Loving Lily

By WrittenInTheWords

471 26 5

Lily and Seth were best friends as children. They used to do everything together, little miss bossy Lily used... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five

Chapter Four

43 4 1
By WrittenInTheWords

Sometime later Seth and I had finished outlining the beginning of our newspaper article. I was pretty pleased with how much we had accomplished and had already set about assigning each of us tasks to complete for our next meeting. The time had passed so quickly which had surprised both Seth and me greatly. It almost felt like old times.

"I'd better be getting home," Seth said after another half an hour typing up our ideas. He offered me a hand up and I took it, mentally scolding myself as a pick blush rose in my cheeks. He looked at me with a confused expression and I found myself blushing deeper. "You haven't changed at all," he whispered making me jump.

"You have," I replied. I didn't want to sound mean but it was the truth. He had changed and presently I couldn't work out whether it was for the better or not.

"So we'll meet up again in a few days and report back to one another?" he asked and I nodded. "I'm going to ask some of my friends for their opinions so we can include different points of view."

"Sounds good," I replied although I was slightly dubious of how much good his friends would be at answering the question seriously.

"Lele!" I blinked and looked up as I saw Eddie running towards us followed by Mum and Mark. "Chocolate!" he screamed.

"Oh hello, Seth," Mum greeted the boy beside me with a confused smile. "I didn't know you and Lily were friends again?"

I blushed deeply mortified at her brash question. "We're just doing a project for school," I said quickly. Mum raised her eyebrows at me as I hurried Seth from the room.

"It was lovely seeing you again, Seth," she called after us.

"You too," Seth called over his shoulder as I pushed him towards the door. "Lily! Stop pushing me! I'm going."

I blushed again and took my hands from his shoulders. "Sorry," I mumbled in embarrassment.

"Is Thursday okay for you?" he asked as he unlocked his car. "You could come over to my house after school. I'll drive you."

I nodded as he got into the driver's seat and started the engine. "It's fine, I'll see you then."

He smiled as he started the car and drove off. I quickly hurried back inside clutching nervously at my stomach that had a strange fluttery feeling spreading through it. Shaking away any nonsense that was filling my head, I made my way back into the kitchen where I heard the voices of my family.

"I didn't realise Seth was coming over," Mum said as I sat down at the table. "Did he take you both home?"

I nodded.

"That was nice of him. You should have him over more often," she said as she busied herself making the dinner. "He always was such a charming boy."

"We're not friends," I replied. "I'm only talking to him for this stupid project."

Mum nodded but didn't look convinced as I stalked off upstairs with my laptop. Seth and I weren't friends. We weren't even acquaintances. He was only being nice to me because he had to be and I was only talking to him because it would be rude to sit in silence.

* * *


I spun around to see Fliss running in my direction dragging Francis along behind her. People had turned to stare at my hyperactive best friend and chuckled with amusement as she flipped them off with her middle finger. I loved that she didn't care what other people thought about her. She dropped her companions hand and barrelled towards me with a squeal.

"Fliss!" I gasped loudly as the wind was completely knocked out of me. "You have got to stop running into me like this! I can't breathe!" I laughed as she let go and shot me a cheeky grin.

"How was your study date with Mr Popular?" she gushed. "Francis told me you tow were paired together! Gosh, you two are so cute!"

I shook my head at her eagerness in amusement. "We're just working together, Fliss. Besides, Seth wasn't particularly pleased about it."

"Not yet, but he will be!" she replied happily. "He'll realise how madly in love with you he is, mark my words my friend!"

Once again I shook my head with a laugh. "In your dreams, Fliss."

"No," she replied seriously. "It'll be in your dreams!"

"Babe," Francis muttered kissing the blonde girl on the cheek. "Leave the poor girl alone."

Fliss sighed and rolled her eyes dramatically. "You're both dream killers!" she muttered. "Where did you go last lesson? I saved you a seat in the study period and you never came!"

"I had to collect my brother from school," I replied. "I bumped into Seth on my way there so we went back to my house to work on the project."

Fliss squealed excitedly and heads turned questioningly in our direction. "HE WENT TO YOUR HOUSE?" she whispered eagerly.

"Shsh!" I hissed elbowing her sharply in her ribs. "Yes but we just worked on the project."

"Did you two kiss?"

I almost spluttered in surprise. "What? No!" I cried and eyes turned to me. "We're not even friends!"

"One day, chica!" Fliss replied confidently.

Thankfully it was at this moment that the bell decided to ring and Fliss had to dart off towards her lesson with Francis in tow. My cheeks were still a bright shade of red as I walked down the corridor to my classroom. My embarrassment was not lessened by the time I walked into the classroom, but somehow I'd managed to cool most of my flaming cheeks but I still looked rather red as I slid into my chair. I hoped – prayed – desperately that I'd be able to make it through the whole hour without any more embarrassment.

"Why do you look like a tomato?"

Startled, I looked up to see Seth grinning down at me. I didn't realise he'd entered the classroom. My mouth fell open as I quickly glanced around to see who else he could be talking to. To my disappointment, no one else was here apart from us. I opened my mouth to speak but no words left it. My cheeks burned again.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," he chuckled, waving a hand in front of my face, amusement laced in his tone.

I cleared my throat and tried again. "Why are you talking to me?" I asked feeling genuinely confused. "Yesterday you hated me ..."

Seth let out an exasperated sigh and he shook his head in frustration. "We're partners now. I just thought that I'd be pleasant to you, but if you want to be petty then forget it," he answered, his tone had turned cold and he stalked away to his desk leaving me staring after him in confusion. Had I said something to offend him?

I watched as he sank down in his chair, my heart sinking slightly as he refused to look at me. I had definitely offended him somehow. Guilt crept up on me and I was about to get up to apologise, but the classroom door had opened and people were beginning to file in. My chance was missed as Seth's friends sauntered in.

"Seth my man!" Matt called as he made his way towards his friend. A blond haired boy, whose name was Noah, followed after him with a couple of the popular girls. "Why did you disappear after footie practice? You practically sprinted off before the rest of us had even got out the shower!"

"I didn't want to be late for class," Seth replied coolly.

"Dude, we made it and the bell's only just gone!" Noah grinned, sitting down in the chair in front of Seth. "Do you really expect us to believe that?"

Seth whacked his friend on the back of the head. "I didn't want to be late," he replied firmly. "You and Matt both have the tendency to walk a lot slower when cute girls show up."

"Aww, you think we're cute?" a brown haired girl cooed, placing a hand on Seth's arm.

Seth appeared to look up at her in disbelief before rolling his eyes. "Has anyone seen Chelsea?"

At that moment the door swung open again and the blonde girl he'd been kissing yesterday flounced in. "I'm here, babe! How come you ran off yesterday without a goodbye kiss?"

I let my hair fall in front of my face as I heard Chelsea kiss Seth noisily. My cheeks were still flaming brightly and I was praying that the teacher would get here soon so that I wouldn't have to listen to their pointless conversation all lesson. Thankfully my wishes were granted and the lesson soon began. I didn't look back over at Seth again during the lesson and I knew that he didn't acknowledge my presence. Whatever level of acquaintance that we had formed yesterday was not as good as I had originally thought. For some strange reason I felt slightly disheartened by this.

* * *

Fliss didn't stop badgering me about Seth as lunchtime rolled around and I was starting to get slightly annoyed with her.

"What are you grinning about?" Fliss asked looping her arm through mine as we made our way towards the canteen. "Did Seth say something nice?"

I shook my head, my smile quickly vanishing. "No, Fliss, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't have feelings for him? He's just my English partner. Once we finish this project he'll be gone from my life once more; popular people don't mix with people like us!"

"Aww, Lil, don't think like that! You've still got me as your BFF, you don't need popular friends! But I still stand by what I said, you will fall head over heels for him at some point."


"No, hear me out," she interrupted. "Do you not miss him at all? You two used to be really close."

"Well I miss how it used to be, before he became popular, but I can't particular say I'm too fond of the new Seth."

"But do you like him?" she pressed.

"I don't hate him if that's what you mean," I replied truthfully. He'd never done anything that would specifically make me hate him, we had just drifted. Admittedly some of it was my fault as after my dad's death I had grown distant, but that was understandable. I had needed time to grieve alone and Seth wasn't there when I did need him.

"Then I honestly don't see the problem," Fliss continued. "What's stopping you two from being friends?" She appeared to be completely unaware of the emotional turmoil I was currently experiencing silently as she chattered on.

"We just aren't," I snapped. "Leave it! I don't want to talk about Seth or anything to do with my past! It's the past for a reason!"

Fliss looked slightly taken aback at my outburst and her eyes narrowed. "Geez, Lily, I was just asking. There's no need to go all crazy on me!" she hissed, her pale blue eyes stormy. "You never tell me anything! I'm just trying to help you!"

My anger instantly subsided and I felt guilty. I shook my head quickly as tears formed in the corner of my eyes. "I'm sorry," I said with a sigh "I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, but I'm just not ready to talk about what happened just yet."

Fliss's expression warmed and she wrapped her arms tightly around me. "I know," she whispered. "I'm sorry too; I've not been a great best friend pressuring you to talk about Seth."

"It's okay," I replied. "Besties still?"

"Besties," she agreed with a smirk.


I turned around so quickly that my neck snapped horribly loudly. My mouth fell open as I saw Seth standing behind me with his arms crossed over his chest. From his tense stance I could still tell that he was annoyed at me for something. I almost sighed as I pulled away from Fliss's embrace. She was staring at him like she couldn't believe he was actually talking to me.

"Yes?" I replied, ignoring the shock that seemed to be plastered on Fliss's expression.

"I need to rearrange the next project date," he said plainly.

"Why? I thought we both agreed that Thursday was fine."

"I can't make it anymore obviously else I wouldn't be stood here," he deadpanned, looking at me with an expression that suggested that he thought I was an idiot. "How does Friday sound?"

"No can do," I answered glowering at him. "Fliss and I are having a sleepover."

"Are you deliberately trying to blow me off?" he demanded hotly.

"Now why would I be doing that?" I snapped moodily. "You're only just learning that you can't dictate all my time?"

"I don't need you to give me attitude, Lily," he hissed. "It's not becoming of you."

"Oh like I actually care what you think, Seth! Don't flatter yourself! Besides, you've already made it perfectly clear that you hate me!"

He looked stunned for a moment before he quickly regained his composure. "Dammit, Lily! Just give me a damn day that you're free and stop being so childish!"

"Childish?" I growled. "How am I being childish? You come over here like a spoilt child demanding me to change my life because you can't make a day you suggested and then moan when you don't get you own way! Grow up, Seth!"

"Lil," Fliss whispered timidly seemingly having regained her ability to speak. "Calm down."

"You're pathetic, Lily!" Seth growled angrily. "I honestly can't believe I was friends with someone like you!"

"Oh, so you do remember that we were friends!" I hissed, my heart racing angrily. I wanted nothing more than to slap him in the stupid face, but I stuffed my hands into my pockets so I couldn't succumb to the temptation. "And here I was thinking that you didn't remember!"

"You're such a bitch," he snarled. "I'm glad we stopped being friends! You're a nightmare! You definitely want to watch out for his one," he said addressing Fliss. "She might seem all pleasant on the outside but she's just a psycho!"

"Don't talk to my friends about me like that!" I shouted as Fliss shrunk backwards in fear. All eyes were on Seth and me, but I was only concentrating on my ex-best friend. I was so close to him that I could feel his breath fanning against my cheek and could see all the flecks of brown in his blue eyes. "If anyone is fake, it's you Mr Popular! You've changed into a popular jerk and it doesn't suit you!"

"I could say exactly the same about you!" he raged. "It was you that pushed me away to begin with!"

My hand, as if acting on its own accord, had managed to escape my pocket and struck him across the cheek with a resounding thwack that reverberated around the silenced hall. Time seemed to pause in that moment and all I could see was the fire that raged in his eyes. Everyone was gaping at us with bulging eyes, some narrowed disapprovingly at me. I had just slapped one of the most popular guys at school.

"Bitch," he snarled, his hand moving up to touch his now reddened cheek. He turned sharply on his heel and stalked away. No sooner had he broken from the little bubble we had seemed to have been trapped in, fear and guilt crept up on me. I shouldn't have let my anger get the better of me, but he knew how to rub me up the wrong way. He had known how to hurt me the most by blaming the deterioration of our friendship solely on me.

"I can't believe you just did that!" Fliss breathed as she tugged at my arm. "That was so tense, but I totally thought he was going to kiss you there and then! The chemistry between you two was through the roof!"

I shook my head, guilt still raging within me, but I grinned minutely. "He has always known how to wind me up. I guess just because we're not friends doesn't meant that what he says about me doesn't get on my nerves. Dammit, I can't believe I just slapped him! Do you think Chelsea will be after me now?"

Fliss smirked, but looped her arm through mine. "Oh you can bet on it, but I don't think Seth will be squaring up to you anytime soon!"

"Oh god, what have I done?"

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