Only You (Matty Healy/George...

By SeraphStarshine

37.3K 1.6K 3.4K

Matty thought he knew himself, but after an unexpected breakup and a surprising proposal from his best friend... More

1: I Hear You
2: Calling Out
4: Never Again
5: Will It Look The Same
6: The Elements
7: Fade
8: All Out
9: I've Weighed It
10: I Feel You
11: Crawling Out
12: My Veins
13: Burning
14: The Emptiness
15: Saved
16: Flames
17: Walls
18: Inside
19: Rage
20: Forever
21: Wars
22: Fall Back
23: All Runs Out
24: Take Me
25: Now
26: Empty House
27: I've Been Changed
28: It's Okay
29: Collapse
30: Leave Me
31: I Swear
32: Never Before
33: Pull Me Out
34: Here
35: Remain
36: Safe
37: You And Me
38: Love
Three Halves of a Whole

3: Lungs

1.8K 126 184
By SeraphStarshine

Matty mopes around George's flat for almost a week before George snaps, spending the majority of his time eating George out of house and home when he isn't glued to his phone, trying to work things out with Gem, but getting nowhere in that endeavor.

Matty isn't stupid enough to believe that he can manage to convince Gemma to retract her decision to leave him, but he can't force himself to accept it just yet either. He needs an explanation - a better one that is, or a sign that they might still have a chance somewhere further down the line.

Matty knows he's only searching for a way out of the cavern of self pity he has tumbled into ever since Gemma had uttered the words that had ended their relationship, but that doesn't stop him from texting her entirely too often as well as practically stalking her social media accounts.

Matty lies to George every time he inquires into why he's spending so many hours staring at the screen of his device, but Matty doesn't need to see George's disbelieving expression to know that he isn't buying it for a second.

George is patient at first, putting up with Matty's sullen behavior and his random bouts of sobbing interspersed with irrational anger, along with basically every emotion in between.

He only forces Matty to return to his own place once under the pretense of checking his post or something ridiculous like that, and although Matty knows that he should have taken the hint and let George have his house back for a few nights, he can't stand the idea of being alone right now. George doesn't seem at all surprised when Matty shows back up barely an hour later with half his wardrobe stuffed into an oversized bag.

The guilt that Matty's feels from taking over George's life is minimal, because no matter how often George grumbles under his breath when he trips over a pair of Matty's discarded shoes, or when he finds used filters left in the coffee machine, Matty doesn't miss the hidden smile constantly tugging at George's lips. He instinctually knows that George doesn't mind his extended presence, in fact - he seems to be enjoying it for the most part.

On the rare occasions when Matty feels up for more than holding back tears and lying around, they actually manage to be productive. Matty writes a bit, mostly heartbreaking, personal pieces that he isn't sure he will ever actually turn into songs, but he ends up with some decent lyrics he can meld with something else if he wishes at the very least.

George drags him into the studio whenever he can, recording some demos and mixes that he has been begging Matty to help him with for ages, and even though nothing gets finished, Matty gives George enough to work with if his satisfied grin is anything to judge by.

George's patience does have its limits though, so when he forces Matty to change into something that doesn't consist of sweatpants and one of George's oversized shirts, insisting that Matty needs to get some fresh air, Matty isn't surprised.

That doesn't prevent Matty from pouting the entire time. He takes ages to pull his outfit together simply to spite George. He's not entirely sure why he's debating for so long on a blouse when he didn't plan on going anywhere this evening, but apparently he has decided to humor George tonight.

"You're wearing that?" George rolls his eyes at Matty's attire when he finally exits the toilets, scoffing under his breath while snagging his keys from the end table.

"Fuck off - I look wonderful," Matty retorts bitterly, although he knows he really doesn't, but it's cold out, and his grey cowl neck is warm, not to mention the fact that his own jean jacket was too tight to fit over it, inspiring him to borrow George's instead. So what if the sleeves fall past his hands, at least he is comfortable. "You haven't even told me where we are going anyway."

"Grimmy's place," George responds tiredly, like he has already shared this tidbit of information before, and maybe he has. Matty hasn't exactly been paying attention to his surroundings over the past week, so he wouldn't put it past himself to have missed George explaining it to him at an earlier time. "Harry's back in town, so he's throwing a small get together sort of thing. It will be perfect for you. Not too many people, but still some form of interaction."

"I don't see why I have to go," Matty mumbles dejectedly even as his feet begin to follow George's ground eating strides out the front door without his consent, as if George has a magnet in his body that's pulling Matty along with him. "Nick won't miss me, especially not if Harry's there."

"Because you need to stop sulking and have some fun," George sniffs, his large hand ruffling Matty's curls affectionately without pausing his forward motion, "and I told them you were coming, so I'm not going to let you make a liar out of me."

"I just wanna stay in tonight," Matty attempts one last protest, pushing out his lower lip as George fumbles with the keys to his car clumsily.

"Matty..." George groans, turning his full attention to the older man, the slight hint of fear in his expression confusing Matty as he tilts his neck upward so he can meet George's gaze, "I know you are torn up over Gem, but I'm worried about you mate, and I think being around someone other than me will be good for you."

"I -" Matty sighs, unsure how to explain why he's so reluctant to go out to his best friend, because he doesn't even know himself. "I don't want everyone asking me what's happened," Matty settles on, even though that isn't the full truth.

Honestly, Matty doesn't want to be around anyone in general, but at the same time, he can't bear to be left with nothing but his own company, hence the decision to seclude himself away at George's place.

George isn't like other people, he's just...him. Matty doesn't have to pretend around him, or hide his emotions away for the sake of courtesy. He's the perfect solution to Matty's bout of loneliness brought on by Gem's departure, and Matty doesn't want to destroy a good thing by adding other people to the mix just yet.

"They won't love," George assures him, the pet name swaying Matty's decision slightly, although he will never admit that aloud.

"You don't know that," Matty huffs softly, his stubbornness more of a pretense than anything else by this point. "She already posted on her Instagram about it - wanted to make it official that she's back on the market I guess." Matty chokes back a sob, digging in his pocket for his phone to produce proof of his claim, but George's sudden grip on his wrist halts his frantic actions in their tracks.

"I'll make sure no one hassles you," George mumbles slowly, tilting Matty's chin up so he is forced to look at him again, displaying his watery eyes in the process. "These are your friends, and I'll be there the whole time, so this for me?"

"Ugh...okay," Matty gives in, unable to deny George anything when he fixes him with that pleading stare, "but only because you are out of booze," Matty scoffs, settling on going along to this party in order to humor George in repayment for his hospitality, but that doesn't stop him from nudging George roughly with his shoulder in retaliation.

George ignores the action, although it does incite him to return to his original task of unlocking the car, which he finally manages to complete successfully after a few failed attempts, but not before shooting Matty a shit eating grin that basically screams 'I won' loud and clear.

Once again I apologize for the notification on something that isn't new. I know I have startled a few people by deciding to unpublish this book but I promise I'm putting it back up as quickly as possible.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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