He Could Make Hell Feel Just...

By TheBoyOnTheBlueMoon

21.5K 1.4K 663

After finding his mother who committed suicide, Kellin loses connection with the real world. He's forced to b... More

Final Chapter
Alternative Ending


2K 129 137
By TheBoyOnTheBlueMoon

*Kellin's POV*
I've been at the psychiatric hospital for so long, I've become addicted to the sedatives. It has been to the point where I would act out just to be sedated, to feel numb.

To feel nothing.

I didn't know what day it was, or anything really. I was living in oblivion or what I liked to call it: hell. I also didn't know how they didn't see the guy in my room, he's been here the whole time and they never ask him any questions so I refused to answer until they interrogated him too.

We're like frenemies, he's the only person who I can talk to and he's pretty cool until he gets drunk or starts doing drugs. Where he got the drugs and alcohol? I had no idea.

He tells me to do reckless things that I don't want to do but if I don't do them then he'll end up hurting me. Other than that, he was a likable person.

"Danny, what's it's like out there?" I asked as he lighted up a cigarette.

I've only been inside the mental ward so I didn't know what the world outside looked like now, I wondered if they finally invented flying cars and time machines.

"Same as usual, kid. It's still a fūcked up world out there," he let out a puff of smoke.

"Oh," I mumbled, every time I would ask him he would tell me the same thing but I asked anyway in hopes that he would finally give me a different answer someday.

I heard the sound of keys coming closer, "Oh man, what do they want now?" I groaned.

I sat on the bed as I saw someone open the door, "Hello, Kellin, my name is Dr. Urie. How are we doing today?"

I rolled my eyes, this was probably the fiftieth doctor that has tried to make me talk, many others gave up with me within days.

I looked back at Danny who said, "Don't talk to him."

I nodded, turning back to Dr. Urie, "Quiet, eh? Kellin, is there anything you would like to say?"

I stared blankly at the white, padded wall. How did the doctors want me to talk to them if they didn't trust to talk to me without a straight jacket? Okay, I attacked a doctor once... twice... fine, I confess I did it several times but that was because the Danny told me to.

"You know, I'd like to hear that marvelous voice of yours someday," he smiled.

He was a persistent doctor but he was really nice, attractive even, something about him made me feel invited, "I'm okay," I mumbled.

He looked up from whatever he was writing on the clipboard and grinned widely, "What did you say? Did you speak?"

He sat beside me, "I-I said I'm okay..." I looked at Danny who looked furious, I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it once Dr. Urie was gone.

"That's great, Kellin, we're already making progress. How are you feeling?" He asked as he started scribbling on the clipboard.

"I feel bored," and it was true, there wasn't much to do here since they didn't trust me with anything.

He kept scribbling, "Okay... what do you think I can do to help you with that?"

"I don't know, giving me a good book or something," I shrugged, "Water colors and pastels so that I can paint, I can't stand this blank, empty room."

"Interesting..." He scribbled, "Why did you refuse to talk to any of the other doctors?"

I looked at Danny, "He wouldn't let me talk to them."

"He? Who's he?" He placed his clipboard to the side of him, giving me his full attention.

I used my chin to point to where Danny was, "Danny."

He looked at his direction, confused, "Okay... Describe him for me."

"He has dirty blond hair, a beard, and a beer belly. He's wearing a leather jacket, an olive green tank top, and some kind of boots. Overall, a fat bastard."

Dr. Urie waved at Danny, "Hello, Danny."

"Kellin, this doctor is lying to you. He knows I'm not here, I'm all a part of your imagination."

"He's not lying to me! You see him, don't you Dr. Urie?"

"Kellin, calm down," Dr. Urie cautiously held up his hands.

"Danny, you lying fūck! You're just messing with me, he knows you're here, I know I'm not crazy!" I felt my chest tighten, it was getting harder to breathe, and I found myself to be shaking.

I dropped, my cheek hitting the floor as the doctor ran out the door, "Call the nurse, my patient is having an anxiety attack!" He came running back to me, sitting me up and pulling me close to him, "You're going to be okay, it's going to be over soon."

Tears streamed down my face, I hated it when my emotions skyrocketed and I felt out of control. If I couldn't control my own emotions, then how could I control anything else?

After being a few minutes in his arms, he pushed me back a little, taking a look at me, "How long do they keep you in this jacket?"

"Almost all day, they only take it off when I have to take a shower."

"I'll go speak to the ones in charge of all this, they can't keep you in this thing all day. How do they expect you to make progress?"

"I don't know..."

Danny kneeled in front of me, "You're useless, they want to get rid of you because you're an annoying piece of shít."

I cringed away and buried myself into the doctor's chest, "Is there something wrong, Kellin?"

"Danny is being mean to me, take me away from here. Please, I don't want to be near him anymore."

"The doctor is going to leave you, just like all the other ones did. You know it's true, he'll be gone within a few days. No one likes you, Kellin. That's why your dad abandoned you here and hasn't come to visit you for weeks," Danny rambled.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" My hands gripped my head, I rocked back and forth, he just wouldn't shut up.

Nurses came in and undid my jacket. I didn't fight them, I just wanted them to sedate me so that I wouldn't listen to Danny anymore. Dr. Urie walked me to the bed and laid me down, the nurses extended my arm and I felt the needle go in. It was a tiny pain that I had gotten used to as I slowly started slipping away from unconsciousness, with my last view being a blurry doctor.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
Sorry for taking forever, I started college on Monday and I already have assignments to do ;-; hopefully I'll be able to update more on weekends >.<

Since this is a fanfic, it's obvious that some of the medical stuff isn't going to be real. I'm not a doctor, so please don't bash on me if I write something "medically incorrect."

That's all I had to say. Thanks!

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