The Girl He Saved

By saracha-sauce

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Mina, a 15 year-old girl, is never really noticed by anyone. Her father left Mina and her mother when she was... More

Introduction/ About the Author
Chapter 1. My Savior
Chapter 2. He Came to Me
Chapter 3. My Friend
Chapter 4. Meeting Cana
Chapter 5. Confession
Chapter 6. Her Reply
Chapter 7. A New Friend
Chapter 8. Roomates??
Chapter 9. A Day Out
Chapter 10. First Date
Chapter 11. Our Quarrel
Chapter 12. Hospital
Chapter 13. Christmas
Chapter 14. Is This Fate?
Chapter 15. Please Don't Leave Me!
Chapter 16. Is This Goodbye?
Chapter 17. My Dark Secret
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19. Second Date Part 1
Chapter 21. Test
Chapter 22. Importance
Chapter 23. Confessions
A/N (Not an official update)
Chapter 24. Secret's Out
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 20. Second Date Part 2

300 18 4
By saracha-sauce

Sora's POV

I can't wait to see Mina's reaction to where we're going! It's nothing too fancy, it's just a restaurant. Her favorite restaurant!

"Hey, close your eyes, we're almost there!" I announced once I saw a sign for the restaurant.

"Please, you underestimate me Sora. You think I don't know where we're going? It's obvious what restaurant you're taking me to," she replied smartly.

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh? And what restaurant would that be?" I tried to hide my concern, but I don't think it was working too well to be honest.

"Heheh. You doubt my abilities, eh? We're going to Ichiraku Ramen, duh!" she said happily.

I stared at her, dumbfounded, 'How did she know??' I thought.

She smirked when she saw my reaction.

"I've been down this way countless times! Of course I would know!!" Mina replied as if I should have known that.

Mental facepalm.

I shook my head in disbelief, "You're amazing Mina."

She smirked, "I know!"

We finally pulled up in the parking lot and walked into the small restaurant.

"Oh hey! What's up Mina? Been awh- OOOOHHHH!!! Someone has a BOYFRIEEEEEEEND!!!!!!" the man who runs the restaurant said as I followed Mina inside.

I darted my eyes towards Mina and saw that her cheeks turned a dark crimson, "Ye-yeah..." she stuttered shyly.

I bowed to the man and said, "Nice to meet you sir, my name is Sora! And yeah, Mina's my girlfriend!" I declared with a grin.

He bowed back from behind the counter and Mina and I took a seat on the stools, "My name's Ichiraku! And be warned, if you hurt this fine young lady, I'll kick you all the way to Canada with Justin Bieber!" Ichiraku warned menacingly.

My eyes widened as far as they could go, "Oh God no..." I muttered.

Mina laughed, "Hey, don't be mean to my boyfriend old man!"

"Yeah yeah..." he said and let out a long sigh.

I chuckled.

Mina's POV

I couldn't believe that he brought me to Ichiraku Ramen!! The ramen is just PERFECT at this place, plus I haven't been here in months!

"I'll take the Pork Barbecue Ramen please! Extra, extra, extra large!" I said with a huge grin on my face.

Sora looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "Will you be able to finish all of that??"

I smiled, "Doubting my abilities once again, eh?" I replied with a smirk.

27 minutes later:

"Oh my Gawd I'm so stuuuuuffed!" Sora said while leaning back and nearly falling off of his stool.

I looked over and noticed that he only had 2 ramen bowls stacked. I, on the other hand, have 9!

I rolled my eyes and kept eating like nothing was wrong. I had to admit, my stomach was getting pretty full, but I never let food go to waste!

"There are starving kids in Africa you know, you shouldn't leave any food to be thrown out," I said sternly before I drank up the juice in my last bowl.

Sora groaned quietly and picked up his chopsticks and began to slowly finish his ramen. "Ugh, I'm so stuuuuuffed..." he said once he finished eating.

I smiled. "Are you ready to go then?" I asked and I started to take out my wallet.

Sora immediately jumped up and clasped my wallet closed.


"You can't pay!! This is a date! The guy is supposed to pay silly!" he said as if I should've know that. He kissed my forehead and sat back down on his stool and pulled out his own wallet from his back pocket.

He looked at the receipt and his jaw dropped to the ground instantly after he read the price.

I started to giggle.

"Wow... I didn't expect that price for 13 bowls of ramen!" he exclaimed slowly.

"Haha! That's another reason why I love this place so much! They're so cheap! No matter the size, it's always 200 yen, no tax!" I said happily.

A/N: 100 yen I roughly the equivalent of $1 in the United States if you didn't know. But, it's always different in like every manga so idk if it's right.

Sora got 2600 yen out of his wallet and set it on the counter. ($26.00)

"Bye old man!" I waved with my free hand as Sora and I walked out, hand-in-hand.

Sora's POV

'Now, to the next place!' I thought as we hopped into my car.

"Where are we going now?" Mina asked once she realized that we missed our turn to go back home.

I only smirked at her as a reply, "I can't ruin the surprise, now can I?"

She groaned quietly and slumped down in her seat.

Finally, I turned into the movie theater parking lot and her face lit up. I couldn't help but smile.

"What movie??" Mina asked enthusiastically as we walked into the theater.

"Your favorite!" I said with a smirk. "The Notebook!"

She squealed and hugged me so tight that I could hardly breath, "Can't... breath..." I managed to choke out with almost being completely out of breath and all.

She quickly released me from her hug, "Ah, umm... sorry!"

"It's alright. Now, let's go get some tickets!" I took her warm hand and led her over to the counter to buy tickets, drinks, and popcorn.

"Hello, what movie would you like to see tonight?" the man at the cash register asked nicely.

"I would like two tickets to The Notebook, 9:00pm please," I replied.

"Alright Sir. Here are your tickets!" he handed me two small slips of paper and I put them in my shirt pocket, "Could I interest you in any drinks or popcorn as well?"

"Yes please! One large popcorn, one sweet tea, and..." I looked over to Mina so she could answer.

"I would like a... blue raspberry ICE please!" she said to him with a smile.

"Sure thing, I'll be right back." He walked off and got our order, came back, and placed them all into the counter. "That will come to a total of... 3038 yen!" ($30.38)

I handed over the money and took the popcorn and my sweet tea while Mina grabbed her own drink.

As we walked towards our room, Mina said in a scared tone, "Hide me!!"

"Huh? What's wrong??" I asked as she hid behind my back.

"It's my ex, Katsuo," she replied in a very harsh tone.

'Something bad must've happened between the two,' I thought.

"It's alright, you're mine now, not his!" I assured her.

"You're right," she said in a bit of a nicer tone than before. She proceeded walking to screen room seven and walked inside. We took a seat on the very last row in the back since almost no one sits back here, so we'll have a clear view.

'Hopefully there won't be a human giraffe that sits in front of us...'

After movie:

"I just don't get romance movies... Like, what was happening??" I asked curiously as we walked out of the room.

Mina sighed at me in disappointment as she shook her head, "You won't understand the movie if I explain it! Have you even met me? I can't explain an anime if it were to save my life!"

"Yeah, I'm really bad at explaining as well. Maybe I'll just look up the movie on Google, they'll probably have an explanation!" I said with a chuckle.

"Haha, that's true! Well, I'm going to the bathroom, wait for me please?"

"Yeah, no problem," I replied, "I'll wait by the door."

With that, she walked off towards the bathroom and I walked over to the wall by the door.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and saw that I had an email from Mina's brother. It read:

Hey, our grandfather just called and said that we have to go home over the weekend. He wants to meet you since your dating his granddaughter and the future queen.

I nearly dropped my phone when I read "future queen". I never even realized that Mina would be the queen...

Ok, I'll tell Mina then.

"Hey hottie..." a girl with a really annoying voice came up to me and said. She handed me a small piece of paper and I instantly threw it away in the trash can next to me, not even looking at her.

"You don't wanna call me? Come ooon... you know you wanna..." she leaned up against my arm and slid her hands up and down my suits's sleeve. I glared at her and noticed that she's really, really, really, really, really, really, really, pre- oh, wait no. Never mind, she ugly. Actually, she's hideous!

She has purple eyes, obviously contacts. She has long black hair with dark red highlights in a ponytail. She's wearing a light pink tank top that shows a lot of cleavage and a black miniskirt that barely covers her butt. She has on tall, shiny, black boots that go up to her knees.

'What an annoying slut,' I thought and rolled my eyes at her. I got up from leaning against the wall and went to go find Mina, leaving this slut behind.

I was looking at the floor with my hands in my pocket when I heard, "Just let me go Katsuo. I've moved on, if you loved me, you wouldn't have cheated on me!" Mina was yelling at her ex in front of the bathrooms.

"Moved on? Moved on to who?" Katsuo asked like he didn't believe her.

"My boyfriend, obviously. He's way better than you. He wouldn't cheat on me after dating for two years. He takes me on nice dates instead of just some lame fancy restaurant where you can't have your elbows on the table because it's "bad manners". Since you know how un-lady-like I am!" she declared.

"Well, I don't care if you have a new boyfriend, for all I know, this guy is just a bluff! I made a mistake, ok? Everyone makes them! Please, take me back Mina, I love you..." he trailed off at the end. He looked up and spotted me watching. I seemed to be the only person paying attention to them, even though they're making such a ruckus in the quiet theater.

He smirked in realization. He wrapped his dirty hands around Mina's slim waist and pulled her closer to him and he bent down and kissed her.

I just stood there. I couldn't do anything. My feet were frozen to the ground in shock. I couldn't move one millimeter if my life depended on it.

Katsuo opened his eyes, still kissing Mina, and saw me frozen there. He smirked even more.

Mina's POV

'Why you little...' I thought as he slammed his lips into mine. He tried to bite my bottom lip for entrance, but I wouldn't let him. No way.

I was in such shock, I couldn't move an inch. I needed to stop this kiss, before Sora sees!

I opened my eyes and saw that Mr. Bitc- Katsuo had his eyes open as well and was looking behind me. Then I felt him smirk against my lips.

'THATS IT! YOU PAY YOU LITTLE PIECE OF POOP!' I thought. I forced my arm up with all of my might and struck him right under the chin with my clenched fist. The impact sent him flying five feet in the air.

I quickly looked behind me and saw Sora. But he didn't look mad. He looked like he was, holding back laughter? Suddenly, he burst out laughing so loud, the whole theater could hear him. I smiled at him.

I turned back around and saw Katsuo sprawled on the ground helplessly. I smirked. I walked over to him and placed my heel on his throat painfully. I didn't care if he could see my underwear, it's nothing special anyway. Besides, this is payback, my payback. He won't even remember what happened by the time I'm done with him! That is, if I wouldn't get arrested...

"Never. And I repeat, NEVER take advantage of me, alright? No matter what you do to me, you won't ever see my full power. You're just not worth it. Stay away from me and my family. That includes my boyfriend," Sora came up beside me with a smirk on his face and wrapped his arm around my waist.


I wonder if we'll ever see Mina's full power? No, seriously. I have no idea, I really wonder.

I got the movie title, The Notebook, from my best friend, PinkSparkelz6 who got it from her sister, hossxini . You should read their books, they're AMAZING! And I personally think that they will be more successful than my own books! PinkSparkelz6 has two which are called Aurora & Elliot and the other is Life Undercover. hossxini 's is called Dedicated. Please read all three of them if you have time! They are truly amazing pieces of work in my opinion!!

Alright, so yesterday I was at Target and this guy that works there said almost these exact words to me as I was walking out, "You look almost identical to my little sister. I almost hugged you because I thought you were her!"

Lol, has that ever happened to you? xD

~Sara happy late Groundhog Day btw!! Do you hope that Spring will hurry up and come or do you want Winter to linger forever? I want Spring to come...

Edited: 3/9/2016

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