Book 3: Memories & Journal En...

By Strawbana

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Lucy had fallen ill the last time we saw Fairy Tail. The Fairy Tail Guild was told their friend wouldn't wake... More

The Beginning
Welcome Back!!
The Meeting
Little sky Dragon
Light and Shadow
The Dying Lights
Little FLower
Little Star
Time Goes By
A taken heart
Nothing Lasts Forever
Book is Out!!!
Magic With In
Half Way There
Is This Love?
Tears Under the Stars
That One Moment
A New Journey
The Truth Of Me
Smiling Pain
Another Little One's Smile
Love Is The Power To Light
A Story of Hell
Waking Up
The Final Book!!
The End and Beginning!

The Secret Meetings

221 5 1
By Strawbana

March 20th, X764 4 am

Dear Diary,

It's been 15 days since I've seen that weird man. He hasn't left my mind. He makes my heart flutter and beat faster every time I think of him. What is happening to me? This feeling is different than when it was from Igneel.

Is it love at first sight? 

I know what you're thinking. That I'm just being stupid and that it's such a clique for me to fall in love when I don't even know his name or anything about him. 


Ugg!! This is so confusing!!! 

But, anyway Igneel has a new girlfriend, Her name is Rosa. She's really nice. Me and her have become great friends, and I've closed the hatch with Igneel.

Rosa is a short girl with a big chest but, not to big. She has long green hair, and white eyes. She's so beautiful too!! I'm very happy for Igneel. 

Oh ya!! We're friends now. But, anyway everyone loves Rosa. She's nice sweet and really kind. I've talked  her and she tells me all about the dates she goes on with Igneel, and  I'm happy for her.

Don't worry I'm not jealous. It's just been really good. Oh and in fact Rosa told me her magic!! She's a Animal  Dragon!! I know her family isn't in the Dragon Council, Animal Dragon Magic isn't that powerful. 

But, anyway. Every things been great!!! 

But, I have gone down to the town to see if that man has been there. I really want to see him again. Uggg!!!! I hate feeling some times!!!

But, lets move away from feelings!

Metalicana has a girlfriend as well!! Her name is Mikaela! She's my height which is like 5'5. She's really nice!! She has long Blonde hair and bright blue eyes!! Her chest isn't big like me and everyone else. But, non of us care!

Me, Aki, Celist, and Clover have been hanging out with the two new girls a lot!

Well I have to go I hear someone coming down the hall!! I have to keep you a secret!!!

Love Layla

March 23th, X764 1 am

Dear Diary,

Oh my god!!! It was him!! Him!! He came!! I don't know how, but it was him!!! He came through my window. "Layla?" He called. I shot up and looked at him. I screamed because I didn't know who it was. 

I threw my pillow at him. He got hit and fell out the window. I rushed to window to see him, stuck in a tree. "Is that really how you treat someone?" He asked, still stuck in the tree. I looked closer to see it was him.

"What are you doing here!?" I whispered yelled, trying not to get the guards attention. He climbed quietly out of the tree and up to my window seal. He was perched on the open window seal, with his came not covering his chest.

I blushed at the sights. He had black baggy pants, with a white waist band and brown boots on. His chest was very muscular. More than Igneels!!  

His blue markings looked they were glowing. His silver hair blew in the wind. I must've looked like a tomato cause he started to laugh.

I turned around hoping to hide it. He jumped down from the window seal into my room and looked around. "Okay so tell me why you here!! And how the hell did you find me!!!" I whisper yell, once I was sure I was back to normal.

he looked at me. "Oh well, I'm here because you seemed interesting, and you have a strange magic power flowing out of you. Oh and i just followed your scent." he said.

I just stared at him, bewildered. He began to laugh again!! "So anyway how ya been?" He asks as if though we've bee friends for ever. I still just stare. Who is this guy?

" okay, but first what do you mean by you followed my scent?" I asked. He stared. "Oh I'm a Dragon." He says.

I face palm. Of course! "Okay so what do you want? And what do you mean about strange magic?" I said still wondering why he's here and why I haven't called the guards. "Oh well, it's like Dragon, and something else." He said.

I'm really questioning my sanity. I just huff and cross my arms. "Okay well, um and you're a dragon. What type are you?" I asked. If he's going to investigate me I'll investigate him. "Oh well, that I can't say." He said.

I just fall to the ground. This guy is annoying!!! "Hey you okay?" He says. I look up to see him squatting in front of me. I blush. I really hope he couldn't see. I look deep into his crimson red eyes. 

"Yeah I'm fine." I say getting up. I could feel heat rising to my cheeks. He laughed a little. "Hey I have to go, it's late." He says as he makes his way towards my window seal. He jumps onto it. "Wait!" I call.

He looks behind him. "Can we meet again? On the top of the castle. It a small secret area. It has roses. At night?" I ask. What the hell am I doing?!?!?!

"Sure." He says with a smile that makes my heart melt. Then he jumps out the window. I look out to see him running towards the castle wall. He turns around and waves. I wave back.

I think I just got myself into something, amazing, yet bad.

March 24th, X764 3 am

Okay I'm going to tell you everything that just happened.

I was sitting in my bed room waiting till everyone was asleep. It was quite but I could hear a few whispers outside my door. The guards of course. 

But, soon they fell asleep and I heard their soft snores. Then I walked towards my bookcase. There's a book I can pull and a little secret hallway comes out. I pulled on a gold rimmed book, and the hallway was relieved. 

Just when I was about to walk through I heard a voice behind me. "Hey!?" I turn around to see the same man from last one. "Hey?" I whisper yell back. "Why are you here? I thought we would meet  in the secret garden?" I say looking at him blankly.

He huffed. "I don't know where it is, dummy. So I came to follow you." He said. I just stare blankly at him. Man, I'm dumb. Hope my future children aren't dumb like me. 

"Oh yeah sorry forgot. Um...okay just follow me." I say and walk down the dimly lit hall.  He followed after staying about two feet behind me. I heard the door shut. 

After a few minutes of silence I finally ask the question that's been on my my mind for a while. "If you won't tell me your name....can you tell me a nickname that people call you?" I asked looking down.

"Call me Ac. My old friends used to call me that." He says. Ac? Why does that sound familiar? "Okay, Ac!" I chirp. 

"Okay so if you get to call me by a nick name I can call you by one as well." He says. "Okay" I replay. "My friends call me-" "Star." He said. I looked at him weirdly. What kind of nickname is that?

"Um...what?" I say. "Star that's what I'll call you. Your hair is gold like a star, and your eyes never seem to stop shinning. So Star." HE says as he crossed his arms. I could see a little blush on his cheeks. 

I also knew I had a large blush on my cheeks as well. I turned my head away. "Okay..." I said. 

Finally after a few more minutes we made it to a faded green door. I push hard on it, and it opens to revel a garden of green. In the moon light the flowers that were once white, pink, and red in the day light have become blue, purple, and violet. 

"Cool place." Ac said as he walked around to the little pond in the middle. "Yeah, I always come up here when I'm sad, or happy. It's the best place to think. And it's great for privacy." I say pointing up to the wall behind us. 

"There aren't any windows on this side, nor guards. So no can see or hear us." I say. He looks up at the castle wall. "Cool. Now I know where it is too." He said. He then turned towards me with a small smirk forming on his lips.

Perv. I thought. "Well, anyway what do you want to talk about?" I ask as I sit down on the small bench, that was right in front of the water.

"Well, I want to talk about you." He said looking at the sky, and taking a seat next to me. "Me?" I ask. He nods his head. "Okay but what about me?" I ask. Man this guy is weird.

"Well, what do you like? What's your magic? What's your life like?" He said. "Well I like roses and daisies. The Daisies after my dog named Daisy. But, she died when I was ten." I saw looking down. 

"What type of dog was she?" He asked. "Well she was a lab. A black lab. And she was kind at heart. She loved to run and play in the gardens. We used to come up here together and just relax." I saw.

"She sounds wonderful. I wish I could've met her." He says looking down at the moon lit pond. "Yeah I say. 

"What about you?" I asked looking at him. The side of his face was amazing. Perfect jaw line, lips, nose bridge. Everything. 

*Snap!* I shake my head and see that Ac snapped his fingers. "What?" I say. He grunts, "I said what are your plans for tomorrow night?" He said.

I blush 50 shades of red. "W-Why?" I ask. "I want to meet up again. That's why." He said looking back up at the sky. "Oh yeah I'm free same time as tonight?" I ask. He nods "Okay..." I say. 

Then we start talking for a few hours but I must've looked tired because he picked me up braital style and carried me through the secret hallway back to my room. 

Then he left. 

My eye's sting as I write this. I think I'm in love with someone I barely know, but feel like I've known since birth. 

Diary please help me.

Love Layla

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