Hercules [Book Two]

By madarains

24.6K 1.1K 216

[Book Two] Following on from the events of Zeus, Hercules is left reeling. However, with death, comes freedo... More

Thank You [Prequel]


681 31 5
By madarains

| thirteen |


Jack sighed, running a hand over his face. Next to him, Zeus sat with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes trained in on the human girl who glared up at him, venom lacing her voice. Luke sat beside Ivy, his hand resting on her thigh, drawing small circles in an attempt to calm her. It did the opposite. She shook with anger as her eyes narrowed at the Alpha before her, red hair tied up into a messy bun as she breathed deeply. Jack stared at her, running a hand through his slowly greying hair. "Ivy, please be reasonable about this."

Ivy scoffed, rolling her eyes as they snapped towards the man who had raised her. "Reasonable?" She repeated, eyes ablaze as she laughed humourlessly. "I have just gotten away, and you want to send me back!?"

Zeus' green eyes stared into Ivy's as she fixated her gaze towards him. "This is the only way to get into Khan's head."

Ivy snorted, "No. Fuck you," She spat, pointing an accusing finger towards Zeus whose jaw clenched in temper. "It was your fucking brother who stopped me from getting away."

Jack cleared his throat, flashing Ivy a warning look as Zeus tensed at the mention of his brother. "Ivy, just think about it."

"I've already thought about it, and I'm saying no," The fiery redhead hissed towards him. Luke's hand squeezed her thigh in warning, Ivy suddenly aware of his skin touching hers. She faltered, her eyes flashing towards him, taken aback by the silent begging in his eyes. "I can't..." She breathed. Forcing her gaze from the boy beside her, she closed her eyes before looking towards Jack once again. "I can't go back there. Do you know what it's like being stuck there, surrounded by the very monsters that killed my parents?"

Jack looked at her expectantly.

Ivy scoffed, "Of course you don't." She was silent, the men watching her as she ran a hand through her hair. "I don't think I can go back there," She whispered.

"Luke will go with you."

Everyone turned to face Jack who ran a tired hand over his face as he looked at Ivy, before looking towards the frowning Luke. He parted his lips to protest, but Zeus beat him to it. "I don't think that would be wise," Zeus stated, everyone looking at him.

Ivy's and Luke's head turned back towards Jack whose fists tightened. "This is my pack. I'm the Alpha round here. What I say goes," Jack mocked.

Zeus was not phased. "If you want your son to remain alive, I suggest you keep him at home."


The Alpha leaned back in his chair lazily, "You stink of him," He said matter-of-factly. Ivy lifted her shirt to sniff it, only to realise that she could faintly smell the scent of Luke's aftershave. Her cheeks faintly stained of red, she forced her face to remain blank as Luke squeezed her leg once again. Zeus flashed her a knowing look before nodding his head, "If Hercules catches a scent of another male, human or not, his wolf will do anything to get rid of it."

Ivy frowned.

"That includes trying to mate with you," Zeus stated bluntly.

Ivy pulled a look of disgust as her features twisted into a glare that was aimed towards the Alpha. "I will never fuck him," She snarled.

Zeus shrugged, unphased. "He will have no problem in forcing you," He said, his voice lowering dangerously, his eyes darkening. Jack looked towards the Alpha with a questioning look, Zeus gritted his teeth as he forced out, "Let's just say my mate wasn't as strong as Ivy, here."

The humans stared at the Alpha in horror.

"That's why you want him dead," Jack breathed. It wasn't a question.

"And I won't stop until he is."

Ivy froze as she stared at Zeus, the blood drained from her features. Luke's hand slipped from her leg, moving to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Absentmindedly swatting his hand from her face, a murderous glare made its way onto Ivy's face as she glared towards Zeus. "What the fuck?" She blurted. "He raped her!?" She almost choked on the word as felt her eyes water, though she forced them back.

Zeus flinched at the word at the same time as Jack turned to look at Ivy, a guarded expression on his face. "She's not going," He finalised.

Zeus sat rigid in his chair as his darkened orbs flickered to stare at Jack. "I'm afraid she has no choice. In order for this to work, we need to gain Khan's trust. He won't suspect anything if you manage to befriend him." He looked towards Ivy. "You'll get your revenge."

Ivy was silent. Her unspoken question was evident in her eyes as she peered up at the Alpha.

What if he rapes me too?

Zeus had felt the urge to keep Ivy protected from the moment he'd met her in the cells. Now that she was finally free from her prison, his wolf sensing the fear that rolled from her body, he forgot about the fact that she had been born to destroy his own kind, and vowed, "I won't let him hurt you."

Jack was silent. He sensed that Zeus was being sincere, watching as his son spoke up for the first time, "How? How can you be sure he won't. We're miles away."

Zeus faced Luke, nodding his head slightly at the human's confidence as he looked him dead in the eye. Although he would have reprimanded one of his own wolves for such disrespect, he knew Luke's heart was in the right place; he loved Ivy. Grunting, Zeus crossed his arms over his chest, "My pack is nearer to their lands; I will protect her. I will have my wolves surrounding their territory; I'll get to her long before he even thinks of laying a hand on her."

Luke's jaw clenched as his eyes shifted down to Ivy who looked back up at him. His hand found her thigh again, resuming the drawing of circles on her skin, the sensation causing Ivy to relax as she leaned back in her chair. The four remained quiet in Jack's office until the sudden opening of the door had their eyes fixating onto a flustered Kyle who blushed as his green orbs focused on Zeus.

"Uh... One of your wolves..." Kyle trailed off as everyone stood, Zeus taking a step towards Zeus. Kyle tensed, his hand automatically flying to his hip where his Hunter's knife was hidden. Zeus rolled his eyes. Kyle cleared his throat, eyes flickering towards Jack who stood behind Zeus, before looking at Zeus once more, "One of your wolves have started a fight with one of our men."

Jack didn't have to ask who as he groaned, taking off after Zeus who brushed past Kyle, Ivy quickly following. Luke flashed Kyle a smile as he moved to march after the others.

"They sure are scary beings," Kyle murmured.

Luke paused in the doorway, snorting. "They aren't that bad."

"They still kill," Kyle pointed out. Luke was silent before shaking his head.

"You know nothing. They feel just like us," He said, remembering the look in Zeus' eyes when he spoke about Anya. "In fact, they probably feel more than we do... The only difference between us and them is that they have a beast inside them."

Kyle frowned, "More like they have a monster inside them." Luke looked down at Kyle, his face blank as he blinked slowly.

"Don't we all?"


Ares couldn't fight back the grin that plastered itself to his face as he stood before Hodge. Although younger by ten years, Ares was faster; it was in his blood. He wiped his freshly split lip, eyes blackening as claws protruded from his fingernails, watching as Hodge gulped. The human bore a dark bruise that had formed around his left eye, his blonde locks standing on end as he applied pressure to the gaping wound on the top of his right arm.

Apollo stood to the side, Artemis beside him as he called, "Ares, you need to stop now." His protests fell on deaf ears as Ares tantalisingly took a step closer to Hodge who took a step back. Apollo growled sarcastically, "Preferably before you get us all killed for butchering one of their men."

Ares remained ignorant, growling under his breath as Hodge focused his narrowed eyes on Apollo who stared back at him, his sharp features blank. Ares used Hodge's distraction to his advantage, lunging forward and slamming his fist into Hodge's face. Artemis winced as she heard the cracking of bone, though she was not sure who it came from.

Her question was answered as a scream erupted from the human's mouth as he hunched over before falling to the ground, his hand flying to his face. Blood poured from his nose, seeping through his fingers and soaking his shirt as he straightened back up. Ares waved his hand in the air, as if it would take away the sensation of his knuckles swelling, his skin a hot, angry red. Hodge wiped at his nose, but it made no difference; the blood flow wasn't stopping any time soon. He made a move to step towards Hodge, ready to finish him off, when he felt a hand grab the back of his shirt.

"That's enough."

Apollo and Artemis bowed their heads as Zeus yanked his Beta from Hodge, standing between the men. Jack came before them, his hands grabbing onto Hodge and hoisting him to his feet with the help of Luke. Ivy stood behind them, her eyes dull as she focused in on Hodge who spat blood from his mouth. Jack's rough hands had a firm grip on Hodge's jaw as he turned his head towards him, fingers grasping the bridge of his nose. Wincing, Hodge attempted to swat his hands away, but Jack simply ordered, "Stay still."

Ares wiped at his split lip, his eyes returning to their normal colour as they focused on Zeus who looked at him, a disappointing expression on his face. "Fighting won't bring her back," He reminded Ares. Ares ripped himself from Zeus' hold on him, turning to face his Alpha.

"Don't," He said, his cold façade disappearing as his voice broke. "Don't talk about her."

Hodge cursed as Jack's fingers pressed tighter on his nose, Zeus glancing over his Beta, mumbling, "You're not the only one who lost her." He left Ares' side to move towards Jack, gently nudging the elder man to the side, firmly holding onto Hodge's face. The human huffed, struggling against his hold, but Zeus only pressed down harder, ignoring the blood that seeped down his hands as he suddenly jerked his fingers to the left, snapping his nose back into place. A grunt of pain escaped Hodge, his hand still clasped onto the wound on his arm. "I have a medic who can take a look at that," Zeus offered.

Hodge attempted to pull from Zeus' grasp. "I can take care of it myself," He spat icily.

The wolves watched as Jack rolled his eyes, pulling Hodge from Zeus' hold, the Alpha tightening his hold before letting go. "Just do as he says," Jack ordered.

Hodge gaped at his friend, "You are fucking joking, right? Having one of them," He shot a knowing look towards Zeus whose expression had darkened dangerously, "Heal me? Fuck off, Jack."

Jack didn't get a chance to reply, Zeus beating him to it.

"I've already warned you once," His deep voice rumbled, Hodge faltering as he heard the command. It was the first time hearing the voice of an Alpha wolf, the human taking a step back as he bowed his head in submission. Jack stared, momentarily awed as Hodge nodded, lowering his gaze from Zeus'. "I'll take you to my lands, have you healed, then bring you back."

Hodge opened his mouth to protest, but one look from Zeus had him snapping it back shut. Jack shifted his gaze from Hodge, towards the Alpha. "How long will you be gone?"

Zeus shrugged, "I need to check on my pack; I've been away too long." He glanced towards Ares who refused to meet his gaze. "I should return in a few days. In the meantime, my Beta will assist you."

Ares opened his mouth to disagree, "Zeus-"

Zeus shot him a dark look, "I need you to stay put until I get back." His voice held no room for argument. Ares' eyes stared at his Alpha for a moment before he nodded. Eyes flashing towards his sister, "Artemis will be staying with you." The wolf in question smiled sadly towards her brother, grateful for his offer; she was still avoiding a certain wolf back home. Apollo looked towards Zeus expectantly, "You'll be returning with me." Nodding his head, Apollo bit at the inside of his cheek.

"I want to come with you."

All eyes shifted towards Ivy.

"Absolutely not," Jack stated, his gruff voice leaving no room for argument.

Zeus rose an eyebrow, holding a hand to silence Jack, who blinked at the wolf in surprise, not expecting his action. His attention focused on the human girl before him, Zeus asked, "Why?"

Ivy shifted on the spot as everyone waited for her answer. "I want to see what an actual pack looks like?" She offered lamely, her words sounding more like a question. Zeus' eyes analysed her facial expression, which Ivy fought to keep blank as his eyes met hers. He knew there was something more to her wanting of accompanying him, but did not press for an answer.

"Very well."

"Hang on," Luke protested. "We're just going to let her go off to wherever? We don't even know what's over there. No offence," He added, looking towards Zeus who simply nodded.

"I understand your need to protect her," He stated, knowingly. "If your father gives you permission to allow you both to accompany me to my lands, then I have no problem with escorting you."

All eyes turned to Jack.

The old man looked towards his son, whose expression remained guarded as his eyes shifted between his father, to Ivy, then back again. Please, his eyes begged. Jack looked towards Ivy, who looked back at him with an expression that told him that even if he refused her permission, she was going to go along anyway. Hodge fought back a scoff as he watched Jack nodded. "Just keep them safe," He told Zeus.

"You have my word," The Alpha assured him.

Hodge tightened his hold on his arm, biting his lip as he winced. Ares noticed the action, sighing as he grunted, "He needs stitches soon." Zeus nodded in agreement.

"We must leave now," He informed the humans. Looking at Ares and Artemis, "Whatever you do, don't let your guard down. You don't know who is watching us." He did not wait for a response as he nodded towards Jack, before his hands grabbed a hold of Hodge, yanking him towards the trees.

Ivy smiled up at Jack who pulled her in for a brief hug, planting a kiss on her forehead, before grunting, "Stay safe." Ivy rolled her eyes, a small laugh escaping her, Jack looking down at her sternly. "I mean it; come home. And you," He said, looking towards Luke.

"We will, Dad," Luke promised. "We'd better go," He said, glancing towards the trees where Zeus was waiting, Apollo already having crossed over to them. Jack nodded, watching as Luke took a hold of Ivy's hand, tugging her towards Zeus. When they reached the wolves, and a furious looking Hodge, Luke asked, "So, how are we getting there?"

At his words, Apollo shifted before them, a large wolf left in his place. Slightly taken aback by the sudden shift, Luke and Ivy blinked up at the Alpha. "Get on," Zeus ordered, shoving Hodge in Apollo's direction. Reluctantly, the human shifted his body to sit on Apollo's back, his hands grasping onto Apollo's thick brown hair tightly. A soft bark escaped the wolf below him, Hodge muttering an apology as he loosened his hold.

Zeus shifted into his large wolf, the human's eyes widening at his huge frame. He was easily a foot taller than Apollo's smaller size. Ivy stepped closer to him, her hands reaching out to brush along his thick fur. Zeus shifted, titling his head to indicate towards his back. Luke helped Ivy climb onto the Alpha's back, quickly clambering on and nestling behind her, his hands wrapped tightly around her waist. It was Zeus who led the run, naturally. The speed had Ivy's stomach churning as she lowered her head to avoid the strong breeze that blew against them. The wolves easily weaved in and out of the trees, powerful legs pumping to force the added weight through the lands, each step taking them further from their home, and towards a foreign land.

They travelled for what seemed hours, Luke's legs starting to ache from clamping them so tightly around Zeus' flanks in fear of falling off. Ivy felt his nails dig into her skin, but simply ignored it as she noticed the wolves starting to slow their pace. She lifted her head, eyes scanning the area as they suddenly broke out from the trees, landing onto the edge of a large field. Beyond the large vast of empty land, she noticed the busy life of the pack, members moving back and forth along the pack lands, some disappearing into different buildings, whilst others moved towards the training grounds where two identical wolves were sparring, wolves cheering them on.

Walking a few paces, Zeus came to a halt, Apollo mimicking his actions.

Luke was the first to slide from Zeus' back, his hands helping Ivy down. Legs feeling like jelly, Ivy shook them, watching as Luke moved to support Hodge as he pulled him from Apollo's back. The wolves shifted into their naked human forms, the pack members starting to notice their return, along with the new intruders. Ivy fought to keep her eyes focused on Zeus' as he turned to face her, noticing the red tinge to her cheeks. He pursed his lips, his eyes meeting Luke's before he smiled.

"Welcome to the Winterstone Pack."

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