
Od SpideyKing

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A Story about Super human beingS who fight for juStice n others fight to control and domination and over a ex... Více

- Ice Saga - Book one : When FroSt MeetS Sheba

Book 2 The Fire Saga - ColdFire *

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Od SpideyKing

- Lord Pyro iS now the StrongeSt of hiS ever Since he loSt hiS father in the G.W.2 - (The Second Galaxy War). And he'S now the newly appointed leader of hiS race the (Py-ron-ieS), PyronieS are from planet Phoenix, it'S the Same diStance from aS Mercury iS in the Seven galaxy (Earth'S Galaxy). PyronieS are a very dominating SpecieS, they alwayS compete againSt each other to get more power. Pyro comeS from a long line of "Pyronie LordS, and the only Alpha Pyronie now knowledge and battle experience iS paSSed down from generation to generation.

He became the leader after he loSt hiS father "Lord Blaze". Who died in The "2nd Great Galaxy War" (2.G.G.W) that haS been going on for a decade now between hiS race the Py-ron-ieS and their enemieS the (Ice-í-anS). PyronieS wantS the Tíena cauSe it'S the only known metal that can hold heat to keep them alive in deep Space. -

(Pyro iS Blaze only child).

- Lord Blaze iS dying from a wound he got in battle againSt the IceíanS. Doctor have tried everything but hiS wound are to Seven. He Stepped down from being the lord, and Pyro become the new leader of Seven billion PyronieS troopS. Before he loSt hiS father in the war he went to School on planet Tíen. When he waS a teenager Pyro Started School the Sametime Nitro Started, Nitro and Pyro iS two yearS ahead of FroSt & Sheba.

FroSt and Sheba are the Same age and the grade aS well e, Nitro iSn't the typical height of other IceíanS. The average height of IceíanS are typically Six to Seven feet tall. Females are uSually Smaller then maleS but Sheba iS talleSt female in Iceían hiStory. Their birthdayS are dayS apart but Sheba iS older then FroSt bye a few dayS and She never let'S him forget about it. Every year around their birthday She alwayS meSS with him by teaSing him. The PyronieS SpecieS can only live to be a hundred yearS old and IceíanS can live to be thouSandS of yearS old. -

- JuSt AS Long Their Life Force Stay In Balance With Their Power Level If They Don't They'll Die. Seventy Seven Solar YearS Ago When He WaS JuSt A Kid And Right Before The War Started Over (Tí-en-a). IceíanS USe The Metal Tíena To Lined Into Every Home It HelpS Contain The Cool. IceíanS MuSt Keep A Body Temperature Of Negative -23 DegreeS, On Planet Tíen There'S A Gigantic Iceberg In The Center Of The Planet. With Six Smaller ISlandS Floating Around They Move Counter ClockwiSe Around The Iceberg. The circumstance of the Size iceberg iS the Size Of the iceberg goes to the core. FroSt iS now the eighteenth king of the IceíanS race and ruler of planet Tíen. And the king refued to Sell anything to the PyronieS, cauSe he knew why they wanted it.

(Planet Phoenix Surface iS two hundred n twenty-five degreeS temperatureS on average. Until a maSSive wave of fire and flameS roll acroSS the Planet like a gigantic tide wave).

- The SpecieS on planet Phoenix have to live underneath the ground, becauSe the Surface iS extremely too hot. The T limitS the population number of the dominant Specie on the planet. One of the dictatorS of Phoenix found out Tíena can reduce the temperature of the heat. So "Lord Blaze" leader of the PyronieS order all hiS captionS to get aS much of Tíena aS they can find from other planetS, PyronieS aren't good they Steal, fight and domination.

- They've Stolen Tíena metal from almoSt everyone in the galaxy. The reaSon why they want the metal iS cauSe the king of Tíen Sell them any. He knowS they've been going around killing off other SpecieS to get their Tíena SupplieS. That iS when the galaxy war Started which haS laSted for the laSt Seven thouSand yearS now. Lord Pyro alSo uSe the metal for another reaSon which he keep'S Secret from hiS race. -

(The ReaSon Why CauSe HiS One And Only Daughter IS HiS "Deep Dark Secret", She'S The Only Half Pyronie And Half Iceían Kíttí The FirSt "Hybreed" Ever).

- Pyro alSo haS Six other children they're all boyS, their all older and pure PyronieS. HiS oldeSt three SonS are Master CaptionS in their SquadS, hiS youngeSt three SonS are alSo high ranking officerS in hiS army. They've all brought him Several thouSandS victorieS on the battlefield they all have unique talentS. -

(Pyro Children can copy each other fighting StyleS except hiS daughter the kidS nameS Are -

Bíno - The firSt born of the quintileS, he'S a very dominating fighter he rarely never loSe a one on one fight.

Gíno - IS the Second born he alwayS tell you Something funny right before he beatS you.

Kíno - IS the fourth born him and Kíttí are very cloSe he loveS hiS little SiSter like She waS hiS daughter.

Fíno - IS the third born, he'S iS known aS the irritating one, he getS on everyone nervouS.

Hero - Fifth born very quiet and he too iS very protective of hiS only SiSter.

Kíttí - iS the youngeSt of Pyro'S children She'S and the only one that'S not pure Pyronie. She'S mixed with Iceían the only one ever). -

(Přýá AheS - Are what burnS off Tíena metal, It Can be USed In Many ApplicationS).

- On planet Phoenix it'S getting too hot, So hot they can barely live on the Surface their planet anymore. The inSide uSe to Stay at 120° but now it'S nearly 24 and getting hotter. There are maSSive caveS with long tunnelS connecting tunnelS that keep the inSide cool. The tunnelS wrap around the whole world they connect the caveS. Lord Pyro oldeSt three SonS are generalS in hiS massive dominating army that are Six million Strong. The other three SonS are high ranking officerS, two are CaptionS and one iS a Lieutenant. Pyro'S only daughter name iS "Kíttí"-, She'S completely different from her race, brotherS and father. -


(PyronieS are naturally evil they love fighting eSpecially each other to the death to get Sronger. After each battle they have they become Stronger).

- No one haS ever gotten Stronger aS "Lord Pyro", he'S alSo the firSt Pyronie to go to galaxy School. All the otherS lordS were "Home Schooled". He became good friendS with a tall Iceían kid name "Nitro" who'S much taller then other IceíanS. -

(Pyro iS Sitting all alone in the School'S lunchroom aS uSual doin hiS homework. While he waS doing hiS homework Someone aSked if they could have a Sit with him.

Nitro - ExcuSe me can I Sit here ?

- Pyro waSn't really paying attention he had on wireleSS ear budS, So Nitro had to tapped him on the Shoulder. Once he had hiS attention So Nitro tapped Pyro took hiS headphoneS off and Nitro aSked him again -

Pyro - Huh yea what you juSt Say ?

- He Said AS He Looked Up -

Nitro - I juSt aSking if I could Sit here Lil Buddy ?

Pyro - Oh LoL Sure big guy.

Nitro - LoL big guy huh . . . . I like

- He Said While Laughing -

- Pyro Said it in a humorouS voice cauSe Nitro iS a Several incheS taller then Pyro. Nitro aSked him if he would like to join one of the School Ice Ball team, he'S on the School'S (BaSketball, Soccer, Hockey, Football, LacoSSe, Ice-ball and GymnaSticS teamS). Nitro iS a very hyperactive kid who'S alwayS doing omething he gotta really friendly with a perSon kinda like him, who haS a Super Short fuSe juSt like him. -
(School iS out Some guyS were playing ICE-Ball in the S gymroom while FroSt watched in amaZement. Ice-Ball iS very much like both "Football and Hockey" that SpeedS up each quarter of the game. Unlike normal football here'S only two out of boundS areaS, that are located at the endS of the field. A player can alSo run up along the wallS along the field.

- Nitro and FroSt were in together front of their School talking and laughing. Then Nitro aSked FroSt -

Nitro - A FroSt.

FroSt - What'S up tall guy ?

- He Said Laughing -

Nitro - Lol good one . . . huh why don't you try out for the School Iceball team ?

FroSt - Huh . . . what ? IS that what thiS game iS called ?

Nitro - Yea

- Nitro explained the game to him and Showed him how to play. -

(IceBall - The entire field iS covered with ice there'S no out of boundS, the field iS covered with doom. The goalS are two thouSand feet apart and there're "mobile" they can move at anytime).

FroSt - WoW!!!

Nitro - Aaahhh . . . You Should try out !!! It'S juSt like how you kept them guyS from meSSing with that girl, why you do that ?

FroSt - I don't know I juSt hate bullieS !!!

- He Said While Hunching HiS ShoulderS -

Nitro - Yea me too ever Since PhyronieS Start coming to our School. That'S all they've been doing lately iS picking with people till they wanna fight them.

FroSt- Yea I've noticed that, it'S like that'S all they wanna do iS fight.

Nitro - Well they meSSed with the wrong perSon today.

- He Said While Laughing -

Nitro - Ha-ha yea they did lol, and your like really faSt too dude.

FroSt - ThanxS I know right ?

Nitro - Why don't you try out the School'S Iceball team ?

FroSt - For the School'S Iceball team, aaaahhhh . . . .How you play that ?

- Nitro Explained The Game him and Showed Him, Showed FroSt How To Play, It Didn't Take Nitro Long To Teach him how to play he eaSley caught on to the game. -

- FroSt Smiled -************************************

Nitro - Kay if you Say So. LoL

- Nitro took him to the School'S Iceball arena when FroSt Saw the arena. HiS eyeS got really big aS he looked inSide. Nitro looked at FroSt and Said -

Nitro - Pretty big huh ?

- FroSt didn't blink for awhile Nitro Snapped hiS fingerS in front of FroSt'S face to get hiS attention. -

Nitro - FroSt, FroSt. . . A Lil buddy !!!

FroSt- Huh . . Huh . . Yea . . . Wow it So,So,So,So big, big, big in, in, in, here, here, here, here

- It Echo Thought The Arena -

Nitro - I know amaZing huh ? Watch thiS -

- He Started running and the field Started opening up, it Started Shifting everywhere FroSt juSt looked in amaZement. Nitro jump from one platform to the other he flipped alSo FroSt Said -

FroSt - !!! Cool !!! Teach me how to do that Big Buddy Nitro.

- Nitro Started Laughing Really Hard -

Nitro - Big buddy huh ?

FroSt - Well you called me little buddy firSt. LoL

Nitro - Yea I know, I kinda like the Sound of that !!! You know what ? You can keep calling me that if you want too.

- He Said Smiling -************************************

Nitro - You ready ?

FroSt - Oh yeah let'S do thiS.

- They Started training Nitro waS aStoniSh how faSt FroSt caught on to the game. They played for hourS till it got dark then Nitro looked at hiS watch and Said -

Nitro - Wow it'S thiS late ? I gotta make it home my mom iS gonna kill me, I waS SuppoSe to pick my couSin up from the airport DANG !!! I gotta go lil buddy !!!

- He got moSt of hiS thingS and bolted out the gymroom doorS but he didn't know he dropped Something. It waS a picture of Nitro Standing with one of the moSt beautiful femaleS FroSt haS ever Seen. It waS a picture of Cooler Nitro waS gone !!! So FroSt juSt put the picture in hiS pocket -

FroSt - I'll juSt give it to him tomorrow at School.

FroSt - Stared walking home a few minuteS later hiS phone Started ringing it waS hiS godmom -

FroSt - Heya momma.

- He Said Straying At The Photo -

Mz.Pud - Are you Still hanging with your friendS ?

Prince FroSt - No mom on my way home now.

Mz.Pud - Ok Stop walking and turn around.

- He Did It -

- MomentS later the royal limouSine pull up and Mz.Pud waS in the back Seat. While FroSt was waiting on then limouSine while he waS Straying at a picture the limousine phe Said -

Prince FroSt - Heya g-ma.

Mz.Pud - Heya babyboy what you looking at ?

FroSt - All theSe kidS g-ma I didn't know there would be So many. Add everybody haS a twin mom I'm the only one that doeSn't g-ma.

- He Said In A Really Sad Voice -

Mz.Pud - Aaawww babyboy don't be Sad thiS juSt makeS you unique.

- FroSt waS Shaking Mz.Pud moved from her Seat next to FroSt cauSe, FroSt waS Shacking So hard he waS cauSing a earthquake. ThiS iSn't hiS firSt time being thiS nervouS the firSt time waS Seventeen monthS ago. She Start rubbing hiS head to relax him and SecondS later everything Stop Shacking. -

Mz.Pud - Why you So nervouS ?

FroSt - CauSe all theSe people you know I alwayS freeze up around new people.

Mz.Pud - I know my Lil prince, all you need to do iS find one friend then go from there pumpkin.

- She Said AS She Gave Him A KiSS On The Cheek And A Big Hug. FroSt Looked Out The Window And Saw Alot Of KidS Went InSide The School. Mz.Pud Said -

Mz.Pud - How bout we pull around the corner and then let you out would you like that Sweetheart ?

- He Smiled And Shook HiS YeS The LimouSine Pulled Off And Went Around The Corner. Before The Limo FroSt Left The Limo Mz.Pud Gave Him A Huge Hug And A Big KiSS -

FroSt - Eeeewwww mom that waS a wet one gma. Lol

Mz.Pud - Hahaha got my godSon again.

FroSt - Why yo kiSSeS be So wet ?

- She Replied Laughing -

Mz.Pud - LoL you know you love it LoL.

- She CloSe The Door FroSt Watch Her Till The LimouSine Got Out Off Site. Mz.Pud Arranged Him A Secret Bodyguard To Watch Over The Prince Didn't Know Him. The Guard IS One Of "King Polor" Bodyguard'S Son IS In High School, Watched The Car Pull Off Then He pulled hiS hoody over hiS head. He Started Walking To School And Once He Got In Front Of The School All The KidS Were InSide. -

- He Walked In The School The HallwayS Were Empty He Found HiS Locker. He Didn't See Anyone In The HallwayS So He Decided To Sing, Which Really ISn't One Of HiS BeSt TalentS. While He Put Away HiS ThingS And Got HiS Stuff for claSS out, when he cloSe hiS locker a female waS Standing right behind it. Kinda Shocked He FroSt Said -

FroSt - Oh Sorry I didn't know you waS there I wouldn't have been. . .

- She Cut Him Off -

Sheba - What Singing ?

- She Said Laughing -

FroSt - Lol Yea.

Sheba - Don't worry you were bad.

FroSt - Really ?

Sheba - No your horrible.

- FroSt Said Laughing -

FroSt - Yea I know Sorry. LoL

Sheba - It'S OK, your the new guy here right ?

FroSt - Yea.

Sheba - What School you juSt come from ?

FroSt - I waS actually home Schooled.

Sheba - Ok.

- They Started Walking Down The HallwayS Sheba ASked. -

Sheba - Do you have your claSS Schedule to know what claSS you got next right ?

FroSt - I don't have one of thoSe yet.

Sheba - Ok come theSe way.

- She Took Him To The School Office To Get HiS ClaSS Schedule Once He Got It Sheba ASked -

Sheba - SSSSoooo.... What claSS do you have right now ?

FroSt - EngliSh 101.

Sheba - Cool me too, what claSS you in ?

FroSt - Huh . . . I don't know.

- Sheba Saw he had hiS claSS Schedule in hiS hand FroSt paSSed her hiS Schedule She notice they had the Same claSS but She didn't tell him. Once they got to hiS claSS Sheba Said -

Sheba - Ok here'S your claSSroom.

FroSt - Ok thanxS.

Sheba - Welcome.

- FroSt Walked In The ClaSS And The Teacher Said -

Mz.Shaw - Goodmorning are you a new Student of mine'S ?

FroSt - Yea.

Mz.Shaw - Goodmorning Mz.Sheba.

- FroSt EyeS Got Big CauSe He Remembered That WaS The Name Of The Girl Who Showed Him The ClaSS -

FroSt - You got thiS claSS too ? Why didn't you juSt tell me ?

Sheba - Lol I don't know I wanted to See the look on your face, it'S priceleSS and pluS I forgot my homework. LoL

- They Both Had A Seat In The Back Of The ClaSS FroSt Sat By Her After ClaSS Sheba ASked Him -

Sheba - So how you like it ?

FroSt - Well it'S definitely much better then being the only one in the claSS. Lol

Sheba - LoL you waS home Schooled ?

FroSt - Yeah.

- FroSt haS been aSking to go to public School but She alwayS Said no. But thiS year She let him go, She hired one of the royal palace guardS Son to waS hiS "Bodyguard". They are the Same age and the only two that are able to do the techniqueS of the "AncientS Six". -

- Which iS extremely rare cauSe only four percent of planet population haS gotten it ever. Out of nearly one trillion born the laSt time it waS only one percent had the ability. After practice Nitro Said -

Nitro - Really good practice lil buddy, your pretty good, what level you Said you in again ?

FroSt - Level two !!!

Nitro- Oh lil buddy your much Stronger then me and I'm on level Seven.

FroSt - Really ? I wonder what level I am ?

Nitro - Yea I do to cauSe you can keep up with me when we train. I'm a level Seven and a junior your pretty good lil guy.

FroSt - Really I wonder what level I am.

Nitro - We can find out.

FroSt - How ?

Nitro - We can Go to the B.W !!!

FroSt - What'S that ?

Nitro - B.W mean Battle Warrior, he can determine what fighting level you are.

FroSt - Cool.

- They Start Walking Out The Gym Then A Girl Ran Up Behind Them She Said -

Cooler - Sup big couSin.

- FroSt never hear a more beautiful voice he turned around. HiS eyeS got huge Cooler waS the moSt beautiful creature he'S ever Seen. It waS Nitro'S little couSin "Cooler", her face waS a Smooth blueiSh color She'S gorgeouS. FroSt jaw dropped he aSked -

FroSt - A big guy you know who that iS ?

Nitro - Yea.

- But before he could Say anything elSe FroSt walked off, he walked up to Cooler. He waS Staring at Cooler who haS a amazing Smile She walked paSSed him and She even filtered with FroSt a little. FroSt aSked Nitro -

FroSt - Wow She'S abSolutely beautiful you know her big guy ?

- Nitro Said Laughing -

FroSt - Who waS that big guy ? I've never Seen her before She'S really pretty.

Nitro - Oh that'S my little couSin !!!

FroSt - Really ?

- Then the claSS bell rang it waS now time for multiple language claSS. Nitro knowS Seven different languageS now and FroSt haS a new ability he'S really Strong to be a little guy. He'S actually Stronger alot Stronger then alot of SeniorS which iS the firSt time thiS ever happened. Nitro Said -

- Nitro Turn HiS Head And Looked Down -

Nitro - Hhheeeyyyaaa Cooler.

Cooler - Heya big cuz where you going ?

Nitro - Going home now to Shower and getting Something to eat then get Some Sleep but not in that order LoL.

- Nitro Notice How Shy FroSt waS When Cooler Came Around -

Nitro - Cooler thiS my beStfriend FroSt !!!

Cooler - Hi FroSt.

- He didn't Say anything back he literally froze up, hiS whole body turned into a block of ice. When Cooler Saw hiS whole body
change into a block of ice She began to giggle. -

Cooler - I See Somebody got cold feet, well a cold head.

Nitro - Lol good one Cooler.

Cooler - LoL.

Nitro - Ready to go home now ?

Cooler - Yea doeS your friend live by you ?

Nitro - Yea . . . Well I think So he alwayS drop me off and pick me up for School.

- They didn't See Cooler when they walked out cauSe She waS laying on the floor. The boyS walked right paSS her She notice they didn't See her So She Sneak up on them. AS Soon aS She got cloSe She to them yield, both of them were SurpriSed they jumed-

Cooler - Sup guyS !!!

Nitro & FroSt - Aaaahhh !!!

Cooler - A bit jumpy huh guyS ? LoL

Nitro - Where you come from ? I didn't even See you !!! You See her FroSt ?

- FroSt Still Couldn't Say Any Around Cooler He JuSt Said -

FroSt - Huh huh.

Cooler - I See your friend the Strong Silent type he cuz lol.

Nitro - Yea I See but only around you.

- She looked at FroSt and then began laughing and Smiling. She turned to Nitro wrote Something down then paSSed it to Nitro after She kiSSed it. Nitro looked at it Smiled then handed it to FroSt -

Nitro - Here you go little buddy.

- He gave him the paper it had her cellphone number on and the note Said it -

Cooler Note
(Think your really,really, really cute too next time you can Say more then hello I'm not gonna bite lol).

- He PaSSed Nitro The Note -

FroSt - Your couSin can read mindS ?

- Nitro Read It And Then Started Laughing After He Read It. -

Nitro - Yea She good for that lol did She Say Something before you waS Said ?

FroSt - Well kinda She gave me her number.

Nitro - That'S what you thinking huh ?

FroSt - Yea kinda.

FroSt - That'S the all mighty Cooler for you lol !!!

Nitro - Where you bout to go ?

FroSt - Home.

Nitro - Oh OK well I gueSS I'll See you tomorrow lil buddy.

FroSt - OK big guy See you.

- FroSt Said Laughing -

- Nitro cloSed the door FroSt walked around the corner. Then the royal limouSine pulled up behind him hiS godmom waS in the limouSine -

Mz.Pud - Ok babyboy get in there'S nobody around.

- FroSt Looked Around Then Hope In The LimouSine Mz.Pud ASked Him -

Mz.Pud - So how waS School today babyboy ?

- FroSt Said Really Excitedly -


- He Said with the biggeSt Smile on hiS face, hiS eyeS were got So big. He waS jumping all around the back of the limouSine raSie up of Street. Mz.Pud -

Mz.Pud - Ok I See Someone had a terrific day why you So happy babyboy ?

FroSt - BecauSe g-ma it'S thiS new girl at my School. Remember my friend Nitro huh well it'S hiS little couSin, and g-mom She iS So cute momma.

Mz.Pud - Sound like you really like her huh ?

FroSt - Yea mom She'S really pretty her hair iS long it'S to her ankleS. G-ma and it juSt So happenly be my big buddy NitrouS couSin.

Mz.Pud - Your friend the tall one right ?

- FroSt WaS Looking Out The Window -

FroSt - Huh yea that'S him hiS little couSin She juSt tranSferred here. And mama She iS SSSSoooo did pretty like you.

Mz.Pud - Aaaawwww.

- Mz.Pud knowS how Shy her godSon getS around pretty girlS She aSked him. -

Mz.Pud - Ok SSSSoooo did you Say anything to her ?

FroSt - Kinda.

Mz.Pud - Kinda huh !!! You juSt Said "Hi" didn't you and that'S all I bet right ?

- FroSt Put HiS Head Down And Said -

FroSt - Ha-ha kind of.

Mz.Pud - Aaaawwww you really like her huh ?

FroSt - YeS.

- When They Got To The Palace FroSt Cellphone Ranged It WaS Nitro -

FroSt - Hello

Nitro - Sup FroSt it'S Nitro.

FroSt - Duh I have caller ID dude.

Nitro - Oh yeah lol you know there'S about to be a tournament.

FroSt - Ok SoundS good, when you wanna practice tomorrow ?

Nitro - No now if you can lil buddy.

FroSt - Ok let me aSk my G-ma.

- He Looked Up And Saw Mz.Pud Nodding Her Head YeS. He Got Very Excited And Said -

FroSt - Dude She Said yeS.

Nitro - Excellent meet me up at the School gymroom.

FroSt - Ok on my way give me ten minuteS dude.

- He hung up kiSSed hiS godmom then took off running to School. Nitro waS texting Cooler to let her know her know he'll be home late. When he looked up there waS FroSt -

Nitro - Aaahhh dude you Said ten minuteS a ago. And now your here dude where were you ?

FroSt - I juSt made it home, around the corner.

- He Said Smiling -

Nitro - Ready to Start traing ?

FroSt - Yea.

- Both Nitro & Cooler Saw FroSt Skin turn pink. -

Cooler - Cool !!! How are you do that ?

Nitro - Yea how ?

FroSt - Do what ?

- FroSt didn't See it -

Nitro - How you juSt change colorS like that ?

FroSt - Huh do what ?

Nitro - You mean you didn't juSt See your Skin turn pink ?

FroSt - No.

- He Said aS he looked at hiS handS they were blue. -

FroSt - What maybe I do bluSh a little iS that what you talking about ?

Nitro - No Lil buddy all of ur Skin waS pink.

- Cooler Started giggling cauSe She knew why he waS bluShing. Cooler knew exactly what FroSt waS thinking. -

(Cooler doeSn't read your thoughtS without your permiSSion but She can't block everything out).

- They Started practicing Nitro waS impreSSed that FroSt waS So good. They practice for a few hourS then went to go get a bite to eat. After they were done they went home Nitro aSked FroSt -

Nitro - A Lil buddy wanna ride home ?

FroSt - No it'S ok I'll walk from here.

Cooler - Oh you live around here ?

FroSt - Kinda I don't live to far from here.

Nitro - Ok we'll See you tomorrow morning.

Cooler - Are we going to pick him up ?

Nitro - Naw he alwayS pick me up well uS up. Lol

- FroSt waited till they pull off before he before he Started walking then hiS cellphone ranged it waS hiS godmom. -

FroSt - Heya g-ma.

Mz.Pud - Sup babyboy.

FroSt - Aaawww g-ma kinda hip. Lol

Mz.Pud - I'm learning, I'm learning. Lol

FroSt - Lol I See I'm ready to go.

Mz.Pud - Ok your ride iS around the corner he'll flaSh the headlightS.

- When FroSt Saw the lightS he got in the unmarked vehicle when he got inSide the car went to Shadow mode. The vehicle couldn't be Seen by the naked eye when the car made it to the palace Mz.Pud waS in front to meet FroSt. When he got out the car he ran to Mz.Pud he jumped into her armS he Said -

FroSt - G-ma I had So much fun at School it waS unbelievable, and . . . and I didn't know there would be So many kidS.

Mz.Pud - Yea I know lol School been out for hourS now. Where you been babyboy ?

FroSt - Well my new friend Nitro aSk me to be on the School team. G-ma I think I got a new ability, I can freeze anything with a touch now.

Mz.Pud - Ok that'S cool what you trying out for ?

FroSt - Our School team !!!

Mz.Pud - I didn't know you could play babyboy.

FroSt - Well I don't know how to play at firSt but Nitro teaching me how to play and ma it'S So fun.

Mz.Pud - I knew you would find something you like.

- She Said Smiling -

- For reSt of the day FroSt waS geeked he ran through the Palace'S hallway. FroSt haS become So faSt he lookS like a blue Streak blur, Nitro waS able to keep up with him. He Said to FroSt -

Nitro - Dude you are So freaking faSt I could barely keep up with you. How faSt do you think you were going ?

- He Said while trying to breath -

FroSt - I don't know never ran that faSt before.

- He Said Smiling -

FroSt - ThankS Big Guy !!!

Nitro - Welcome Lil buddy, So I Saw you talking to my Lil couSin today !!!

FroSt - Yea She iS So pretty everybody watch'S her walk down the hallwayS.

- After Cooler walked paSSed FroSt he waS the only one that keep hiS eyeS on her. Even tho Cooler back waS to FroSt She could feel FroSt looking at her. She whiSpered to one of her friendS and that friend told another paSSed the meSSage all around. They all looked back at FroSt and then all the girlS Started giggling eSpecially, when Cooler winked and blow a kiSS at FroSt.

He waS Shocked he didn't know Cooler even notice him, let along know hiS name. He'S been fallowing her around for weekS ever Since they we're introduced Nitro. He haS been telling Cooler good thingS all about FroSt he even made Stuff up about him. even made up Stuff. But one of her StrongeSt abilitieS iS to know when Someone iS lying to her when Nitro lied She knew it waS for good intentionS ,

[Cooler haS the ability to See paSS fleSh like a X-ray, her eyeS turned a Shiny bright blue. She Saw both of Nitro'S heartS one heart waS beating Slow the other one waS Speeding at the Sametime.]

- Cooler agreed to meet in a diStance of her choice She Said with a Smile. CauSe She knew FroSt waS exactly what he waS thinking he wanted to Say too her. She had a viSion when FroSt bruShed up againSt her in the hallwayS between claSSeS. Nitro aSked Cooler -

Nitro - A Lil cuz

- She replied while laughing -

Cooler - Sup Big cuz !!!

Nitro - How are you ?

Cooler - Good Big guy what'S up an your boy likeS me huh ?

Nitro - Yea Huh you talking to anyone yet ?

- Cooler Reply Laughing -

Cooler - Are you aSking ? Or are you juSt aSking for your friend ?

Nitro - Oh huh yea you already know huh ? I Should've known better LoL, aS you know he really likeS you.

Cooler - Yea here I got go my next claSS iS clear acroSS campuS.

- She paSSed Nitro a piece of paper and walked off giggling, FroSt though that waS the cuteSt noiSe ever. He aSked Pyro -

FroSt - WaS that her laughing ?

Nitro - Yep, come on before the claSS bell ringS.

- AS Soon aS he Said that the next claSS bell ranged !!! Cooler made it to claSS on time and FroSt and Nitro were late when the walked into claSS -

Mz.Shaw - Where you think you two are going ?

Nitro - To our SeatS.

Mz.Shaw - Not without tardy paSSeS !!!

The boyS looked at the clock they were twenty minuteS late. And they both Said -

FroSt & Nitro - Oooohhhh !!!!

- They had to turn around and go to the office to get there paSSeS. Once they got to claSS Mz.Shaw -

Mz.Shaw - Why are both of you coming in class late at the Same time ?

FroSt - I Spent the night over hiS houSe theSe weekend.

Nitro - And we were up late -

Mz.Shaw - ExcuSe me Sir !!!

Nitro - Sorry madam.

Mz.Shaw -Continue miSter FroSt.

FroSt - YeS madam and we were up all night.

Mz.Shaw - Aaaawwww poor babieS, are y'all all reSted now ?

Both BoyS- YeS madam.

Mz.Shaw - Good.

- Both BoyS Began Smiling -

Mz.Shaw - Now you two get a dictionary and copy it from "A to M" in curSive.

- Both BoyS Said -

BoyS - Aaaawwww man !!!

- They did what She Said around lunchtime they were on "Ę". FroSt aSked Nitro -

FroSt - Are your fingerS numb ?

Nitro - No not numb it'S crapping dude.

FroSt - How far are you ?

Nitro - AlmoSt done Lil buddy !!!

FroSt - Well I'm finiSh Big Guy.

Nitro - WHAT !!!

- FroSt Started Laughing -

Then Cooler walked into the lunchroom with Sheba they were laughing. She waS laughing at Something really funny Sheba juSt Said, She haS a laugh So hard She turned pink.

- Nitro alwayS keep up the time -

Nitro - Aaaawwww man we're late for claSS y'all again.

- Everybody Started running to claSS when they were Seven feet away, from claSSroom then the morning bell Started ranged. Nitro Said -

Nitro - Great we're late guyS !!!

FroSt - SSSooo what that mean ?

- They all Said we gotta See 1Sgt. an get our tartie SlipS -

FroSt - Oh, why y'all Say it like that ?

Sheba - Cuz dude iS like really mean.

FroSt - Mean like evil ?

Sheba - No not evil juSt very Strict !!!

Nitro - Ooohhh you'll See !!!

- He Said While Smirking FroSt juSt looked at him and then aSked -

Nitro - What - 1Sgt heard him talking he Said -

1Sgt. Cowan - I juSt know I don't hear talking !!!

Nitro - Sorry Sir.

1Sgt. - Oh Mr.Nitro I know that'S not you again !!! What I tell you would happen if I Saw your face again huh ?

Nitro - Sir you Said I would have to do a thouSand puSh upS Sir.

1Sgt. - That'S right now get to it !!! And I See you brought me a friend too. !!!Gimme Yo Name and Rank ?

Nitro - Sir he'S new here Sir !!!

1Sgt. - Yea I've noticed, that'S another thouSand for Speaking out of line.

Nitro - YeS Sir, Six thouSand and Seventy Sir.

- 1Sgt. Shouted Out -

1Sgt. -"One hand now" !!!

- And Nitro Started doing one arm puShupS FroSt juSt watched aS Nitro did them eaSily. When he waS done they walked to claSS with their tarty SlipS. When they got to claSS there in the front row waS the female FroSt been daydreaming of. Every Since he Saw her he Started poking Nitro and Said -

FroSt - A big guy that's her right there !!!

Nitro - Where ?

FroSt - There !!!

- He Said While Pointing -

Nitro - Oh her !!! That's my little couSin, She'S new here like you.

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