Forever: World of Immortals

By Cerberous10

25 3 0

(Season 3)Three months have past since Henry Morgan and the other immortals have gone into hiding from Vetis... More

Episode 1- Enemies in the Dark

22 3 0
By Cerberous10

Going camping is the perfect reminder of how great life is when you're not camping ~ A Someecard 

Jaylyn watched the fire flicker in the ring of stones containing it with little interest. After staying with Valdis for nearly three months in a new house in a small town outside New York, their new ally had decided to find some time for 'family bonding'. So, as a result all the immortals had taken off work, or in Henry and Jo's case found a lucky break in murder cases, and had driven to the county to camp in a forest for a week... fun. 

"Care to help carry something?" Adam questioned as he sat down beside her. 

She glanced at him. "I helped set up the tent and start a fire if you didn't notice." 

Henry stopped by them and stared at Adam, or rather glared at him, before staring at the sky. "It seems the weather was wrong... no rain tonight." 

"And we're already talking about the weather." Jaylyn sighed and jumped to her feet. "Well, at least I brought something to entertain us with... once it gets dark." 

Valdis gave her a look. "Which would be?"

Jaylyn grinned, though it felt strange to after so long... the thought made it fade slightly. "It's a surprise." 

"Is there a reason we had to come out here and the others got to stay indoors?" Adam questioned as he swatted away an insect from his face. 

"What's a better way to bond than being stuck together outdoors?" Valdis smirked and sat on a rock nearby. "It's what my brother and I used to do... well... before he became crazy. It's why I stayed with him to keep his actions under control, I couldn't give up on him." 

"What about now?" Henry asked as he settled down by the fire.

"He went too far." Valdis growled. "Even I can't keep trying to save him, he's beyond saving. But you three aren't, all of you have been through so much yet most of you haven't become cold blooded killers yet... though your trust in one another and in me could do with some work, hence this location." 

Jaylyn saw Henry grimace slightly and shoot Adam a look. She wasn't sure what had happened in this forest but clearly that expression meant it had something to do with those two. "I'm starting to sense a lot of anxiety already." 

"More like hostility." Adam gave the medical examiner a look. "Don't you trust me Doctor Morgan?" 

"You might help from time to time but this is where you killed my wife... of course I don't trust you." Henry's voice held pain as his eyes took in the forest around them. 

"Exactly why I picked this place." Valdis spoke up. "To gain each others trust it would be best to try finding it when faced in a place where the past may haunt you." 

Jaylyn rolled her eyes and gave a light cough, pain spreading through her for a moment before fading. "Because that's not going to cause more conflict." 

"Trust me, all those two have to do is settle their past." Valdis insisted.

"Why am I here then?" 

"To help me keep them under control." 

Jaylyn glanced up at the sunset sky, it was almost completely dark out now. "I don't 'control' I create chaos. Ready to play a game everyone?"

"What kind of game?" Henry gave her a cautious look. 

"Prey and predator." A dangerous expression came across her gaze as she smirked. 


Henry took the weapon from Jaylyn with a distasteful expression, though it was Valdis who spoke. "I really don't think this is the best way to help them get along." 

"They'll have to work together if they want to beat us before we 'kill' them." She loaded her gun and tossed them the others. 

"You never beat me at this Jay." Adam commented as he fired a test shot at the ground, which splattered the ground with a bloody red colored paint. 

"Do I want to know how you played this game before?" Valdis questioned dryly. 

"Simple. Fight to the death." Henry could only imagine how fun that had been for Adam, though Jaylyn didn't seem to care to much considering there was a smile on her face as she spoke. "Of course with these the rules are you win if you hit a vital area... though I'm hoping no one here is stupid enough to aim for a head shot considering this can still hurt." 

"And we have to work on teams to win?" Henry glanced at Adam, who Jaylyn had claimed was going to be his 'teammate'. 

"I would recommend it." She smirked. "After all, you do need someone to watch your back unless you want me to shoot you in it." 

Henry mentally sighed, wishing he could at least have her or Valdis on his team instead, but gave a nod of agreement to her. "Fine. How do the others know when there's a winner?"

"When everyone else is back here." Jaylyn decided before motioning for Valdis to follow her. "Come on, each team has a minute to get away from the starting point and have a plan of attack before the killing starts." 

"Come on Henry." Adam started walking in the opposite direction. "I have a plan." 

Well of course he did. Adam probably had a plan to kill anyone without breaking a sweat. Henry hid his distaste as he followed the other immortal into the forest, not liking the fact they were now alone. Not that he could do anything about it now and it was a bit reassuring that Adam didn't have a real weapon on him. 

The other immortal came to a stop. "Jaylyn will split up with Valdis to trap us on this side of the forest, we should keep an eye out for them hiding in the undergrowth. If you see any movement shoot it." 

"It could be a squirrel or bird." Henry commented. 

"Do you hear any birds Dr. Morgan?" Henry caught Adam's slightly annoyed look. "I'm the one who trained her, you should listen to me when I tell you what she'll do." 

"And if Valdis decides to make the plan?" Henry countered, hoping to throw Adam off his game by asking if he were wrong. 

"Jaylyn will go alone and we'll be better off for it. An enemy divided is already conquered." 

He glanced around as a branch snapped but saw a rabbit jumping through the undergrowth to nibble at something it had found on the ground. Henry turned back to see Adam on the move again. "Where are you going? You said we were staying here!" 

"Sh." Adam ordered before replying quietly. "That was to mess with her judgement of our distance. She would've guessed you would keep walking, thankfully, you have me on your side so I can take her out easily... after that Valdis won't have a chance to win. Now do as I say and watch my back as I keep a lookout on that hill." 


Jaylyn crept slowly along the branches of the tree before nimbly jumping into the next one, balancing her weight out to keep the branches from clattering together too much over the slight breeze. Below her Valdis was crawling through the undergrowth, preparing to create a distraction for Henry and Adam to attack while she ambushed them from behind. Adam wouldn't win this time, she was going to win at least this once in her immortality. She gave the signal once she was in position before waiting for Valdis to fire her gun and crashing off through the forest, below Henry gave a startled jump before running after her with a shout to Adam. 

With eagerness in her gaze, Jaylyn leaped from the tree and landed on the ground while staggering slightly. Luckily for her Adam was still looking the wrong way for her, after all those years of using the same trick and now he wouldn't know what hit him when her new strategy was completed. She darted up the small hill, using the darkness to her advantage, until she was close enough to attack him. Jaylyn aimed her gun between his shoulder blades, but before she could pull the trigger, Adam whirled around and knocked the weapon from her hand and almost casually sweeping her legs out from under her so she landed on her back. 

"This was a surprise." Adam commented, taking his time as he knelt beside her. "Too bad you still lost." 

Jaylyn smirked and pulled out her second gun. "Not quite. Next time pay attention to how many guns I take."

"Retreat!" Valdis shouted and dashed across the ground with paint dripping from her arm while Henry limped after her with paint on his chest. 

"Why? Just shoot Adam!" Jaylyn pulled her own trigger only to pale as nothing happened. "... And I'm following your lead." 

She squirmed free of Adam's grip, grabbed her good gun, and began weaving through the trees as he shot at her, the paint splattering the ground and trunks around her. Once she had lost the other immortal, and unfortunately Valdis, Jaylyn leaned against a tree and coughed as she tried to catch her breath. When she pulled her hand away she swore there was blood on her sleeve, though she quickly dismissed the thought, it was dark after all, the lighting was making the shadows seem different. Speaking of shadows, a dark one flashed across her line of sight as a person ran off away from her... they were too tall to be Valdis and they wouldn't be running away if they were Henry or Adam. 

Jaylyn cast a quick glance over her shoulder, it would be best to warn the others first and then have backup to follow the stranger, but that could mean they would escape before she could get the others. She started following the light crackle of leaves, this wouldn't take long, the others wouldn't even know she was gone. The figure ahead never looked back as they swiftly ran through the trees and bushes, which meant it was easy for her to ghost her way through the shadows without fear of being caught. It was nearly impossible to see when the man finally came to a stop in an unfamiliar part of the forest and Jaylyn crept forward a bit to see what they were doing... that's when a second man walked out of the shadows.

"They're here?" The newcomer question. 

The man she'd followed gave a nod. "Yes, four of them... but-"

"What, but what?" 

The man shifted a bit. "I think one saw me." 

"Were you followed? The second man demanded.

The first guy glanced back and she scooted farther into the shadow of a tree, wincing as some bark chipped off. "Sounds like it." 

"Come out, we know you're there." The second man stepped in her direction and Jaylyn tensed before backing away slowly, raising her paintball gun in defense. "There's no use in running." 

As soon as he took another step, she stood up straight and fired, hitting the man in the face with a splatter of crimson paint... He gave a shout and held his eye, real blood getting mixed with the paint. The first man paused in his step before holding up his hands in surrender, though he didn't stop walking forward. 

"Put it down now." He demanded, finally coming to a stop once he was safely in front of his injured friend. 

"You're in no position to tell me what to do." She retorted, still backing away. She had to tell the others that Vetis and his little cult knew where they were. "Move again and you end up like him." 

"Watch the shadows, not everyone here is friendly... We will meet again soon." He warned before pulling his companion away. 

She waited until they were out of sight before turning her back to that direction and racing off to find the others again. As much as Jaylyn didn't want the strange message to worry her, she found herself staring over her shoulder and slowing when she swore a shadow moved. Paranoia spread through her and she finally came to a halt when she realized she had no idea how to get back, she had been going the right way but looking around at the trees around her, she could make out a back road that wasn't familiar along with the sound of a small river or creek. 

Rustling behind her made Jaylyn flinch and she turned to see nothing there, though branches were still trembling. A moment later a hand was around her mouth and another tight on her throat as she struggled to reach the knife she had in her pocket.


Valdis looked up from the fire as Adam walked into the campsite. "I'm guessing Jaylyn won then." 

"She's not here?" Adam glanced around before turning his dark gaze back to her. "When did you last see her?"

"After escaping from you." 

She stood up to follow him as he started to leave but Adam signaled for her to stop. "I'll find her." 

"If she was attacked though..." Henry didn't need to finish as Valdis stared at the shadows. 

"Jay's probably just lost." Adam assured him before stepping back into the forest.

Valdis stared between Henry and Adam. "Stay here, I'll go with him." 

"Alright." Henry agreed, though he didn't seem to like the idea. 

Valdis saw Adam give a slightly annoyed look as she followed after him but he didn't say anything more as he walked deeper into the forest. They retraced their steps to where they had last seen Jaylyn before spreading out to find a path that she could have taken. She frowned, despite her years of experience the path wasn't very clear... especially considering it crossed several others. Valdis stared up at the sky, it would be dawn soon, surely they could find her by then, otherwise the threat there were enemies here could become more of a reality. A twig cracked and she whirled around to see Adam pause in his tracks.

"I found it." He motioned for her to follow him.

"How can you tell?" She questioned as he walked down a narrow and barely visible path.

"I've been around her for years, I know how to track her." Adam continued walking before staring off in another direction with narrowed eyes. "She started following someone, look, the path is lighter and swerved in one direction with more purpose." 

"I know the signs involved in tracking." Valdis replied dryly. "Can you tell me why she would track someone without finding us?"

"To get the information and report back... the only problem is, is that she hasn't... They could have found her." Adam started to move faster, though somehow that only seemed to make him even more a part of the shadows, nearly gliding across the ground as he moved silently. 

Valdis stopped admiring his grace at this and followed, only making a few quiet sounds as she moved that no one would notice if they weren't listening for her. Minutes passed by as she followed him, both of them staying silent as the dawn light began to filter through the trees above, it wasn't until the light was grey that Adam came to a stop and crouched down. 

"There was a struggle here, there's blood." He spoke up.

Valdis walked over and looked at the crimson on the ground. "And paint?"

"She shot them with a paintball gun." Adam responded and stood up. "Obviously in a soft spot... Then she ran but..."

Valdis jogged after him as Adam started running smoothly through the trees, not bothering to stay quiet now, until the sight of a road came into view. She saw him pale slightly and glanced away from him. "This is where it happened?"

"Near it." Adam shrugged the memory aside, the frustration remained however. "Come on, we need to keep going." 

They searched the area for anything else but only found a mess of flattened undergrowth... and more blood, a lot more of it, where the trail ended. Valdis picked up a bloodied knife, it was still slightly slick with undried blood. "Adam?"

He wasn't there. She spun in a circle in search of him before seeing his form walking towards a river, of course, she should've thought of that. Valdis caught up with him and stared at the water where more signs of a fight could be made out on the pebbly bank. "There wouldn't be blood if she was dead." 

"I know that." Adam growled, the frustration now turning to rage as he stared around them. 

A branch snapped above them and she flinched as it fell a few feet away before being followed by a familiar immortal. "Jaylyn!" 

Valdis ran over to the limp form and took in the blood covering her clothes. Jaylyn blinked a few times before focusing on her. "Did I win?"

Adam got her back to her feet, ignoring Jaylyn's hiss of pain. "What happened?"

"Vetis sent two of his men to follow us... Actually there must have been three... I left two of them retreating before getting attacked." She leaned heavily on him. 

Valdis gave the trees a suspicious sweep. "Where did they go?"

"I nearly gutted them before they decided to try drowning me." Jaylyn scowled at her. "Once they lost enough blood I got free and climbed the tree... The man must've died somewhere here unless his friends came back. I can't really remember, I was half conscious." 

"Go back and get Henry." Adam ordered. "We need to leave, you should've stayed with him." 

Valdis glared at him for giving her orders but nodded. "Fine." 


Adam waited until the other immortal was gone before relaxing slightly and turning back to Jaylyn. "What were you thinking, following them?" 

"I'm usually not attacked." She coughed and shuddered a bit. "I'm actually not sure if they were with the third man. They said something about not being as friendly as others here."

"A trick." He answered and started walking back, supporting her weight. "Are you hurt?"

"No." The response was a little too fast for him to accept as the truth and he stopped. She flinched under his gaze. "Honestly, I'm fine."

"Whenever you say 'honestly' in that context it means you're lying Jay." Adam studied her pale face and glazed eyes. "Where did they hurt you?"

"I just tore open an old injury, it'll be fine." She let go of him and staggered a few steps as if to prove it before he pulled her back to him. 

Ignoring the undignified expression that crossed her face, he picked her up. "This will be faster. We need to get back to the others and get you a change of clothes." 

"Just don't move too fast... the world is already spinning enough..." She mumbled, giving up her act of strength. 

Adam didn't answer as he listened for any sign they were being followed. He didn't want to admit it but Jaylyn was starting to worry him, only a month or so ago she'd started acting sick and now she was acting strange again... He glanced at the side of her head resting on his arm, her eyes only half open, surely she would tell him of all people the reason. Unease as a memory stirred in his mind made him want to jump to a conclusion but... it wasn't exactly a conclusion he was certain he liked. 

Day after escaping the other immortals

Adam woke up to nearly mid-day light filtering into a strange room through closed curtains. He tensed at his unknown surroundings before remembering the rescue Jaylyn had undergone and Valdis showing up to help as an unexpected ally. They had followed some child to a car where Detective Martinez had been waiting to pick them up and take them to this house outside New York. The fact the mortal knew about his secret, well all of them here as it had turned out, annoyed him. 

"Why are you awake?" Jaylyn's voice made him look away from the window and to where she was pulling a blanket over her head. "I'll never get back to sleep..." 

"We should get up, the day's almost over." He was about to go to the closet to get some new clothes before remembering no one had any here. "Come on, you still have dried blood on your shirt and we need to change."

She pulled away the blanket to reveal a scowl. "Maybe I enjoy having blood on my shirt." 

"Stop being childish." Adam growled, pulling farther away from her and stretching as he tried to think of what exactly all happened after the confusion of the rescue and night in general. 

"I'm childish? I saved your life." A shadow passed across her features and the smirk fell a bit. "Actually, now that you mention it, I do have something I need to do." 

He watched her jumped up and walk out of the room before staring at the stains of blood she'd left on the blanket, surely that couldn't be from just her shirt, that splatter had been dry... or nearly dry. So why was there so much? Adam glanced back at the door, Jaylyn hadn't acted like she'd been in too much pain, though she did seem a bit stiff like she'd slept in a bad position... If she was hurt she would tell him. At the moment he had more important things to worry about anyway than just her... like finding something he could wear that didn't look like he'd just come from a dusty basement that held ceremonial sacrifices. At least the others seemed disoriented like him when he finally left the room.

Adam stopped walking for a moment and laid Jaylyn on the ground, careful not to wake her back up after she'd fallen asleep in his arms. If he was right then the blood on the bed would match up with the darker blood stain on her shirt now. Carefully, he lifted up the base of her shirt until an angry red line was visible on her side, blood oozing out of the cut. It didn't seem too bad but it was obviously not healing properly... no surprise considering all the energy she'd had recently, Jaylyn had probably broken it open in training nearly daily. 

"Is she hurt?" Henry's voice startled him a bit but Adam turned his head and pretended to be unphased. 

"Just an old wound." Adam responded before picking her up again. "Is the car ready?"

"By the time we get back." Henry nodded, his gaze remaining on Jaylyn as though he knew something Adam didn't. "How long as she been unconscious?"

"Not long." He held her tighter against him, making sure he could feel her breathing as he walked. 

Henry stared at him for a slightly uncomfortable amount of time before speaking again. "Just keep an eye on her, she can't die now, not when we need to know what happened." 

Now it was obvious there was something Henry knew that Adam didn't. It shouldn't matter if Jaylyn died, she would still have the information. But he didn't question it, after all of his years, he knew he'd get to the truth eventually. Just like he would soon figure out who had been spying on them... then he would kill them. 

No murders... yet. But this game is just starting >:D

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