Guard Me

By twinkies68

2.6K 17 15

okays so this is a story where anna finds out about how her great great grandfather made a bad decision with... More

Guard Me
C/A/N/D/I/E/S/ /R/ /F/-/I/N/G/ A/M/A/Z/I/N/G/
'Black Veil Brides: Set The World On Fire' is now MINE BACK OFF ITS ALL MINE!
almost over......


241 2 0
By twinkies68

"Is that your favorite saying 'What the hell'?" "Fine what the fuck are you fucking talking about, better?" "Nice words. Well anyways what he's fucking talking about is that we aren't human. Mikey and I are vampires, Frank's a nekko and Ray is a were wolf."

"Let's say I believe you but how do you know my name and where am I?" 

"Well to start off Mikey and I are in debt to your family because when we were younger we didn't try to hide the fact that we were vampires. So people wanted us dead but you great-great-grandfather made a deal with us. The deal was that he'd pretend to kill us if we promised to protect his generations to come." "So we said 'yes' of course." Mikey says.

"Then we hid in this secret cell." "That's how we all met apparently we made the same deal." Ray says. "Okay." I say still not believing them. "Want us to prove it?" "Sure humor me." Then Gee and Mikey show their fangs, Frank now has cat ears and a tail and Ray looks like a were wolf. "What the fuck?!"  I yell out shocked. 

They all laugh at my reaction. "Believe us now?" Gee asks. "Yeah.But why am I here?" "Because your family was doing fine until now. When we noticed that Damon this horrible vampire was looking at you and like he wants to grab you. So we got you we just don't know why he wants you."

Then Gee turns to Mikey and asks "Is breakfast done yet?" "Yeah." "Want waffles?" asks Frank jumping up and down like a 5 year old. "Uhm sure." "Come on then." he grabs my arm and pulls me through a hallway and down a staircase.

The kitchen smelled of waffles and coffee. It's a big kitchen with dark blue walls, granite counter tops, a cool bowl sink, and a 2 door fridge. "How many waffles Anna?" "2." "How about you Gee?" "2" Gee says  walking to the coffee pot. "Anna want some coffee?"

"Yeah of course." "How do you drink it?" "Black like the night." "You have great taste in coffee." Mikey says. "Thanks." Frank puts infront of me a plate of waffles. "When you finish we're gonna go shopping to get you clothing."

"Joy." I say sacastically, but then I realize something. "Uhm but what am I gonna wear to the store? I love my PJ's and all but I'd rather not go in them to the store." "Don't worry Frank has a sister who never visits any more so you can just borrow her clothing." Mikey says.


Frank jumps up from his seat and asks "Ready now?" "As ready as I'll ever be." I follow him back up the stairs and he stops in front of a pink door. 'How did I not notice this before?' I ask to myself. Frank opens up the door.

I look inside and I'm blinded by all of the pink. "What the hell is wrong with her and the color pink?" I ask shielding my eyes. "I don't really know." Frank shrugs. I walk over to her dresser and open it up. All I see is pink, yellow, and orange shirts.

I close it and open up another one. In this one is matching skirts. I open up the last one and there's dresses that are all pink. I close it nearly gaging. "Ok there's no way in hell I am going to wear this shit." I say to Frank.

"Then what are you gonna wear?" "I don't know but what I do know is that I can't think with all of this pink." "Alright." we walk out of there and head straight down the hallway to the end. I'm guessing this is where Gee's room is.

Frank opens up the door. I step in and say "Much better." I say. Mikey and Ray look up from the bed. "What?" Gee says walking in with wet hair black skinny jeans, and blue shirt. "I just took her to Sarah's room and she refuses to wear what she calls 'shit'"

"I don't blame her but what are you going to wear?" "I'll just borrow your guy's clothing." "Looks like she's using yours Frank." Ray says. "I only have a pair of skinny jeans clean." "Then you can borrow my shirt." Mikey says.

"Ok now I just need a hoodie and shoes." "Here." Gee says throwing a black hoodie my way. "Suprisingly my sister has a pair of black converse." "Really?! Where under her mattress or in her ceiling so that all you can see is pink?" I ask. The guys start chuckling.


okays so im stopping here. the amazing cover there is done by lizzyray does f-ing amazing covers. just go to the club book covers click Book Covers! Want one? ( Still Open) then u say 1. title 2. author 3. about the story and 4. some ideas for the picture. then she makes it and its all amzing. so yeahs if u need a cover for ur story i suggest u go to her. the video on the side is time travel by nsn.


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