Bloody Red Wolf (Naruto Fanfi...

By KaichiXx

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[Read or Perish] 6 year old Erin Dobutsu was left alone when her clan was eradicated by Orochimaru. Alone, fo... More

Bloody Red Wolf (Naruto Fanfiction)
The Duo in The Woods
Arrival at Konoha


185 11 7
By KaichiXx

Chapter 4: (Erin's POV)

(Kazuma pictured above)

The walk to the academy was nerve wrecking. My hands shook in anxiety, and my breath came out in gasps.

I was over reacting, but I did NOT want to go to school.

Suki strolled next to me casually, a little pep in her step. She reaches out and grabs my hand, ceasing the shaking. I glance at her, but she has her gaze fixed on the building in front of us.

The Academy.

We enter without hesitation, strolling right through the doors straight ahead to the front desk. A lady sat there with a fake smile wedge in her lips, and she greats us warmly.

"Hello dears how may I help you today?" Her sweet greeting comes out a little bit too forced. I quickly think back to what room we were told to go to by the Hokage, but numbers just flit through my head at random and none of them seem to click. Suddenly Suki speaks up with a roll of her eyes at my obvious short-term memory.

"We are looking for rooms 305 and 221" The silver-haired girl says politely. The woman nods and gestures to her left side,

"On my left, straight down the hall and then make a right turn, that should bring you to room 221. The 300 hall is directly to my right." Her directions ended with another plastic smile before she looked down at her desk, dismissing us. I gulped and looked at Suki, she shrugged and began walking toward her respective corridor. I sighed and turned the opposite way, and trudged down to my classroom.

The walk seemed too short and yet too long, before I stood in front of room 221. I heard many loud voices on the other side of the door, some laughter and yelling. With a deep breathe I raised my hand and knocked firmly three times.

All noise from the other side ceased. I heard footsteps start toward the door and I took a step back. The knob turns and suddenly I seem Iruka standing there with a questioning stare. He looks at me for a second before his face lights up in recognition. He steps outside of the room and the door closes behind him

"You're are the new student from a little while ago then?" I nod at his assumption and he gives a smile. "Well, welcome to the academy and my class. I know we met before, but as a formality; My name is Iruka Umino, you can call me Iruka-sensei."

I nod at his introduction and simply say, "Erin Dobutsu, nice to meet you." I honestly couldn't the small bit of sarcasm that creeped into my voice, but Iruka didn't seem to catch it.

"Well then Erin, come on in and I'll introduce you to the class." I respond with another nod, and follow after him into the once again rowdy room.

The students don't seem to notice our entrance, and as Iruka watched the classes antics and foolery, and irk mark strains on his forehead, "SILENCE!" He suddenly yells. Everything pauses and I watch all eyes travel from the sensei, over to me. Their reactions were varied.

Many of the girls glowered at me, other just watched me with calculated eyes. The guys on the other hand seemed... bashful? Either bashful or just confused were the boys' expressions. I didn't really care what they thought of me, I was only here for Suki.

I glance at the students, looking to see if there was anyone who seemed interesting. My gaze got caught on one boy, not quite out of surprise or admiration, but a sort of familiarity. He had dark brown hair and red triangles underneath his eyes. An Inuzuka huh? Now, for those of you that skipped my character description, you wouldn't know why I may have history with an Inuzuka. So let me explain; you see, my clan is rather famous, just about everyone knows the name Dobutsu, as it goes down in history books.

The Dobutsu clan originated the practice of ninjas fighting with animals. Whether it be summoning animals or actual animals trained to use chakra, we started it all. Many ninja learn about my family because of our rich history and connections with other clans. Just about every clan associated with a certain species other than humans, have branched off from my clan. Now I'm not bragging, just stating facts. My clan is historical and our name has a powerful impact.

Because of the Dobutsu status, clans such as Inuzuka respect us. So I can't help but wonder at how the boy will react to my family name. I shouldn't expect much, and I don't, it is just something that could end up interesting.

Iruka begins his introduction after insuring that the class had quieted,

"This, boys and girls, is your new classmate, Erin Dobutsu," he states finally, a smile on his face. The majority of the class recoils the smallest bit, they recognized the name for sure. I glance back at the Inuzuka and he, as expected, is staring right at me.

I stare evenly at the class, eyes glinting gold. One girl shoots her hand up,

"But aren't all of the Dobutsu clan dead, sensei? That is what you taught us," She flicks her pink hair over her shoulder and narrows her eyes at me. Another girl pipes up as well,

"She's probably lying, she just wants attention for being from the Dobutsu clan, after all they were super powerful and respected," her high pig squealing voice rages a seas of anger through my ears.

I look down, feeling the red anger spread through me and my gaze. I take a deep breathe,

"Fine, if you are all going to be snivelling bitches about it, let me prove it to you," I look up at the Inuzuka, more so at the dog perched on his head. The class follows my eyes toward the brown haired boy.

A bit of a sly smirk furnishes my face, and I simply command my voice toward the Inuzuka's canine companion,


The small dog barely hesitated, he barks sharply and hops from his masters head. Quickly, the pup scramble toward to front of the class. He obediently sits at my feet.

The class is silent. I crouch down to pat the dogs head, and glance up at the students. They are staring at me. Suddenly, a light growl comes from the brown-haired boy.

He is standing up, clearly angry that I would command his dog away from his control, but his gaze is on the floor,

"...Lady Dobutsu," he begins, a forced respect straining his words, "please, bring Akamaru back to me,"

I was a little shocked, I had not been called 'lady' in a very long time. Since the eradication of my clan, no one gave respect to me and my clan name before. It was a pleasant surprise actually.

I sighed, "Of course, sorry 'bout that, I don't take attitude from people easily. I shouldn't have taken away your companion," I was only mildly apologetic, I realize how protective people get over their ninken and the alike. I told Akamaru to return under the boy's influence, and he barked happily before scampering back.

I saw the Inuzuka boy basically deflate from his anger as Akamaru was running back toward him. That was good, I didn't need any serious enemies my first day at school. I looked back at the class, ready for anyone else I was going to have to prove wrong. No one looked me in the eye and I took it as a sign of submission.

Without another word I headed for the nearest open seat, next to a dark hair boy that was somewhat glaring at the general populace, and eyeing me in particular with that discontent.

If he didnt like me I was fine with that. Less reason for him to talk to me. I plop down next to him, angled slighty away from his brooding form, and direct my stare to Iruka Sensei. Hopefully there would be no more hiccups throughout the day and I could get through it alive.

As Sensei's lecture droned on, I found my gaze wander throughout the classroom. It was only then that I realized there was, from a clear view out the window, graffiti sprayed across the Hokage Mountains. I raised my brow, but I was still trying to keep any amusement off my face. I strain my gaze a bit further and I see a bright, orange dot clinging to the rock figures. Now I'm interested.  Tapping into my kekkei genii, my eyes go silver and I expand my range of sight. Hunter's Sight engaged.

I find that the orange thing is actually a boy. Strong blonde hair and a gaudy jumpsuit. His grin is blinding as he scribbles across the second Hokage's upper lip, eyes scrunched in glee. I smirk at his antics and transition back to my golden gaze. Looking away from the window and back towards Iruka. He's about ready to hand out some worksheets. As he walks towards my direction, a stack of papers in hand, his head casually turns to the window.

I haven't seen someone get so agitated in such a short amount if time.

Without a word, only a scream of offense and disbelief, Iruka speeds out of the classroom - dust kicking up in his wake. I almost laugh, green eyes glinting. I look around the room only to find that no one finds the situation as funny as I do. Nearly everyone in the room is either annoyed, unaffected, or sleeping. Well, really only one kid was sleeping. I turn towards the depression committee next to me.

"Does this happen a lot?" I whisper. He doesnt look at me, only nods slightly, giving minimal effort in the movement. I roll my eyes but dont respond and take that as a 'yes'. I look back out of the window, watching the orange dot. It was only a few seconds before suddenly it started to move. The boy speeds down the mountain side, jumping onto one of the roofs, and then he starts to run. I look to the right of the orange boy, and three bigger blue and green specks are pursuing him. I engage my Hunter's sight. Looking closely, I notice the scar on the face of a pursuer. Iruka Sensei. His mouth is moving and he is making wild gestures as he swiftly chased the golden boy. I look over at blondie. He is filled with what looks to be a mix of glee and anxiety. The thrill
of the chase is what I imagine he feels. They continue to soar from rooftop to rooftop, making quick work through the town, until eventually they curve around the school building and out of my sight. I deactivate my kekkei genkai.

Definitely an interesting first day of school, so far.

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