Mrs. Insecure meets Mr. Perfe...

By httprileyfriarr

42.3K 1.5K 516

Riley Matthews is a junior at John Quincy Adams. She is, as her friends likes to call her, a ray of sunshine... More

❁ Chapter 1 ❁
❁ Chapter 2 ❁
❁ Chapter 3 ❁
❁ Chapter 4 ❁
❁ Chapter 5 ❁
❁ Chapter 6 ❁
❁ Chapter 7 ❁
❁ Chapter 8 ❁
❁ Chapter 9 ❁
❁ Chapter 10 ❁
❁ Chapter 11 ❁
❁ Chapter 12 ❁
❁ Chapter 13 ❁
❁ Chapter 14 ❁
❁ Chapter 15 ❁
❁ Chapter 17 - Part 2 ❁
❁ Epilogue ❁

❁ Chapter 16 - Part 1 ❁

1.8K 81 18
By httprileyfriarr

Lucas POV.

"Dad we're leaving now!"

"I know, I know! Just give me a few more seconds and I'll be done!" My dad shouted from upstairs.

Today was New Years Eve and me and my dad were going over to the Matthews house. It was a really special night and I was nervous. It was the day Riley would meet my dad for the first time. I had never introduced her to him, I don't know why but I guess I never really thought about it.

Dad and I have been spending lots of time together and he would sometimes ask me about Riley. He wanted to know everything about the girl who changed me. The girl who made me a better person. The girl who now has my heart, safe in her hands. He was surprised that it happened. That his player of a son changed his way and settled down on one amazing girl.

A girl that has been my everything. A girl that has made me feel so much in just a few months. A girl with big brown eyes and brown long wavy hair. A cinnamon roll. A princess. My princess.

I wasn't surprised. I guess, deep down, I always knew it was bond to happen. I sound cheesy but what can I say? She did this to me.

"I'm done!" Dad came running down the stairs with his jacket in one hand and a bag with gifts in the other. He lifted the bag and grinned at me, "I just had to buy gifts, son."

I chuckled, "Okay, okay. We should keep going so we won't be late."

He nodded. "Yes, we should." He reached for the door but soon realised he wouldn't be able to open it since his hands were full. He send me a cheeky smile, "Lucas."

I rolled my eyes. "Let me." I opened the door and let my dad step outside to the cold night.

We walked over to my car and hopped inside. "Where exactly does she live?" Dad turned on the heat when I turned on the engine.

I sighed, "Not far away." I looked at my dad and saw that he was fiddling with his fingers and tapping his feet. The only time he does that is when..."Dad are you nervous?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

He looked at me and stopped with what he was doing, snorting at me. "Me? Nervous? Ha! I don't think so, son."

"Whatever you say, dad. Whatever you say." I started driving.

               "Come on dad, we're here."

I stopped outside their door, waiting for my dad. He had dropped the bag on our way up the stairs and was no freaking out that something had broke. I had told him it was alright but he kept saying that he needed to make a good first impression on the girl that 'made his player of a son a good guy'.

"Hold on, I don't think anything broke!" He said with so much glee lacing his voice.

I chuckled and shook my head when he came running up to me, standing beside me. "Let's go." He gave me a toothy smile.

I, once again, shook my head and knocked three times on the door.

I heard footsteps and soon the door flew open reviling Mr. Matthews with a big toothy smile, just like my own father.

"Welcome to our home!" He shoot up his arms in the air, the smile not leaving his face.

I looked at my dad who was now not wearing a toothy smile, but a nervous one.

"Dad, relax." I whispered to him.

When he nodded I turned to look at a confused Mr. Matthews. "Mr. Matthews, this is my dad," I patted my dad's shoulder. "Robbie."

My dad took up his hand and shook Mr. Matthews, "Yes, I'm Lucas' father, Robbie."

"Well, nice to meet you, Robbie! I'm Cory, Riley's father."

I let the two of them get to know each other and stepped inside the warm house. The smell of turkey filled my nose and I saw Mrs. Matthews in the kitchen. I wanted them to like me, to like their daughters boyfriend. So I walked over to her with a big smile.

"Mrs. Matthews," I said and she turned around confused at first.

When she saw that it was me her face lit up and she smiled. "Lucas!" She took me in a bear hug and I hugged her back. "Oh, I'm s happy that you decided to come!"

"Yeah," we broke the hug and she was still smiling. "I hope it's okay, I took my dad with me. Didn't want him being alone on New Year."

Her big smile turned into a genuine smile. "Of course it's okay." She looked behind me and laughed. "Oh no,"


She points behind me. "Cory is showing your dad his collection of photos with Shawn."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Who's Shawn?"

She sighed. "His husband." She says before leaving.

Okay. That was kind of weird.


Her voice was like music to my ears. A beautiful song only for me.

I turned around, catching gaze with Riley. She was wearing a beautiful blue, grey dress with her hair down. She looked like a dream, my dream.

She ran over to me and threw her arms around my waist leaning her head on my chest so that she could hear my heart race. She did that to me.

"Princess." I whispered.

She looked up at me with her beautiful big brown eyes, shining so beautiful in the light.

"You came."

I smiled. "Wouldn't miss this for the world."

Her face lit up and she hugged me once again.


We both heard a throat clearing so we separated only to see my dad standing in front of us. Riley looked a slightly confused but I took her hand in mine. She looked at our hands, then at me and then at my dad.

"Are you..." Riley started and dad nodded his head.

"Lucas dad," he said and her face lit up with realisation. "I'm Robbie." He put out his hand.

Riley didn't take his hand, she didn't care about his hand. She took him in a big bear hug, just like she always does.

"I'm a hugger!" She said with glee.

Dad laughed, "Now I see who's made Lucas a hugger."

I rolled my eyes and they laughed. It seemed like dad and Riley were going to have a good relationship, probably better then mine with her parents. It didn't start off really good, I'm gonna be honest. With her mom, sure, it was okay at first. She liked me. But with Mr. Matthews. Things took a big turn. I wasn't the...nicest person. He didn't like that I hung around Riley, but then again; I don't think he liked any guy hanging around her. She was his only daughter so I see how he thinks.

But after the masquerade ball when we got together, they started to like me a little bit more. Then the thing with Missy happened and I'm pretty sure, from that day, they haven't really been that fond of me. Mrs. Matthews or Topanga, like she told me to call her, was sure I had a good explanation and thanks to her, I got to tell Riley what really happened that day. After that, everything's been perfect.

Except I'm still trying to get her dad on my good side.

"Now, since everyone is here," Mr. Matthews voice cut of my trail of thoughts. "Let's eat!"

         I took the last bite form my plate and the delicious taste was stuck in my throat. Mrs. Matthews had made overload of food, the whole table was filled plus the kitchen counter. The food was delicious and the taste was dancing in my mouth.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Mat–" she raised her eyebrows at me and I mentally hit myself in realisation. "Topanga, it was delicious."

She gave me a genuine smile, "I'm happy you enjoyed it, Lucas."

"Thank you mom for this evening with a delicious meal." Riley's brother, Auggie, said with one hand over his heart and the other on his forehead leaving the situation dramatic.

I chuckled along with everyone else before standing up to leave my plate on the counter. But Riley, of course, hurriedly stood up and took my plate along with hers.

"Princess, I'm able of taking it myself, thank you." I reached for the plate but she moved backwards.

"Aye Cowboy, take it easy. I know you're able to take it yourself," she mimics me. "But I'm too fast for ya." She walked away leaving me laughing.

She looked at me from where she was standing with her foot tapping on the floor. "May I ask, what's so funny?"

I had stopped laughing and was now gathering enough air to speak. "Is that your attempt on speaking like us from Texas, babe?" I smirked.

She narrows her eyes at me and I take a few steps closer to her. "Lucas, don't."

My smirk grew wider and I could see her lips forming upwards to a smile but she was fighting it.

"What's wrong, cowgirl?" I stopped inches away from her face. "Scared for a cowboy?"

She snorted and hit my chest, "Scared of a cowboy? HA! Never."

"Yeah?" I slipped my arms around her waist, making her come even closer.


"You sure?" I said in a husky low voice.

Her eyes met mine and she smiled. "Positive."

I leaned forward but right when our lips were about to meet...


Our heads snapped in the direction of the voice and Riley was shaking. She's scared.

"Auggie?" She says and just like that, he sticks up his head from under the table with a toothy smile.

I and Riley both sighed in relief. "Auggie," she walked over to him, "you can't scare us like that."

"I'm sorry, Riles." He tapped her shoulder. "But I need to speak to your...cowboy." He says with an eyebrow arched and a little smirk tugging on his lips.

I could see the pink colour on Riley's cheeks which only made me smirk too.

"Yeah, what's up buddy?" I walked over to him.

He gave out no emotions. "Follow me, Mr. Friar." He turned around and walked off.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Riley who also looked confused but only shrugged.

"What shou–"

"Friar!" I heard his scream and I took off after him, fast.

At first it was a little hard to find him, he had taken a left turn and more I didn't see. The guy was fast and he was shirt too, making it harder.

"Over here, cowboy."

I turned around to see him standing outside a door, probably his bedroom. He walked inside, leaving the door wide open for me to walk inside. I did as he said and when I was inside he was seated on his bed with a small chair in front of him.

"Sit down."

I sat down.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" I asked.

He gave out no emotions. "I'm Riley's only brother. I've been her almost only friend. I don't like seeing my sister hurt and what you did to her, it broke her." I felt guilty wash over me. "I think we need to have a little talk."


"Yes. But," he took up his finger, signal me to shut up. "I will talk and when I'm done, you talk."

I nodded.

"I want my big sister to be happy. I want nothing more then to see that smile on her face she has when she watches cuddle bunnies or when she eats ice cream with that rainbow topping on, or when it's her birthday and she sets up a sign saying 'Welcome to a day in Rileytown!'. I don't like seeing her cry or seeing her not smile. And that day when she didn't smile broke me."

"I'm sure it broke her too, but I felt like I could feel her pain. You know? Brother to sister. I love my sister and if she is happy with you then okay. But I want you to listen closely to me, Mr. Don't. Ever. Hurt. My. Sister. Again. Got it, cowboy?" He finished with a smile.

My heart sunk after his speech and I just wanted to run off. To not see his broken face. The face of a brother that is broken for his sister. The face of a seven years old boy that is protective over his bigger sister.

"I love her, Auggie. I really do. And I'm sorry." I looked down at my hands. ""I'm sorry I broke her and I'm sorry you had to see your sister like that because of some stupid decisions I made. Because I love her. I have never said that about any other girl except her. She changed me and I couldn't live without her, Aug. I don't know what to do without your sister in my life. I love Riley." I looked up at him and he was watching me.

"How much?"

I chuckled, "Pluto, Auggie. My love for Riley is as big as her love for Pluto."

At this his face lit up and he walked over to me, throwing his arms over me. "I'm happy that you love her, Lucas."

I hugged him back. "I'm happy that I do that too, Auggie."

"Now big boy," I said breaking the hug. "What do you say about going back there?"

"Yeah, you're probably right." He stood up and looked at me. "If we don't go they'll probably think I killed you." With that he walked out.
"Oh boy," I said to myself before walking out the room.


The End Of Chapter Sixteen PART ONE!

Omg I'm sorry guys hehe I forgot to put an A/N in the end of the chapter. I was too eager to publish the chapter so I forgot ops. There isn't much to say except nEXT CHAPTER IS THE LAST ONE! ;((

Alsssoooo exams in two weeks and I have one week off so after next week I will have three weeks filled with exams and then there is Easter Break here and after that I think I have no exams, I'm not sure. But anyways; also my iPad, that I us to write and make edits on Instgram will be gone soon :( it's schools iPad and since this is my last semester I will have to give them back my iPad. I will make a bunch of edits and send them to my Twitter and save them and post them like that until I get a new, better phone which I don't know when I will get. Pretty much it, ya.


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