MR. LIAR REGRET ( Sehun and T...

By FanficITwithME

2.4K 94 12

how deep is his words ?! that any girl will eager to date him !! he is romantic and charming but be easy on... More

prologue !!
introduction :)
A sister's Test
Stella's Love


105 5 3
By FanficITwithME

Brie's POV

I guess Stella is right this guy seems have a heart .. He's like my brother someone who's hard and cold outside but have that soft spot inside .. He is now helping me carry the guy who harass me awhile ago

I don't know if its cruel? But I'm smiling when that maniac is crying at the back by maybe because of Rony's sneaky punches

When we arrive .. I give my reports for that guy and leave the clinic immediately .. But then I saw rony he hasnt leave yet

And then he give me this Proposal it sounds wicked and cruel but if its the way to change my bro then ..

At last I agree and he leave already

I walk my way to my classroom but as soon as I get there our class was already dismissed .. That leave me no choice just to go to the cafeteria

" hmm.. That smile is definitely not from your brother"

Stella said with her famous cold expression

" kinda for him ... You won't do that favor anymore , sorry for acting so desperate"

I smile at her sheepishly .. But then she give me a what look

" don't beat around the bush Sis .. Spill it ! "

She seems excited and hold my hand smiling as well

" love life? , if it is then I'm in :) "

Suddenly Shane butt in together with her eye smile

" eh? Love life? No silly I have enough of One immature playboy in my life "

I give them a confuse look they twitches their lips and they look bored

" why are we friends with this GRANNY anyways? "

Stella smile at me sarcastically

" hmp.. Its still a bummer having a relationship with a playboy because of investigating Your brother's group "

Shane smile while taking a sip at her cola she frown

" *sigh* I know that you really like Jay Ross that's why you do it but really when you prove that those guys beat that freaky playboy , you kinda change and go with that freshman "

Stella said with her arms crossed

" hm.. At first I really love jay but seems like Dash cares for me more ... "

Shane said smiling widely

" ug.. Anyways why did u cry when that playboy hurt u by cheating aren't you already ready for that outcome ?"

Stella said with a matching smirk and mean right eyebrow

" well? I don't know why but he got my heart after all he's handsome as hell ... :3 anyways this is not about me ?

Shane said almost shouting .. I look at her blankly and smile at her innocently

" you look suspicious yah know "

Shane said and point her finger on my cheeks

" why so? "

I asked without hesitation not even a single guilt or nervous in my bod

" I dunno .. There's something not so right about u ? "

Shane said starting to act satisfied

" ugh, never mind !!! You really are good at hiding "

Shane pouted and focus on her cola

" maybe because I'm not hiding , anything?"

I flash them a cute smile

The both of them were like *facepalm* and let out a bit sigh .. They already get their purses on the table and we leave together when ...

" Ms. Den !!! Your brother is bullying someone again"

A sophomore went running towards us and shout those things
Stella look at me worriedly but she grabbed my hand and say

" its time to teach him a lesson once more "

She fix my lip and make me smile and smirk at me signalling me that she's going to make a move

" Kay I let you handle it "

I sigh and smile at her as well

" uhm, girls? We should get going :) "

Shane said cutely of course with her eyesmile again

We want to bully her and make her realize her destruction but we manage to move to where toff is

I'm can't help myself but to keep on worrying about the guy he's beating up .. Like what his face looks like after a big war with my brother or his teeth still complete

But then ...

What I saw is way more than I expected Its Rony and Toffie they are fighting they almost look like beast their friends are stopping them but seems like they both allure with the pain and intense anger they're Feeling

" what's going on here? "

I shout from nowhere .. I saw toffie stun he's now like a rock at the top of rony who's hopelessly cover with blood

I gasp and cover my mouth in shockness

" *gulp* Noona? .. "

He stutter he stand up and bow his head trying not to have an eye contact with me ..

But carelessly I slap him right away, he's still bowing his head down and said that he's just helping me

" help? I don't need it I don't need violence and your childish game anymore , leave this place right now!!! "

I'm being too emotional . nope that's the exact word I want him to hear

He start trembling and asking for forgiveness but I shut him out and order him to leave , I feel guilty for a bit

Stella pat my shoulder and follow toffie .. I let out a big *sigh* I kneel down and check Rony's condition .. He passed out so I decided to bring him at the clinic


Rony lost his consciousness for an hour now and I'm the only one here who's been waiting here to regain it .. His friends already left for some personal matters.. I can't help but to feel pity on him I hold his cold hand towards my face.. I don't know why I'm doing it but it feels right after all he wasn't beatin up like this if its not my fault

" Mom? "

He whispered it wasn't clear but I know it was mom .. He slowly open his eyes and stare at me with a little glare

" why are you crying ? "

He asked me with his cold and harsh tune

" nothing .. I just feel responsible "

I answered softly he take away his hands from me .. I sit up straight and look at his annoyed face

" don't be , its not your fault "

He give me those glare again but he manage to take it away

" it was mine , your friends tell me you're just getting your revenge from the guy who harass me earlier today and then toffie pick a fight with you "

I answered half shouted

" its just a coincidence .. I really planned to beat someone today and then I saw toffie beating someone that's why i joined him and yeah trying to deal with that proposal "

He said with a caring tune he sound worried about something I can't explain after all maybe he's still got that pride within him

" *gulp* how long you've been waiting here ? "

He asked trembling a bit

" about an hour :) u snore so loud yah know "

I sheepishly smile at him

" So... Sorry for troubling you , you can leave now "

He said and bow his head down

" are you sure ? I thought you're as tough as him but seems like you're not .. Cause you passed out and he can still run, anyways never mind "

I said cutely to him .. I don't know why I'm acting that were close but seeing him blush with those words makes me feel comfortable ,. Maybe I hit his Manly Pride Spot :)

" nah I'm just doing the favor "

I heard him murmur something but it wasnt clear

" uhm, I gotta go now :) please take care of yourself "

I let out a smile and grab my purse already

" thank you "

He said softly it was like a whisper but I know its the word Thank You

" welcome "

I wink at him and go already .. I go to the parking lot and was about to drive home when I see Shane on the way

" I never expect that you smile like that even though there's something terrible awhile ago "

She said with a confuse face .. Darn I forgot about Toff's condition
" don't worry Stella calm him down already "

Shane smile at me and tap my shoulder .. I smile at her as well but feel a bit uneasy

" can you drive me home ? "

She said with matching goo goo eyes .. I roll my eyes and crossed my arms

" no way you have a car !!! Giantic baby "

I stick out my tongue and smile at her

" as u can see... "

She scratch her head and point out some bodyguards that currently fixing her car which is flat I say

" tch. Fine but don't be so loud "

Finally I give up and let her ride with me

" so how's Zion? "

She asked out from nowhere I almost take the wrong lane because of her question

" Zion? "

I asked innocently

" duh? Mr. Slut hunter !? "

She rolled her eyes ., I pout halfly annoyed

" he's fine already .. And slut hunter be a little bit more mannered"

I said she look at me straight through my eyes since we encountered a traffic jam

" are you defending him ? "

She said and let out a cruel and mischievous smile

" No , and stop doing that ., its for your Sake honey your cute personality is taking over by your foul mouth "

I said and laugh .. She twitches her lips again and grabbed her phone and start squealing like crazy

" -.-! Got a new boyfriend ? "

I asked with a whayt face

" nah its only Dash , he's so sweet "

She said and smile at me with her eyes twinkling

" he's a member of DC aren't you afraid he's just bluffing ? "

I asked her eagerly I don't know why but I got a feeling that I want to know about it

" Well? Yeah he is and I know he got this cute and sweet magic words but I can't help myself to believe it and plus he's not fooling around anymore because he said he love me and currently he's just a hunter of Mr. Liar "

She said happily and wink at me

" Mr. liar ? Who the heck is that? "

I asked

" you're currently helping him though :) , and yeah I'm here so I gotta go sis :* "

She get out of my car already and wave at me

I'm confuse now but I manage to focus at driving and analyze the whole situation at home

Kristoff is not here huh? Thank god I can't find myself facing him right now

So Mrliarr is Rony .. And Dash change his attitude for Shane I knew it a real love can change my brother as well but stella is not willing so I can't force her

New Message from +*************

I was interrupted by my phone with a message from a stranger

Hmm ..

" Hey I'm Really sorry From awhile ago .. I shouldn't fought with your Brother .. Thank You for keeping me safe :) .. I still have a headache O.o so yeah this is it Bye thanks again :3 "

I smile out from nowhere because of his emojis but no brie keep yourself together he's a Playboy and nothing more but a complete liar

Gosh , what am I thinking I guess I should plan on helping myself more if he really is that Famous campus rumored Mr. Liar

And yeah *smirk* we shall see about that ....

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