{2}Autumn the Demigod: Legaci...

By music_girl101

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Who would've thought I was a demigod. Sup, it's me Autumn Mitchell, daughter of Apollo. I don't know why you... More

yummy food
Chapter 18
Chapter 19


40 6 2
By music_girl101

*A Request*

The blue team carried us all the way to the cabins. Shouting and cheering our names, which caused many other campers cheer for us as well. Even if they had no idea what was clearly going on.

I wasn't in the mood for smiling anymore. After what I saw in the woods. It brought a whole new feeling to me.

'Run away. They don't want you here. Your wasting your time here.' Said the voice.

Jessica who was being carried like a rock star, was as happy as she can be. I guess she didn't hear it.

'Meet me in the woods, and bring rope.' The voice whispered to my ear.

I nod in response. I put back on my smiling face. The Blue team stopped back at the Mess Hall.

When Mr.D saw us with the flag in our hands, he nearly choked on his Big Gulp.

Chiron gave a satisfactorily smile. As if he knew we were the ones who were going to win.

"Congratulations Percy," He clopped over and patted him on the back.

By this time the team put us on our feet. So we were able stand.

"You are mistaken old friend. But these two," He pointed to us. "They caught the flag all by themselves."

Chiron looked over at us. And Mr.D spat out his sip of Pepsi in shock.

"Good job." Chiron smiled.

"Does anyone know where Autumn Mitchell and Jessica Morre are?" Everyone turned to the green skin colored nymph. Then they all pointed to Jessica and I.

The nymph had twigs, and flowers in her auburn hair, she was wearing a loose t-shirt that said 'Go Green! Keep the Earth Clean!' And denim shorts, she had no sandals or shoes on her feet.

"Hi Juniper." Jessica waved. "It's good to see you-"

She got cut off by Juniper who was pulling our arms, nearly out of our sockets.

"Grover, needs to see you." Juniper said. She plopped down and turned into a a 6 foot tall tree. Each leaf had soft pink blossoms on it. She popped back up and blushed. "Sorry I do that when I'm ansty."

Juniper grabbed our hands again. She ran and we dragged behind all the way to the Strawberry Fields. Satyrs had a instrument around their neck. They blew into into and out came a beautiful tune. As if it were magic; red luscious strawberries grew on the empty vines.

Juniper opened a hole in the ground. Nobody was watching us. She motioned her head for us to jump in. Without hesitation Jessica and I jumped into the hole.

For two seconds I felt like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. But then the ground was growing near each second. I tucked my myself into a ball. I rolled onto the floor on my backside. Jessica landed on her two feet like a ninja.

Jessica smiled and pulled me up. Juniper was nowhere to be seen. I stare up to the ceiling with awe. It looked like we were inside a dome, made out of twigs, sticks and tree roots. Juniper popped out of the ground again.

"Sorry, I wasn't excepting company." She twirled her fingers and vines snaked around each nook and crany. Juniper snapped her fingers, and gorgeous flowers sprouted. The dome now had various amounts of color.

"Are we under the camp?" I ask.

"No Autumn we are in the sky." Jessica rolled her eyes.

Juniper giggled.

My neck was starting to hurt from looking up too long. But then as I looked down my jaw dropped. Grover Underwood was sitting in a leather recliner. And two pillows elevated his head.

Grover didn't look so good. The fur and his head and legs was speckled with white. He could barely keep his brown eyes open. His skin looked pale white.

"Hello Autumn." He smiled weakly.

I wave back in response. Juniper was busy pouring water into a coffee pot. "Do you mind warming this up?" She placed the pot in my hands.

"No, not at all." I felt the heat give off of my fingertips. The water steamed in the pot. Which made the whistle shout at the top.

She grabbed the pot from my hands and put tea leaves in it. Then Juniper poured it in a mug. Carefully she gave Grover the mug, and he drank from it.

Jessica elbowed me in the shoulder. "They're a cute couple. It reminds of two other people."

After Grover took the sip of his tea he started to talk. "Your probably wondering why I called you down here. Well," he paused for a moment. "I need your help."

Jessica and I stayed silent.

Grover continued. "There have been a lot of disturbances in these woods. And as the God the nature I have to fix them. But it's sapping all of my strength to protect it. And Autumn, back when I rescued you and your sister, I forgot someone else."

"In my town?" I question.

"Yeah." He coughed like a clogged chimeny. "But after you made the heat wave I had no choice but to come back to Camp with you. I was too weak and tired. I didn't have the strength to search for another demigod."

Jessica interrupted. "So your saying we have to find a demigod and bring him or her back here?"

"Exactly." Grover nodded.

"Where is this place anyway?" I take another look around me.

"We are technically under the strawberry feilds. No one knows about this place. Well...except for you two." Juniper explained. "Ever since Grover became sick, I made this shelter for him." She walked over to Grover and gave him a kiss on his forehead. Then she took the empty mug from his hands.

'Meet me in the forest.' The voice said. 'Bring what I need.'

"Um.....I think I have to go." I step backwards.

"Where are you going?" Jessica asks me confused. Her blue eyes narrowed at me. Trying to figure out what was going out in my head.

"May I please leave." I ask Juniper.

"If you truly want to...then you can." Juniper nodded and looked at me with her dark green eyes. She looked like she had lost hope, hope that I could help Grover. She swirled her fingers and a hole appeared 2 feet in front of me.

With hesitation I jumped in. I felt like dust bunny being sucked up by a vacuum. Suddenly I was back on Camp grounds.

'Get the rope.' The voice was more clearer, more real. As if it was whispering directly in my ear.

I walked out of the Strawberry fields and headed for the Armory. The Amory had all kinds of ropes.


I use my sword the slash the bindings. It took a while to cut the shadow chains. Who knew? And after that I helped get their gags out of their mouths.

"Woah...what happened here?" I hear Aaron say.

"No questions, just help me get these people out of here." I quickly say.

Then I hear grunts and muffled screams. I turn around and see Erebus holding Aaron by the neck.

"And who are you?" Erebus inspected Aaron in his grasps. "A new piece to my game. Extraordinary."

Aaron reached for his trident in his pocket. His trident grew to full size, he kicked Erebus in the face, and back flipped onto the ground.

"Wow that was impressive." Erebus wiped the trail of blood that was running down his lips.

A black bow appeared in Erebus's white hands. That's Autumn's bow!

Erebus glanced at me. "Oh...this old thing." His cracked lips formed a evil smile. "It suits me don't you think?"

I charged at him with my sword. With my speed I ran around him in circles. Erebus eyes swerved and tried to catch up with me. He shot an arrow and missed me. He yelled in fustration and tried again. I stopped, and Aaron's trident slammed against Erebus's ribs.

Hearing a sickening CRACK Erebus stumbled backwards. "You don't realize what you are doing." He said to Aaron. "Your fighting for the wrong side. The losing side."

Aaron went full force on Erebus. The ground started to rumble and shake. I have to get these people out of here. One by one as fast as I could, I cut their bindings and ran them back to camp. I ran back into the forest to repeat the process all over again. Finally every one was safe, except for Aaron. I had to go back and help him.

Now the ground shook violently. The trees started to break in half. Birds screeched and flew into the sky. I searched for Erebus but he was nowhere to be seen. Like if he had dissapeared.

"Aaron stop!" I yell.

The ground stopped shaking. The forest sounded empty. The only sounds that filled it was Aaron breathing heavily.

He dropped his trident and collapsed on his knees.

I run over to him and his Jade eyes were wide open.

"No man, c'mon stay with me." I shake him.

"See what did I tell you." The sickening smooth voice of Erebus mused. "You should've left me be. Now he is partially unconscious and Autumn..." he chuckled deeply. "Now that's where the fun begins."

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