your trap you asswhole! And frowning won't help your face!"

"It will!" Gilbert and the waiter both said in unison as I stared at Gilbert in disbelief, he just winked at me.

The waiter then turned to Gilbert with a slutty smirk. "Hi, my name is Rosy and I'll  be at your service every time..." She rolled her eyes at me. "Looks like this prude isn't giving you enough blow jobs." She then winked at him and heeled off. I was jealous. Seems like trouble follows me wherever I go. I just dressed like this for no fucking reason! He isn't even complimenting me... for goodness sake I'm tired of this!

"I'm back." Just after she placed the food on the table she handed him a white sheet of paper that had about 11 digits on and whispered in his ear. I heard this but the words didn't all make sense:"Dont handle out with prudes. Mall me and let's have sed." She winked at him then walked away leaving Gilbert clutching the paper like a treasure he'd never want to lose. I was jealous and extremely pissed-

"Oh gosh that's it!" I jumped off the table, taking my purse and ran out of the restraunt. Only till I was out did I realise what was happening.


A rainy day.

I still ran in the rain and I ran all the way to Sarah's house and then rang the doorbell. The door flung open. I looked at my self glumily, I was soaking wet and Gilbert didn't even tell me to stay when I was leaving... he didn't even compliment me, or stand up for me. We barely talked, especially since that BITCH came. Gilbert could be nice when he wants to.

"Hi-Oh... BETTY!" I heard Sandra scream and close the door shut, to my surprise. Then after a few shouting and rustling she opened the door, breathing heavily, and dragged me in.

" Fill me in."




"Oh that son of a coward!" Andrew yelled, pounding his fists on the table. "I was gonna befriend that ass whole!"

"Drew, I'll give him a chance. It's only been 2 weeks and this is our first date... I like him!" I was unsure by using the word like. I don't think my feelings for him related to like anymore.

More like the opposite.

I loathed him so much now. I could feel my cheeks Reddning. I was so PISSED.

"Sandra? Help me decide."I turned to face her and I saw her staring at Andrew and mouthing 'shh'. I ignored them. All I wanted was the advice.

"Ok then. I think we should just all have fun! We should host a small party to just forget about this thing and chill." Sandra was in cool-Sandra mode.

I hated it.

" WHERE HAS MY LOVEABLE SANDRA GONE?" I whailed, this day was not going to end well...

3 weeks later...


Four months, 2 weeks and 15 days left till I graduate.

Till was going to leave this school and become a senior.

I needed to think of something to become. I wasnt going to try becoming soccer player again....

Probably American football?

Probably Competitive swimming?

I need to decide...

"So Kai, what is the fraction that is equivalent  to 4/8?" Miss Gery questioned  me expectantly.

"1/2!" Me And Kai both shouted in unison. Oh yeah the SECOND Kai.

He had black hair and eyes as green as a forest. He was wearing a green polo top that was tucked in with black shorts over, he also had green fluxes with a black Adidas Jumper over. He was a nerd even though he looked hot alright but wasn't as near as sexy as me!

I was the hottest guy in the world!

Miss Gery glared at us both.  "Kai L..." She paused,  noticing the smirks appearing on our faces.

"What is 5t+8t?" She was so dumb... some dumb blonde references, ey? She was acting as if we were in 8th grade or lower... like we didn't know simple math!

"13t!" We both said in unison at the same time again. She went back to her desk to make sure she was not seeing things. Shifting her glasses up.

"Kai Lindell! Get up now!" She yelled as both of us stood up at the same time. It wasn't our fault we had the same names!

She growled and opened her mouth as if just about to say something when the bell rang.

"OK! Homework is to read!" I never do her homework, I give myself better.

I strolled out of her classroom when Melinda placed her hand on my muscular shoulder.

"Hey babe!" Melinda greeted, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey sexy babe." Those word are just am understatement, she is the hottest girl in town...

"Well have you heared of the party that's going on on tommorow, Saturday? It's going to be hosted by Sandra so of course it'll be legit!" I gave her a smooch on the lips.
"I'll be there!" I yelled at her as I escaped from her grip and went to last period.





I have already had sex with five  botches and its only 10pm.

"Come on guys! Let's play truth or dare!" Sandra slurred as she sat down with Andrew and Betty. Betty was wearing a black crop top with black jeans and black and white heels. She was pretty...

Almost everyone was wasted so it'll be easy to slip the truth out of them.Betty was one of them... towards the end of the game there were only 10 people left..."So Kai... how many people have you had sex with?" So a random girl can ask random  questions? Cool..."More that the times you can think about me in a day." I replied, turning towards Betty."OK Betty! Are you still a virgin?" She hesitated for a moment, "N-no!" She rolled her eyes, tears seeping to plunge down her brown eyes. Hyperventilating for a while, she seemed to have gained composure, all eyes were on her.

Andrew banged his fist on Sandra' s coffee table as Sandra tried to stop Betty from falling into tears. My eyes were filled with sympathy and hurt as I saw her eyes water, I mean, who'd want to see anyone crying? Standing up from my sitting position I walked towards Betty and entwined our hands together. I felt my hand vibrate in hers, making me flinch, she looked up at me. Her brown eyes matching my multi-coloured ones, I smirked at her and rushed out of the house, pulling her with me.

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