Who's the One?

By thefabfourforever

58.1K 1.6K 1.2K

Rose Taylor, a sixteen year old with a passion for music lives in Liverpool, England with her sister, mother... More

Meet Paul
Am I In Love With My Best Friend?
Just Playing Around
The Garden Festival
Meeting John and The Band
What Have I Done?
The Date
A Surprising Question
First Rehearsal
An Unexpected Visit...From Two?
My Date With Paul
Too Much Pressure
Hello Daddy
The Talent Show
My Choice Has Been Made
Questioning Myself

See Through Paul's Eyes

3.2K 104 24
By thefabfourforever

*Paul's POV*

I just sat there and just watched Rose sleep. She was so beautiful. I was always happy to be with her. I've always had a crush on her but I was too afraid to ask her. She deserves the best. Now when I'm with her I feel different...like I just can't live without her.


I can't be....

I can't be in love with Rose! That'll just ruin our friendship! What if she doesn't love me back? I'd make a fool of myself. Honestly Paul, you'd think a beauty like her would fall for you.

I gently laid Rose down and pulled the covers over her. She was an angel sleeping. Breathing in through her nose and breathing out tiny puffs of air through her mouth. Her hair was so soft, eyes so bright and beautiful, eyelashes so long. I wanted her so bad, but what if she doesn't want me?

I remembered the first time I saw her. I thought she was just another pretty bird you know? But still something told me she was different. And when we sang, that's when I knew that it couldn't be the last time I see her. So I talked to her for the entire night, and felt overjoyed when I found out she went to the same school as me. How I never noticed her? I don't know.

That kiss...it felt amazing. I mean I've kissed birds before but this was different, it made me fall for her even harder. The first time I thought we were going to kiss after Rose called her mum, I was so nervous. But when we got to my room and I just held her there, I felt like it was my job to do that. To protect her from all the harm in the world. She has suffered enough, and she is strong, but I don't want her to go through horrible pain like that anymore.

I brought her close to me and held her waist. I played with her hair until I was beginning to feel tired. I held her soft hand in my rough one, kissed her cheek, and whispered...

"Goodnight Rose, I love you, sleep well love."

I have never been so happy in my entire life.


Yeah its short but you got something!

I thought you guys should get a POV from paul right?

Well its basically just what he feels and sees in rose

aw they are so cute c:



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