Life of a Demon Hunter

Bởi Veronica_Bane

936 33 2

Jordan is a Demon Hunter. She lives in Paris, France until her parents are under trial by the leaders of her... Xem Thêm

Episode 1 Part 1
Episode 1 Part 2
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Cast List
Epsiode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23 - Season Finale
Season 2

Episode 14

19 0 0
Bởi Veronica_Bane

I step out of the shower, wrap myself in a towel, and wipe away some of the steam on the mirror. I look at myself again and I don't look as pale. My hair is no longer tangled, and my eyes are back to their normal green.

I walk out into my room and Oliver is standing there. I stop in my tracks and stare at him. He looks angry. "Jordan."

"What do you want Oliver?" I ask.

"I want to talk."

"Can I get dressed first?"

"I need to get this out."

"I would like to get dressed."

"I just need to get this out." He takes a step closer to me. I take a step back and grab the dagger I keep in the doorway. I'm still very paranoid. "I know that you are now legally my niece, but that doesn't matter. We can still be together. I still love you. We can keep it secret..."

"No. No. No. No. I don't not love you like that. You are my uncle. You are like a brother to me. I will never be with you like that again. It was a mistake. If I could take it back I would, but I can't. I just want to be friends."

"No. I don't believe that." He takes another step toward me. I take as two back. "I can't believe that."

"You have to, and you better."

"I won't believe it. I love you and we will be together again." He makes another move toward me and I throw the dagger at his right shoulder. It hits home and he screams. I grab my phone off my nightstand and run into the bathroom. I lock the door and lean against the door. I text James and Oscar. Oliver is in my room. I need help. He's trying to get back with me.

I'm coming James texts me back. Oliver bangs against the door. "Open the door Jordan!" Oliver shouts from the other side.

"No. I texted James! He's on his way." I shout. Oliver stops banging on the door.

I hear a bang from the other side of the door. I get up and open it. Oliver is slumped against the wall. He's knocked out cold, and blood is dripping out of his mouth.

"What did you do?!" I shout at James.

"He was drawling and open rune on the door. I didn't mean to throw him that hard. Plus he was already injured when I came in. I could smell the blood. I thought it was yours."

"You still didn't have to break the wall getting him away from the door!" I shout at him. "He's still my uncle James!"

"Sorry. Next time I'll just let him rape you!" He says and leaves the room in a blur. I grab my training clothes and I go into the bathroom to change. I grab a pony tail holder for when my hair dries and head to the training area. I run to the training area, almost in a blur.

I open the doors and run in a blur to the archery section. I grab a bow and arrows in a blur and start shooting. All the 20 arrows I grabbed are gone in a matter of two minutes. I grab more arrows instead of getting the ones I've already shot and fire those as well.

"What happened with Oliver? Are you okay? I just got your text now!" Oscar says coming over to me.

"James showed up and threw in into the wall. Blood started coming out of his mouth. I yelled at James because that's a little excessive, and he yelled back. It wasn't fun." I say and fire another arrow. Then another.

"Where is Oliver?" Oscar asks.

"On the floor of my room. He's tough. He'll wake up, draw and iratze and come find me and yell at me for not doing it myself. He'll prob also yell at me for throwing a dagger at him."

"You threw a dagger at him?! And just left him there?!"

"He tried to rape me Oscar! He doesn't deserve my help. Or any help for that matter." I fire another arrow. "I'm going to the Hawkfeather's hearing tonight then after that I'm going out to a club and getting extremely drunk. How drunk, I won't know till after the hearing." I fire another arrow. "Now. Are you going to shot some arrows or help your brother? I don't care what you do, but I'm going to blow off some steam."

"I'm going to check on my brother. I'll be right back." He says and walks out. I grab my arrows and put everything away. I walk over to the part of the training area where you punch shit. I stand in front of a punching bag and starting hitting.

"Jordan!" I hear someone shout. I look in the direction of the voice and Jon is standing a few feet away from me.


"I kept saying your name. Are you okay?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"James stored out of the room in a blur after getting a text from you. What happened?"

"Oliver happened. I'm ok. James and I had a fight. Now I'm blowing off steam."

"Oh. I can tell the blowing off steam part. That's why I wanted to ask if you were okay. I can get Serena if you want."

"Why would I need Serena?"

"Your hands." He says sounding confused. I look down at my hands and my knuckles are bleeding. A lot. I open up my fisted hands and they start to shake.

"Oh. Can you do it? My hands are shaking and I don't want to bother Serena where ever she is. Plus it's not life or death."

"Sure." He pulls out his stele and takes my hands. He wipes away some of the blood and starts burning and iratze into the top of my hand. I wince at the icy burn that starts on my hand. "Sorry."

"No it's fine. You'd think we would get used to the feeling of being drawn on my now."

"You'd think." He says and takes my other hand after finishing with the one.

"Thanks." I say.

"You're welcome." He says.

"I'm going out after the hearing. Wanna join me? I'm planning on getting really drunk."

"Any demon killing?"

"There's always a possibility of that. Plus I need someone to help me home."

"What do you mean by 'help you home'?"

"I'm not good at walking when I'm drunk."

"You were drunk that day you ran to save Jensen."

"That was me buzzed. You haven't seen me drunk yet. Ask Serena. You haven't seen the worst of me yet."

Oscar walks in, "Oliver is going to be okay. I drew iratzes on him and put him on his bed. What happened to your hands?!" He runs over to me in a vamp blur and takes my hands from Jon.

"I didn't put on gloves."

"Why the hell not?"

"I didn't feel like it. Plus what are iratzes for?" I walk over to the six metre tall monkey bars and grab a rope nearby and climb. I reach over and sit on the edge of the bar.

"Jordan." Oscar says.

"I'm not eight anymore Oscar. You don't know me."

I stand up and balance on the bar. Oscar looks at me like on going to kill myself. I step off the bar and flip twice before landing on the mat below. One knee and one hand on the mat, my head down, my left foot on the mat with my knee bent and my arm stretched out behind me.

"I told you." I walk over to the walk then start to run at and run up the side of the wall and flip off and land facing the wall again. "I'm different than I was then. I'm going to go for a run then shower and get ready for the hearing. See you two in the library at five."

I walk out of the training room and head toward the entrance hall. I run into someone on my way there. I look up and see James.

"Jordan. I'm sorry about what I said."

"Okay." I say and run around him. He blurs in front of me and I stop in my tracks.

"Please hear me out."

"Nope. Going for a run. See you in the library at five." I say and run around him again. He goes to stand in front of me again and I stop, pull one of the daggers on my side and throw it at him. It hits home in his left shoulder. "I said I'll see you in the library at five." I say and walk out the door of the Institute.


I step out of the shower and put on a black strapless shirt and black leather pants. I grab my 3 inch heeled boots and my leather jacket. I blow dry my hair and curl it. I put on eyeliner, blue eyeshadow, and some mascara. I walk out of my bathroom and head to the library.

I open the doors and everyone is waiting for me. I walk down the steps and gather around everyone else. "David is innocent for this latest werewolf peach attack. Marie is not. I found David's journal here in the library. He hid it hear before the Clave came to get them once he got word they are arresting him too. His journal stays that he and Marie did kill the pack Julian Fox wants revenge for. The attack his parents were killed in."

"He wrote all this down?" Jon asks.

"He wrote a lot down." I answer looking at the table thinking about what he wrote about me.

"What does this have to do with the hearing being moved?"

"I sent the Consul a message and showed her the journal. She read it in front of me and left to go back to Idris to set up the hearing. She sent me a fire message earlier today telling me that the hearing will be at six and that I can join if I want to. I also asked about talking to David after the hearing. There were a few things in the journal I want to talk to him about."

"No. That's not going to happen." Oscar says.

"Why not?"

"Are you kidding?"

"You didn't read the journal. He wrote things down that I have questions about and he's the only one that can answer them. I don't care what you think. He'll be in a cell so he can't attack me. If not a cell then I won't let him near me."

"I want to be there."

"I specifically asked to be alone."

"Are you kidding?"

"No! I'm not! I would like to talk to David Hawkfeather and that is final! He is my birth father after all. Now that's enough discussion about this."

Everyone remains silent.

"Now. You all can come to the hearing if you wish. The portal is opening in twenty minutes. You can leave now or stay and wait for the portal to open."


The portal opens and we all walk through one by one. Even Oliver and Jensen come along. We sit down on once of the levels of benches and I can see David and Marie sitting in chairs in the middle of the room. Their hands are bound with runes and they are chained to the chairs. The Soul Sword is sitting on the podium in front of where the Consul sits.

Once everyone arrives the Consul begins. "Some new evidence has come to light revealing the truths about this attack on the pack in Paris. Evidence has also come to light about an attack on the same pack several years ago." He nods to me. I stand up and walk to the Consul carrying the journal David kept. "Jordan Nightchild has found a journal of her former father's that tell of these attacks."

Once I reach the Consul I look at all the people in the crowd. I see Julian Fox with his pack looking very angry. I show everyone the journal and Consul motions for me to read it. I turn to the page that David writes down about the pack attack from when I was four months old. I begin reading. Everyone remains silent. Once I finish I look up at Julian and his face is no long full of anger, he just looks very smug.

"Now about the most recent attack." The Consul asks me. I turn several pages before I find it. I begin reading about how David had no idea that this attack had happened and how he was watching me train that night. I also read about how before the attack he thought Marie was getting violent. I look up from reading that part, this time I look at David and Marie. Marie is looking at her husband with pure anger, and David is looking at me. I can't tell what he's thinking, but I know it's not bad.

"How do we know he isn't just writing down a story to prove his innocence." A women pipes up.

"People do not lie in diaries or journals. They do not believe they will ever be read." The Consul responds.

"David states in the diary that he hides it in the London Institute so he does not have to worry about it being found by Marie or anyone he knows. If you could see the cover it reads, 'Ancient Writings'. We would not need a book like this in our generation therefore it would never be read."

"How did you know where it was?" A man asks.

"I had a dream. I was attacked by a demon a month ago and I have just recovered from the venom. While I was in a coma I dreamt about hidden memories from my past. Learning about a journal of David's was one of the memories I had. I went into the library one night and saw David closing up a book that read Ancient Writing. The weird part then was that he was writing in it. I saw him go into a untouched section of the library and saw him put the book on a book shelf. It was like he was reaching into a portal.

"Once he was gone I reached my hand out and I fell forward. Then I was laying on the floor of a different library. A library that I now recognise at the London Institute library."

"Does anyone else object to the evidence we have given?" The Consul asks. No one says anything. "Very well. Then I sentence Marie Hawkfeather to have her marks removed and sent to live as a mundane. David Hawkfeather, you will be sent to the Paris Institute where you will not be allowed to step foot outside, just as Hodge Starkweather many years ago. You will spend tonight in the cells then tomorrow your sentences will begin. Does anyone disagree with my decision?"

"I do." I say. "Making Marie a mundane will not do anything. She can still kill werewolves as a mundane. She should be locked in an Institute as well or she should remain in prison. Either way, Marie should not be allowed on to streets that werewolves walk on."

"You have a good point Miss Nightchild. I agree."

"She is not an adult. She should not have a say!" Someone says.

"These are her birth parents, and she has a point. If Marie is made a mundane that will not stop her from killing another werewolf pack, or finishing off the one she started on many years ago. To protect all werewolf packs Marie Hawkfeather will remain in a cell here in Idris. David Hawkfeather will be sent be to the Paris Institute where he will be under the same curse cast on Hodge Starkweather. If everyone in agreement?"

There are murmurs of yes's all around the room. "Then it is settled. Have a great night everyone." Consul Penhallow says. Four Shadowhunters take David and Marie away. The Consul leans down to me and says, "David is in a room down the hall. Second door on the right." I nod and follow after the Shadowhunters who escorted David and Marie out.

I open the second door on my right and David is sitting on a couch with a Shadowhunter guard on either side. They leave the room when I walk in. "Jordan. You are not who I was expecting when they told me someone would be talking to me in here."

"Were you really trying to rape me that night or get my attention?" I ask.

"You were running from me. I was trying to get you to stay. I wanted to talk to you, but Oscar showed up then Marie and everything got out of hand. You and Oscar took what I did the wrong way, Marie didn't care what happened."

"Do you actually care about me? Is everything you wrote down in that journal true? That you are proud of me and everything?" I ask.

"Yes. You would never let me near you, not after that night. You hated me so much, I sometime saw fear in your eyes. That's why I stayed away, it's not because I didn't love you or loved Jensen more. If was because you were afraid of me, and I could never explain this you. You would never listen."

"Do not put all the blame on me! This is NOT my fault." I am shouting now, all my anger at David, Marie, James, Oliver, even Oscar for staying away all those years is now spilling out. "It is not my fault that Marie was abusing me, or that you would always be watching over Jensen. I did not start this. I acted out because I felt abandoned. The only one that noticed was Oscar, then Serena. They were all I had! You and Marie started this. Marie used to hit me whenever I would over sleep. She wouldn't shake me gently like a real mother or whistler in my ear. She hit me. She would slap me awake. Before training she would slap me awake when I would miss breakfast." I wipe away a tear from my face.

"What did you do to protect me from her? Nothing. You stood idly by as she abused me. You want me to feel bad for you or understand that I hated you. Well you started it. I didn't just wake up one day and say, I hate my parents. I'm going to rebel against them and be a pain in their asses. No. You ignored me, you let Marie beat me, and worst of all you would help her cover it up. You would make a story of how I got my bruises and cuts because I was too young for runes. I'm surprised you didn't mark me early." I shout.

"Jordan..." David says.

"No. Do not make any more excuses. I want the truth. Why did you pull away from me?"

"Marie threatened me. She hated you because you are not her child. I had an affair and she got pregnant. She died in child birth, which I know is very rare with us, but it still happens. I took you home with me begging Marie to forgive me and help me raise you. She agreed because she loved me dearly, but once Jensen was born she stopped caring for you and invested all her time in her real child. She never grew to love you like I thought she would. She made me care for Jensen because she would her child, the child we shared or she would tell everyone of my affair."

"Marie is not my mother." Is all I can say.

"No. She is not. She was a good friend of mine growing up. We were almost parabatai until she felt a stronger bond with. If we did become parabatai you would not be here now." He tells me.

"Who?" I ask, not able to form a full sentence.

"Are you sure you want to know this? I was not planning on telling you because you would never know her."

"Yes. I want to know." I say eagerly. "Who is my real mother?"

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