Faded Love

By lovefree56

629 22 8

Sam Hutcherson is you average girl. Parties, boys, and friends are in the midst of it all. But what goes on a... More

Faded Love
I WAS-The Dream
I WAS-Calling It Quits
I WAS-Welcome Home?

I WAS-Just For One Night

49 3 1
By lovefree56

This chapter has some sexuality/sexual content, so if anyone doesn't feel comfortable reading this, go ahead, though it contains a wonderful piece of information that is crucial to the story later on! :D


Sam's POV

As soon as I turned, I felt strong arms wrap around me, preventing me from walking further. I didnt know where this was going or what he was trying to do, but just feeling the warmth radiating off him, was enough for me to give into him and let him do whatever he wanted with me. It was a wrong feeling that seemed to feel so right for some reason, and I just went with it. When he spun me around, he leaned in so our foreheads touched. He was teasing me. Making me work for whatever was in store for that night. He was kissing, biting, and nibbling along my jawline and I couldnt help but go along with it. I wanted this; maybe more than I've ever wanted anything. I guess that right at this moment, i realized that it was him I wanted all along. I started to take off his shirt and felt everything that was underneath. His muscles..his tan skin...and then...i looked at his eyes. The same ones I had been looking at for years, but just now realized they were the only thing keeping me together and happy.

Sussesively we started taking each others clothes off..not much work with me because i only had two pieces of it on. When he looked at me, he was satisfied with what he saw.

"You're beautiful," he said, "you always have been, and you always will be."

It was then that I grabbed his neck and brought him even closer to me. I loved him. Somehow, we managed to get on the bed. I was on top of him for a while; kissing every part of him. Tasting everything that I had somehow managed to miss out on for years.

He suddenly stopped and whispered the three words I never though I would get I hear again-I love you. Right then and there I felt so bare and suddenly aware that I was exposed and completely naked in front of him. The thing was- I didn't mind. He slowly moved out from on top of me and I took over. I straddled him and slowly felt him get deeper and deeper inside of me. A feeling of ecstasy took over my body and then I suddenly couldn't stop..I moaned and shouted his name to the four winds as he took my breast and put it in his mouth. I had never imagined that loving someone could change the way you felt about sex...he kept me going for a least another half hour until he laid me down on the bed gently as if I was a flower and looked up and down at me. He started exploring my body-kissing my neck, my chest, my breasts, my stomach, and then moving down to the place that was so hot it was screaming for his lips and tongue to go and take over. He teased and bit and sucked but had me shuddering and feeling like I we were the only ones in this world.

We went at it for hours taking turns at who could do a better job of making them feel like tonight was the only thing that mattered...after a while though when we just lay in each others arms he started a conversation.

" I meant what I said before Sam...I really do love you...every time I look at you I smile and feel like you are the only one for me...I want to be with you every day for the rest of my life. The day I first met you I was dared by my friends to go up and talk to you because they all thought you were weird, but when I first looked into your eyes I saw what no one else could-a girl unwillingly and unknowingly looking for love. Who would have though that it would be me offering it to you."

I was at a loss for words..I didnt know what to say to him, so I just kissed him and said the one word that would agree with everything he said -" Yes."

It was at that moment that I felt I had something I thought I had lost a long time ago. Love.

"Will you be my girlfriend and make me the happiest guy in the world?"

I said the one thing I knew I wanted for my future with a boy-glad it was this one.

" Yes."


Hi everyone who reads this..not many...I'm sorry i took so long to upload but school is really hectic and stuff but please comment and vote because it really motivates my writing... Love you guys and eats lots of ice cream and candy..it warms the soul :)

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