Mated To A Jerk |✓

By ranchchips

609K 17K 2.1K

Being mated to the future alpha isn't a breeze, especially for Cassandra. Wanna know why? Because he's a flat... More



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By ranchchips


I groaned as I rolled to lay on my other side. My skin was sticky with sweat and blood, a foul stench coming off of my body. I wanted nothing more than a shower. 

I was practically mentally beat, still had my views on things, but just felt worn out. The voices had shut themselves away from me, but I could still feel the evil through my body. Why couldn't I have been born normal, with no destiny to be evil? My fate already set without my own consent? Did the Moon Goddess think about what I wanted? 

My body was weak, worn, and my soul felt dull. 

The air in the room shifted to warmer temperatures, announcing the presence of none other than Lucifer. 

"Not now." I mumbled, but knew he could hear me. 

"You know if you didn't fight your destiny it wouldn't be so long and painful. Just a quick transformation and BAM! Good as new!"

"Come back tomorrow, just let me lay here." 

"Well, I think it's time, no matter your refusal, your new and improved wolf will convince you." 

"I want to keep my wolf."

"You'll keep her, she'll just have to cave to evil like you eventually and that will be a lot faster than the spirits in you, because obviously, it isn't working." I snarled at his words, but he just rolled his eyes at me. 

"Stand." He demanded, and when I didn't he just yanked me up, forcing me to stay up. He stepped back and smirked at me, while my hands shook. I was scared of losing myself. 

He circled me in the middle of the bare room, eyeing me for any sudden movements. 

"Time to give your wolf a makeover." He announced with a mischievous smirk. I could feel my wolf growing more anxious by the second. 

Lucifer pulled out a syringe, but I didn't flinch away. What could a needle do to me? 

He stepped forward and grabbed my arm with a great force, then stuck the syringe in my arm. I started to panic when I saw the last of the liquid go into my body. 

"W-what did you just do?"

"Gave you something so your wolf would take its form."

"Shift?" I asked in disbelief. I haven't shifted in ages. 

I could feel my wolf surface, and then I was just stuck behind her as her conscious. My body hauled over, and bones started cracking. The black fur stood out from the white room. 

Lucifer smirked again, as usual, and called out some complicated foreign words, like a chant. 

My wolf sagged, plain being inflicted right in the chest. He was twisting her thoughts and changing the heart to darkness. 

I could feel it, the twisting, agony, in her. I howled out in the room, the darkness consuming my wolf. She gave in too easily, and all I've been doing is fighting it off from her. Now its just me. 

My wolf instantly shifted back, into human form. I collapsed to the floor, feeling the ache of my missing soul. My wolf was a part of me, same aspirations, and now it felt like she was just a stranger.

I covered my exposed private areas, glaring up at Lucifer.

"You took her away from me." I growled.

"No, I set her on the right path to guide you. Now stand up."

"I'm not here for your pleasure." I hissed and he rolled his eyes.

"Not interested, just take this blanket." He snapped his fingers, and a blanket appeared. I hesitantly grabbed it, then wrapped it around my bare body and stood. 

"Now to give you the full ability of your powers." 

"What if I don't want them."

"Too bad." He flicked his wrist, and hell like creatures appeared in the room. They started circling, skipping or galloping. They started chanting around, like re-sighting their favorite song lyrics excitedly. 

I could feel the warmth on my fingertips, the dark magic engulfing every inch of my body. I gasped, trying to find the good in my body, but I couldn't feel anything but darkness. 

I choked on air, trying to watch them all circle around me, but they went to fast and I lost the creature I was following. 

I could feel my lungs crush, and I gasped for clean air. It all felt too dark and controlling, and I fell to my knees. 

If I didn't breathe in the evil, it wouldn't get me, right? Right? 

Black dots clouded my vision, and I realized this was happening a lot lately. 

My head hit the ground as the creatures still continues to chant and circle me. The last thing I saw was Lucifer standing in the midst of it all, smirking down at me as I suffered. 


I woke up on a soft mattress, the cool sheets feeling nice on my warm skin. I sighed happily, feeling comfortable. My skin was clean, and my bones felt supported. 

But before I could cuddle into the silky  pillow further, the last memory I had succumbed to my first thought. 

I sat up instantly, looking around. The room was dark, black walls as well as carpet, and dark red sheets. The wood on the bed was a deep brown color, almost black as well. The first thing that caught my attention in the room was Lucifer.

"Where am I?!" I rushed. He pushed his body off the dresser he was leaning on and took slow steps towards the bed. 

"I wasn't just going to leave the fully powered Dark Wolf, was I? Or was the whole point just to torture an innocent werewolf?" He cocked an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up." I grumbled and he held his hands up in mock surrender. "You do realize that just because I have all my abilities now that I'm still against being evil." 

He nodded. "I expected that, but over time you'll accept the fact this is what you're meant to be."

"I'm not leaving behind my friends and my mate." 

"You are, and you have to. You have no choice." 

"Aren't I queen, though?"

"Not exactly. There's somebody else down here that has more power than you while you develop etiquette and understand everything down here."


"He wants to see you." 


"Come on." He started for the door, and I quickly followed. I didn't know how to get out of Hell, so what else was I supposed to do? 

I stopped once I passed a mirror and gasped, looking closed. Right under the of of my ear on my neck was a symbol. It shines in the light, glimmering a black. It was a triangle. 

"What's this?!" I asked Lucifer who stopped with me.

"That is the marking of the completion of gaining your powers. Now come on, he's growing impatient." He grabbed my hand, pulling me down separate halls. We reached a big door, which he pushed open, and stepped inside. The door closed loudly behind us once we were in, and Lucifer didn't step any further. 

"Sir, you wanted to see her?" Lucifer spoke across the room. The big chair in the front turned, and a sadistic looking man looked directly at him.

"Who's this?" He snarled, making me flinch slightly but not enough to be noticeable.

"The Dark Wolf." Lucifer replied, seeming calm.

"Aaah, the one that was very hard to break through." The man chuckled, his dark piercing eyes finally looking over at me. 

"A very strong woman" he started.

"Who are you?"I interrupted, and Lucifer stiffened beside me. 

The man chuckled with a dark, cold voice. "Satan, darling." I stopped breathing. I was standing in front of Satan? I wanted nothing more than to run to the Moon Goddess and beg her to cleanse me.

"You were quite difficult to manage-" he started again, but once again I Interfered.

"Still am." I narrowed my eyes at him, and he just sighed getting annoyed.

"But when you cave into this you will benefit greatly."

"By hurting the innocent? How will I benefit from that? More food for me?" I cocked and eyebrow, and Satan only seemed to crush the arm on the chair he was sitting on with his hand.

"Stop fighting it." He hissed.

"Never." I glared right at his eyes as I watched everything clench. 

"Fine. Since you refuse this you will have to be contained."

"What do you mean?" Lucifer asked. "She can't be imprisoned. She needs to learn her new abilities."

"She won't be. So, as an alternate she will be-wedded to you."

"WHAT?!" We shrieked at the same time.

"I don't know who you think you are, buddy, but I have a mate who I am FULLY COMMITTED TO!" I screeched as Lucifer held me back when I tried to go up and hit Satan, which made me even angrier, he just smirked as he watched me struggle.

"Lucifer, take her back to her room." He said, and Lucifer started dragging me out.

"You will rot in Hell!" I shouted.

"Already am." He shrugged, and I growled.

"Fuck you!" I yelled back.

"Have a great wedding." He fake saluted, just before the double doors shut. 


Don't give up on #Chasandra yet

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