This Moment (KH/FF)

By kayzay

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16 year old [Name] is informed by a note from her parents that they are going to be on a business trip for ro... More

This Moment (KH/FF)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Authors Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

1.8K 49 26
By kayzay

I almost have 540 reads on this, holy cow! Thanks everyone :) and I want to apologize for the time skips in this chapter, I just really wanted to focus on the results since they are all different. Enjoy!!
That little witch turned your hair green. If it was a pretty green it wouldn't be that bad but this green is just terrible.

You ran your hands through your hair as you stood in front of the mirror. You dreaded going downstairs because you can't necessarily tell your aunt that her perfect little daughter sabotaged your shampoo. She would never believe you and she would get so pissed and probably try to ground you or something. If she can even do that. And you can't necessarily go all Mortal Kombat on her.

Then you thought about school. You were definitely going to be the laughing stock, nobody dyes their hair this color. You groaned as you thought of the street dance, you might be able to dance with a cute boy and you're going to have green hair.

You groaned as you fixed your hair and headed downstairs. You heard your aunt let out a small squeak,

"Oh dear, um, your hair, it's different," she said with wide eyes.

"I know, my shampoo was funny," you said as you sat down and grabbed some of the waffles that were on the table. Then you heard shrill laughing following by clicking heels,

"Oh [Name], you know when people say 'Go green and recycle' it doesn't mean you have to turn your hair green," Kairi laughed as she sat down at the table. Her mom looked at her and scowled,

"Kairi, her shampoo turned bad. It wasn't her choice."Kairi just looked down at her food and nodded.

You sighed as you continued to eat. You were almost done eating when you got a message from Zack asking if you need a ride. You accepted his offer and in a few minutes you heard his truck pull up.

"[Name], that Fair boy is here for you I believe," your uncle confirmed your thoughts. You grabbed your bag and started heading out the door when your phone vibrated signaling another message. You quickly looked at it:


Whoa, sleeping around with not only Axel but Zack now too? What a shame..

You angrily shoved your phone back into your pocket and continued to go towards Zack's truck. You really liked the electric blue color and also the chrome that accented the truck.

When you stepped into the passenger seat you took a glance at Zack, who was looking at you with wide eyes. You sighed as you closed the door behind you,

"It wasn't me. My shampoo was sabotaged."

"Oh, well that's no good, who did it?" He asked as he moved the truck away from the house.

"Do you really need to ask? It was Kairi and Selphie," you groaned as Zack just shook his head,

"Did you tell your aunt and uncle?" You shook your head which made him sigh,"Maybe you should."

"They won't believe me. Kairi is the angel of our family, I'm the devil."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, you're one of the few girls who can rock that color," he smiled at you and you felt your face start to heat up so you looked down at your lap. You mumbled a 'thanks' which made him laugh and reach over and try I mess up your hair,

"Hey! Not the hair!" You said as he put his hand on the steering wheel, a rejected look on his face that reminded you of a puppy. You smiled and started laughing causing him to laugh.

After Zack giving you a what he calls, 'Puppy pep talk', you arrived at the school. You thanked Zack as you both headed towards the school and onto your classes.

Since it was Friday, only one of your classes were different today, you had geography instead of history. You were starting to go to your locker when Zack stopped you,

"Hey, are you coming to the football game tonight?"

"Oh, I forgot about that. I will if volleyball ends in time," you answered as Zack's face brightened up,

"It usually does! So I'll see ya there! We're playing Radiant Garden South High School! Have a great day my future wife!"

Zack smiled as he walked away and waved. You went to your locker and then to your first class to start the day off.

First period went quickly and so did second and also third. As you walked into the lunch room you noticed that the football players all changed into their jerseys.

All day people have been looking at you weird and whispering about you, but then your friends would back you up by saying loads of positive things or threatening the people talking about you, *cough* Riku *cough*.

You looked around to find your usual table. And when you did you headed over there and sat down. You greeted everybody and you all started to talk about your day.

Lunch went quick and next you knew, you were in study hall. You were in the middle of your math homework when Yuffie came and sat on top of your desk and your math homework,

"Hey! Where do you want to get ready at? Volleyball is gonna get over an hour early so we can watch the football game!"

"Really? Cool, let's not get ready at mine, well actually Kairi will be at the school getting ready since she's in cheer, huh."

Yuffie nodded her head excitedly. Then pulled out we phone to probably tell the other girls where they're getting ready at. You spotted a few girls in the room who were giving you weird looks and commenting to themselves. Yuffie also noticed this and went over and confronted the two girls who usually never show up to this class anyway.

"Hey! Why are you talking about my best friend? Jealous because she can rock that green hair when you two would just look like Oompa Loompas?"

"Yuffie," Snow warned as the two girls who were confronted had annoyed faces on stood up and left the room. Snow just sighed as he called the office and told them the names of the two girls who walked out. He also gave Yuffie a warning, but she just shrugged it off and sat back down.

The rest of the study hall was spent by Yuffie talking about what she was gonna wear and talking about the up and coming volleyball games.

>>> after school

You followed Yuffie and Tifa to the gym. You still had to wait to actually practice but you had to sit and watch though.

You watched them do drills and talk about the next games and you longed to be out there alongside with them. You wondered what position you would play. At the moment it seems like you were going to play back row. You didn't mind that though, it was fun diving after a hard hit.As long as you didn't do a face dive into the bleachers.

Tifa played center because of her height and power you assumed and Yuffie was the setter at the moment. Xion was Tifa's sub when Tifa went back row. Larxene played outside hitter and usually stayed in the back row too, if she didn't, a girl called Rikku would sub in for. And a few other girls whose names you didn't know were at the remaining positions.

You watched as the ball was bumped, set, and spiked. The girls' next game was next Tuesday night against Twlight Town. You were excited but nervous at the same time, but your thoughts went away when Coach Farron called everybody in. She gave all the girls a talk and told you all to not be stupid tonight. Practice was close with a short cheer and Tifa, Yuffie, Xion and you started heading to your place.

You rode with Tifa when Xion rode with Yuffie so the hyper girl's feelings weren't hurt. You all arrived shortly and all the girls brought their stuff into your room. Once in, everybody started to get ready for the game and the street dance after.


Cheers rang out as your new school scored the first touchdown of the game. You were sitting by the girls who you got ready with, and the boys who didn't play football,but soccer instead or no sport at all. You thought it was odd how it still felt like a warm summer night since it was late August.

The boys who played football were Zack, Cloud, Angeal, Terra, Leon, Axel and Ventus. The soccer boys included Reno, Noctis, Prompto, Roxas, Sora, Riku, and Hope. Genesis brought Zexion along to help support the team. You also could have sworn you saw one of the silverette triplets walking around.

You looked down on the track to see who were the cheerleaders you recognized, you saw Kairi and Selphie obviously, and also Mayana.

It was soon halftime and your team was winning by a touchdown. It was starting to become a close game, and you were kinda worried, but you had faith since they've been playing awesome. You even learned a few cheers so you could help support the team along with your friends.

During one of the plays you saw Ven get tackled and it worried you since he was smaller then a few of the guys out there. But he played on as if nothing happened, but that's pretty much what they have to do.

It was the last quarter and was tied. Everybody was getting into the game, even Genesis! But not really Zexion, he was watching though. You hoped that you'd still have a voice after the game.

There was only about two minutes left when your team scored a touchdown. And luckily the other team didn't score anymore touchdowns. As the clock ran out of time, the section you were sitting in just cheered so loud, including you.

About an hour later

You just finished eating a quick meal with the three girls when you all headed to Main Street, which was blocked off for the dance. Tifa drove you guys and parked a block away from the dance. Once you stepped out of the car, you heard a familiar song, Can't Hold Us by Macklemore start playing after the deejay said a few words.

Yuffie grabbed you and ran to the source, you could hear faint laughing from Xion and Tifa. Yuffie pulled you into a big crowd of people an she started jumping around like crazy, you laughed and just joined her, not really caring at all.

After the song ended you guys went to a small table that was set up at a food booth, that Xion and Tifa were sitting at. You sat down but Yuffie just took off to somewhere else. Xion and Tifa were talking about something unknown to you so you looked around for somebody to talk to...

(eek first b.o.c results ever, hope they're good!)

Your eyes landed on a muscular teen, who could easily past for twenty. He was standing by Zack and was talking to him but Zack soon left to go join in with the big group of people. You saw your chance to maybe visit with him but you suddenly got nervous,

"Oh, [Name], he's cool and nice! Don't let his looks intimidate you!" Tifa laughed as you nodded your head and slowly stood up. Then you headed over to where he was standing. When he saw you he gave a little smile and wave. As you arrived beside him he looked at you,

"Hello, [Name]," you replied with a short greeting and he continued to talk,"So,mind to tell me about your newest fashion trend?"

"Oh, my shampoo got sabotaged," you simply stated as you looked around and saw Kairi trying to dance with Riku who kept avoiding her.

"I see, well it doesn't look bad!" Angeal insisted as a a familiar song came on. You recognized it as the Cupid Shuffle. You grinned as you saw people forming lines appropriate for the dance. You looked at Angeal,

"Come on! Let's go!" He looked at the ground,

"I'm not very good at it and I wouldn't want to mess up the line," you looked up at him,

"Well, let's have our own two person line then!" He looked back at you and he couldn't say no to the [color] orbs that were begging him. He gave in and you two had your own little line. He was a little off on a few beats but he wasn't too bad. Then the song changed into a slow song,

"[Name], would you like to be my dance partner for this song?" You nodded as your face started to get warm. Because of his height you felt like you were stretching your arms pretty good and his arms probably could wrap around you more than one time.

"So, you have enough credits to graduate right now but you decide to stay and be a teacher's aid or even a sub?" You asked trying to start a conversation with him,

"Yes, that's exactly it. I don't mind school,but I love sports so I want to get the full senior year experience," he answered and you replied with a nod of your head.

When the song ended you and Angeal continued to talk but soon he had to go help at a booth his mom had set up so he bid you goodnight with a gentle hug, in all reality he just seemed like a big teddy bear to you.

You went back over to Tifa and Xion who ended up teasing you all night long,except during the songs Yuffie dragged you out to dance to.

You saw the fiery red head in the middle of a small group of girls. 'So he's that way', you sighed and looked a different direction but your eyes still landed on the green eyed boy, who seemed to be pushing the girls away as he walked towards a small coffee booth that was set up not too far from you.

"It's your chance, go," Xion said as she smiled when she made you jump. You looked at her and nodded your head,making your way to Axel.

When he saw you walking towards him, he grinned and waved,

"Hey, [Name]," You smiled while waving back and soon enough you were standing beside him,

"Good game tonight,Axel," you said causing him to smile,

"Thanks! Hey, do you want a coffee or something? I'll buy it,"

"Oh, um, sure I guess I'll take a [drink]." He nodded his head and turned to the man in the booth and told him our order. As soon as the drinks were made and Axel paid, you two went to sit on a bench.

A fast paced song was just ending when a slower song started to play. Axel set his coffee down below the bench and stood in front of you,

"Could I have this dance?" He asked, his green eyes looking straight into your [color] ones. You nodded as you felt your face get warm from his intense look. You stood up as he grabbed your hand then pulled you a little closer and placed his hands around your waist. You could feel the heat radiating off of him thanks to his fire element. You slowly put your arms around his neck.

"You know, that green doesn't look too bad on you! It gives you that edgy attitude!" Axel smirked as you rolled your eyes. The song went on and you started to feel Axel's hands move a little lower, but they instantly shot back up at the sound of a certain dark haired girl,

"Hey!! Lava boy!! Watch your hands!! No octopus hands on my girl!" Yuffie exclaimed as she ran by, apparently being chased by Reno. You laughed but looked up and you wished you didn't when you got caught up in his eyes,

"Why do you have the little tattoo type things below your eyes?" You asked curious since the day you first met him when he was helping on the gummi ship,

"Oh, no reason! Just mine and Reno's little idea," he said as you nodded your head feeling like there was something else to it, but you didn't push. You've only known the guy for two days so it's not like you were expecting to know his secrets.

The song soon ended and you both sat back down on the bench and finished your coffee. The rest of the night was filled with dancing in your big friend group from all kinds of songs before everybody started heading home, well at least that's what you thought. Some of those guys you kinda doubted they were going home. But Axel gave you a hug before you left and told you to make sure you text your undercover lover later.

You saw the spiky hair blond a few feet away making his way over to the table you sat at. You were a little nervous because he probably wanted to talk to Tifa, which could mean they're dating.

He sat down beside you and across from Tifa,

"Hey, you girls want to walk with me?" Tifa looked at you and smiled noticing that look you had on your face,

"Xion, doesn't feel good, and I don't wanna leave her here, but I'm sure [Name] would love to!"

Your eyes widened as everyone turned their eyes towards you waiting for your answer,

"Y-Yes, I would!"

Cloud nodded his head and stood up. You followed suit and went beside him,

"You want a drink or something? We can walk over to that slushie booth, if you want?" You nodded,

"Sure! I mean, if it's okay with you,"

He looked at you and nodded as you both got closer to the booth. Before you could ask about him and Tifa, he cleared his throat,

"So, green hair? That's different. Did someone sabotage you?" You looked up at him,

"Yeah, Kairi and Selphie got to me," he nodded his head,

"It doesn't look bad though! Different is good at certain times!"

You nodded in agreement and noticed that you two were at the slushie booth. You ordered yours and he ordered his. The woman at the slushie booth asked if it was together or separate.

"Together," he answered and you didn't feel like arguing with him. The lady smiled and went to making the slushies. She handed you yours and Cloud, his. You both told her thanks and to have a great night.

You both started making your way back to the table when you were stopped by some random guy,who was a little drunk,

"Hey babyy! Why don't cha ditch that blondie and come to my place," you rolled your eyes and shook your head and you both walked around him. But then you felt something grab your wrist and yank you back,

"That wasn't a question," the man said as he pulled you over to him and you could smell the alcohol he drank. Cloud went to the man and grabbed the man's wrist,

"Let her go if you know what's good for you," the man snorted but Cloud's grip tightened and as you looked down at the man'd wrist, ice started to form where Cloud had his hand. The drunk let go of your wrist and yelped. Cloud key go as the man started to run away.
"Thank you! How'd you learn that?" You said as you gave him a hug, truth was you were kinda scared shitless. Cloud hugged you back as a slow song started, he let go and put your drinks by a bench. Then he leaded you out to the street and you began dancing,

"No problem, Xion taught me. And no Tifa and I aren't dating."

You nodded your head and you both kept on dancing. When the song went over you two joined your group of friends for the rest of the night.

You sighed as you couldn't find a certain silverette. You decided to go take a walk around and luckily you did because you bumped into just the person you were looking for,

"Oomph, I'm so sorry," you said as you felt yourself bump into someone, you looked up to find the silverette you were looking for,"Oh hey, Kadaj , I couldn't find you so I started to get worried."

"Worried?" Kadaj smirked,"worried bout me? Interesting. Why?"

"Because I wanted to get to know you better, is that a problem?" You asked as he shook his head and looked at you with his cat like eyes,

"Of course not, let's walk."

He began walking down the street and you followed him. You asked him a few basic questions as you walked like favorite color,movie or whatnot, and in turn you answered them too. Soon, a slow song came on and you begged him to dance with you.

He couldn't say no in the end and was wrapped into dancing with you. He was off beat a few times and he looked genuinely sorry since he kept apologizing. But he eventually got the hang of it and it was a nice little dance.

After the dance he took you to some of the other booths that sold miscellaneous things like jewelry, light up hats, and fun stuff like that.

You somehow even got him to join in the circle of your friends. He nearly died when Kairi came over and tried to grind on him. So you saved the day and told her to get away before she scarred the poor boy for life. She huffed until she walked away and nearly tripped in the heels she was wearing.

But soon Kadaj had to head home because his mother needed her three boys to help her with something. You said good night to him and even gave him a little hug before you went back and rejoined your crazy group of friends.

You looked around at the other tables until you found the person you were looking for. You spotted him a few tables away sitting with Zexion, both reading a book.

You sighed and looked back over at the two girls, who were smiling at you. Xion laughed,

"Go talk to him! I promise he won't be mad!"You shrugged your shoulders and remained sitting,"Don't make me get Yuffie."

This made you stand up quickly and start to slowly make your way to their table. Once you were there, you sat beside Genesis who smiled,

"Hello [Name], what brings you here?"

"Oh," you continued as you fidgeted with your fingers,"just wanted to talk with you. What's that book you're always reading?"

"It's play called Loveless, it's my favorite. I actually almost have it memorized," he said quietly secretly scared that you were going to tell him he needs a life or something.

"Really? Cool!" You continued,"So since you too aren't in sports what are you in?"

"Drama club, I'm actually the President and Zexion is the Vice President," you smiled,

"Wow! Impressive! When's your next play or whatever?"

"Sometime next month, I can let you know later," you nodded your head and it was quiet,well despite for the music. The fast song that was just playing faded away and a slow song started to play. You really liked the slow song that was playing too, so you sighed.

"[name], do you want to dance?" Genesis asked when he heard you sigh. You looked at him,

"Yeah! I mean if it's okay with you," then you remembered Zexion,"But Zexion will be alone and-"

"I can sit with Xion and Tifa, I'm not totally antisocial, I know people," Zexion said with a smile and headed over to the other table. Genesis led you to an empty spot on the street and put his hands on your waist then you put your hands in the designated spot.

In the middle of the slow song was a small instrumental and Genesis started to speak,

"When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end

The goddess descends from the sky

Wings of light and dark spread afar

She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting" You listened to how his words flowed along with the music and you were waiting for him to continue,"I'm still working on the next part."

He said sheepishly as you just smiled at him and looked up at his face. You felt your face warm up slightly under his gaze. He chuckled,

"You know, you still look good with the green hair," you laughed,

"Thanks," no words were spoken throughout the dance but you didn't mind. The song ended and Genesis grabbed your hand and lightly kissed your knuckles,

"No, thank you," He said as he led you back to the table where Zexion, Xion and Tifa were at, you were glad his back was turned because you could tell your face was very red.

When you sat down everybody decided they were hungry so you all went to the burger stand and Genesis bought you your food despite your arguments.

The rest of the night was spent talking and also dancing to a few songs here and there.

You saw the boy you were looking for was talking to Snow and Coach Farron. You made your way over to the small group. When you got there they were all talking amongst themselves but stopped when you stood by Hope,

"Hey Hope,Snow and Coach. How's it going?" Your coach spoke first,

"[Name], just call me Serah outside of school. And it's going great." Both males nodded in agreement. Then Snow suddenly kissed Serah as Hope groaned,

"They've been doing that almost all night. [Name], let's go somewhere," he said as he started to look uncomfortable.

"Okay, fine by me!" You said as you both started walking away.

The walk was uneventful, the two of you talking about random things and also about yourselves.

Then a slow song started to play and you looked at Hope hoping he would ask you I dance. He looked back at you,

"You wanna dance?"

"Yeah!"you exclaimed with a smile which made Hope smile in return. You both went out in the street and started dancing. You saw Snow and Serah dancing and making out so you two danced away from them, far away from them. Even if they're only a few years older than you two, it was awkward watching your teachers kiss.

When the song ended Hope dragged you over to a smoothie booth and bought smoothies for both of you. Then you at at a nearby table. You were drinking your smoothie when you noticed that Hope kept stealing glances at you. You cleared your throat,
"Umm, Hope?" He looked down and he could feel his face get a bit warmer,

"Sorry,I just noticed that your hair kind of faded to a prettier green throughout the day,"

"Really?" You said as you silently pondered to yourself if that was true. Hope nodded,

"Yeah, and I was wondering why you decided to spend the dance with me and not some big muscled dude like Zack or even Leon,"

"Why? Maybe because I felt like hanging out with somebody more down to earth," you simply stated as Hope felt a bit embarrassed because he suddenly remembered Snow's advice of not questioning girls why they hang out with you.

"Oh, okay," Hope continued,"well am I down to earth I mean-"

"Yes, Hope," you lightly laughed as Hole joined in with you. As his face held a tint if pink to it, you couldn't help but think how cute he is. Before you could change the subject, Yuffie sat down beside you,
"Whatcha two talking about-Hey! Hope, you're blushing! Why are you blushing did [Name] and you do something! Oh man!"

Both of your faces started warming up as you turned to Yuffie who already was running away,

"Yuffie!!!" Both you and Hope yelled at the hyper girl but soon we was out of sight. You looked at the big group of your friends and turned to Hope,

"Let's go dance some more,"
Hope nodded and followed you to the big group of people. And the rest of the night was full of dancing and Yuffie teasing poor Hope.

You looked for a certain brunette and you saw him in an empty lot. He wasn't alone though, he was standing across from Seifer. Both males had a strange looking weapon in their hands, but if you remembered right, they were gun blades. You didn't like the look of it so you headed over there.

Once you arrived both males turned their attention to you. Seifer smirked,

"Oh hey,[Name], right?" You nodded your head,

"Yeah, hey, why do you guys look like you're about to beat the other one up?" Seifer growled,

"Because he's a lamer."

"Shut it, Almasy," Leon said as he out his fun blade away,"I don't have time for your immature attitude." With that being said Leon started to leave and gently grabbed your wrist. But Seifer called after Leon,

"Whatever Squall!"

Leon ignored him and continued to walk away. When he finally sat down on a bench you sat beside him. He was still clearly mad and you cleared your throat,

"Should I leave you be? Leon?" The male shook his head,

"No, you're fine. Seriously, if you didn't come over I probably would have already fought him and get in major trouble with Coach. So thanks," he said with a smile that was rare for the brunette.

"You should smile more," you said to him then felt your face heat up,"I-I mean, it's your smile you can do whatever you want with it!" Your face turning red just made him laugh,

"I know, I just need that one thing again" you looked at him and nodded your head. You were trying to find something to change the subject to when a slow song started playing and the deejay said to get with that special someone.

You sighed, knowing that Leon wasn't going to ask you to dance. So you decided to ask yourself,

"Hey, Leon? Will you dance with me?" He looked down,

"Dancing really isn't my thing, [name]," you turned to him,

"Asking guys to dance really isn't my thing either."

He looked up into your [color] eyes and he knew he shouldn't have but there was no way he could say no to you. He stood up and watched as your face brightened up. He gave you quick smile and motioned for you to follow. You didn't think twice and soon you were dancing with Leon. Both of you were oblivious as you both moved closer to each other. But the question is, are you actually oblivious to it or are you just letting it happen?

You didn't mind that he wasn't talking much. You felt safe around him and that's how you think you should feel around a guy. As soon as the slow song ended, you broke apart and a faster country type song came on. Leon cleared his throat,

"[Name], do you now how to Two Step?"

"Of course, do you?" You answered hoping he would say yes,

"Once Tifa found out Cloud and I didn't know how she made us learn from her. But, I haven't done it in awhile, would you like to?" He asked and you nodded,

"Yeah! Let's do it!" You exclaimed and Yuffie popped up,

"Sorry, [Name], I don't think that should happen on the first date,"

"What? Oh I get it. No! I don't mean it like that!"

Yuffie laughed at your face that was now red and she skipped away. You groaned and Leon just gave you a smirk,

"Anyways, where were we?"

You smiled as you began to dance with him, letting him take the lead. You surprisingly didn't step on his feet throughout the whole song and neither did he step on yours. You just Two Stepped your little hearts out.

At the end of the song, you both sat down since you just used a lot of energy. Once you were both energized again you joined the group of your friends who were dancing like crazy. You went on and joined but Leon stayed on the sidelines and stood by Cloud. Looking at you every now and then earning him a small chuckle from Cloud.

You saw Loz sitting with his brothers so you decided to go over and talk to him. When you arrived at their table they greeted you and you greeted them back,

"Hey guys! I was wondering if I could steal Loz for a bit?"Loz looked surprised as questioned his brothers,

"Would mother approve?"

"Dammit, Loz!" Kadaj said,"Just go!"

Yazoo sighed and nodded his head giving Loz a quick smile and you am apologetic look. You waved to the two silverettes as Loz began to walk with you. You two talked about a lot I things, you were surprised he even talked.

Soon a slow song came over the speakers and he even asked if you wanted to dance. You nodded your head and danced with him. You received a few confused looks but you didn't care,

"Loz, why don't you play any sports?"

"I don't know, mother always needs mine and my brothers's help. So I don't have a lot of time to do stuff. Why is your hair green?"

"Kairi and Selphie sabotaged me," you said as he nodded,

"Kadaj turned my hair green once, I can remember why though."

You nodded your head as you two carried on dancing. Then when the song ended you both immediately joined the group of your friends. Loz seemed to be having a great time, jumping around and fist pumping but eventually Kadaj came to take him home because of their mother.

He told you goodnight and left. You told him goodnight and said the same to his brothers as they left. Then soon the Cupid Shuffle came on and you got all lined up and rest. The rest of the night was a blast, dancing around with your newfound friends, just having a great time.

You looked around for Noctis. He had that mysterious aura and you were attracted to that. You looked around until you finally found him and his blond comrade at an ice cream booth. You waved to Tifa and Xion as you made your way over to him. Prompto noticed you first,

"Hey, Noct! It's [Name]!" As he tapped the ravenette's shoulder. Noctis turned around and gave you a smile,

"Pleasure seeing you tonight,[Name], green hair and all,"he said as he grabbed your hand and lightly kissed it. You now had pink creeping up your face and Prompto groaned,

"Come on, Noct, stop going back to your roots and acting all princely."

That caught you off guard and you turned to the blond,

"Wait, princely? Roots? You're a prince?" Noctis shot Prompto an irritated look who just smirked in return. Noctis turned his gaze to you,

"Yes, I am a prince. Prince Noctis Caelum, I didn't want to tell you til we got to know each other more, because I didn't want you to feel like you had to be proper," you nodded

"Well that's actually pretty legit! Do you mind if we walk around and talk about your life as a prince?" Prompto laughed,

"Well that's my cue to go. Play nice,Noctis. See ya!"

The blond said as he walked away. You looked at Noctis who looked at you and nodded. You two were just walking along talking about what is was like for Noctis back home when the song turned into a soft, slow ballad.

Noctis turned to you while smiling and did a little short bow,

"May I have this dance, my lady?" You laughed and faked a curtsy,

"Of course, dear prince."

Even though it was a simple slow dance, every move he made seemed elegant. When he was about to say something, Prompto popped up, you didn't really see where he came from,

"Now, now, [Name], you might want to watch dear Nocty's hands. His feet aren't the only things that move elegantly,"

"Prompto!" Noctis groaned at Prompto,"I'm not sure that even made sense."

Prompto shrugged his shoulders and ran over to Yuffie who had some silly string tubes in her hands. Noctis also noticed what she had and gracefully whisked you away to a different part of the street.

After the song you and Noctis sat down on a bench that wasn't too far from where you were dancing.
You saw Yuffie and Prompto make their way over to where Kairi and Selphie were dancing.

"Are they gonna?" You started to ask but your question as answered when you saw the hyperactive ninja and her sidekick shoot silly string all over to to unsuspecting girls. Both of which screamed like they just had a bowl of spiders poured on their heads.

Kairi tried to run after Yuffie and Prompto but she could barely walk in the heels she was wearing, so there was no way she would be able to run. You almost died laughing because Kairi's face was priceless.

You and Noctis went back to the middle of the street where a lot of your friends were dancing. You joined them and danced like there was no tomorrow.

You looked around and found who you were looking for, just not in the door you though he would be. Last Friday Night by Katy Perry was playing and Reno was singing, at the top of his lungs, while he was dancing on a table.

You hoped that he wasn't drunk or you'd probably lose your chance at dancing with him and him remembering it. Then you watched the red head get pulled down from the table by Cloud.

You saw Cloud say a few words to him and Reno sitting on a bench, a few feet away from the table he was recently dancing on.

You sighed and Tifa noticed who you were looking at,

"[Name], just go and talk to him," you nodded your head and made your way over to the red head. When you got there you nervously sat down as his teal eyes looked at your [color] eyes,


"Hey, Reno," Reno smiled at you then put his arm on the back of the bench,

"So, green hair?"

"Uh huh, not my fault Kairi is a possessive little bitch. Oops did I say that out loud?" You snorted as Reno chuckled,

"Did you know you're cute when you're all pissed off?"

"Did you know you looked drunk when you were on the table?" You answered his question with another question as he put his hands up in defense,

"I haven't drank tonight, I promise."

You nodded your head and the both of you stayed silent until a slow song came on. Reno stood up and motioned for you to come dance, and you did.

Throughout the song you felt Reno keep pulling you closer and closer to him. A few times you looked up at him into his eyes and felt your face get warm. The when you guys were very close to each other Yuffie popped up,

"Sinclair! I'd appreciate if there was a few inches between you and Miss [LName]," Reno pulled slightly away from you but apparently not enough in Yuffie's mind,"Nope, I'm not gonna move. More. There ya go, enjoy your night, but remember, I got eyes everywhere!"

The dark haired girl bounced away into a big group of people. Reno sighed as you laughed and soon the slow song was over but Reno didn't immediately let go of you,

"Reno, I'm hungry, can we get something to eat," you asked giving him your best puppy dog eyes,"yo?"

"Of course, yo," he laughed a little when you added the little 'yo' at the end and let go. Then you both made your way to a food stand and like a gentleman,he paid for your food.

"Why do you have those tattoos?" You asked him and he cleared his throat,

"Oh well, it was an idea of mine and Axel's,yo. Don't know why we did it but we just kind of did," you felt like he wasn't telling the whole story, but it's not like it really bothered you.

After eating,you both rejoined the big group of your friends. Then Shots by LMFAO came on and everyone started jumping around like crazy. You stood by Reno and joined him in jumping around. Then he started doing some weird dance moves that he claimed were his signature moves.

And the rest of the night was full of Reno trying to teach his signature moves to you. Then a lot of the football guys said they wanted to go home and get to sleep, but you weren't very sure that they were going to go to sleep. But before he left, Reno gave you a big hug.

You stood up from the table and started walking around to look for Riku. After a few minutes you saw him on a bench squished between Selphie and Kairi. He saw you and smirked,

"[Name]!"he yelled causing the two girls who were squishing him to jump, giving him enough room to squeeze out and run over to you. When he reached you he grabbed your wrist and ran through the crowd if people to the opposite side that you he was just on.

"Thanks for saving me,"

"I just walked by you?" You questioned and he nodded his head,

"Exactly, they were bragging about turning your hair colors but they shut up after I told them it looks cute on you,"

"Oh!" You blushed a little bit and hoped he didn't see,"So what should we do?"

"Well we could walk around, or join in with it friends. I don't mind either way," he answered causing you to sigh,

"I'm not quite sure, let's walk, I guess," you decided and he nodded his head as both of you began to walk around."

You were walking around and talking when you tripped. You expected to land face first but you felt no contact. You opened your eyes and saw Riku's blue ones looking down at you. That's when you realized that he caught you. He helped you up and you gave him a week smile,

"Thanks," he nodded his head,

"No problem, do you wanna head back the way we came," you nodded your head and started walking back. When you got back a slow song started to play and Riku held his hand out. You grabbed it as he led you out to the street. Once in the street he let go of your hand and placed his hands on your waist. You then placed your hands on the proper place.

As you danced, you realized just how cute Riku was. Also, how muscular his arms were. And you asked yourself in your head if his shoulders were also nice. When you realized what you were thinking about you quickly tried to think of something else. You hoped you weren't blushing but you were,

"What were you thinking about that made you blush,[name]? Hmm?" Riku smirked and you looked up at him,

"Nothing! I think you're seeing things dear Riku!"

"Heya [Name], whatcha blushing about?" Yuffie walked over as soon the song ended and Riku didn't let you go,"What did you do to her, Riku!?"

"Nothing!" Riku defended himself and you stepped away from him as he let go of you.

"Doesn't look like nothing!" Yuffie exclaimed as she walked away,"I'm watching you two!"

After Yuffie walked away,Riku asked if you wanted together a drink and you said yes. He bought both you and him a drink. After you finished your drinks, you two went it join your friends that were already in a big group dancing together.

While you were dancing Selphie kept trying to grind on Riku but as soon as she saw you she ran the other direction. Riku laughed then yelled over the music,

"I think he's afraid of you!" You smiled and he continued,"but who wouldn't be? You're a scary girl,"

He started laughing as you playfully punched him in the arm which just resulted in him chasing you around after he found out you're very ticklish. So between dancing and running from Riku, who was fast, your night turned out fun but tiresome.

You saw Roxas with Axel, but as soon as a few girls started walking towards Axel, Roxas left him and went over to a bench. You decided to go talk to him so you told the two girls that you'll catch them later and they nodded.

You made it over to his bench without running into people and vice versa. You at down and greeted him,

"Hey, Roxas! How's it going?"

"Hi, [Name], pretty good I guess, you?"

"Same, so why'd you ditch Axel?" Roxas sighed,

"Well if i'm around when girls are around, he tries to hook me up with them," you nodded your head,

"Oh yeah, I understand," you told him,you were listening to the music when it turned into a sorta fast country song. Roxas cleared his throat,

"[Name]," he started as he looked as you his cheeks had a hint of pink on them,"do you know how to Jitterbug?"

"Yeah I do," (if you don't pretend. Haha) your parents had taught you when you were in junior high. You always loved when you went to school dances and one of your guy friends could Jitterbug,"Do you!?"

"Yeah!! Should we?" He asked and you nodded, a wide smile on your face. You two walked onto the street and began Jitterbugging your little hearts out. When the song was over you and Roxas smiled at each other as the deejay spoke,

"Time to slow things down now," then a slow song started to play. You looked at Roxas,

"Up for one more dance?" He nodded his head and you two started to dance. In the middle of the song Roxas broke the silence,

"Kairi and Selphie sabotaged you, didn't they?" You sighed while nodding your head and Roxas began again,"Well out of all the girls I know, I think green hair looks the best on you."

As he spilled his words out, you didn't see the blush that started on his face. You smiled,

"Thanks, Roxas."


After the slow song Roxas and you went over to the big group if your friends. You all danced like crazy until you all were too tired to do anything else.

You looked for the hyper boy and found him in the middle of a...mosh pit? Apparently somebody requested a hard rock song. You watched in amusement as the group of people just went absolute crazy. And as soon as the song ended, the exact opposite of it, started playing. It was a slower song and you really wanted to dance with somebody.

Just as you were about to turn around and start talking to the girls somebody tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around to find bright blue eyes and a smiling boy,

"Heya,[Name], would you like to dance with me?"

"Of course!" You answered with a smile and followed Sora to the street. You guys began dancing and Sora started random conversations here and there with you.

At the end of the song when you were thanking Sora for dancing with you Kairi stomped up, well she stumbled up to you two in her high heels that she obviously didn't know how to walk in. Before she could open her mouth Sora spoke,

"Don't even come around here and start whining and complaining. It gets old. If you're gonna complain go somewhere else, and I'm not your boyfriend,"

Kairi looked at him with surprise written all over her face. Once she regained her composure she started walking where Selphie was sitting down. Sora sighed and looked at you,

"They dyed your hair, didn't they?" You nodded and he smiled,

"Well, if they wanted you to look bad they totally failed. Cause you look awesome! But I have to admit [color] hair is more you."

You laughed and gave him a hug before walking away but you didn't get very far because Sora pulled you back,

"Nah-uh! You're gonna spend the rest of the night with me! If that okay with you that is,"

You playfully shoved him and followed him into the large group of your friends. You all danced your hearts out, especially when Cotton Eyed Joe came on. But it got a little scary when I'm Sexy and I Know It started playing..

You looked around for a certain brunette and you found him standing beside Aqua. You sighed expecting them to be dating, you turned around and faced Tifa and Xion. Tifa broke the silence,

"You know, [Name], Terra and Aqua are just really good friends. He's still available,"

"How did you know I was even looking at him," you asked crossing your arms and Xion laughed,

"He's the only good looking guy in that direction! And you have that look in your eyes!"

"Yeah, whatever!" You laughed in return but Tifa cleared her throat,

"Don't let him be the one who got away!"

You nodded and then made your way over to him and the blue haired girl. When you arrived they both smiled but Aqua spoke first,

"Hey,[Name], I was just about to go eat and I didn't want to just ditch Terra, so are you planning to hang out with him for awhile?"

"Oh, uh if he wants me to!" You said to her and she gave you a 'I know you're attracted to him' look. You looked back at Terra who nodded,

"Yeah, fine by me!"

As Aqua started walking off she quickly came back,

"And you better dance with the girl if a slow song comes on," she looked him in the eyes and then started walking the booth Tifa and Xion were by.

"Crazy girl," Terra murmured then turned to you,"Well, do you wanna walk around?"

"Yeah sure," you answered him a bit on the nervous side as you two started to walk around. There was a fight between some old drunk guys that made you guys turn back from where you were coming from.

When you got to the area that you were just standing in not too long ago, a slow song started to play. Terra turned to you,

"Well here's our slow song, do you want to dance?" He asked nervously.

"Sure!" You answered as he slowly put his hands on your waist and you put your hands in the designated spot. While you were dancing you couldn't help but to notice his shirt was tight and you could tell he was very muscular. You started to blush when you realized what you were thinking about.

He noticed this and chuckled,

"Why's your face all red?"

"Oh, uh, I don't know. Embarrassed because of my hair,"
You quickly said hoping you didn't just make him suspicious but he smiled,

"Really? I was just thinking that your rock this look,"

You looked down,

"Yeah, well I guess you have Kairi and Selphie to thank for that,"

"I might just thank them then," he chuckled and the rest of your dance didn't have anymore talking in it. But you didn't mind, you liked just being in his company.

After the song ended you saw a few girls giving you jealous glares. I guess even though he was a 'freak' some girls couldn't get over his good looks. When you two walked by them you heard them talking,

"I wish he wasn't a freak, he's so good looking. Well he can go with that green haired bitch I guess,"

"I think she's a whore. She's already been in Axel's AND Zack's vehicle. Damn freaks and their toys."

You looked up at Terra who had a smirk on his face. You were slightly confused until you heard the girls you just walked by squeal. You looked back to see them have dirt all over them. You turned to Terra with a questioning look. He laughed,

"No one calls my friend a bitch or a whore,"and he put his arm around you as he led you to where all your friends were dancing at. You spent the rest of the night dancing with all your friends, not a care in the world.

You saw the golden eyed boy you were looking for. You don't know what it was but he was interesting to you and mysterious. You wanted to know more about him. So you decided to give it a try and headed over to where he was leaning on a building,

"Hey! Didn't expect to see you here," He smirked at you,

"Surprise you did see me since you're blind," you shook your head,

"I'm not blind, we just accidentally ran into each other. Accidents happen, sometimes they're terrible," Vanitas scoffed,

"Like your hair?" You decided to mess around with him and faked a hurt look,

"I-I meant to dye my hair green," as soon as you said this Vanitas looked down at you and saw your hurt look. He started to panic because if any of the guys saw you almost to tears he'd be dead.

"Oh I mean, no don't cry, I like it! I was just kidding! [Name]! I really was!" Vanitas whisper yelled in a panicked tone. You put your face in your hands to hide your laughter but to Vanitas it sounded like crying,"Here, um, I'll let you punch me, go ahead!"

You couldn't contain it anymore and busted out laughing as Vanitas gave you a confused look which turned to annoyed,

"You were laughing. This. Whole. Time," you smiled at him,

"Yep! Truth is Kairi and Selphie sabotaged my shampoo," he glared at you and then smirked before he could say anything the deejay spoke into the mic,

"Time to grab that special someone and dance," Then a slow song came on. You looked to Vanitas,

"Will you dance with me?" You looked into his eyes and he started to stutter,

"I-I would, but, um, you see, I, have never danced before in my life,"

"You what?!" You exclaimed as he looked away,

"Yeah, you gotta problem with it? Solve it," it was your turn to smirk,

"Oh, I have a solution all right, I'm going to teach you how!" You exclaimed as his jaw dropped,

"I don't think that's necessary,[Na-" you grabbed him and pulled him into the street.

"Okay, put your hands here," you grabbed his hands and put them in their designated spot,"And I put my hands here. Now we move like this. Not that hard."

He was actually very good at keeping his beat and he didn't step on your toes once. After the song he held a triumphant smirk and you rolled your eyes,

"Don't get too cocky, that was just a slow dance. Anybody could do that," you finished with a smile which made him mumble what sounded like a 'whatever'.

You walked back to where he was standing before you dragged him to dance with you. You both went over to the hamburger stand and grabbed some food, and he got yours and his for free somehow, but you decided on not asking.

After you ate your burger, you tried to drag him into the big circle of your friends dancing in the middle of Main Street, and he followed you but soon went back and sat with Xion and started an argument with the small girl.

You sighed but continued to enjoy your night by dancing with your friends.

You were starting to think only one of the Strife twins were present until you saw both of them standing by Cloud, talking to him. You waited until Cloud walked away to talk to them. But as soon as you got over to them you realized yet were arguing about something. Roxas spoke first,

"Ven, Mom's gonna be mad that you didn't let her check your shoulder," Ven waved him off,

"My shoulder is fine! It's just a little sore. I'm a football player,I'm going to be sore after a game," Roxas looked at him,

"Whatever, I'm going to find Axel. Bye," Roxas curtly finished then saw you,"Hey! Um sorry about us. See ya later!"

He quickly walked off and Ven looked at you,

"Yeah, sorry about that," he said as he scratched the back of his head with apparently the shoulder that was sore,"Oww. That kind of hurt, anyways wanna walk around?"

"Yeah, are you sure your shoulder is okay?" You asked slightly worried but he nodded,

"Yeah! No worries!" He chuckled but it didn't last long. You sighed and pulled him over to a bench,

"Sit," you told him as you pointed at the bench he shook his head but you gave him a look that said 'do it' and he sat down,"I'm gonna massage your shoulders. I always massaged my friend's shoulders after an intense volleyball match."

He nodded his head as you started massaging his shoulders. Once as you were done he stood up and stretched his arms,

"Hey, it's not as sore now! Thanks! I owe you one,"and as soon as he said that the song faded into a slow one. You looked at Ven,

"Well, if you dance with me that'll be your pay back," you saw Ven look nervously down at his shoes then he looked back at you,

"Okay, sounds good."

You smiled then pulled him into the street and you both started dancing. He must have known the song pretty well because he was singing it quietly to himself. You weren't going to ask him to sing louder because you've only know for a few days. But you could tell that he had a nice voice.

After the song ended you both went to get a snack and he paid for yours. Then soon after, you both joined your friends and danced all night.

You looked for the long haired silverette, you found him and his brother, Loz standing in front of Reno, who looked pissed. You walked over to see what the commotion was and you heard Yazoo speak first,

"I will not have you refer to mother that way!" Loz backed Yazoo up,

"Yeah, you meanie!"

"Well maybe you shouldn't have said that my brother was a man whore and that I'm a-"

But before Reno could say anything else Cloud pulled him away before things could get ugly. Both males left the two silverettes who seemed like they were pissed.

"Hey guys," you said to them. Yazoo spoke first,

"Hello [Name]," Loz gave you a nod and then started to leave,
"Hi,[Name], I'm going to find Kadaj. Good bye."

You waved goodbye to him then turned to Yazoo,

"What was going on?"

"Oh nothing just some people insulting other people. It doesn't matter," then he looked at you and touched your hair,"why green?"

"I didn't have a choice. It was sabotage." He smirked,

"Well, I guess they failed because it looks very nice. It's different."

You nodded and mumbled a thanks. Soon the fast dubstep song stopped and a slow song took its place. You looked at Yazoo,

"Do you dance, Yazoo?"

"Yes,I know how to but I've never really danced at a dance," he said as he scratched the back of his head. You smiled,

"Well, there's a first time for everything!" You dragged him to the street and you both started to dance. He wasn't much of a talker but you didn't mind because you just started to talk his ear off. And you knew he was listening cause he commented on a few things.

The song soon ended and you both headed towards the table Yazoo's brothers were at. You sat there and talked to them for a few until you joined the group of your friends and continued to dance for the rest of the night.

Before you could even look around for the ravenette, he popped up right in front of you.

"Hey [Name]! Let's go dance or something!"

"Woah, Puppy! Chill out a bit," Tifa laughed as you looked at Zack who was pretending to ignore her. You laughed and stood up following where he was leading you, and you wondered if that was safe or not.

He brought you to a milkshake booth and asked what you wanted so you told him and he paid. Once you got your milkshakes you started walking around,

"Can I have a taste of your drink?"

''ZACK FAIR!You better not be getting my little [nickname] drunk" You hear Yuffie yell,

"She has a milkshake Yuf," Zack yelled back at the hyper ninja with running around like crazy with a Red Bull in hand. You laughed and handed him your drink,

"Mhm, very good! Want a taste of mine? I just got it because I couldn't pronounce the name, but it's really good!"

You grabbed the shake from him and tasted it. It was really good but you just couldn't put your finger on the flavor. You handed him back his shake as he handed yours back.

You continued walking and finished drinking your shakes right as a slow song began to play.

"Let's dance!" Zack said loudly to you as he grabbed your hand and led you to the street. He put his hands around your waist and you put yours in the correct spot. While you were dancing you saw a few girl shoot some jealous glares.

Then it hit you, Zack was one of the most wanted guys at the school despite him being a 'freak' girls still wanted him. Like a lot, but he chose to spend most of his night with you, green hair and all. You smiled without thinking and Zack noticed your facial expression,

"What are you randomly smiling about?" He asked as your face tinted slightly pink,

"Oh nothing, just that you're dancing with a green haired girl," he laughed,

"Your point? You still look cute," Zack said and caught himself not meaning to say cute even though he's been thinking it ever since he saw you,"I mean good! No I do mean cute, no I mean,"

"It's okay Zack," you laughed as you looked down then quickly looked back up. The song ended and you two broke apart then Zack reached his hand out to push a stray green strand of hair out of your face. You looked up a his blue eyes and almost got lost until a certain red head cleared his throat causing you two to look down.

Then you followed Axel and rejoined the big group of your friends,dancing the night away.

You saw the steel blue haired boy you were looking for sitting at a table not too far away reading a book with Genesis. You told the girls you'd see them later and headed over to the table and sat down by Zexion who was surprised at your appearance,

"Hello, [Name], I didn't expect you to come talk to me," Zexion mentally face palmed at his stupid remark but you just smiled,

"Well, if you don't wanna talk to me that's fine,"

"No! It's good lets start over. Hey, [Name]! How's is your evening going,"

"Hi Zexion, it's going pretty good, how is yours?" You looked at him and he replied,

"It is going very well," you nodded your head,

"Good, you're in drama club right? When's your next performance?" You asked as Zexion took a drink of water after he swallowed he answered your question,

"It should be next month, but I'm not sure! I'll keep you updated if you want,"

"That'd be great! Thanks!" You said as you notice the song changed to a slow one instead of the upbeat one that was previously being played. You looked as people paired off and started dancing. You sighed as Genesis cleared his throat,

"Zexion, it is not every day you get to dance with a pretty girl so you should probably step it up," he nonchalantly said as he read his book. Zexion turned to you,

"C-Could I have the privilege of dancing with you?"

You excitedly nodded your head and grabbed his wrist pulling him out to the street. He nervously put his hands on you and you started dancing. You could tell that he was nervous so you looked up at him,

"Zexion, there's no need to be nervous. Just relax, I don't care if you're a good dancer or not." You could tell he was relaxing now. When the song was coming to and end you saw Yuffie and Xion walking by. Yuffie smiled,

"Ooh!! Looks like Zexy's getting a bit of love!"

"Yuffie!!" You exclaimed as Zexion groaned,

"Don't call me that."

"Zexy and [Name] sitting in a tree-" Xion noticed that Zexion was getting tormented and interrupted,

"Hey Yuffie, look at that drunk guy on the statue!" Xion yelled and pointed causing Yuffie to drag her to the statue that sat in the middle of Main Street.

You just laughed and continued dancing with Zexion. He was glad that his hair covered most of his face because it would have been more embarrassing if you had seen his face become as red as a tomato.

At the end of the slow song you told him thanks and you both towards the table that Tifa and Genesis were at, talking about something and another. You dragged Zexion out to the street where a group of your friends were dancing.

He stayed out there with you for a few songs until he told you he was gonna head back to the table. Before he left you gave him a hug that took a few seconds until he hugged you back.

The rest of the night he sat at the table reading his book but every now and then he would occasionally look up and look at you. He thought it wasn't obvious but Genesis and Tifa noticed and they both shared knowing looks with each other.

Haha well that was...interesting.Sorry if some results are longer then others! And when I finished this I did realize that Kadaj's result was before Genesis's and obviously 'k' comes after 'g' but my iPod wont let me copy and paste it to the right spot, so sorry! So comment and let me know how I did? Thanks!! :)

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