Sink or Swim

By InThisDeathPunch

792 20 5


Sink or Swim
What's The Point Of Living Life If It Just Contradicts
What If The Devil Was Alive?
Bios (SKIP ME)
I Just Wanna Kiss Your Lips, The Ones Between Your Hips.
Hi, My Name Is Ronnie, and I'm An Addict
I Wrote This Song To Make You Smile
Feet, Don't Fail Me Now

How Does It Feel?

41 2 0
By InThisDeathPunch

Ello Loves! Long time no write, huh? Go read that last thingymajiggerbobberfuck I wrote :DD HEHEHEHE XD I need a life ): I'm spending my teenage days playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 with random people and writing on Wattpad occasionally. Guess I wont have much to tell my kids one day.... psssh nahh i hate kids D; READ ON!! ~Jules

'Spill now!' Hazel closed the door to my room and hopped on my bed without even saying hello to me. I guess my life is just that exciting. Well, it must seem to be, at least.

'Spill what? And, Hello to you too.' I said

'I wouldn't be over here if you wouldn't have anything to say. You could have just texted me it, if it wasn't important, so spill it. I wanna know details, emotions, sizes, and the whole nine yards!' Hazel's hands were flying everywhere. It was bugging me. It's her habbit, and it's my pet peeve.

'Fine. You got me beat there. Well, Cody and I went to the party and all ysterday. He was a douche and I left, but I ran into another guy named Derek before I could even get out of the door. Derek had hit Cody's car earlier, so we talked about that. We just never really stopped talking after that. By the time I had realized it was late, my phone was dead, and Derek had band practice in the morning. So, I just bunked over as a friend. Nothing more. I told ya there wasn't much to spill.' I said. I smilled. I kinda missed Derek, even though he dropped me off about 20 minutes ago.

'Band, you say?' Hazel got this evil grin on her face,' how's their band? What's it called? Are any of the other members single? Are they cute?' Her words were tuimbling at me all at one time.

'A. I think you might like their band. B. It's a small band called Falling in Reverse. C. I dont know. I know Derek is single, and Ronnie isn't. D. Eh. I'd say theyre pretty cute.' I said with a smile. Hazel's face lit up. She loved Falling in Reverse, and if she was to meet them, she'd die right there on the spot.

'Oh. My. GOD!' That was all Hazel could manage to blurt out. She hopped around the room trying to speak, but no words could seem to form. She was litterally speechless. I have never seen Hazel THIS happy. In the three years I've known her, she's NEVER this excited.

'Sit down before you fall out of my window or trip over the floor.' I say.

'Could.... Could.... Could I ever... meet them?' She was crying tears of joy. This kinda scared me.

'Only if you promise not to go crazy fangirl, okay?' I asked. She nodded her head like a lunatic. 'I'll call Derek later and see what I can arrange.' Hazel got off my bed and started dancing around my room. I love that bitch.

Hazel and I hung out for a while in my room. We got on the Xbox to play some Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. I kicked her ass at att the party games, one in the chamber, gun game, sticks and stone, and sharpshooter, and she kicked my ass at just about anything with a LMG or snipper. The only LMG I can manage to use is the HAMAR.

When four o'clock came around, I decided to text Derek.


Hey. Whats up?

Wanna hang tonight or something?

The band is going out for pizza. I can drop by and  pick ya up.

Sounds cool! Do ya mind if I bring Hazel? I promise to put a leash on her. She's a fan.

Yeah! No problem. I can't wait! I'll cya round 5! Ttyl


'Ohh myy geeerrdd! I needa go fix my hair, make up, shirt, braceletes.' Hazel rushed around the room.

'Eye liner is in the awful bathroom in the corner. My straightener is broke, I think. I can grab ya some of my FIR bracelets and you can borrow my top. Therefore, my friend, no need to run home!' I said to her as she  paced back and fourth.

'Life saver!' She yelled as she ran to the pink bathroom with the dark corner that I am happy to call my own. I picked through my bracelets. I slipped on my Keep Calm and Call Batman, Soft Kitty Warm Kitty, and Pierce the Veil bracelets as I looked through for some Falling in Reverse and Ronnie Radke ones. I got the tee out of my closet and grabbed a hair band for her to pull the tee back with. She's like ten sizes smaller than me. I desperately wish I could be that size.

 'Here, bitch,' I said as I threw all the things in my hands at her. She fixed her hair and make up and what not. I was kicking ass, 62 in 4, on a team deathmatch while she listening to all of the Falling In Reverse songs she had on her phone.

'So, how does it feel?' She said from the bathroom. I figured she was singing along to the wrong song. 'Andy?' She is the only ever one to really call me Andy. I don't mind.

'Shhhhhhh! Tv. Game. Addiction.' I screamed from in front of my Xbox. I was ready to go. I had my hair straightened, my PTV shirt on, and my shredded black jeans on. All I had to do was throw on my converses.

'Andddyy,' Hazel said again. Damn this girl knew exactly how to be persistent.

'What do you want? I'm on a killing spree!' I yelled. She walked in the door way.

'Am I pretty enough?' I turned around to scold her for even asking that question; she is always gorgeous, but when I turned around, her make up wasn't as dark as usual. She had curled ther hair and her scene bangs were twisted back. I just looked at her in awe. I'm jealous.

'You'll always be pretty enough,' I said. I turned off my game and slipped on my shoes. I added a beanie at last second. It was almost 5, and I was tremulous with excitement. It was lovely out. It was warm. The late summer, early fall, breeze was lightly bushing the sides of my face. The yellowish orange sky was slowly falling close and closer to the horizon, and to be quite frank, I am actually happy for once. It's been a while, but I'm better. I sat on the steps with Hazel just waiting for my prince charming to pulll up in his expensive car... hehe..

Filler chapter. Not much happened here. I'm to lazy to really write this one anymore. xD I'm losing interest!! Oh well. Next update may be soon... just don't hope for it. I really hate typing xD

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