Chapter 6

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You were just dropped off by Tifa, and stepping inside as you saw Kairi and Sephie jump into Selphie's car and drive away. As you walked inside to the dining room your uncle and aunt were sitting at the table. Your aunt spoke first,

"[Name], do you know where Kairi is? She hasn't come home yet," you took a seat at the table and shook your head,

"Not sure, she was at the street dance last time I saw her. Maybe she went over to Selphie's?"

"Possibly. So did you have a good time?" You nodded your head,

"Yeah! It was fun! I'm kind of tired though, so imma head to bed. Goodnight!"

Both adult said their goodnights and soon you were heading towards your room. Once you were in the room you shut the door and walked towards the bathroom. You weren't sure what you were going to do tomorrow but you knew for a fact that you would sleep in.

After your long relaxing shower and jumping into your pajamas,you immediately went to your bed. You were almost asleep until your phone went off. You groaned and reached for your phone that was charging on the night stand. You saw it was a text from Riku, you weren't sure how his number got into your phone but you were too lazy to ask. The text read:

'Hey! If you're wondering why I have your number was because Yuffie stole your phone numerous times today and put all the guys' numbers in it. But anyway, a few of us are meeting at Roxas's place tomorrow around two to chill and you're invited. Hope to see you there! :)'

"How the hell did Yuffie manage that? Actually I don't want to know," you said to yourself as you curled back into the coziness of your bed. You didn't have much time to think about what you guys were going to do at Roxas's house because you fell asleep quite quickly.

You woke up the next morning with the sun's rays pouring onto you. You felt calm and refreshed, as of you didn't care about anything else.Yeah, just kidding, you actually woke up to the sound of people yelling around. You could tell that it was between your aunt and Kairi. You quickly moved over to your to hear the argument brewing downstairs in the dining room. You heard your aunt yell,

"What the heck did you think you were doing last night, Kairi? You came home drunk last night way past the time I said you needed to come home! You've been doing this for the last few weekends!"

"Stop yelling," you heard Kairi retort back,"You can't tell me what to do!"

"I'm your mother! Be glad your father was asleep and he left early this morning to attend to some work problem! He would turn you in and you'd be suspended from the next few games, and won't be able to cheer!"

"Yeah whatever," you heard a chair scrape against the floor and your sit raising her voice,

"You aren't going anywhere today! I didn't tell you you could get up! Your grounded for this weekend!"

"Whatever, what are you gonna tell dad is the reason for my grounding?" Kairi asked,"Who cares."

You heard her footsteps coming up the stairs and you quickly but quietly ran back to your bed. Laying down just in case she decided to waltz in and do something rash.

You glanced at your phone and noticed it was noon. You usually didn't sleep in this late which kind of confused you. But you didn't dwell on it and grabbed your phone and replied to Riku's message from last night.

You got up and headed downstairs in your pajamas. Your aunt still looked mad but you didn't ask her. Obviously because you knew what is was all about but you also didn't want to agitate her anymore. You grabbed breakfast and sat across from her, she gave you a small smile,

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