Now Do You See ~ Adam Lambert

Av AllTimeKate03

12.3K 540 105


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chaper 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 7

580 25 10
Av AllTimeKate03

I woke up the next morning in Adam's arms. He was still asleep. He looked so cute. I got my headphones, plugged them in my phone, and started watching videos on YouTube. I watch a lot of gaming. So I tend to watch SkyDoesMinecraft, SSundee, MrCrainer, people like them. Not too long later, I felt someone playing with my hair. It was Adam. I took off my headphones and put them on the ground.

"Good morning." Adam said.

"Good morning." I replied. We cuddled for a little until Tommy came downstairs.

"Looks like Cupid came early." He said.

We all laughed, seeing that Valentines Day is coming soon.

I stayed there till twelve, then had to go home. And said goodbye to everyone and Adam walked me out.

"Can I ask you something?" He said.

"Yeah, what is it?" I replied.

"I was wondering if you would go out to somewhere next Saturday with me." He said.

"Depends, where're we going?" I asked.

"Oh, you'll like it." He replied smirking.

I started thinking of every fun places near Palm Coast. Closest cities for fun are Jacksonville, and Orlando.

"There's two places I'm planning on going." He said while I was thinking.

"What is it!" I yelled.

I really wanted to know.

"Well, you'll have to find out when I come pick you up next Saturday." He said smirking.

We both started laughing. He kissed me then whispered,

"You call me as soon as possible ok?"

"Ok." I replied.

We said goodbye and I started driving home.

My phone was ringing, it was Shannon. I picked up,

"You said you were just going to a party not a sleepover!" She yelled.

"Hey sorry, this is a change. And how did you find out?" I replied.

"Well, once upon a time, there's a brother of your's named Brad who I'm standing next to at the moment, and he told me where you were seeing you weren't there. All of us are waiting for you." She said. "

Well I'm sorry. I'll be there in like a minute." I replied.

Then hung up.

I pulled into the driveway and everyone just came running out of the front door as if Justin Bieber was in town. Soon, everyone was throwing out questions

"How was the party?"

"Did he kiss you?"

"How many people were?"

"Did you guys do it!"

"Chill!" I yelled.

When they calmed down, I said.

"Answers are great, a lot, and no we did not do it."

"Ok, but what about the kissing question?" Kyle asked.

I just stood there smiling.

"Oh. Kaitlyn kissed Adam!!" James, Tristan, and Bradley yelled.

I literally felt my face get red. I'm probably looking like a tomato right now.

"Is he a good kisser?" Shannon asked.

"Very." I replied.

"Are you guys dating?" Kyle asked.

"Not officially but I'm going somewhere with him next Saturday." I replied.

"Where!Are we invited?" Brad said excited.

"I have no idea."

I chuckle at his enthusiasm. Right after he said that, Adam texted me.

Adam 😆: Oh I forgot to tell you, your friends and brothers can come along too 😉

Me: REALLY!? You don't mind??

Adam 😆: Of course not!! Besides, I wanna get to know them better.

Me: Awesome! I'll call you later 😊

Adam: Ok 🤑

After Brad read the texts, he literally jumped around like he was some five year old going to Hollywood. We all laughed at him. But that changed very quickly.

"Forgetting someone?" Someone said evilly.

I turned around and saw Bo.

"No I'm not forgetting you, why don't you go find someone else?" I asked.

"Because there's no other bitch I wanna be with." He said smirking.

"Get off of my sister." Tris yelled. He turned to Tris.

"Oh Tristan, yelping for his little girl." Bo said.

He punched Tris in the face.

"Tristan!" I yelled.

He hasn't hurt any of the boys before. After I yelled, Bo punched me in the stomach and I fell to the ground screaming in pain. Is he Godzilla now!This never happens.

"See you on the other side you little bitchy slut." He whispered.

I couldn't move to hurt him. When he left, I checked to see if Tris was ok.

"Tris, are you ok!? I'm so sorry I feel so bad." I said to him.

"It's ok. Less about me, more about you, are you ok." He said.

"Not really. I'm just gonna go upstairs." I replied.

I tried to stand up, but couldn't.

"I got you." Tris said picking me up.

I love Tristan. He's so caring and just the sweetest brother ever. He put me on my bed and laid next to me for a little. I could barley breath. I told him more about the kiss. About how my favorite song was playing and every single detail about it. How passionate it was, how we danced to the song, how he was caring towards me.

"Sounds like something out of a movie." He said.

I smiled at him.

"I'm gonna go in my room. Yell if you need me." He said.

"Ok." I replied breathlessly from the punch.

As soon as he left, Adam was calling. I picked it up.

"Hey Adam." I said.

"Hey! Are you ok, you sound a little out of breath." He asked.

I sighed and replied

"Yeah I'm fine."

It was quiet for a second. Then Adam asked

"Babe, what's wrong?"

Babe? Nobody's ever called me that either! I calmed myself, and replied breathlessly

"Bo was over at my house. He punched me in the stomach and called me a slut. Probably because he knows something about us."

My heart was skipping beats countlessly after that.

"Oh my god!? Are you serious!?" He asked.

"Yup." I replied.

It went quiet, then Adam said.

"He wants you so desperately, he's gonna have to get pass me. Nobody's gonna hurt my girl without a fight. I'm in love with you. He doesn't know the beauties you have. He will not get to you so long as I'm there. Do you trust me Kaitlyn?"

By then, I had a tear coming down my face. I wiped it off and tried to breath.

"Yes, I trust you." I finally replied.

"Good. Feel better ok?" He said.

"I will now that I talked to you."

He giggled then said goodbye. I said goodbye to him then hung up.

Looking at Luke again this time at a different poster, I thought about Adam. He's so sweet and caring. It sounds like he really loves me. I smile at the poster then whispered "I think I love you Adam Mitchel Lambert."

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