1 | I Am a Survivor of the Zo...

By ImagineDragonflies16

303K 12.8K 183K

Wynne Randall is alone, fending for herself against hordes of zombies. Looters killed her dad, and she can't... More

I Am a Survivor of the Zombie Apocalypse
Chapter 1 - Others
Chapter 2 - Escape
Chapter 2 - Escape [republish]
Chapter 3 - Them
Chapter 4 - Banging. Growling. Scratching.
Chapter 5 - A Cold, Wet Idiot
Chapter 6 - Gimme Shelter
Chapter 7 - Gone
Chapter 8 - Onward
Chapter 9 - Unwanted Visitors
Chapter 10 - A Little Bit of Everything
Chapter 11 - Emotional Escapade
Chapter 12 - Two Loonies Having a Laugh-Attack
Chapter 13 - Safe Haven
That's All :)

Welcome! :)

20.4K 741 179
By ImagineDragonflies16

First off - thank you for giving my story,  out of zillions, a chance! I love you! <3

Second, this is my first story. So, I'm no pro, please feel free to give any tips, suggestions, or thoughts on anything that could use more work or some tweaking. I love to make up stories, so I thought I'd try this out.


Third, WARNING: There is violence, and foul language.

Fourth, I'm only in my teens, and I have school and stuff, so I apologize in advance if I become inconsistent. I'll try to put up a chapter whenever I can - hopefully at least once a week, maybe more.

Fifth, please, tell me what you think about this! Vote so I know you enjoyed it. Tell me what you think will happen next, or what you want to happen. Who's your favorite character? Who do you hate/dislike?  I would love to hear from you, my precious readers.

Sixth, the beautiful cover was made by Crazy-_-squirrels. Thank you a thousand times!! :)

                           ~ Brie <3   (2/1/16)

P.S. Please, nobody copy my story. I worked really hard on developing the characters, the plot, the everything, and I would be so sad if someone copied them. If you can't come up with an idea yourself, maybe you aren't destined to be a writer, but destined to be something else just as great. Thank you :)

I doubt any of you would copy, though - you're too wonderful! :D

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