Divergent Fanfiction

By sarbear411

96.6K 1K 793

A Fanfiction about Six/Tris and Four/Tobias going through post-divergent.The war never happened but Al is sti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

7.5K 168 143
By sarbear411

Hello people! So yeah this chapter might be a little shorter than others I don't really know yet. At the moment I don't know what I'm going to do with this chapter...I'm going to see where it takes me. Basically I have a plan of what each chapter will have in it but I kinda started writing this one randomly so I'm gonna wing it!

I don't own Divergent or the characters!!! All rights to the amazing Veronica Roth.


So do you guys want me to write any chapters with any other characters POV? Comment on what you think


I wake from the best sleep I've had in a while. My arms and legs are sprawled every direction in the middle of the bed. The clock reads 12:45. Dang I slept in a lot. We have a day off today because we had capture the flag last night. Witch Tobias and I totally won! I hear some noise in the kitchen. I pull myself out of bed and walk to our kitchen. Tobias is over the stove wearing sweatpants and no shirt. He is humming softly a tune and flipping pancakes. I sneak behind him and wrap my arms around his stomach.

"Morning." I whisper.

"Morning sleeping beauty." He says as he looks over his shoulder.

I press my cheek to his back as I listen to him hum an old song. I softly start to sing.

"When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be."

We sing the chorus togehter.

"Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. Whisper words of wisdom, let it be."

"And when the broken hearted poeple living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be. For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see, there will be an answer, let it be."

"Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. Whisper words of wisdom, let it be. Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. Whisper words of wisdom, let it be."

I see all of the food he prepared is ready.

"Let's eat, I'm starving." He says.

We sit around our kitchen table. He made pancakes, eggs and bacon. I quickly finish my breakfast and wash it down with some orange juice.

"This breakfast was amazing Tobias." I say as I lean in and give him a peck on the lips.

"I'm glad you liked it." He says grinning.

"What's the occasion?" I ask.

"I can't just make a nice breakfast for my wonderful girlfriend?" He asks dramaticly smacking his hand over his heart trying to look offended.

"Of course you can!" I say laughing.


"Dude we are going through your fear landscape!" Zeke shouted at me.

"No! I don't want them going through mine! Why can't we just go through yours?!" I say.

"Because I'm older!" Zeke came back.

Wow he's going to pull that one again. He uses that for everything. Today is the day after capture the flag so we have a day off. As much as I hate to admit it, Zeke and I lost. So, because of the bet between Four, Tris, Zeke, and I, Tris and Four get to go through one of our fear landscapes with us. I don't want it to be mine though. Zeke needs to suck it up and just let them go through his.

The arguing between us goes on for a while.

Suddenly I hear a knock on the door, Crap

"Zeke! Uriah!" It's Tris and Four. "Come on, we know you're in there! Come out we have to go through one of your fear landscapes!"

Zeke and I both glance at eachother and thought the same thing.

"Hide!" Zeke whispers.

We both scramble to hide.


"We should probably go get Zeke and Uriah to go through one of their fear landscapes."

Four says.

"Yeah..." I say trailing off.

As much as I would like to stay in this moment with Tobias we do have to go through one of their landscapes...but I'm kinda excited to see what they're afraid of. Tobias and I get up from our spots at the kitchen table. Before I slip away he pulls me into him and gives me a tight hug, I bury my face into his chest and take in the scent of him. He smells like metal and some type of cologne. He wraps his arms tighter around my waist and picks me up and spins me around. I kiss him quick on the cheek and quickly shower. I put on black sweatpants and a black tank top. I wear my black converse and leave my hair down and pin the front up with a few bobby pins.

Tobias is wearing a pair of black athletic shorts and a regular, appealingly tight black t-shirt. I just put on a little mascara and we start towards Zeke and Uriah's.

Tobias knocks on the door.

"Zeke! Uriah! Come on we know you're in there! Come out we have to go through one of your fear landscapes!"

We wait for a minute. No answer. I shrug my shoulders at Tobias. He has a mischievous glint in his eyes. The light is shining right on the top of his head so his eyes look almost black in the shadows of the valleys of his face.

"Do you have a bobby pin?" He asks me.

A what? A bobby pin? Why.

"Um yeah...?" I say as I pull one out of my hair.

Tobias works it straight with his long fingers. He holds up one finger to indicate one minute. He slides the bobby pin into the dead bolt lock of the door. He twists it around and tries the open the door... It opens! He just picked the lock. I raise my eyes brows at him. He winks and kisses my nose. We walk into the apartment. There is stuff everywhere. Food, clothes, video game controllers, you name it. But no Zeke and Uriah. I hear a bangs and voices. I can't make out what their saying but it sounds like arguing. Definitely Zeke and Uriah. But where?
I walk through the apartment into the kitchen and look in cupboards, under the table, the dishwasher, the refrigerator, and even the trash can. They aren't here. I look at Tobias is smirking at me for looking in the trash can.

"Well do you have a better idea?" I loudly whisper to him.

"Maybe the bedrooms?"

My face goes slack and I follow Tobias into one of the bedrooms.

It is very clean. All it has in it is a twin size bed with a black pillow and a black comforter with navy blue stripes with navy blue sheets, a dark dresser, a dark night stand with a lamp on it, and a black bean bag chair. The room has white walls with a navy blue trim by the floor and ceiling. On the wall there are multiple posters of rock bands that I don't recognize. On the dresser there are trophies for lots of sporting events. The floor is wood and there is a black fluffy rug. We look around the room. Under the bed, in the corners behind things. No Zeke or Uriah. There is a full body mirror on the back of the door. There are pictures surrounding it. A close up picture of Shauna behind Zeke with her arms around Zeke's neck. They both look so happy, like they were laughing. Zeke's hair is messed up and Shauna's head is on his shoulder. There is a picture of Zeke and Uriah when they were younger obviously, with 2 adults who I assume is their parents. The dad looks serious and stern. He has Zeke's define jaw line and nose and lips, and Uriah's eyes. The mom looks very similar to Uriah but has Zeke's piercing eyes. Uriah has their dads soft eyes. Their mom is very pretty. The two brothers look even more alike when they were younger. Their mom and dad are standing next to each other with Zeke and Uriah in front of them grinning ear to ear. They are all dressed dauntless. In another picture is Uriah and Zeke sitting together on a bench. They look younger than they are now but older than in the last picture. Uriah looks about 12 and Zeke 14. They both have ice cream cones in their hands, and ice cream all over their faces. Uriah's is vanilla and Zeke's is chocolate. They are both holding a thumbs up to the camera and smiling. Another picture is of their mom and dad, on their wedding day. Their mom is wearing a silver form fitting dress and her hair is in long ringlets down her back. She has a black clip in the back too. Their dad looks happy, he has on a black suit with a silver tie. There are medals and awards around the mirror as well. There is also a felt black "Z". A picture of Zeke's initiate class. Witch includes Eric, Shauna, Lauren, and Tobias. There is a red rose boutonniere taped to a picture of Zeke and Shauna at what looks like the last initiation party not too long ago. Shauna is wearing a short strapless black dress where the top is sparkly and she has on black sparkly pumps. Zeke is wearing black dress pants with black converse and a gray dress button up shirt and a black sparly bow tie and the red rose boutonniere, Shauna has on a red rose corsage. There is a picture I almost missed at the bottom of the mirror. It is of Zeke and Uriah again but they don't look happy like the other pictures. They are both wearing all black suits. Zeke's with a navy blue tie and Uriah's with a maroon tie. They are standing by two coffins. Coffins? Written on them is "mom" and "dad" my breath hitches in my throat. The picture looks only about 3 or 4 years ago. Tobias walks over to me.

"Did you know about this?" I ask him.

He doesn't take his eyes off the picture.

"Yes." He says quietly.

I don't answer hoping he will elaborate more.

"Zeke told me when we became friends when we were initiates. He didn't want me to tell anyone."

"When did they... Ya know..." I trail off.

"It was a year before me and Zeke were initiates. Zeke told me his motivation to make it through imitation was for his parents. Same with Uriah."

"So Zeke was 15 and Uriah was 13?" I ask.

Tobias nods.

"How?" I ask.

Tobias scratches the back of his neck.

"Their parents were dauntless ambassadors, so they traveled a lot. One night they were in a car and it was storming and...I don't know they lost control of the car, and..."

I just nod.

"But they did it."

I look at him confused.

"Zeke and Uriah made it though initiation. Very well actually. That's the best gift they can give their parents."

That makes me smile. Tobias gives me a kiss that melts my insides and we go into Uriah's room.

His room looks almost the same. Same twin bed, but with a black comforter with maroon stripes and sheets. Same dresser, night stand, lamp and rug. He has maroon lining the top and bottom part of the walls. The room is differently arranged than Zeke's. Uriah also has more clothes and things laying around. There are a pair of thick glasses laying on the night stand by some contacts. Uriah wears contacts? He has a long mural on one wall of a dark red and orange sunset over dark mountains. Right above his bed is "Uriah" painted in really cool graffiti. On his dresser is a line green lava lamp, a bunch of pencils, pens, markers, and paper, and a few trophies. He has the same full body mirror with pictures around it as well. He has the same picture of the coffins, Zeke and him and the ice cream, them and their parents, and the one of their parents on their wedding day. He has a black and white picture of Marlene where she is posing by the train tracks and she is wearing ripped jeans and a black jacket. Her hair is curly and there is snow falling around her. He has one where he is holding her in his arms bridal style. Marlene is grinning at the camera and Uriah is making a kissing face down at her. There is one of them kissing, and one at the same initiation party a recently. Uriah is wearing black dress pants and black high top skater shoes and a maroon dress button up shirt. Marlene is wearing a black dress that hugs her upper body and flares at ends at her mid thigh. He has a picture of me, Tobias, Marlene, Zeke, Shauna, and him all together on the train from a while ago.

We search around the room and the living room. We hear a lot of noise coming from the.....bathroom?

We walk in and see Uriah and Zeke stuffed into the shower. They are a jumble of messed up limbs. Zeke is on top of Uriah and Uriah's face is pressed up against the glass and his arms are flaring. Zeke has his hand on Uriah's heads pressing it against the glass as balance while he tries to stand up, but keeps slipping. As soon as they see us they stop. I walk over and open the shower door and they both come tumbling out. Zeke on top of Uriah. Tobias stands over them.

"Having fun?" Tobias asks.

Zeke grumbles something I didn't catch and gets up. Then Uriah.

"Well aren't you a little ray of sunshine????" I ask enthusiastically to them.

"Clearly not!" Uriah says. While Zeke just glares

That makes me and Tobias laugh out loud.

"How did you two get in here anyway?" Uriah asks.

Tobias proudly holds up the bobby pin he used to pick the lock with a satisfied grin.

"Oh great!" Uriah says rolling his eyes.

"Anyway are we going to just get this over with already?" Zeke asks.

"Yeah... Who's are we going through?" I ask.

At the same time Zeke and Uriah point at each other and shout each others name.

Tobias chuckles.

"How bout we take a vote?" I ask.

"That sounds good to me." Zeke says. "All in favor of going through my fear landscape raise your hands."

Uriah's hand rockets into the air. As he jumps up and down like a little kid, and screams.

Zeke looks satisfied as he tells Uriah to put his hand down.

"And all in favor of going through Uri's fear landscape?" He asks.

Tobias, Zeke, and I raise our hands.

Uriah hangs his head.

"Let's go then!" I say as we walk up to the glass building.

Tobias and I entwine our fingers and he gives me a peck on the lips.

"Get a room you two!" Uriah shouts.

Zeke laughs. We just ignore him.

We all get to the fear landscape room and Tobias pulls out the black box with 4 syringes. He brushes my hair behind my shoulder and slowly injects the orange liquid into my neck. A dull ache sore spread through my body. I put the needle into Uriah and Tobias puts it in Zeke.

"We don't have much time for us to go through every one of your fears and have you face them." Tobias says. "So I programmed the system to only let us go through each fear for 3 minutes."

Uriah nods and we all walk into the dark room.

For a minute it's just black. Then we are outside the dauntless headquarters. Eric is there now. Tobias, Zeke, and I stand back. We see Eric go up to Uriah and lift him by the front of his shirt.

"Your acts showed cowardice and betrayal!" Eric shouts in his face.

I flinch. Tobias grabs my hand.

"Do you not remember the expression 'faction before blood?!'
"Uriah...you are officially and forever kicked out of dauntless.

Uriah looks sad, ashamed, and terrified.

"You may never return. You will never see your brother or friends again."

With that he throws Uriah to the ground. Eric just smirks and spits in his face.

That's it.

I sprint as fast as I can from Tobias' grip to Eric. Before I can get to him, he disappears.

Zeke puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's ok Tris, it was just a simulation." He says calmly.

Uriah gets up and brushes himself off and comes over still looking ashamed. Before I can say anything the world around us changes.

In the next fear we are in a big crate. It's about 5 feet tall so all the boys have to hunch over. Except me, one time I'm glad I'm short. It is an exact square about 6 by 6. So we are all pretty cramped, but not a ton. This space isn't small enough for him to be claustrophobic. There is a hole the size of a small basketball in the center of the floor. Tobias is breathing heavily. I put my arm around his neck and kiss his cheek. He half-heatedly smiles at me. I hear something quiet. Slithering? Hissing?

I see Uriah's eyes widen. Something comes out of the hole. It's a snake. One comes out and looks at Uriah and hisses at him. He screams.

Zeke looks genuinely scared as well.

Two come out,

then three...

then four...

Soon, lots of snakes are coming out all at once. They slither over our feet. I'm not particularly scared of snakes but I don't like this. Uriah looks petrified. Soon there are snakes up to our shins. The biggest snake gets 6 inches from Uriah's face and hisses with its mouth wide open. Uriah's eyes go wide as he screams again. Tobias bolts and grabs the snake by its neck and whips it backwards. It looks seriously pissed off. I'm scared now.

It hisses again again and moves fast toward Uriah again.

I shriek.

Black again. It's done. It's over.

Then we are in a big field, with high grass. It looks like a prairie.

The sky looks yellowish/greenish. That can't be good. Uriah is looking out into the distance. I follow his gaze and she the biggest funnel cloud I have ever seen. It gets bigger and faster every second.

"Run!" Yells Zeke.

We all take off sprinting the opposite way. I feel like I'm flying. This is fun.

"WOOHOO!!!" I scream.

As soon as I do I stop and slap my hand over my mouth. I silently wince. That hurt...a lot.

The 3 of them look at me like I'm from another planet. The wind is blowing really really hard now.

"Tris are you crazy?!" Uriah shouts.

"Come on!" Tobias yells as he grabs my hand and pulls me forward again.

Uriah is sprinting ahead of us all. Wow he's fast. I don't think anyone could ever run this fast. Tobias' whole face is tense and alert. I see Zeke look back and his eyes widen. I look back.

Behind us is a giant tornado! I've never seen one in real life. It's huge!

We all stop and look. Uriah is clearly panicking.

The tornado is coming straight at us full speed. The wind is so strong it pushes me back a few steps. Soon it's pushing all of us. My feet leave the ground. I yelp. We are all being whipped around.

Then it ends.

I fall hard on the ground. I wince and get up. Zeke, Tobias, and Uriah are already up and Uriah is standing in front of Marlene. I go over to stand my them.

"Marlene would you... Would you um like to go on a date with me sometime?" He asks tentatively.

I'm confused.

A huge crowd appears around them. I'm front of me. Aw hell no.

I push my way through the crowd, not bothering to say 'excuse me' on the way. When I can finally see over someone's shoulder I see Uriah looking hopefully at Marlene. Then she does the last thing I would ever expect her to do.

She laughs.


"Hahahahahahahah really? You really thing I would go out with you?" She spits out the word 'you' like she's disgusted. "No way!" She says as she starts laughing.

Then the giant crowd of people starts laughing. Uriah's cheeks flames and he looks helpless and terrified. Marlene's laugh is the loudest. He's afraid of Marlene saying no to him?

He runs over to another pretty girl I don't recognize.

"You!" He says approaching her.

She smirks at him.

"Will you go on a date with me?" He asks looking more panicked.

She laughs loud.

"No way!" She says laughing again.

"You!" He shouts at another girl.

The laughing grows louder with every girl that says no. I get it now.

He's afraid of being rejected.

Slowly everyone begins to disappear. Uri looks like he's going to be sick.

I go and pat him on the back.

We move on.

We are back in the training room. I smile at the memory of us being here.

Uriah isn't smiling though.

He is lined up in front of a target with knives in hand. Next to the target is Tobias. Tobais?

No. Tobais is standing right next to me. Holding my hand. I look between the two Tobias's. He looks as confused as me.

"Begin!!" Simulation Tobias shouts.

Uriah has done this a thousand times, I know he has. He can do it.

He takes the knife in his right hand and spreads his feet. He takes a few deep breaths.

"Hurry up!" Simulation Tobias shouts.

I sneak a look at real Tobias. His face shows no emotion.

Uriah sighs loudly.

Suddenly simulation Tobias moves fast towards Uriah.

Uriah flinches as simulation Tobias stops inches away from his face.

"I TOLD YOU TO HURRY UP!" He screams in his face.

Uriah looks helpless.

Simulation Tobias glares at him hard. I recognize that look. It's the same look he gives Seth. I shiver.

"I suggest you do what I tell you or things will get real bad, real fast." Simulation Tobias says softy.

Simulation Tobias raises his fist about to punch Uriah, then he disappears. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding until now.

"You're afraid of me?" Tobias asks Uriah.

Uriah barley nods his head.

"Good." Tobias chuckles as he grins.

Uriah smiles at him.

Before I know it I am standing among my initiate class with Zeke. Tobias is standing with Eric by the railing of the chasm. And someone is hanging from it. Uriah!

Tobias glares at Eric as Eric smirks at Uriah hanging by his fingertips.

A huge rush of water hits his back and slams him against the wall.

I grab Zekes arm.

Zeke looks panicked himself.

One of Uriah's hands slips and he swings left.

I shriek.

Uriah is trying to swing his arm back up and is thrashing as tears flow down his face. Then he lets go. He falls down to the water below.

I scream as tears start. Then I'm falling. And so is Tobais. And Zeke. And Uriah.

We all hard fall into a giant body of black water. The sky is navy blue and the water is ice cold...I can't keep myself up. Drowning. One fear Uriah and I have in common. I can't see Uriah or Zeke or Tobias. No. No. No. I thrash and scream and try to keep myself above water. A huge wave crashes over me. I breath in water. I reach up and kick as hard as I can. I can't breath.

It's just a simulation.

I am divergent.

We only have to be in here for 3 minutes. I can do this.

I try to calm myself down. I stop thrashing and turn on my back. I take deep breaths of the air I have. I close my eyes.

When I open them again I am on a floor. Relieved, I put my hands on my face and pant heavily. Something strong lifts me up. Tobias. I throw myself into his arms and hug him right.

"It's ok." He says stroking my hair.

I pull away and look into his eyes full of love and desire and kiss him firmly on the lips.

As I pull away I see we are in Uriah's bedroom. Uriah is on his bed pulling his knees to his chest.

I look at him confused. He motions under the bed. I see small figures hop out...bunnies? They are about the size of softballs white fluffy bunnies.

"AWW!!!" I shout pulling my arms up to my chest. "THEY ARE SO ADORABLE!!!!!" I shout.

"They are not!!" Uriah yells with dread clearly written all over his face.

I look at Zeke and he is having a very hard time holding in his laughter.

Zeke starts laughing really loud. Then Tobias. Soon I find myself laughing too.

Uriah just glares at us. He looks more annoyed than anything else. I look at him through my wet eyes from laughing so much.

He's frantically pointing at the bunnies. They have a scary look in their red eyes. They start to grow. Crap. I abruptly stop laughing. They are growing and growing fast. It gets as tall as the ceiling. Long sharp claws rip through it's fur and it's fangs grow. It's eyes are blazing and it keeps growing. It looks more like a rabid rat. Tobias sees it and stops laughing too.
My jaw drops to the floor and my eyes widen. Tobias wears the same expression as I do. Zeke however is still laughing his ass off. The bunny crashes through the ceiling and a wall. It looks down at us and roars loud. Uriah scrambles back into the corner and winces. His eyes are dancing with fear.

Finally we are out of the room. Uriah has a gun in his hand and Zeke is tied to a wall across from him. Zeke struggles against the rope. He's stuck. Someone has a gun barrel pressed against Uriah's temple. Max.

"Shoot him!" Max orders.

I gasp.

Uriah's eyes widen.

"No!!" Uriah shouts back.

"Shoot him!!!!!" Max yells louder.

"I won't!!" Uriah shouts back. "He's my only family left and I would never shoot my own brother! I love him!"

Zeke looks at Uriah awe struck.

"I don't care!!! You never get along you can't love him!" Max screams.

"So what?! Yes we argue a lot but that's only because we love each other! I can go to Zeke about anything and I refuse to shoot!" Uriah yells as his face gets red.

"Uri." Zeke says calmly.

"I'll shoot you if you don't!"

"Uriah!" Zeke says louder.

"Shoot me then you coward!" Uriah says.

"Uriah!" Zeke is shouting now. "It's ok! I understand!"

"NO! I WON'T!!!" Uriah screams, tears running down his face.

Max cocks the gun and presses it harder against Uriah's head.

Uriah's jaw clenches and he breaths deeply.

Uriah and Zeke stare at each other.

Max's finger lands on the trigger he starts to press down.

"NOOO!!!!" Zeke shouts.

I dig my nails into Tobais's arm.

There is a loud "BANG!" And then everything is gone. All four of us are back in the fear simulation room. Zeke and Uriah look at each other and Zeke runs up to Uriah and roughly hugs him.

"I love you!" He says, his voice muffled with tears.

"I love you too man." Uriah says.

They pull away grinning.

I smile at Tobias and he grabs my hand in his.

"Let's get some cake!!" Tobais shouts.

Zeke and Uriah grin ear to ear and whoop. We all run down to the cafeteria and get the biggest pieces of chocolate dauntless cake. The rest of the day is spent goofing off between all four of us. We all curl up on Uriahs couch and watch a movie together. I fall asleep curled against Tobias, listening to his steady heartbeat and deep breathing and his scent surrounding me.


YAY!!!! Btw I did this on the way to and from fox valley mall in Aurora, IL. Yeah!! I hoped this chapter let you get to know Zeke and Uriah a little better. Thanks for reading!! More coming soon:) yesterday was my birthday BTW!!!!! Love you all




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